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vivaTracker Folder Structure

Andrés Solís Montero edited this page Mar 23, 2016 · 8 revisions


The vivaTracker project contains the following files and structure:

/                   - vivaTracker root folder
 CMakeList.txt      - Cmake rules to create the vivaTracker project
 macro.txt          - Cmake macros to download and extract tracking datasets
 sequences.txt      - File containing the full path to the **sequences** folder
 main.cpp           - Program staring point          - Readme file
 license/           - Folder containing license agreements for each tracker/component
     skcf.license   - license for **skcf**
 sequences/         - Folder containing datasets
     vot2013/       - Vot2013 dataset ...
 trackerlib/        - Folder with the classes and interfaces of the vivaTracker library
 vivalib/           - Folder with the [vivalib] library, used to processing video sequences
 trackers/          - Folder containing the tracking implementations
     opentld/       - Folder containing OpentTLD tracking method files 
     kcf/           - Folder containing KCF tracking method files
     struck/        - Folder containing Struck tracking method files


  1. Dataset and sequences folder names should be in CamelCase staring with lowercase.
  2. Dataset and sequences should not be stored under this repository, an external server should be used to storage them.
  3. The macro.txt file contains the datasets url and md5 checksum for each available dataset.
  4. License of each tracking algorithm or component should be added to the license folder. A .license file starting with the name of the tracker (e.g., name.license) should contain the license of its corresponding target/name folder.
  5. New trackers should be added inside the trackers folder. Each new tracker should be contained inside a folder named after the trackers name.
  6. No trackers should have the same name. In case of different implementations a version number should be added at the end of the name (e.g., kcf and kcf2)
  7. The following cmake (i.e. CMakeList.txt) template should be used as the starting point of creating a tracker. Note that the folder name will be used to identify the tracker in the vivaProject.
