This is a distributable version of our tomography model SAVANI. ascii_reg_grd_1deg contains a version of savani that is expanded on a 1° by 1° regular grid, ascii_var_grd contains. Please see for the exact definition of the inversion grid.
The columns in each file correspond to:
longitude, latitude, depth[km], param
With depth being the depth of the center of each layer in [km]
and param being either Voigt average dln(v_s)[%] w.r.t. PREM with
v_s = sqrt((2*(v_sv)^2 + (v_sh)^2)/3)
, the anisotropic parameter
or absolute vertical and horizontally polarized
wavespeeds v_sv[m/s]
and v_sh[m/s]
The folder shansyn contains spherical harmonic expansions of dln(v_s) and xi, to be read with Thorsten Beckers spherical harmonic toolbox shansyn:
Savani: a variable-resolution whole-mantle model of anisotropic shear-velocity variations based on multiple datasets, Auer, L., Boschi , L., Becker, T. W., Nissen-Meyer, T. and Giardini, D. J. Geophys. Res., 2014. doi:10.1002/2013JB010773