- Sync upstream changes RR 5.8.2
- March 2017 Security Patches
- Sync upstream changes RR 5.8.0
- Sync upstream changes RR 5.8.0
- Jan 2017 Security Patches
- Sync upstream changes RR 5.8.0
- Android 7.1.1 and Dec 2016 Security Patches
- Use Prebuilt CMFileManager from CM13
- Sync upstream changes RR 5.8.0
- Update build fingerprint and description to MIUI
- Switch to /dev/block/bootdevice
- Sync upstream changes RR 5.8.0
- Sync upstream changes RR 5.8.0
- November 2016 Security Patch
- Sync upstream changes RR 5.7.4
- October 2016 Security Patch
- Bring inline with cm13 device/kernel tree
- Sync upstream changes RR 5.7.4
- Kernel Security and bugfixes
- Sync upstream changes RR 5.7.3
- 6 Sep 2016 Android Security Patch
- KERNEL source code drastically changed (CAF)
- For full changes track my github
- Sync upstream changes, CM13 and RR 5.7.3
- Sync upstream changes, CM13 and RR 5.7.2
- 5 August Android Security Patch
- Sync upstream changes, CM13 and RR 5.7.1
- Some more kernel cleanup, only 6.7MB boot.img
- Fix HDR mode in Camera
- Make thermal-engine less aggressive, some performace gain
- Sync Upstream changes, CM13 and RR 5.7.1
- 5 July Security Patch
- fix "Optimizing apps" on every boot
- fix low sound on speaker during call, no need to use Sound settings in Kernel Adiutor app
- Kernel: Cleaned up useless stuff, now boot.img is down to 7.1MB from 13.1MB
- Sync Upstream changes, CM13 and RR 5.7.0
- Update build description & fingerprint to MIUI
- Update ART optimization flags
- depricate menu key behaviour and make it APP_SWITCH (long press for menu)
- Minimum allowable screen brightness 2%
- change vibration intensity to 90% on every boot
- Update sensors blobs from cancro, try to fix sensor bug, report feedback!
- Sync Upstream changes, android 6.0.1_r46/MOB30M, June Security Patch
- Hardware Button Enable/Disable Option (for RR ROM only, does not support CM13)
- Remove healthd and use Xiaomi's chargeonlymode, now charging time is improved
- Bring back stock thermal-engine and update (removed msm_thermal)
- Bring back stock MPDecision hotplug (removed MSM Hotplug)
- Update PowerHAL
- Support MIDI function
- Add CyanogenMod's new browser, Gello
- Finally fixed torch/flashlight icon disappearing from QS
- try to fix Black screen in HDR mode in camera
- Add O3, Graphite and other optimizations
- Add missing graphics blobs in vendor
- Upstream changes only for RR v5.6.9 update
- Remove CPU Underclocking completely but keeping Overclocking (Smooth performance now)
- Remove SimpleGPUAlgorithm and IntelliPlug Hotplug (Unstable)
- Some GPU optimization tweaks
- Some Power Profiles tweaks
- Green Video on browser bug fixed (was already fixed previously on my build)
For more details track my github: https://github.com/ashishkotnala29