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forms-flow-web, forms-flow-bpm & forms-flow-api

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forms-flow-web, forms-flow-bpm & forms-flow-api Setup

Make sure your current working directory is "/forms-flow-ai/deployment/docker". Modify the environment variables inside .env file if needed. Environment variables are given below keycloak variable settings

image analytics variable settings image analytics variable settings


Get the Get the Redash API Key' steps from `here forms variable settings

Getting ROLE_ID and RESOURCE_ID are mandatory for role based access. To generate ID go to "Formsflow-forms user/role API" and follow the steps. Datastore variable settings

image Integration variable settings

Variable name Meaning Possible values Default value
NODE_ENV Define project level configuration development, test, production development
APPLICATION_NAME Application_Name eg:
WEB_BASE_CUSTOM_URL Custom_URL eg: custom url
FORMSFLOW_API_CORS_ORIGINS Rest API allowed origins, for allowing multiple origins you can separate host address using a comma seperated string or use * to allow all origins eg:host1, host2, host3 *
CAMUNDA_API_URL 🚩 Camunda Rest API URL http://{your-ip-address}:8000/camunda
FORMSFLOW_API_URL🚩 Rest API URL http://{your-ip-address}:5000
USER_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS JSON formatted permissions to enable / disable few access on user login. {"accessAllowApplications":false,"accessAllowSubmissions":false}
  • NOTE - While configuring USER_ACCESS_PERMISSIONS the accessAllowApplications will hide / show application tab, the same way accessAllowSubmissions does for viewSubmission button. To enable this feature you need to add access-allow-applications, access-allow-submissions with the respective user group in keycloak.
CAMUNDA_JDBC : Dedicated camunda database.

Variable name Meaning Possible values Default value
CAMUNDA_JDBC_DB_NAME Postgres JDBC DB Name Used on installation to create the database. Choose your own formsflow-bpm
CAMUNDA_JDBC_URL Postgres JDBC DB Connection URL Used on installation to create the database. Choose your own jdbc:postgresql://forms-flow-bpm-db:5432/formsflow-bpm
CAMUNDA_JDBC_DRIVER Postgres JDBC Database Driver org.postgresql.Driver
CAMUNDA_JDBC_USER Postgres Database Username Used on installation to create the database. Choose your own admin
CAMUNDA_JDBC_PASSWORD Postgres Database Password Used on installation to create the database. Choose your own changeme
CAMUNDA_HIKARI_CONN_TIMEOUT Hikari Connection optimization setting 30000
CAMUNDA_HIKARI_IDLE_TIMEOUT Hikari Connection optimization setting 600000
CAMUNDA_HIKARI_MAX_POOLSIZE Hikari Connection optimization setting 10
CAMUNDA_HIKARI_VALID_TIMEOUT Hikari Connection optimization setting 5000
Camunda System Tuning

Variable name Meaning Possible values Default value
CAMUNDA_JOB_CORE_POOL_SIZE Job-Executor Configuration Properties 10
CAMUNDA_JOB_MAX_POOL_SIZE Job-Executor Configuration Properties 20
CAMUNDA_JOB_QUEUE_SIZE Job-Executor Configuration Properties 10
CAMUNDA_JOB_LOCK_TIME_MILLIS Job-Executor Configuration Properties 300000
CAMUNDA_JOB_MAXJOBS_PER_ACQUISITION Job-Executor Configuration Properties 10
CAMUNDA_JOB_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS Job-Executor Configuration Properties 5000
CAMUNDA_JOB_MAX_WAIT Job-Executor Configuration Properties 60000
CAMUNDA_METRICS_FLAG Job-Executor Configuration Properties false
Camunda Integration variable settings

Variable name Meaning Possible values Default value
WEBSOCKET_SECURITY_ORIGIN 🚩 Camunda task event streaming. Origin setting, for multiple origins you can separate host address using a comma eg:host1, host2 http://{your-ip-address}:3000
WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPE Camunda task event streaming. Message type TASK_EVENT
WEBSOCKET_ENCRYPT_KEY Camunda task event streaming. AES encryption of token giert989jkwrgb@DR55
Modify the file **** (under `forms-flow-bpm/src/main/resources/`). The default settings provided are for the Gmail server, and you need to change the credentials at the bottom of the file. Note that you want to configure your own Gmail setting to allow unsecure apps first. 
Camunda - General variable settings

Variable name Meaning Possible values Default value
APP_SECURITY_ORIGIN CORS setup, for multiple origins you can separate host address using a comma eg:host1, host2 *
CAMUNDA_APP_ROOT_LOG_FLAG Log level setting error
DATA_BUFFER_SIZE Configure a limit on the number of bytes that can be buffered for webclient 2 (In MB)
IDENTITY_PROVIDER_MAX_RESULT_SIZE Maximum result size for Keycloak user queries 250
BPM_CLIENT_CONN_TIMEOUT Webclient Connection timeout in milli seconds 5000

Running the application

  • For Linux,
    • Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-linux.yml up -d to start.
  • For Windows,
    • Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-windows.yml up -d to start.

NOTE: Use --build command with the start command to reflect any future .env / code changes eg : docker-compose -f docker-compose-windows.yml up --build -d

To stop the application

  • For Linux,
    • Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-linux.yml stop to stop.
  • For Windows,
    • Run docker-compose -f docker-compose-windows.yml stop to stop.