Design Tokens of our Design System
The Design Tokens are available in TypeScript, JavaScript and SCSS.
To install the tokens, you need to use yarn or npm:
yarn add @cnamts/design-tokens
# OR
npm install @cnamts/design-tokens
Only custom tokens are contained in this package, for default ones like font size or elevation, we use the helper classes from Vuetify.
In TypeScript, Design Tokens names are formatted in camelCase
import { tokens } from '@cnamts/design-tokens';
console.log(tokens.pageWidth); // 1440px
You can also import only the color theme:
import { colorTheme } from '@cnamts/design-tokens/src/colors';
In JavaScript, Design Tokens names are also formatted in camelCase
const { tokens } = require('@cnamts/design-tokens');
console.log(tokens.pageWidth); // 1440px
You can also use the import
import { tokens } from '@cnamts/design-tokens';
In Sass, Design Tokens names are formatted in kebab-case
@import '@cnamts/design-tokens/dist/tokens';
.pro {
color: $vd-risque-pro; // #ef6c00
In JSON, Design Tokens names are also formatted in kebab-case
const { tokens } = require('@cnamts/design-tokens');
console.log(tokens['page-width']); // 1440px