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sebb edited this page Jul 26, 2011 · 2 revisions

Questions: Would it be possible to use a session variable for the key? (Or a request variable.)

I do not want to save the :key on the web sever or database at all, but, rather, have it only be memorized by the user and only sent when the user asks for the information. Is attr_encrypted a solution?

Yes, you can set the encryption key as a proc like so:

# your model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessor :key
  attr_encrypted :credit_card, :key => proc { |user| user.key }

# your controller
def some_action
  @user = User.find(params[:id])
  @user.key = params[:key]
  @user.credit_card # returns decrypted credit card number  (if key is correct),
                    # otherwise raises an exception about an invalid key