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Array Functions

This is a directory with multiple challenges requiring you to recreate some ES5 & ES6 array methods with just a standard for loop. Directions for each challenge is available at the above README link.

Best Restaurant You are given an array of objects describing some restaurants.

  • Each restaurant has a ratings array with reviews on a scale of 1 to 5.
  • Find the restaurant with the best average review score who has at least 5 ratings
  • Return just the name of the best restaurant
  • Ex: given the below array, you would return the string "Orange Joe's Slurmeria" since it has the highest average score for restaurants with more than 5 total ratings
    { name: "Stinky Pete's Pizzeria", ratings: [1, 1.3, 2, 1, 1.5, 2] },
    { name: "Orange Joe's Slurmeria", ratings: [2, 4, 3, 2, 2.5, 2.5] },
    { name: "The Courier's Cantina", ratings: [4, 3, 5] },

Capitalize Words You will be given a string of multiple fully-lowercased words, and you must return a string with the first letter of each word capitalized.

  • Ex: If you are given the string "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", you must return "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet"

Counting Occurences You will be given a string, and must return an object with a breakdown of the frequency each letter was used. You may be more familiar with this structure when called a histogram.

  • Ex: If you are given the string "gabagool", you will return an object { g: 2, a: 2, b: 1, o: 2, l: 1 }

Counting Vowels You will be given a string, and must count the occurrences of vowels within that string.

Decoder Ring (Intermediate) You will be given a string full of unicode characters with similar-appearances (called homoglyphs) to the latin alphabet, and an object with listings of all the possible substitutions. You must return the string with any character substitutions reversed!

  • Ex. decoderRing("ýöú wȯո!") returns "you won!"
  • Ex. decoderRing("frẹė ġíνẹąwáу") returns "free giveaway"

Encoder Ring (Intermediate) With the opposite intent of the previous challenge, you will be given a plain string and the object of homoglyph substitutions, and you must return a string where characters with available substitutes have a random substitute selected.

  • Ex. encoderRing("click here!") returns "ƈḷìċκ һėré!!"
  • Ex. encoderRing("verify your account") returns "νẹrìfý ýòùr áċċȯüոt!"

Fibonacci Series The Fibonacci series is an infinite series where each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. The first two numbers in the series are a given 0 and 1. You are given an integer argument of which digit in the series to calculate to, and must return an array of the numbers.

  • Ex: If you are given 5 as your argument, you must calculate the first 5 digits of the series (with 0 and 1 as the first two), and would end up returning `[0, 1, 1, 2, 3]
  • If you were given 9, you would return [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21]

Finding Sum Pairs You will be given an array of positive integers only, and a target number. You must find out if a combination of any two numbers alone sum up to the target number.

  • With an array of [1, 2, 4] and a target number of 6, you would return true since 2+4=6
  • With an array of [1, 2, 4] and a target number of 7, you would return false since no combination of two numbers matches the target

FizzBuzz You will be given an argument for a stopNum variable. You will create a for loop iterating from 1 to the stopNum, including the stopNum. You will be returning an array of integers and strings.

  • If the number is evenly divisble by 2, push "Cake" into the array.
  • If the number is evenly divisble by 5, push "Pie" into the array.
  • If the number is evenly divisble by BOTH 2 and 5, push "CakeAndPie" into the array.
  • Example return value - if stopNum is 10, the resulting output is:
  • [1, "Cake", 3, "Cake", "Pie", "Cake", 7, "Cake", 9, "CakeAndPie"]

Is-Palindrome will have you take a string, and see if the string is the same reversed as it is normally, returning true or false.

Mirror-Case You will be given a string with mixed uppercase and lowercase letters, and you must return a string where all of the casing is flipped around

  • Example: given an input of "HeLLo wOrLD", you would return "hEllO WoRld"

Reverse-String will give you a string, and have you return the reversed value.

Summing-Array will give you an array of positive integers only, and you must return the sum of all elements in the array.