Releases: asanetargoss/Changeling
Introducing: Changeling!
This Metamorph fork has been rebranded to Changeling! Not much has changed. Expect the usual occasional fixes and improvements. This new release includes the following:
- Fixed max health increasing/decreasing when health modifiers applied
- Fixed very small morphs suffocating in ceilings
- Fixed player getting multiple chicken morphs
1.10 users: Download "changeling-1.1.8-1.10.2_multiple_chickens.jar"
1.12 users: Download "changeling-1.1.8-1.12.2_multiple_chickens.jar"
Changeling also requires McLib 1.0.2
Please report all issues in this release and releases going forward to the Changeling issue tracker
Morph self-hurt fix
This is a build based off of this PR:
This change, as well as the squid breath bar and the morph footstep sounds, will be included in the next official Metamorph release.
(1.10.2) (Unofficial) Morph Sounds, Squid Breath Bar
This release contains a few notable additions:
- Squid morphs now have a breath bar, rather than taking damage in air immediately
- Entity morphs now make the entity's hurt sound (death sounds unfortunately do not play due to a vanilla bug with player sounds)
- Entity morphs also make the entity's footstep sound
These changes may eventually be pushed upstream, but in the meantime please keep bug reports directly related to these features confined to the Hardcore Alchemy issue tracker.