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AngouriMath in F#

WhiteBlackGoose edited this page Feb 15, 2023 · 1 revision

Here we will cover usage of the library for research purposes.


The library has its wrapper for the F# language. This makes it easier to use the library for projects, written in F#. Example:

open Functions
open AngouriMath
open Core

printfn "%O" (asNumber "2 + 3")
printfn "%O" (``dy/dx`` "x2 + a x")
printfn "%O" (``int [dx]`` "x2 + e")
printfn "%O" (``lim x->0`` "sin(a x) / x")


2 * x + a
x ^ 3 / 3 + e * x

Nonetheless, you still can call methods from the C# library itself in your code.

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