From ec9962a6ac782d38c8b3b4a1c57614e6901130ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marten Henric van Kerkwijk <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 01:38:43 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] ENH: support the array api element-wise functions.

Do this via __array_ufunc__, using astropy machinery.  A few functions
are not yet supported as they are not ufuncs.

Relative to astropy Quantity, the main change is to change the output
machinery to take into account that our Quantity is immutable.
 src/quantity/_src/            | 128 ++++++-
 tests/                    |  30 ++
 tests/ | 488 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/             |  32 +-
 4 files changed, 667 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/

diff --git a/src/quantity/_src/ b/src/quantity/_src/
index 109aaf9..cf7d321 100644
--- a/src/quantity/_src/
+++ b/src/quantity/_src/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 import array_api_compat
 import astropy.units as u
 import numpy as np
-from astropy.units.quantity_helper import UFUNC_HELPERS
+from astropy.units.quantity_helper import UFUNC_HELPERS, converters_and_unit
 from .api import QuantityArray
 from .utils import has_array_namespace
@@ -23,6 +23,21 @@
 DIMENSIONLESS = u.dimensionless_unscaled
 PYTHON_NUMBER = float | int | complex
+TUPLE_OR_LIST = tuple | list
+    "absolute": "abs",
+    "arccos": "acos",
+    "arccosh": "acosh",
+    "arcsin": "asin",
+    "arcsinh": "asinh",
+    "arctan": "atan",
+    "arctan2": "atan2",
+    "arctanh": "atanh",
+    "conjugate": "conj",
+    "true_divide": "divide",
+    "power": "pow",
 def get_value_and_unit(
@@ -247,5 +262,114 @@ def __ipow__(self, exp, mod=None):
     def __setitem__(self, item, value):
         self.value[item] = value_in_unit(value, self.unit)
-    __array_ufunc__ = None
+    def __array_ufunc__(self, function, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
+        # Used for our namespace.
+        if (where := kwargs.get("where")) is not None and isinstance(where, Quantity):
+            return NotImplemented
+        converters, unit = converters_and_unit(function, method, *inputs)
+        out = kwargs.get("out")
+        if out is not None:
+            # If pre-allocated output is used, check it is suitable.
+            # This also returns array view, to ensure we don't loop back.
+            kwargs["out"] = self._check_output(
+                out[0] if len(out) == 1 else out, unit, function=function
+            )
+        if method == "reduce" and "initial" in kwargs and unit is not None:
+            # Special-case for initial argument for reductions like
+            # np.add.reduce.  This should be converted to the output unit as
+            # well, which is typically the same as the input unit (but can
+            # in principle be different: unitless for np.equal, radian
+            # for np.arctan2, though those are not necessarily useful!)
+            kwargs["initial"] = self._to_own_unit(kwargs["initial"], unit=unit)
+        input_values = [get_value_and_unit(in_)[0] for in_ in inputs]
+        if not all(
+            isinstance(v, PYTHON_NUMBER) or has_array_namespace(v) for v in input_values
+        ):
+            return NotImplemented
+        input_values = [
+            v if conv is None else conv(v)
+            for (v, conv) in zip(input_values, converters, strict=True)
+        ]
+        try:
+            xp = self.value.__array_namespace__()
+        except AttributeError:
+            try:
+                xp = array_api_compat.array_namespace(self.value)
+            except TypeError:
+                xp = np
+        if xp is np:
+            xp_func = function
+        else:
+            function_name = NORMALIZED_FUNCTION_NAMES.get(n := function.__name__, n)
+            xp_func = getattr(xp, function_name)
+        try:
+            result = getattr(xp_func, method)(*input_values, **kwargs)
+        except Exception:
+            # TODO: JAX supports "at" method if one passes in inplace=False.
+            return NotImplemented
+        return self._result_as_quantity(result, unit)
+    @classmethod
+    def _check_output(cls, output, unit, function=None):
+        if isinstance(output, tuple):
+            return tuple(
+                cls._check_output(output_, unit_, function)
+                for output_, unit_ in zip(output, unit, strict=True)
+            )
+        if output is None:
+            return None
+        if unit is None:
+            if isinstance(output, Quantity):
+                msg = "Cannot store non-quantity output{} in {} instance"
+                raise TypeError(
+                    msg.format(
+                        (
+                            f" from {function.__name__} function"
+                            if function is not None
+                            else ""
+                        ),
+                        type(output),
+                    )
+                )
+            return output
+        if not isinstance(output, Quantity):
+            if unit == DIMENSIONLESS:
+                return output
+            msg = (
+                "Cannot store output with unit '{}'{} in {} instance. "
+                "Use {} instance instead."
+            )
+            raise u.UnitTypeError(
+                msg.format(
+                    unit,
+                    (
+                        f" from {function.__name__} function"
+                        if function is not None
+                        else ""
+                    ),
+                    type(output),
+                    cls,
+                )
+            )
+        return output.value
+    @classmethod
+    def _result_as_quantity(cls, result, unit):
+        if isinstance(result, TUPLE_OR_LIST):
+            # Some np.linalg functions return namedtuple, which is handy to access
+            # elements by name, but cannot be directly initialized with an iterator.
+            result_cls = getattr(result, "_make", result.__class__)
+            return result_cls(cls(r, u) for (r, u) in zip(result, unit, strict=True))
+        # If needed, weap the result array as a Quantity with the proper unit.
+        return result if unit is None else cls(result, unit)
     __array_function__ = None
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 94aff2f..411683d 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 import astropy.units as u
 import numpy as np
 from astropy.utils.decorators import classproperty
+from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_equal
@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@
 class ANSTests:
     IMMUTABLE = False  # default
     NO_SETITEM = False
+    NO_OUTPUTS = False
     def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
         # Add class to namespaces available for testing if the underlying
@@ -47,6 +49,8 @@ def teardown_class(cls):
 class UsingArrayAPIStrict(MonkeyPatchUnitConversion, ANSTests):
+    NO_OUTPUTS = True
     def xp(cls):
         return __import__("array_api_strict")
@@ -65,7 +69,33 @@ def xp(cls):
 class UsingJAX(MonkeyPatchUnitConversion, ANSTests):
     IMMUTABLE = True
     NO_SETITEM = True
+    NO_OUTPUTS = True
     def xp(cls):
         return __import__("jax").numpy
+def assert_quantity_equal(q1, q2, nulp=0):
+    assert q1.unit == q2.unit
+    assert q1.value.__class__ is q2.value.__class__
+    if nulp:
+        assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(q1.value, q2.value, nulp=nulp)
+    else:
+        assert_array_equal(q1.value, q2.value)
+class TrackingNameSpace:
+    """Intermediate namespace that tracks attributes that were used.
+    Used to check whether we test complete sets of functions in the Array API.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ns):
+        self.ns = ns
+        self.used_attrs = set()
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        if not attr.startswith("_"):
+            self.used_attrs.add(attr)
+        return getattr(self.ns, attr)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e39c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+"""Test that element-wise functions on Quantity properly propagate units.
+This just tests the functions defined by the Array API:
+Note: tests classes are combined with setups for different array types
+at the very end.  Hence, they do not have the usual Test prefix.
+import operator
+import array_api_strict
+import astropy.units as u
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
+from quantity import Quantity
+from .conftest import (
+    TrackingNameSpace,
+    UsingNDArray,
+    assert_quantity_equal,
+# All element-wise functions defined by the Array API.
+    "abs", "acos", "acosh", "add", "asin", "asinh", "atan", "atan2", "atanh",
+    "bitwise_and", "bitwise_left_shift", "bitwise_invert", "bitwise_or",
+    "bitwise_right_shift", "bitwise_xor",
+    "ceil", "clip", "conj", "copysign", "cos", "cosh",
+    "divide", "equal", "exp", "expm1", "floor", "floor_divide",
+    "greater", "greater_equal", "hypot", "imag", "isfinite", "isinf", "isnan",
+    "less", "less_equal", "log", "log1p", "log2", "log10", "logaddexp",
+    "logical_and", "logical_not", "logical_or", "logical_xor",
+    "maximum", "minimum", "multiply", "negative", "not_equal", "positive",
+    "pow", "real", "remainder", "round", "sign", "signbit", "sin", "sinh",
+    "square", "sqrt", "subtract", "tan", "tanh", "trunc"
+}  # fmt: skip
+# Ensure we test functions from our own array namespace
+# (currently, just np, but may change).
+# Track which attributes where gotten so we can check our tests are complete.
+qp = TrackingNameSpace(Quantity(np.array(1.0),
+class QuantitySetup:
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        super().setup_class()
+        cls.a1 = cls.xp.asarray(np.arange(1.0, 11.0).reshape(5, 2))
+        cls.a2 = cls.xp.asarray([8.0, 10.0])
+        cls.q1 = Quantity(cls.a1, u.meter)
+        cls.q2 = Quantity(cls.a2, u.centimeter)
+class Arithmetic(QuantitySetup):
+    # Repeating QuantityOperationTests with corresponding functions.
+    def test_add(self):
+        # Take units from left object, q1
+        got = qp.add(self.q1, self.q2)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q1.value + self.q2.value / 100.0, u.m)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+        # Take units from left object, q2
+        got = qp.add(self.q2, self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q1.value * 100 + self.q2.value,
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+    def test_subtract(self):
+        # Take units from left object, q1
+        got = qp.subtract(self.q1, self.q2)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q1.value - self.q2.value / 100.0, u.m)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+        # Take units from left object, q2
+        got = qp.subtract(self.q2, self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q2.value - 100.0 * self.q1.value,
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+    def test_multiply(self):
+        got = qp.multiply(self.q1, self.q2)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q1.value * self.q2.value, u.Unit("m cm"))
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+        got = qp.multiply(self.q2, self.q1)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_divide(self):
+        got = qp.divide(self.q1, self.q2)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q1.value / self.q2.value, u.Unit("m/cm"))
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+        got = qp.divide(self.q2, self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q2.value / self.q1.value, u.Unit("cm/m"))
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_floor_divide(self):
+        got = qp.floor_divide(self.q1, self.q2)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q1.value // (0.01 * self.q2.value),
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+        got = qp.floor_divide(self.q2, self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q2.value // (100.0 * self.q1.value),
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_remainder(self):
+        got = qp.remainder(self.q1, self.q2)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q1.value % (0.01 * self.q2.value), self.q1.unit)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+        got = qp.remainder(self.q2, self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q2.value % (100.0 * self.q1.value), self.q2.unit)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_negative(self):
+        got = qp.negative(self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(-self.q1.value, u.m)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+        got = qp.negative(qp.negative(self.q1))
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, self.q1)
+    def test_positive(self):
+        got = qp.positive(self.q1)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, self.q1)
+    def test_abs(self):
+        got = qp.abs(self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(abs(self.q1.value), u.m)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+        got = qp.abs(-self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(abs(self.q1.value), u.m)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_floor_divide_remainder_roundtrip(self):
+        got = qp.add(
+            qp.remainder(self.q1, self.q2),
+            qp.multiply(qp.floor_divide(self.q1, self.q2), self.q2),
+        )
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, self.q1, nulp=1)
+        got = qp.add(
+            qp.remainder(self.q2, self.q1),
+            qp.multiply(qp.floor_divide(self.q2, self.q1), self.q1),
+        )
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, self.q2, nulp=1)
+    def test_dimensionless_operations(self):
+        q1 = Quantity(self.a1, u.m /
+        q2 = Quantity(self.a2, /
+        got = qp.add(q1, q2)
+        exp = Quantity(q1.value + q2.value / 1000.0, q1.unit)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+        # Test plain array.
+        a = self.xp.asarray(1.0)
+        got = qp.add(q1, a)
+        exp = Quantity(q1.value / 1000.0 + 1.0,
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+    def test_integer_promotion(self):
+        a1 = self.xp.asarray([1, 2, 3])
+        try:
+            a1 * 0.001
+        except Exception:
+            pytest.xfail(reason="{self.xp!r} does not support int to float promotion.")
+        q1 = Quantity(a1, u.m /
+        a2 = self.xp.asarray([4, 5, 6])
+        got = qp.add(q1, a2)
+        exp = Quantity(q1.value / 1000.0 + a2,
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+    def test_incompatible_units(self):
+        """Raise when trying to add or subtract incompatible units"""
+        q = Quantity(21.52, unit=u.second)
+        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError, match="[Cc]an only apply 'add' function"):
+            qp.add(self.q1, q)
+    def test_non_number_type(self):
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"[Uu]nsupported operand type\(s\).*"):
+            qp.add(self.q1, {"a": 1})
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            qp.add(self.q1, u.meter)
+    def test_multiplication_with_unit(self):
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            qp.multiply(self.q1, u.s)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            qp.multiply(u.s, self.q1)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            qp.multiply(self.q1, u.mag(u.Jy))
+    def test_division_with_unit(self):
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            qp.divide(self.q1, u.s)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            qp.divide(u.s, self.q1)
+    def test_floor_division_errors(self):
+        q2 = Quantity(self.a1, u.s)
+        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError, match="[Cc]an only apply 'floor_divide'"):
+            qp.floor_divide(self.q1, q2)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            qp.floor_divide(self.q1, u.s)
+    def test_dimensionless_error(self):
+        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
+            qp.add(self.q1, Quantity(self.a1,
+        with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
+            qp.add(self.q1, Quantity(self.a1,
+class Powers(QuantitySetup):
+    def test_pow(self):
+        # raise quantity to a power
+        p2 = self.xp.asarray(2.0)
+        got = qp.pow(self.q1, p2)
+        exp = Quantity(self.a1**2, u.Unit("m^2"))
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+        p3 = self.xp.asarray(3.0)
+        got = qp.pow(self.q1, p3)
+        exp = Quantity(self.a1**3, u.Unit("m^3"))
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_square(self):
+        got = qp.square(self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(self.xp.square(self.a1), u.Unit("m^2"))
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_sqrt(self):
+        got = qp.sqrt(self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(self.xp.sqrt(self.a1), u.Unit("m^(1/2)"))
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_hypot(self):
+        got = qp.hypot(self.q1, self.q2)
+        exp = Quantity(self.xp.hypot(self.a1, 0.01 * self.a2), self.q1.unit)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+class ArithmeticWithNumbers(QuantitySetup):
+    # Separate tests, since not strictly required by the Array API,
+    # and hence array_api_strict doesn't pass with them.
+    def test_multiplication_with_number(self):
+        got = qp.multiply(15.0, self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(15.0 * self.q1.value, u.m)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+        got = qp.multiply(self.q1, 15.0)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_division_with_number(self):
+        got = qp.divide(self.q1, 10.0)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q1.value / 10.0, u.m)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+        got = qp.divide(11.0, self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(11.0 / self.q1.value, u.m**-1)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        "exponent",
+        [2, 2.0, np.uint64(2), np.int32(2), np.float32(2), Quantity(2.0,],
+    )
+    def test_quantity_as_power(self, exponent):
+        # raise unit to a dimensionless Quantity power
+        if isinstance(exponent, Quantity):
+            pytest.xfail(reason="cannot handle quantity exponent yet")
+        got = qp.pow(self.q1, exponent)
+        exp = Quantity(self.q1.value**2, u.m**2)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+class Comparisons(QuantitySetup):
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        super().setup_class()
+        cls.q1_in_cm = Quantity(cls.q1.value * 100.0,
+        cls.a2_in_m =, cls.a2)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        ("func", "op", "includes_equal"),
+        [
+            (qp.equal, operator.eq, True),
+            (qp.not_equal,, False),
+            (qp.greater,, False),
+            (qp.greater_equal,, True),
+            (qp.less,, False),
+            (qp.less_equal, operator.le, True),
+        ],
+    )
+    def test_comparison(self, func, op, includes_equal):
+        got = func(self.q1, self.q1_in_cm)
+        assert got.shape == self.q1.shape
+        assert_array_equal(got, includes_equal)
+        got = func(self.q1, self.q2)
+        exp = op(self.q1.value, self.a2_in_m)
+        assert_array_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_not_equal_to_unit(self):
+        unit =**3
+        q = Quantity(self.xp.asarray([1.0]), unit)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            qp.not_equal(q, unit)
+class NumericTests:
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        super().setup_class()
+        cls.a = cls.xp.asarray([1.1, 1.9, -2.1, np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan])
+        cls.q = Quantity(cls.a, u.m)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["isfinite", "isinf", "isnan", "sign", "signbit"])
+    def test_numeric_test(self, func):
+        qp_func = getattr(qp, func)
+        xp_func = getattr(self.xp, func)
+        got = qp_func(self.q)
+        exp = xp_func(self.a)
+        assert not isinstance(got, Quantity)
+        assert_array_equal(got, exp)
+class ClipAndTransfer:
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        super().setup_class()
+        cls.a1 = cls.xp.asarray([1.1, 1.9, -2.1, np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan])
+        cls.q1 = Quantity(cls.a1, u.m)
+        cls.a2 = cls.xp.asarray([1.2, 180.0, -200.0, -np.inf, np.nan, np.nan])
+        cls.q2 = Quantity(cls.a2,
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["ceil", "floor", "round", "trunc"])
+    def test_one_arg(self, func):
+        qp_func = getattr(qp, func)
+        xp_func = getattr(self.xp, func)
+        if not isinstance(qp_func, np.ufunc):
+            pytest.xfail(reason="only numpy ufuncs are supported")
+        got = qp_func(self.q1)
+        exp = Quantity(xp_func(self.a1), self.q1.unit)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["minimum", "maximum"])
+    def test_min_max(self, func):
+        qp_func = getattr(qp, func)
+        xp_func = getattr(self.xp, func)
+        got = qp_func(self.q1, self.q2)
+        exp = Quantity(xp_func(self.a1, 0.01 * self.a2), self.q1.unit)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_copysign(self):
+        got = qp.copysign(self.q1, self.q2)
+        exp = Quantity(self.xp.copysign(self.a1, self.a2), self.q1.unit)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="only numpy ufuncs are supported")
+    def test_clip(self):
+        q3 = Quantity(self.xp.asarray(1.0),
+        got = qp.clip(self.q1, min=self.q2, max=q3)
+        exp = Quantity(
+            self.xp.clip(self.a1, min=0.01 * self.a2, max=1000.0), self.q1.unit
+        )
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+class Trig:
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        super().setup_class()
+        angles = [-45.0, 0.0, 30.0, 120.0]
+        cls.a_deg = cls.xp.asarray(angles)
+        cls.a_rad = cls.xp.asarray(np.deg2rad(angles))
+        cls.q_deg = Quantity(cls.a_deg, u.deg)
+        cls.q_rad = Quantity(cls.a_rad, u.rad)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["sin", "cos", "tan", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh"])
+    def test_trig(self, func):
+        qp_func = getattr(qp, func)
+        xp_func = getattr(self.xp, func)
+        got = qp_func(self.q_deg)
+        exp = Quantity(xp_func(self.a_rad),
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        "func", ["asin", "acos", "atan", "asinh", "acosh", "atanh"]
+    )
+    def test_inverse(self, func):
+        qp_func = getattr(qp, func)
+        xp_func = getattr(self.xp, func)
+        xp_forw = getattr(self.xp, func[1:])
+        a_in = xp_forw(self.a_rad)
+        q_in = Quantity(a_in * 100.0, u.percent)
+        got = qp_func(q_in)
+        exp = Quantity(xp_func(a_in), u.rad)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=5)
+    def test_atan2(self):
+        sina = qp.sin(self.q_deg)
+        cosa = qp.cos(self.q_deg)
+        got = qp.atan2(sina, cosa)
+        exp = Quantity(
+            self.xp.atan2(self.xp.sin(self.a_rad), self.xp.cos(self.a_rad)), u.rad
+        )
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+class ExpAndLog:
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        super().setup_class()
+        cls.a = cls.xp.asarray([0.5, 1.0, 2.0])
+        cls.q = Quantity(cls.a * 100.0, u.percent)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["exp", "expm1", "log", "log1p", "log2", "log10"])
+    def test_exp_or_log(self, func):
+        qp_func = getattr(qp, func)
+        xp_func = getattr(self.xp, func)
+        got = qp_func(self.q)
+        exp = Quantity(xp_func(self.a),
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+    def test_logaddexp(self):
+        q2 = Quantity(self.a,
+        got = qp.logaddexp(self.q, q2)
+        exp = Quantity(self.xp.logaddexp(self.a, self.a),
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp, nulp=1)
+class Complex:
+    @classmethod
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        super().setup_class()
+        cls.a = cls.xp.asarray([1 + 1j, 1.0, -2.0 + 1.0j, np.inf, -np.inf * 1j])
+        cls.q = Quantity(cls.a, u.m)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["conj", "imag", "real"])
+    def test_func(self, func):
+        qp_func = getattr(qp, func)
+        xp_func = getattr(self.xp, func)
+        if not isinstance(qp_func, np.ufunc):
+            pytest.xfail(reason="only numpy ufuncs are supported")
+        got = qp_func(self.q)
+        exp = Quantity(xp_func(self.a), self.q.unit)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+# Create the actual test classes.
+for base_setup in ARRAY_NAMESPACES:
+    for tests in (
+        Arithmetic,
+        Powers,
+        ArithmeticWithNumbers,
+        Comparisons,
+        NumericTests,
+        ClipAndTransfer,
+        Trig,
+        ExpAndLog,
+        Complex,
+    ):
+        if tests is ArithmeticWithNumbers and base_setup.xp is array_api_strict:
+            continue
+        name = f"Test{tests.__name__}{base_setup.__name__}"
+        globals()[name] = type(name, (tests, base_setup), {})
+class TestUnsupported(QuantitySetup, UsingNDArray):
+    """Unsupported functions. No need to test with anything but numpy."""
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        "func",
+        [
+            "bitwise_and", "bitwise_invert", "bitwise_or", "bitwise_xor",
+            "bitwise_left_shift", "bitwise_right_shift",
+            "logical_and", "logical_not", "logical_or", "logical_xor",
+        ]
+    )  # fmt: skip
+    def test_unsupported(self, func):
+        qp_func = getattr(qp, func)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            qp_func(self.q1, self.q2)
+def test_completeness():
+    assert qp.used_attrs == ARRAY_API_ELEMENT_WISE_FUNCTIONS
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 43b6158..ebfa688 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -11,17 +11,16 @@
 import astropy.units as u
 import numpy as np
 import pytest
-from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, assert_array_equal
+from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
 from quantity import Quantity
-from .conftest import ARRAY_NAMESPACES, UsingArrayAPIStrict, UsingJAX
-def assert_quantity_equal(q1, q2, nulp=0):
-    assert q1.unit == q2.unit
-    assert q1.value.__class__ is q2.value.__class__
-    assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(q1.value, q2.value, nulp=nulp)
+from .conftest import (
+    UsingArrayAPIStrict,
+    UsingJAX,
+    assert_quantity_equal,
 class QuantitySetup:
@@ -74,7 +73,11 @@ def test_multiplication_with_unit(self):
         got = self.q1 * u.s
         exp = Quantity(self.q1.value, u.Unit("m s"))
         assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_reverse_multiplication_with_unit(self):
         got = u.s * self.q1
+        if isinstance(got, u.Quantity):
+            pytest.xfail(reason="Astropy unit took over, causing u.Quantity return.")
         # TODO: for array-api-strict, this is not great, since it changes it
         # to a regular array. But the problem really is with astropy unit.
         exp = Quantity(np.float64(1.0) * self.q1.value, u.Unit("m s"))
@@ -100,8 +103,12 @@ def test_division_with_unit(self):
         got = self.q1 / u.s
         exp = Quantity(self.q1.value, u.Unit("m/s"))
         assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_reverse_division_with_unit(self):
         # Divide into a unit.
         got = u.s / self.q1
+        if isinstance(got, u.Quantity):
+            pytest.xfail(reason="Astropy unit took over, causing u.Quantity return.")
         # TODO: for array-api-strict, this is not great, since it changes it
         # to a regular array. But the problem really is with astropy unit.
         exp = Quantity(np.float64(1.0) / self.q1.value, u.Unit("s/m"))
@@ -387,7 +394,14 @@ def test_array_mix2(self):
         got = q1 - q2
         exp = Quantity(np.asarray(self.a1 - 0.01 * self.a2), self.q1.unit)
         assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
-        got = a1 - q2
+    @pytest.mark.xfail(
+        reason="strict_array_api.subtract behaves differently from __sub__"
+    )
+    def test_array_mix3(self):
+        a1 = np.asarray(self.a1)
+        got = a1 - self.q2
+        exp = self.MyQuantity(np.asarray(self.a1 - 0.01 * self.a2), self.q1.unit)
         assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
     def test_subtract(self):

From edb092cde23eb10da4214306688670cd72f0e9dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marten Henric van Kerkwijk <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 21:00:43 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] TST: test ufunc behaviour beyond Array API

 src/quantity/_src/ |   3 +-
 tests/       | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/

diff --git a/src/quantity/_src/ b/src/quantity/_src/
index cf7d321..bf78b8a 100644
--- a/src/quantity/_src/
+++ b/src/quantity/_src/
@@ -286,7 +286,8 @@ def __array_ufunc__(self, function, method, *inputs, **kwargs):
         input_values = [get_value_and_unit(in_)[0] for in_ in inputs]
         if not all(
-            isinstance(v, PYTHON_NUMBER) or has_array_namespace(v) for v in input_values
+            isinstance(v, PYTHON_NUMBER) or has_array_namespace(v)
+            for v in (input_values[:-1] if method == "reduceat" else input_values)
             return NotImplemented
         input_values = [
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28abedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+"""Test ufunc behaviour beyond what is required by the Array API."""
+import astropy.units as u
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+from quantity import Quantity
+from .conftest import ARRAY_NAMESPACES, assert_quantity_equal
+from .test_element_wise_functions import QuantitySetup
+# Ensure we test functions from our own array namespace
+# (currently, just np, but may change).
+qp = Quantity(np.array(1.0),
+class Inplace(QuantitySetup):
+    def try_func(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            return func(*args, **kwargs)
+        except Exception:
+            if self.NO_OUTPUTS:
+                pytest.xfail(reason="array type does not support out argument")
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["negative", "square"])
+    def test_inplace_one_arg(self, func):
+        qp_func = getattr(qp, func)
+        exp = qp_func(self.q1)
+        q_out = Quantity(self.xp.zeros_like(exp.value), exp.unit)
+        got = self.try_func(qp_func, self.q1, out=q_out)
+        assert got is not q_out  # Quantity is immutable.
+        assert got.value is q_out.value
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", ["add", "subtract", "divide"])
+    def test_inplace_two_arg(self, func):
+        qp_func = getattr(qp, func)
+        exp = qp_func(self.q1, self.q2)
+        q_out = Quantity(self.xp.zeros_like(exp.value), exp.unit)
+        got = self.try_func(qp_func, self.q1, self.q2, out=q_out)
+        assert got is not q_out  # Quantity is immutable.
+        assert got.value is q_out.value
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_inplace_two_outputs(self):
+        if any(t in self.__class__.__name__ for t in ("APIStrict", "Dask")):
+            pytest.xfail(reason=f"{self.q1.__class__} does not have divmod")
+        exps = qp.divmod(self.q1, self.q2)
+        q_outs = tuple(
+            Quantity(self.xp.zeros_like(exp.value), exp.unit) for exp in exps
+        )
+        gots = self.try_func(qp.divmod, self.q1, self.q2, out=q_outs)
+        for got, q_out, exp in zip(gots, q_outs, exps, strict=False):
+            assert got is not q_out  # Quantity is immutable.
+            assert got.value is q_out.value
+            assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+class Methods(QuantitySetup):
+    def test_reduce(self):
+        if not hasattr(self.xp.add, "reduce"):
+            pytest.xfail("array type does not support ufunc.reduce")
+        exp = Quantity(self.xp.add.reduce(self.a1, axis=0), self.q1.unit)
+        got = qp.add.reduce(self.q1, axis=0)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_reduceat(self):
+        if not hasattr(self.xp.add, "reduceat"):
+            pytest.xfail("array type does not support ufunc.reduce_at")
+        indices = np.array((2, 3))  # JAX only takes scalar or ndarray.
+        exp = Quantity(self.xp.add.reduceat(self.a1, indices, axis=0), self.q1.unit)
+        got = qp.add.reduceat(self.q1, indices, axis=0)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_accumulate(self):
+        if not hasattr(self.xp.add, "accumulate"):
+            pytest.xfail("array type does not support ufunc.accumulate")
+        exp = Quantity(self.xp.add.accumulate(self.a1, axis=0), self.q1.unit)
+        got = qp.add.accumulate(self.q1, axis=0)
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+    def test_at(self):
+        if not hasattr(self.xp.add, "at") or self.NO_OUTPUTS:
+            # TODO: NO_OUTPUTS is not strictly applicable; e.g., JAX supports
+            # but one has to pass in inplace=False.
+            pytest.xfail("array type does not support")
+        values = [1.0, 2.0]
+        a = self.xp.asarray(values)
+, 1, 100.0)
+        exp = Quantity(a,
+        got = Quantity(self.xp.asarray(values),
+, 1, Quantity(1.0, u.m))
+        assert_quantity_equal(got, exp)
+# Create the actual test classes.
+for base_setup in ARRAY_NAMESPACES:
+    for tests in (Inplace, Methods):
+        name = f"Test{tests.__name__}{base_setup.__name__}"
+        globals()[name] = type(name, (tests, base_setup), {})
+def test_where_not_supported():
+    q = Quantity(np.asarray([1.0, 2.0]), u.m)
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+        np.add(q, q, where=q)