📝 A simple backup of dba_source to the dump files and a simple reading of these files on the required date, similar to using Oracle Flashback Technology (' select * from dba_source as of timestamp to_timestamp('200505 0900','rrmmdd hh24mi')').
- Create DIRECTORY and TYPES - Initialization.
- Create package DB_SRC.
- create backup as dumpfile in DIRECTORY
CALL db_src.create_dump();
- list of all backup dumpfiles
select * from table(db_src.get_dump_list())
- reading dba_source from backup on the required date
select * from table(db_src.read_dump(SYSDATE-20))
- reading dba_source from a specific backup file
select * from table(db_src.read_dump('db_src_20200505_101000.dmp'))