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atheken edited this page Aug 13, 2010 · 26 revisions

h3.MongoSharp is a .Net library for connecting to the Document-oriented MongoDB.

General goals include
- Strongly-typed interaction when querying and updating collections.
- Improved interface to send common Mongo commands (creating indices, getting all the existing dbs and collections, etc.).
- Ultra-fast de/serialization of BSON to .Net CLR types and back.
- Fluent-like interaction with Mongo collections.
- LINQ-to-Mongo

Getting started with MongoSharp can be as easy as this:

//open collection @var coll = (new MongoContext()).GetDatabase("benchmark").GetCollection<GeneralDTO>("test");
//create a new object to be added to the collection @var obj = new GeneralDTO();
obj._id = BSONOID.NewOID();
obj.Title = "ABCDEFG";
obj.Incremental = 1;
@//save the object
@//find the object
@var obj2 = coll.Find(new { id =}).First();

We’ve made some important decisions that you should be aware of:
BSON Serializer

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