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This provides the details for setting up a user to run an Ethereum 2 beacon-chain node.

These instructions are tested on Ubuntu 19.10 server with an x64 architecture. Results on other configurations may vary.

Set up an eth2 user

beacon-chain should be run as a dedicated non-root user. To set up the user run the following command as root:

adduser --home /home/eth2 --disabled-password --gecos 'Ethereum 2' eth2
mkdir -p /home/eth2/bin

Build and install the beacon-chain binary

To build the beacon-chain binary follow the instructions at Note the dependencies at need to be installed prior to building the binary.

Once the binary has been built it can be found in the bazel installation in the directory bazel-bin/beacon-chain/linux_amd64_stripped. This file must be copied to /home/eth2/bin, then run the following command as root:

chown -R eth2:eth2 /home/eth2/bin

Set up the eth2-beacon-chain service

Copy the eth2-beacon-chain.service file to the /etc/systemd/system directory. Note that the beacon-chain binary takes a number of options; to change these edit the copied file and alter the arguments as appropriate on the ExecStart line.

To enable eth2-beacon-chain, and enable automatic restarts if the process stops or the server reboots, run the following command as root:

systemctl enable eth2-beacon-chain

The eth2-beacon-chain service should be run as part of the overall eth2 service, however if required it can be started and stopped using systemctl start eth2-beacon-chain and systemctl stop eth2-beacon-chain.

Note that geth should be fully synced before starting the beacon chain, otherwise it will not be able to find the Ethereum 2 deposit contract and so will not start properly.

The status of the beacon chain service can be obtained with:

systemctl status eth2-beacon-chain

The output should be something like this:

● eth-beacon-chain.service - Ethereum 2 Beacon chain
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/eth2-beacon-chain.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2020-01-18 21:01:02 CET; 4s ago
 Main PID: 32660 (beacon-chain)
    Tasks: 21 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 186.6M
   CGroup: /system.slice/eth2-beacon-chain.service
           └─32660 /home/eth2/bin/beacon-chain --web3provider=ws://localhost:8546/ --http-web3provider=http://localhost:8545/

Jan 18 21:01:05 dev beacon-chain[32660]: time="2020-01-18 21:01:05" level=info msg="Starting beacon node" prefix=node version="Prysm
Jan 18 21:01:05 dev beacon-chain[32660]: time="2020-01-18 21:01:05" level=info msg="Starting 8 services: [*p2p.Service *powchain.Ser
Jan 18 21:01:05 dev beacon-chain[32660]: time="2020-01-18 21:01:05" level=info msg="Collecting metrics at endpoint" endpoint=":8080"
Jan 18 21:01:05 dev beacon-chain[32660]: time="2020-01-18 21:01:05" level=info msg="RPC-API listening on port" address="
Jan 18 21:01:05 dev beacon-chain[32660]: time="2020-01-18 21:01:05" level=warning msg="You are using an insecure gRPC connection! Pr
Jan 18 21:01:05 dev beacon-chain[32660]: time="2020-01-18 21:01:05" level=info msg="Connected to eth1 proof-of-work chain" endpoint=
Jan 18 21:01:05 dev beacon-chain[32660]: time="2020-01-18 21:01:05" level=info msg="Starting initial chain sync..." prefix=initial-s
Jan 18 21:01:05 dev beacon-chain[32660]: time="2020-01-18 21:01:05" level=info msg="Waiting for enough suitable peers before syncing
Jan 18 21:01:05 dev beacon-chain[32660]: time="2020-01-18 21:01:05" level=info msg="Blockchain data already exists in DB, initializi
Jan 18 21:01:05 dev beacon-chain[32660]: time="2020-01-18 21:01:05" level=info msg="Node started p2p server" multiAddr="/ip4/148.251

The important thing here is to confirm that the second line (Active) states 'active (running) since...' as this confirms that beacon-chain is running. If it is not the log lines should provide some information as to why it is not running.