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File metadata and controls

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Updating Plugins for Craft 3

Craft 3 is a complete rewrite of the CMS, built on Yii 2. Due to the scope of changes in Yii 2, there was no feasible way to port Craft to it without breaking every plugin in the process. So we took it as an opportunity to refactor several major areas of the system.

The primary goals of the refactoring were:

  • Establish new coding guidelines and best practices, optimizing for performance, clarity, and maintainability.
  • Identify areas where Craft was needlessly reinventing the wheel, and stop doing that.
  • Support modern development toolkits (Composer, PostgreSQL, etc.).

The end result is a faster, leaner, and much more elegant codebase for core development and plugin development alike. We hope you enjoy it.

{note} If you think something is missing, please create an issue.

High Level Notes

  • Craft is now built on Yii 2.
  • The main application instance is available via Craft::$app now, rather than craft().
  • Plugins must now have a composer.json file that defines some basic info about the plugin.
  • Plugins now get their own root namespace, rather than sharing a Craft\ namespace with all of Craft and other plugins, and all Craft and plugin code must follow the PSR-4 specification.
  • Plugins are now an extension of Yii modules.

Yii 2

Yii, the framework Craft is built on, was completely rewritten for 2.0. See its comprehensive upgrade guide to learn about how things have changed under the hood.

Relevant sections:

Service Names

The following core service names have changed:

Old New
assetSources volumes
email mailer
templateCache templateCaches
templates view
userSession user


Craft::t() requires a $category argument now, which should be set to one of these translation categories:

  • yii for Yii translation messages
  • app for Craft translation messages
  • site for front-end translation messages
  • a plugin handle for plugin-specific translation messages
\Craft::t('app', 'Entries')

In addition to front-end translation messages, the site category should be used for admin-defined labels in the Control Panel:

\Craft::t('app', 'Post a new {section} entry', [
    'section' => \Craft::t('site', $section->name)

To keep front-end Twig code looking clean, the |t and |translate filters don’t require that you specify the category, and will default to site. So these two tags will give you the same output:

{{ "News"|t }}
{{ "News"|t('site') }}

DB Queries

Table Names

Craft no longer auto-prepends the DB table prefix to table names, so you must write table names in Yii’s {{%tablename}} syntax.

Select Queries

Select queries are defined by craft\db\Query classes now.

use craft\db\Query;

$results = (new Query())
    ->select(['column1', 'column2'])
    ->where(['foo' => 'bar'])

Operational Queries

Operational queries can be built from the helper methods on craft\db\Command (accessed via Craft::$app->db->createCommand()), much like the Craft\DbCommand class in Craft 2.

One notable difference is that the helper methods no longer automatically execute the query, so you must chain a call to execute().

$result = \Craft::$app->db->createCommand()
    ->insert('{{%tablename}}', $rowData)


  • Craft\IOHelper has been replaced with craft\helpers\FileHelper, which extends Yii’s yii\helpers\BaseFileHelper.
  • Directory paths returned by craft\helpers\FileHelper and craft\services\Path methods no longer include a trailing slash.
  • File system paths in Craft now use the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR PHP constant (which is set to either / or \ depending on the environment) rather than hard-coded forward slashes (/).


The traditional way of registering events in Craft 2/Yii 1 was:

$component->onEventName = $callback;

This would directly register the event listener on the component.

In Craft 3/Yii 2, use yii\base\Component::on() instead:

$component->on('eventName', $callback);

Craft 2 also provided a craft()->on() method, which could be used to register events on a service class, without forcing the service to be instantiated if it wasn’t already:

craft()->on('elements.beforeSaveElement', $callback);

There is no direct equivalent in Craft 3, partly because Craft::$app->on() is already a thing (yii\base\Component::on()), and partly because Yii 2 already provides a nice solution for registering events on classes regardless of whether they’ve been instantiated yet, and it works for more than just services: class-level event handlers.

use craft\services\Elements;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Elements::class, Elements::EVENT_BEFORE_SAVE_ELEMENT, $callback);

In addition to services, you can use class-level event handlers for components that may not be initialized yet, or where tracking down a reference to them is not straightforward.

For example, if you want to be notified every time a Matrix field is saved, you could do this:

use craft\events\ModelEvent;
use craft\fields\Matrix;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Matrix::class, Matrix::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE, function(ModelEvent $event) {
    // ...

Plugin Hooks

The concept of “plugin hooks” has been removed in Craft 3. Here’s a list of the previously-supported hooks and how you should accomplish the same things in Craft 3:

General Hooks


// Old:
public function addRichTextLinkOptions()
    return [
            'optionTitle' => Craft::t('Link to a product'),
            'elementType' => 'Commerce_Product',

// New:
use craft\events\RegisterRichTextLinkOptionsEvent;
use craft\fields\RichText;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(RichText::class, RichText::EVENT_REGISTER_LINK_OPTIONS, function(RegisterRichTextLinkOptionsEvent $event) {
    $event->linkOptions[] = [
        'optionTitle' => \Craft::t('commerce', 'Link to a product'),
        'elementType' => Product::class,


// Old:
public function addTwigExtension()
    return new MyExtension();

// New:
\Craft::$app->view->twig->addExtension(new MyExtension);


// Old:
public function addUserAdministrationOptions(UserModel $user)
    if (!$user->isCurrent()) {
        return [
                'label'  => Craft::t('Send Bacon'),
                'action' => 'baconater/sendBacon'

// New:
use craft\controllers\UsersController;
use craft\events\RegisterUserActionsEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(UsersController::class, UsersController::EVENT_REGISTER_USER_ACTIONS, function(RegisterUserActionsEvent $event) {
    if ($event->user->isCurrent) {
        $event->miscActions[] = [
            'label' => \Craft::t('baconater', 'Send Bacon'),
            'action' => 'baconater/send-bacon'


// Old:
public function getResourcePath($path)
    if (strpos($path, 'myplugin/') === 0) {
        return craft()->path->getStoragePath().'myplugin/'.substr($path, 9);

// New:
use craft\events\ResolveResourcePathEvent;
use craft\services\Resources;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Resources::class, Resources::EVENT_RESOLVE_RESOURCE_PATH, function(ResolveResourcePathEvent $event) {
    if (strpos($event->uri, 'myplugin/') === 0) {
        $event->path = \Craft::$app->path->getStoragePath().'/myplugin/'.substr($event->uri, 9);

        // Prevent other event listeners from getting invoked
        $event->handled = true;


// Old:
public function modifyCpNav(&$nav)
    if (craft()->userSession->isAdmin()) {
        $nav['foo'] = [
            'label' => Craft::t('Foo'),
            'url' => 'foo'

// New:
use craft\events\RegisterCpNavItemsEvent;
use craft\web\twig\variables\Cp;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Cp::class, Cp::EVENT_REGISTER_CP_NAV_ITEMS, function(RegisterCpNavItemsEvent $event) {
    if (\Craft::$app->user->identity->admin) {
        $event->navItems['foo'] = [
            'label' => \Craft::t('myplugin', 'Utils'),
            'url' => 'utils'


// Old:
public function registerCachePaths()
    return [
        craft()->path->getStoragePath().'drinks/' => Craft::t('Drink images'),

// New:
use craft\events\RegisterCacheOptionsEvent;
use craft\utilities\ClearCaches;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(ClearCaches::class, ClearCaches::EVENT_REGISTER_CACHE_OPTIONS, function(RegisterCacheOptionsEvent $event) {
    $event->options[] = [
        'key' => 'drink-images',
        'label' => \Craft::t('drinks', 'Drink images'),
        'action' => \Craft::$app->path->getStoragePath().'/drinks'


// Old:
public function registerEmailMessages()
    return ['custom_message_key'];

// New:
use craft\events\RegisterEmailMessagesEvent;
use craft\services\EmailMessages;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(EmailMessages::class, EmailMessages::EVENT_REGISTER_MESSAGES, function(RegisterEmailMessagesEvent $event) {
    $event->messages[] = [
        'key' => 'custom_message_key',
        'category' => 'myplugin',
        'sourceLanguage' => 'en-US'


// Old:
public function registerUserPermissions()
    return [
        'drinkAlcohol' => ['label' => Craft::t('Drink alcohol')],
        'stayUpLate' => ['label' => Craft::t('Stay up late')],

// New:
use craft\events\RegisterUserPermissionsEvent;
use craft\services\UserPermissions;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(UserPermissions::class, UserPermissions::EVENT_REGISTER_PERMISSIONS, function(RegisterUserPermissionsEvent $event) {
    $event->permissions[\Craft::t('vices', 'Vices')] = [
        'drinkAlcohol' => ['label' => \Craft::t('vices', 'Drink alcohol')],
        'stayUpLate' => ['label' => \Craft::t('vices', 'Stay up late')],


// Old:
public function getCpAlerts($path, $fetch)
    if (craft()->config->devMode) {
        return [Craft::t('Dev Mode is enabled!')];

// New:
use craft\events\RegisterCpAlertsEvent;
use craft\helpers\Cp;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Cp::class, Cp::EVENT_REGISTER_ALERTS, function(RegisterCpAlertsEvent $event) {
    if (\Craft::$app->config->get('devMode')) {
        $event->alerts[] = \Craft::t('myplugin', 'Dev Mode is enabled!');


// Old:
public function modifyAssetFilename($filename)
    return 'KittensRule-'.$filename;

// New:
use craft\events\SetElementTableAttributeHtmlEvent;
use craft\helpers\Assets;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Assets::class, Assets::EVENT_SET_FILENAME, function(SetElementTableAttributeHtmlEvent $event) {
    $event->filename = 'KittensRule-'.$event->filename;

    // Prevent other event listeners from getting invoked
    $event->handled = true;

Routing Hooks


// Old:
public function registerCpRoutes()
    return [
        'cocktails/new' => 'cocktails/_edit',
        'cocktails/(?P<widgetId>\d+)' => ['action' => 'cocktails/editCocktail'],

// New:
use craft\events\RegisterUrlRulesEvent;
use craft\web\UrlManager;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(UrlManager::class, UrlManager::EVENT_REGISTER_CP_URL_RULES, function(RegisterUrlRulesEvent $event) {
    $event->rules['cocktails/new'] = ['template' => 'cocktails/_edit'];
    $event->rules['cocktails/<widgetId:\d+>'] = 'cocktails/edit-cocktail';


// Old:
public function registerSiteRoutes()
    return [
        'cocktails/new' => 'cocktails/_edit',
        'cocktails/(?P<widgetId>\d+)' => ['action' => 'cocktails/editCocktail'],

// New:
use craft\events\RegisterUrlRulesEvent;
use craft\web\UrlManager;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(UrlManager::class, UrlManager::EVENT_REGISTER_SITE_URL_RULES, function(RegisterUrlRulesEvent $event) {
    $event->rules['cocktails/new'] = ['template' => 'cocktails/_edit'];
    $event->rules['cocktails/<widgetId:\d+>'] = 'cocktails/edit-cocktail';


// Old:
public function getElementRoute(BaseElementModel $element)
    if (
        $element->getElementType() === ElementType::Entry &&
        $element->getSection()->handle === 'products'
    ) {
        return ['action' => 'products/viewEntry'];

// New:
use craft\base\Element;
use craft\elements\Entry;
use craft\elements\SetElementRouteEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Entry::class, Element::EVENT_SET_ROUTE, function(SetElementRouteEvent $event) {
    /** @var Entry $entry */
    $entry = $event->sender;

    if ($entry->section->handle === 'products') {
        $event->route = 'products/view-entry';

        // Prevent other event listeners from getting invoked
        $event->handled = true;

Element Hooks

The following sets of hooks have been combined into single events that are shared across all element types.

For each of these, you could either pass craft\base\Element::class to the first argument of yii\base\Event::on() (registering the event listener for all element types), or a specific element type class (registering the event listener for just that one element type).

addEntryActions, addCategoryActions, addAssetActions, & addUserActions

// Old:
public function addEntryActions($source)
    return [new MyElementAction()];

// New:
use craft\elements\Entry;
use craft\events\RegisterElementActionsEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Entry::class, Element::EVENT_REGISTER_ACTIONS, function(RegisterElementActionsEvent $event) {
    $event->actions[] = new MyElementAction();

modifyEntrySortableAttributes, modifyCategorySortableAttributes, modifyAssetSortableAttributes, & modifyUserSortableAttributes

// Old:
public function modifyEntrySortableAttributes(&$attributes)
    $attributes['id'] = Craft::t('ID');

// New:
use craft\base\Element;
use craft\elements\Entry;
use craft\events\RegisterElementSortOptionsEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Entry::class, Element::EVENT_REGISTER_SORT_OPTIONS, function(RegisterElementSortOptionsEvent $event) {
    $event->sortOptions['id'] = \Craft::t('app', 'ID');

modifyEntrySources, modifyCategorySources, modifyAssetSources, & modifyUserSources

// Old:
public function modifyEntrySources(&$sources, $context)
    if ($context == 'index') {
        $sources[] = [
            'heading' => Craft::t('Statuses'),

        $statuses = craft()->elements->getElementType(ElementType::Entry)
        foreach ($statuses as $status => $label) {
            $sources['status:'.$status] = [
                'label' => $label,
                'criteria' => ['status' => $status]

// New:
use craft\elements\Entry;
use craft\events\RegisterElementSourcesEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Entry::class, Element::EVENT_REGISTER_SOURCES, function(RegisterElementSourcesEvent $event) {
    if ($event->context === 'index') {
        $sources[] = [
            'heading' => \Craft::t('myplugin', 'Statuses'),

        foreach (Entry::statuses() as $status => $label) {
            $sources[] = [
                'key' => 'status:'.$status,
                'label' => $label,
                'criteria' => ['status' => $status]

defineAdditionalEntryTableAttributes, defineAdditionalCategoryTableAttributes, defineAdditionalAssetTableAttributes, & defineAdditionalUserTableAttributes

// Old:
public function defineAdditionalEntryTableAttributes()
    return [
        'foo' => Craft::t('Foo'),
        'bar' => Craft::t('Bar'),

// New:
use craft\elements\Entry;
use craft\events\RegisterElementTableAttributesEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Entry::class, Element::EVENT_REGISTER_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, function(RegisterElementTableAttributesEvent $event) {
    $event->tableAttributes['foo'] = ['label' => \Craft::t('myplugin', 'Foo')];
    $event->tableAttributes['bar'] = ['label' => \Craft::t('myplugin', 'Bar')];

getEntryTableAttributeHtml, getCategoryTableAttributeHtml, getAssetTableAttributeHtml, & getUserTableAttributeHtml

// Old:
public function getEntryTableAttributeHtml(EntryModel $entry, $attribute)
    if ($attribute === 'price') {
        return '$'.$entry->price;

// New:
use craft\base\Element;
use craft\elements\Entry;
use craft\events\SetElementTableAttributeHtmlEvent;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Entry::class, Element::EVENT_SET_TABLE_ATTRIBUTE_HTML, function(SetElementTableAttributeHtmlEvent $event) {
    if ($event->attribute === 'price') {
        /** @var Entry $entry */
        $entry = $event->sender;

        $event->html = '$'.$entry->price;

        // Prevent other event listeners from getting invoked
        $event->handled = true;


// Old:
public function getTableAttributesForSource($elementType, $sourceKey)
    if ($sourceKey == 'foo') {
        return craft()->elementIndexes->getTableAttributes($elementType, 'bar');

{note} There is no direct Craft 3 equivalent for this hook, which allowed plugins to completely change the table attributes for an element type right before the element index view was rendered. The closest thing in Craft 3 is the craft\base\Element::EVENT_REGISTER_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES event, which can be used to change the available table attributes for an element type when an admin is customizing the element index sources.

Rendering Templates

The TemplatesService has been replaced with a View component.

// Old:
craft()->templates->render('pluginHandle/path/to/template', $variables);

// New:
\Craft::$app->view->renderTemplate('plugin-handle/path/to/template', $variables);

Controller Action Templates

Controllers’ renderTemplate() method hasn’t changed much. The only difference is that it used to output the template and end the request for you, whereas now it returns the rendered template, which your controller action should return.

// Old:
$this->renderTemplate('pluginHandle/path/to/template', $variables);

// New:
return $this->renderTemplate('plugin-handle/path/to/template', $variables);

Rendering Plugin Templates on Front End Requests

If you want to render a plugin-supplied template on a front-end request, you need to set the View component to the CP’s template mode:

// Old:
$oldPath = craft()->templates->getTemplatesPath();
$newPath = craft()->path->getPluginsPath().'pluginhandle/templates/';
$html = craft()->templates->render('path/to/template');

// New:
use craft\web\View;

$oldMode = \Craft::$app->view->getTemplateMode();
$html = \Craft::$app->view->renderTemplate('plugin-handle/path/to/template');

Resource Requests

Resource requests (requests to URLs created by UrlHelper::resourceUrl()) no longer serve files within Craft’s or plugins’ resources/ directories. See Front End Resources for information about working with front end resources.

Registering Arbitrary HTML

If you need to include arbitrary HTML somewhere on the page, use the beginBody or endBody events on the View component:

// Old:

// New:
use craft\web\View;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(View::class, View::EVENT_END_BODY, function(Event $event) {
    // $html = ...
    echo $html;

Writing an Upgrade Migration

If your plugin has a Craft 2 counterpart and there’s a chance people will be upgrading their Craft 2 installations with your plugin to Craft 3, you’ll probably need to give your plugin an upgrade migration that eases the transition.

Setting it up

First, establish whether Craft will consider your plugin to be an update or a new installation. Craft will consider it to be an update if your plugin handle is equal to its former class name, minus the Plugin suffix and converted to kebab-case. (For example, if your plugin’s former class name as FooBarPlugin and its new handle is foo-bar, Craft would consider it an update.)

In Case of Update

If Craft will consider your plugin to be at update of its previous version, create a new migration named something like “craft3_upgrade”.

Your upgrade code will go directly in its safeUp() method.

In Case of New Installation

If Craft will consider your plugin to be a new installation, create an Install migration with the following code in the safeUp() method:

public function safeUp()
    // Fetch the old plugin row, if it was installed
    $row = (new \craft\db\Query())
        ->select(['id', 'settings'])
        ->where(['in', 'handle', ['old-class', 'oldclass']])

    if ($row !== false)) {
        // The plugin was installed

        // Update this one's settings to old values
        $this->update('{{%plugins}}', [
            'settings' => $row['settings']
        ], ['handle' => 'new-handle']);

        // Delete the old row
        $this->delete('{{%plugins}}', ['id' => $row['id']]);

        // Upgrade code...

Your upgrade migration code will go where that // Upgrade code... comment is.

Component Class Names

If your plugin provides any custom element types, field types, or widget types, you will need to update the type column in the appropriate tables to match their new class names.


$this->update('{{%elements}}', [
    'type' => MyElement::class
], ['type' => 'OldPlugin_ElementType']);


$this->update('{{%fields}}', [
    'type' => MyField::class
], ['type' => 'OldPlugin_FieldType']);


$this->update('{{%widgets}}', [
    'type' => MyWidget::class
], ['type' => 'OldPlugin_WidgetType']);

Locale FKs

If your plugin created any custom foreign keys to the locales table in Craft 2, the Craft 3 upgrade will have automatically added new columns alongside them, with foreign keys to the sites table instead, as the locales table is no longer with us.

The data should be good to go, but you will probably want to drop the old column, and rename the new one Craft created for you.

// Drop the old locale FK column
$this->dropColumn('{{%tablename}}', 'oldName');

// Rename the new siteId FK column
MigrationHelper::renameColumn('{{%tablename}}', 'oldName__siteId', 'newName', $this);