1 |
twoSum |
Easy |
HashMap |
False |
Java |
Two Sum |
2 |
addTwoNums |
Medium |
Math |
False |
Java |
Add Two Numbers |
3 |
lenOfLongestSubstr |
Medium |
Sliding Window |
True |
Java |
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters |
4 |
medianOf2SortedAry |
Hard |
Binary Search |
True |
Java |
Median of Two Sorted Arrays |
5 |
longestPalindrome |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
Java |
Longest Palindromic Substring |
6 |
zigzagConversion |
Medium |
Str Traversal |
True |
Java |
ZigZag Conversion |
7 |
reverseInteger |
Easy |
Math |
False |
Java |
Reverse Integer |
8 |
atoi |
Medium |
Str Traversal, DFA |
True |
Java |
String to Integer (atoi) |
9 |
palindromeNum |
Easy |
Math |
False |
Java |
Palindrome Number |
10 |
regExpMatching |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
Java |
Regular Expression Matching |
11 |
maxArea |
Medium |
Two Pointers |
True |
Java |
Container With Most Water |
12 |
intToRoman |
Medium |
Math |
False |
Java |
Integer to Roman |
13 |
romanToInt |
Easy |
Math |
False |
Java |
Roman to Integer |
14 |
lngstCommonPrefix |
Easy |
Str Traversal |
False |
Java, Python |
Longest Common Prefix |
15 |
threeSum |
Medium |
Two Pointers |
False |
Python |
3Sum |
16 |
threeSumClosest |
Medium |
Two Pointers |
False |
Python |
3Sum Closest |
17 |
phoneNumLetterComb |
Medium |
Math |
True |
Python |
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number |
18 |
fourSum |
Medium |
Two Pointers, Recursion |
False |
Python |
4Sum |
19 |
rmNthNodeFromEnd |
Medium |
LinkedList |
True |
Java |
Remove Nth Node From End of List |
20 |
validParentheses |
Easy |
Stack, Turing Machine |
True |
Python, Java |
Valid Parentheses |
21 |
mergeTwoSortedArys |
Easy |
LinkedList |
False |
Java |
Merge Two Sorted Lists |
22 |
generateParentheses |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming, Backtracking |
True |
Python |
Generate Parentheses |
23 |
mergeKsortedArys |
Hard |
Priority Queue, Divide & Conquer |
True |
Java |
Merge k Sorted Lists |
24 |
swapPairs |
Medium |
LinkedList, Recursion |
False |
Java |
Swap Nodes in Pairs |
25 |
reverseKgroup |
Hard |
LinkedList |
True |
Java |
Reverse Nodes in k-Group |
26 |
rmDuplicatesFromList |
Easy |
Two Pointers |
False |
Python |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array |
27 |
rmElementsFromList |
Easy |
Two Pointers |
False |
Python |
Remove Element |
28 |
implementIndexOf |
Easy |
Sliding Window, Two Pointers |
True |
Python |
Implement strStr() |
29 |
divideTwoInts |
Medium |
Bit Manipulation |
False |
Java |
Divide Two Integers |
30 |
findSubstr |
Hard |
HashMap |
True |
Python |
Substring with Concatenation of All Words |
31 |
nextPermutation |
Medium |
Math |
True |
Python |
Next Permutation |
32 |
lngstValidParentheses |
Hard |
Stack, Dynamic Programming |
True |
Python |
Longest Valid Parentheses |
33 |
searchRotatedSortedAry |
Medium |
Binary Search |
True |
Python |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array |
34 |
searchRangeInSortedAry |
Medium |
Binary Search |
False |
Python |
Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array |
35 |
searchInsertPos |
Easy |
Binary Search |
False |
Python |
Search Insert Position |
36 |
validSudoku |
Medium |
HashSet |
False |
Python |
Valid Sudoku |
37 |
solveSudoku |
Hard |
Backtracking |
False |
Python |
Sudoku Solver |
38 |
countAndSay |
Medium |
Str Traversal |
True |
Java |
Count and Say |
39 |
combinationSum |
Medium |
Backtracking, Dynamic Programming |
True |
Java |
Combination Sum |
40 |
combinationSum II |
Medium |
Backtracking, Dynamic Programming |
False |
Java |
Combination Sum II |
41 |
firstMissingPositive |
Hard |
In-place Hashing |
True |
Java |
First Missing Positive |
42 |
trappingRainWater |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
Java, Python |
Trapping Rain Water |
43 |
multiplyStrings |
Medium |
Math |
True |
Python |
Multiply Strings |
44 |
wildcardMatching |
Hard |
Backtracking, Dynamic Programming |
True |
Python |
Wildcard Matching |
45 |
jumpGame2 |
Medium |
Greedy Algorithm |
True |
Java |
Jump Game II |
46 |
permutations |
Medium |
True |
Python, C++ |
Permutations |
47 |
permutations2 |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Permutations II |
48 |
rotateImage |
Medium |
List Manipulation |
True |
Python |
Rotate Image |
49 |
groupAnagrams |
Medium |
HashMap |
False |
Python |
Group Anagrams |
50 |
pow(x, n) |
Medium |
Binary Exponentiation |
True |
Python |
Pow(x, n) |
51 |
n-queens |
Hard |
Backtracking |
False |
Python |
N-Queens |
52 |
n-queens 2 |
Hard |
Backtracking |
False |
Python |
N-Queens II |
53 |
maximumSubarray |
Easy |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
Java |
Maximum Subarray |
54 |
spiralMatrix |
Medium |
List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Spiral Matrix |
55 |
jumpGame |
Medium |
Greedy Algorithm, Backtracking |
False |
Python |
Jump Game |
56 |
mergeIntervals |
Medium |
List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Merge Intervals |
57 |
insertIntervals |
Medium |
List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Insert Interval |
58 |
lengthOfLastWord |
Easy |
Str Traversal |
False |
Python |
Length of Last Word |
59 |
spiralMatrix II |
Medium |
List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Spiral Matrix II |
60 |
permutationSeq |
Hard |
Math |
True |
Python |
Permutation Sequence |
61 |
rotateList |
Medium |
LinkedList |
False |
Python |
Rotate List |
62 |
uniquePaths |
Medium |
DFS, Recursion |
False |
Python |
Unique Paths |
63 |
uniquePaths II |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
Python |
Unique Paths II |
64 |
minPathSum |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
Minimum Path Sum |
65 |
validNumber |
Hard |
True |
Python |
Valid Number |
66 |
plusOne |
Easy |
Math |
False |
Python |
Plus One |
67 |
addBinary |
Easy |
Math |
False |
Python |
Add Binary |
68 |
textJustification |
Hard |
List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Text Justification |
69 |
sqrt(x) |
Easy |
Math |
False |
Python |
Sqrt(x) |
70 |
climbStairs |
Easy |
Math |
False |
Python |
Climbing Stairs |
71 |
simplifyPath |
Medium |
Str Traversal |
False |
Python |
Simplify Path |
72 |
editDistance |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
Python |
Edit Distance |
73 |
setMatrixZero |
Medium |
List Traversal |
True |
Python |
Set Matrix Zeroes |
74 |
searchMatrix |
Medium |
Binary Search, List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Search a 2D Matrix |
75 |
sortColors |
Medium |
Two Pointers, Sorting |
False |
Python |
Sort Colors |
76 |
minWindow |
Hard |
Two Pointers |
False |
Python |
Minimum Window Substring |
77 |
combinations |
Medium |
Backtracking |
False |
Python |
Combinations |
78 |
subsets |
Medium |
Backtracking, Cascading |
True |
Python |
Subsets |
79 |
wordSearch |
Medium |
Backtracking |
False |
Python |
Word Search |
80 |
rmDupFromSortedAry II |
Medium |
Two Pointers |
True |
Python |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II |
81 |
searchRotatedSortedAry II |
Medium |
Binary Search |
False |
Python |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array II |
82 |
rmDupFromSortedLst II |
Medium |
Two Pointers |
False |
Python |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II |
83 |
rmDupFromSortedLst |
Easy |
LinkedList, Recursion |
True |
Python |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List |
84 |
largestRecInHist |
Hard |
Stack |
False |
Python |
Largest Rectangle in Histogram |
85 |
maxRec |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
Maximal Rectangle |
86 |
partitionList |
Medium |
LinkedList, Two Pointers |
False |
Python |
Partition List |
87 |
scrambleString |
Hard |
Recursion |
True |
Python |
Scramble String |
88 |
mergeSortedAry |
Easy |
List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Merge Sorted Array |
89 |
grayCode |
Medium |
Bit Manipulation |
False |
Python |
Gray Code |
90 |
subsets II |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Subsets II |
91 |
decodeWays |
Medium |
DFS, Dynamic Programming |
True |
Python |
Decode Ways |
92 |
reverseLinkedList II |
Medium |
LinkedList |
False |
Python |
Reverse Linked List II |
93 |
restoreIPaddr |
Medium |
Backtracking |
False |
Python |
Restore IP Addresses |
94 |
inorderTraversal |
Easy |
Binary Tree, DFS |
True |
Python |
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal |
95 |
uniqueBST II |
Medium |
Binary Tree, Recursion |
True |
Python |
Unique Binary Search Trees II |
96 |
uniqueBST |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming, Binary Tree |
True |
Python |
Unique Binary Search Trees |
97 |
interleavingStr |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming, Backtracking, DFS |
False |
Python |
Interleaving String |
98 |
validateBST |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Validate Binary Search Tree |
99 |
recoverBST |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Recover Binary Search Tree |
100 |
sameTree |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Same Tree |
101 |
symmetricTree |
Easy |
False |
Python |
Symmetric Tree |
102 |
levelOrderTraversal |
Mediumn |
False |
Python |
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal |
103 |
BTzigzagTraversal |
Mediumn |
False |
Python |
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal |
104 |
maxDepthBST |
Easy |
False |
Python |
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree |
105 |
treeFromPre&Inorder |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal |
106 |
treeFromIn&Postorder |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal |
107 |
lvlOrderTraversal II |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II |
108 |
cvtSortedAryToBST |
Easy |
False |
Python |
Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree |
109 |
cvtSortedLnkedListToBST |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree |
110 |
balancedBinaryTree |
Easy |
False |
Python |
Balanced Binary Tree |
111 |
minDepthOfBinaryTree |
Easy |
False |
Python |
Minimum Depth of Binary Tree |
112 |
pathSum |
Easy |
False |
Python |
Path Sum |
113 |
pathSum II |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Path Sum II |
114 |
flattenBT2LinkedList |
Medium |
Binary Tree |
True |
Python |
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List |
115 |
distinctSubseq |
Hard |
DFS, Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
Distinct Subsequences |
116 |
populatingNextPtr |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node |
117 |
populatingNxtPtr II |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II |
118 |
Pascal's triangle |
Easy |
Math |
False |
Python |
Pascal's Triangle |
119 |
Pascal's triangle II |
Easy |
Math |
False |
Python |
Pascal's Triangle II |
120 |
minTotalTriangle |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
Python |
Triangle |
121 |
bestTimeToBuyAndSell |
Easy |
Two Pointers |
True |
Python |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock |
122 |
bestTimeToBuyAndSell II |
Medium |
Greedy Algorithm |
True |
Python |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II |
123 |
bestTimeToBuyAndSell III |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III |
124 |
BTMaxPathSum |
Hard |
Recursion |
False |
Python |
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum |
125 |
validPalindrome |
Easy |
Two Pointers |
False |
Python |
Valid Palindrome |
126 |
wordLadder II |
Hard |
False |
Python |
Word Ladder II |
127 |
wordLadder |
Hard |
BFS, Bidirectional BFS |
True |
Python |
Word Ladder |
128 |
longestConsecutiveSeq |
Medium |
List Traversal |
True |
Python |
Longest Consecutive Sequence |
129 |
root2LeafNumSum |
Medium |
False |
Python, C++ |
Sum Root to Leaf Numbers |
130 |
surroundedRegions |
Medium |
False |
C++ |
Surrounded Regions |
131 |
partitionPalindrome |
Medium |
DFS, Backtracking |
True |
C++ |
Palindrome Partitioning |
132 |
partitionPalindromeII |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
C++ |
Palindrome Partitioning II |
133 |
cloneGraph |
Medium |
False |
C++ |
Clone Graph |
134 |
gasStation |
Medium |
Greedy |
False |
C++ |
Gas Station |
135 |
candy |
Hard |
Greedy |
False |
C++ |
Candy |
136 |
singleNumber |
Easy |
Bit Manipulation |
False |
C++ |
Single Number |
137 |
singleNumber II |
Medium |
Bit Manipulation, Logic Circuit |
True |
C++ |
Single Number II |
138 |
copyLstW/RandomPtr |
Medium |
LinkedList, Map |
True |
C++ |
Copy List with Random Pointer |
139 |
wordBreak |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
C++ |
Word Break |
140 |
wordBreak II |
Hard |
Backtracking |
False |
C++ |
Word Break II |
141 |
linkedListCycle |
Easy |
LinkedList |
False |
C++ |
Linked List Cycle |
142 |
linkedListCycle II |
Medium |
Two Pointers, LinkedList |
True |
C++ |
Linked List Cycle II |
143 |
reorderList |
Medium |
Two Pointers, LinkedList |
False |
C++ |
Reorder List |
144 |
preorderTraversal |
Easy |
Recursion, Morris Traversal, Stack |
True |
C++ |
Binary Tree Preorder Traversal |
145 |
postorderTraversal |
Easy |
Recursion, Stack |
False |
C++ |
Binary Tree Postorder Traversal |
146 |
LRUCache |
Medium |
LinkedList |
False |
C++ |
LRUCache |
147 |
insertionSortList |
Medium |
LinkedList |
False |
C++ |
Insertion Sort List |
148 |
sortList |
Medium |
Merge Sort, LinkedList |
False |
C++ |
Sort List |
149 |
maxPtsOnLine |
Hard |
Math |
False |
Python |
Max Points on a Line |
150 |
evalRevPolishNotation |
Medium |
Stack |
False |
Python |
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation |
151 |
reverseWordsInStr |
Medium |
Str Manipulation |
True |
C++ |
Reverse Words in a String |
152 |
maxProductSubarray |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
Maximum Product Subarray |
153 |
findMinInRotatedSortedAry |
Medium |
Binary Search |
False |
Python |
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array |
154 |
findMinInRotatedSortedAry II |
Hard |
Binary Search |
False |
Python |
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II |
155 |
minStack |
Medium |
Stack |
False |
Python |
Min Stack |
160 |
intersecionOf2LL |
Easy |
LinkedList |
False |
Python |
Intersection of Two Linked Lists |
162 |
findPeakElement |
Medium |
Binary Search |
False |
Python |
Find Peak Element |
164 |
maxGap |
Hard |
Bucket Sort |
False |
Python |
Maximum Gap |
165 |
compareVersionNums |
Medium |
List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Compare Version Numbers |
166 |
fractionToDecimal |
Medium |
Math |
True |
Python |
Fraction to Recurring Decimal |
167 |
twoSum II |
Medium |
Two Pointers |
False |
Python |
Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted |
168 |
excelSheetColTitle |
Easy |
Math |
False |
Python |
Excel Sheet Column Title |
169 |
majorityElement |
Easy |
List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Majority Element |
171 |
excelSheetColNum |
Easy |
Math |
True |
Python, C++ |
Excel Sheet Column Number |
172 |
factorialTrailingZeroes |
Medium |
Math |
False |
Python |
Factorial Trailing Zeroes |
173 |
BSTIterator |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Binary Search Tree Iterator |
174 |
dungeonGame |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
Dungeon Game |
175 |
combineTwoTables |
Easy |
False |
Combine Two Tables |
176 |
secondHighestSalary |
Medium |
False |
Second Highest Salary |
177 |
NthHighestSalary |
Medium |
False |
Nth Highest Salary |
178 |
rankScores |
Medium |
False |
Rank Scores |
179 |
largestNumber |
Medium |
Sorting |
False |
Python |
Largest Number |
180 |
consecutiveNumbers |
Medium |
False |
Consecutive Numbers |
181 |
employeeWithHigherSalary |
Easy |
False |
Employees Earning More Than Their Managers |
182 |
duplicateEmails |
Easy |
False |
Duplicate Emails |
183 |
customersWithoutOrders |
Easy |
False |
Customers Who Never Order |
184 |
departmentHighestSalary |
Medium |
False |
Department Highest Salary |
185 |
departmentTop3Salaries |
Hard |
False |
Department Top Three Salaries |
187 |
repeatedDNASequences |
Medium |
Sliding Window |
False |
Python |
Repeated DNA Sequences |
188 |
bestTimeToBuyAndSell IV |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV |
189 |
rotateArray |
Medium |
Array |
False |
Python |
Rotate Array |
190 |
reverseBits |
Easy |
Bit Manipulation |
False |
Python |
Reverse Bits |
191 |
1BitsCount |
Easy |
Bit Manipulation |
False |
Python |
Number of 1 Bits |
198 |
houseRobber |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
House Robber |
200 |
numIslands |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Number of Islands |
206 |
reverseLinkedList |
Easy |
LinkedList |
True |
Python |
Reverse Linked List |
208 |
Trie |
Medium |
Trie |
False |
C++ |
Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) |
213 |
houseRobber 2 |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
C++ |
House Robber II |
215 |
kthLargestElementInAry |
Medium |
Quickselect |
True |
Python |
Kth Largest Element in an Array |
221 |
maxSquare |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
Maximal Square |
290 |
wordPattern |
Easy |
HashMap |
False |
Python, C++ |
Word Pattern |
322 |
coinChange |
Medium |
DFS, Dynamic Programming |
False |
C++ |
Coin Change |
332 |
reconstructIternary |
Hard |
Stack, Backtracking |
False |
Python |
Reconstruct Itinerary |
337 |
houseRobber 3 |
Medium |
DFS Memorization |
False |
C++ |
House Robber III |
359 |
loggerRateLimiter |
Easy |
Hash |
False |
Python |
Logger Rate Limiter |
366 |
findLeavesOfBST |
Medium |
Binary Tree, DFS |
False |
Python |
Find Leaves of Binary Tree |
418 |
screenSentenceFitting |
Medium |
List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Sentence Screen Fitting |
450 |
deleteNodeInBST |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Delete Node in a BST |
678 |
validParenthesisStr |
Medium |
DFS, Dynamic Programming, Greedy |
False |
Python |
Valid Parenthesis String |
690 |
employeeImportance |
Easy |
False |
Python |
Employee Importance |
696 |
countBinarySubstr |
Easy |
Two Pointers |
True |
Python |
Count Binary Substrings |
735 |
asteroidCollision |
Medium |
Stack |
False |
Python |
Asteroid Collision |
753 |
crackSafe |
Hard |
Backtracking, Hierholzer Algorithm, Eulerian Cycle |
True |
C++ |
Cracking the Safe |
787 |
cheapestFlights |
Medium |
Bellman Ford's Algorithm, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Dynamic Programming |
False |
C++ |
Cheapest Flights Within K Stops |
792 |
numOfMatchingSubseq |
Medium |
Binary Search, Pointer |
False |
Python |
Number of Matching Subsequences |
833 |
find&ReplaceInStr |
Medium |
String Manipulation |
False |
Python |
Find And Replace in String |
843 |
guessWord |
Hard |
Game Theory |
False |
Python |
Guess the Word |
853 |
carFleet |
Medium |
List Traversal |
False |
Python |
Car Fleet |
923 |
threeSumMulti |
Medium |
Two Pointers, Math |
True |
C++ |
3Sum With Multiplicity |
931 |
minFallingPathSum |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
Minimum Falling Path Sum |
981 |
timeBasedKeyValStore |
Medium |
Binary Search |
False |
Python |
Time Based Key-Value Store |
983 |
minCostsForTickets |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming, DFS |
False |
Python |
Minimum Cost For Tickets |
1004 |
maxConsecutiveOnes III |
Medium |
Sliding Window |
False |
Python |
Max Consecutive Ones III |
1048 |
longestStrChain |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming, DFS |
False |
Python |
Longest String Chain |
1110 |
delNodes&ReturnForest |
Medium |
False |
Python |
Delete Nodes And Return Forest |
1146 |
snapshotArray |
Medium |
Binary Search |
False |
Python |
Snapshot Array |
1278 |
palindromePartitioning III |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming, DFS Memorization |
True |
C++ |
Palindrome Partitioning III |
1423 |
maxPointsFromCards |
Medium |
Sliding Window, Two Pointers |
False |
Python |
Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards |
1428 |
minDaysBloom |
Medium |
Binary Search |
False |
Python |
Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets |
1509 |
minDiffBetMax&Min |
Medium |
Backtracking |
False |
Python |
Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves |
1525 |
numOfWaysToSplitStr |
Medium |
HashMap |
False |
Python |
Number of Good Ways to Split a String |
1526 |
minNumOfIncrement |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
Python |
Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target Array |
1548 |
mostSimilarPath |
Hard |
Dynamic Programming |
True |
Python |
The Most Similar Path in a Graph |
1610 |
maxNumVisiblePts |
Hard |
Sliding Window, Geometry |
False |
Python |
Maximum Number of Visible Points |
1776 |
carFleet II |
Hard |
Stack, Monotonic Stack |
False |
Python |
Car Fleet II |
1834 |
singleThreadedCPU |
Medium |
Min-Heap, Priority Queue |
False |
C++ |
Single-Threaded CPU |
1937 |
maxPointsWithCost |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
False |
Python |
Maximum Number of Points with Cost |