Releases: astronomy-commons/hats-import
Releases · astronomy-commons/hats-import
What's Changed
- Update python and hipscat version pins. by @delucchi-cmu in #287
- Fits str columns to utf8 by @Schwarzam in #285
- Bump actions/add-to-project from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 by @dependabot in #289
- Use preferred string format for globbing. by @delucchi-cmu in #291
- Print tracebacks for nested errors. by @delucchi-cmu in #290
- Add ECSV reader by @delucchi-cmu in #288
- Use scipy.sparse for histogram storage. by @delucchi-cmu in #294
- Quick fixes (no warning, allow . in catalog name). by @delucchi-cmu in #307
- Fix issue #305. Gracefully handle empty input files. by @troyraen in #309
New Contributors
- @Schwarzam made their first contribution in #285
- @troyraen made their first contribution in #309
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2
What's Changed
- Update to latest dask to mitigate smoke test failures by @delucchi-cmu in #286
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1
What's Changed
- Pin python 3.11 version in CI by @delucchi-cmu in #276
- copier update by @delucchi-cmu in #272
- Change readthedocs URLs to stable by @delucchi-cmu in #277
- Cross-link the hipscat docs by @camposandro in #278
- Docs: margin_threshold in margin_cache.rst by @hombit in #263
- Direct to tutorials for public catalogs. by @delucchi-cmu in #279
- Resume import with a different HEALPix order by @camposandro in #280
- Unpin pandas and numpy versions. by @delucchi-cmu in #284
- Update acknowledgment text. by @delucchi-cmu in #283
Full Changelog: v0.2.6...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- Update by @delucchi-cmu in #254
- Add a lowest order argument. by @delucchi-cmu in #255
- Improve CSV reading kwargs by @delucchi-cmu in #245
- Require ipywidgets by @delucchi-cmu in #256
- Change sphinx theme to book theme by @smcguire-cmu in #257
- Use storage options for input and output by @delucchi-cmu in #260
- Only read required columns in mapping stage. by @delucchi-cmu in #262
- Bump actions/add-to-project from 0.6.0 to 1.0.0 by @dependabot in #264
- Update Acknowledgement by @mi-dai in #270
- Update by @mi-dai in #271
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.2.5...v0.2.6
What's Changed
- Force object and source ID in soap output. by @delucchi-cmu in #242
- If not resuming, remove intermediate dir. by @delucchi-cmu in #244
- Sort _hipscat_index column by @delucchi-cmu in #243
- Index generation improvements by @delucchi-cmu in #248
- Drop duplicates in leaf files during SOAP. by @delucchi-cmu in #250
- Apply PPT v2.0 by @delucchi-cmu in #253
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #246
Full Changelog: v0.2.4...v0.2.5
What's Changed
- Expand docs for margin and index generation. by @delucchi-cmu in #212
- Mechanical application of black. by @delucchi-cmu in #220
- Remove empty workflow by @delucchi-cmu in #223
- Fix soap arguments to catalog info not including all parameters by @smcguire-cmu in #213
- Apply PPT 1.5.3 by @delucchi-cmu in #224
- Unit test and schema propagation for gaia import. by @delucchi-cmu in #222
- Use auto mode for tqdm for nicer notebook render by @delucchi-cmu in #226
- Use primary catalog schema for margin cache. by @delucchi-cmu in #232
- Remove input_format argument. by @delucchi-cmu in #234
- Force numpy array for passing to healpy. by @delucchi-cmu in #236
- Address smoke test failure by @delucchi-cmu in #238
- Add tests that we can handle pathlib.Path. by @delucchi-cmu in #235
Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v0.2.4
What's Changed
- Use tmp_path in margin generation by @delucchi-cmu in #207
- Performance improvements for index generation by @delucchi-cmu in #202
- Create partition info csvs on catalog creation. by @delucchi-cmu in #209
- Update arguments.rst by @hombit in #210
- Add copy button to readthedocs by @delucchi-cmu in #211
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3
What's Changed
- Correct integer types in index catalog creation by @delucchi-cmu in #200
- Rename Margin Cache Hive Columns by @smcguire-cmu in #199
- Update by @delucchi-cmu in #201
- Loads of small cleanups by @delucchi-cmu in #203
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2
What's Changed
- Macauff import pipeline by @delucchi-cmu in #186
- Apply template v.1.4.6 by @delucchi-cmu in #198
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1
What's Changed
- Fix test data for removing partition_info by @delucchi-cmu in #166
- Add tests for more complex sorting scenarios. by @delucchi-cmu in #167
- Argument renaming by @delucchi-cmu in #168
- Fix doc build error with dask client by @delucchi-cmu in #173
- Read parquet lazily by @hombit in #170
- Remove the explicit task key. by @delucchi-cmu in #174
- Specify types for partitioning columns. by @delucchi-cmu in #171
- More text on temp. Split resume temp arg. by @delucchi-cmu in #176
- Scoot python versions forward by @delucchi-cmu in #182
- Optionally write out all of the parquet files. by @delucchi-cmu in #181
- Pass storage options to read/write operations. by @delucchi-cmu in #178
- Add metadata files when creating datasets by @delucchi-cmu in #189
- Add another test for creating index table. by @delucchi-cmu in #190
- Catalog import argument documentation. by @delucchi-cmu in #193
- Require hipscat v0.2 by @delucchi-cmu in #194
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.2.0