The dependencies in the setup guide must be locatable by iguana
, or
by anything that depends on iguana
Assuming a dependency is installed in $prefix
, it uses one or more of the following:
: a.pc
file in$prefix/lib/pkgconfig
files in$prefix/lib/cmake
Take a look at each dependency's installation prefix to see which of these options are available.
Some installations will have libraries, and therefore cmake/
and pkgconfig/
directories, within
, or within $prefix/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
. For brevity in the documentation below, we assume
they are in $prefix/lib
To use these dependencies with your software, they must be findable by its build system. The following sections explain how to do so with each.
For iguana
, the build system is meson
, which accepts the build options
(where multiple paths are delimited by commas).
For cmake
, the pkg-config
path can be combined with the cmake
path, so only the
build option
is needed; this assumes:
- all dependencies are in
(delimit multiple paths with semicolons) PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
has not been disabled.
Environment variables may be used instead of build options for a general approach:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$prefix/lib/pkgconfig
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$prefix
(where multiple paths are delimited by colons).
files (.pc
) allow for usage of the pkg-config
command. Assuming the package is hipo4
and hipo4.pc
is found in PKG_CONFIG_PATH
, compiler flags may be found by
pkg-config --libs hipo4
pkg-config --cflags hipo4
Any variable defined in hipo4.pc
is accessible with pkg-config --variable <variable>
Depending on how the software was built, dependencies may also need to be findable at runtime. In iguana
, we try to avoid this by
setting rpath variables; this is preferred to avoid the usage of environment variables
, since they are globally mutable.
However, depending on your local setup and the current state of your environment variables, you may need to set some variables
such that iguana
is prioritized. See the Environment Variables section in the setup guide for more details.