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LoMaps generator

Command-line tools for generation LoMaps and offline POIs.


The steps described below expect installation on Ubuntu

Required SW

  • install osmium used for extraction planet file to the countries and states

    sudo apt-get install osmium-tools

  • install pyhgtmap - pyhgtmap is a fork of the original phyghtmap tool, which doesn't seem to be maintained anymore. It is used for generation of contour-lines from elevation hgt files.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-venv
    #navigate to the vector maps forlder
    cd vectorMaps
    mkdir pyhgtmap
    python3 -m venv hgt_venv
    # Switch to venv
    . ./hgt_venv/bin/activate
    # Install pyhgtmap with dependencies from PyPi
    pip install pyhgtmap		
  • install ogr2ogr set of tools. Generator uses ogr2ogr to cut global SHP files with coastlines into states areas

    sudo apt install libpq-dev gdal-bin libgdal-dev

  • install spatialite spatialite libraries to generate Address and POI database

    sudo apt-get install spatialite-bin
    sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-mod-spatialite
  • install python and ogr2osm script required when convert SHP Land Polygons to the OSM format

    pip install ogr2osm

Static data

LoMaps generator requires lot's of static data that are vital for generation. All needed data are available on NAS NAS\content\maps\lomaps_generator\ Download the whole folder and do following steps:

Unpack .hgt files
  • hgt files defines Digital Model Terrain and are used by phyghtmap tool for contour-lines generation.
  • unpack the hgt data
     cd hgt
     7z x hgt.7z.0
Update coastline SHP - optional

To correctly handle sea areas and coastlines are during generation created land polygons. These are generated from land-polygons available for downloading This step is optional - the land-polygons are available in LoMaps generator NAS folder. To update the land polygons:

  • download land polygons in Shapefile format, Projection: WGS84 (choose "Large polygons are split" option)
  • unpack data and copy .shp files to the coastlines\land-polygons\ -> replace land_polygons.shp file


Required configuration

For every generation is requited to increase a Locus Store version of generated LoMaps (every version has an internal Locus Store id). Edit file: config/default_store_item_definition.json and increase by one the value version.code

Start generation

To start generation run:

java -jar OsmToolsBasic_0.5.2.jar --actions dectag --email no --version 2021.09.24 --hgtdir ./hgt/ --type lomaps --storeUploader ./locusStoreUploader/locucStoreUploader_0.2.3.jar 
  • actions: generation of LoMaps has several phases and generator can perform only specific ones. The letter defines action to perform during generation, when:
    • d - downloads planet file
    • e - extracts planet files into regions and countries
    • c - contour lines (create map with contour lines)
    • t - marked trails - crate map with the marked trails
    • g - generate - do generation itself
    • u - upload maps to the Locus Store
  • version - used date in format (it's name of version in Locus Store and reflect how old are data used for generation
  • hgtdir - path to folder with elevation data
  • storeUploader - path to the .jar file of locus store uploader
  • type - possible values
    • lomaps - generate lomaps
    • storegeo - used for generation country boundaries for Locus Store regions definition. It's very likely obsolete now

Locus Store Uploader

Generated maps are uploded into Locus Store using locus-store-uploader - tool. This script is included in LoMaps generator folder.

To update the generator - please build the project locus-store-uploader and use the new .jar file for --storeUploader cmd parameter