git clone
1.The first few lines of code helps to download the images from
2.Resize the image based on required pixel i choose(100X100).
3.Then there will be unwanted images to remove that create a folder called uglies and unwanted images will be deleted
4.Now create a file bg.txt to list negative files for training
mkdir data
mkdir info
1.opencv_createsamples -img typeimagename.jpg -bg bg.txt -info info/info.txt -pngoutput info -maxxangle 0.5 -maxyangle 0.5 -maxzangle 0.5 -num 1900
The numimages should be less than the negative image count(Eg if negative image is 1950 use 1900)
2.opencv_createsamples -info info/info.txt -num 1900 -vec positives.vec
To create positive vector files
3.opencv_traincascade -data data -vec positives.vec -bg bg.txt -numPos 1800 -numNeg 900 -numstages 12
Here the positive must higher and negatives must be half