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NextTrade - Plan your next trade

A system to create, test, optimize, and deploy algorithmic trading strategies.

For a better, faster, cloud-based platform, check out NexusTrade.

NexusTrade is a AI-Powered platform that streamlines the configuration of trading strategies. It's faster, more configurable, and more feature-rich than NextTrade. It features a powerful AI Chat Assistant tool as an entry point to many of its features.

Some improvements include:

  • Enhanced configurability: Can essentially express any trading idea you can imagine
  • AI-Powered Research Tools: Perform in-depth company analysis and compare companies between each other
  • Powerful stock screener: Use natural language to find stocks in over 130 industries and 30+ fundamental indicators

NextTrade Features

  1. Combine conditions to form compound conditions. Combine compound conditions and create trading strategies.
    • Compound Condition — returns true if all conditions are true
    • For example:
      • Condition A: QQQ stock is 1 SD below its 5-day mean price
      • Condition B: Buying power is above $8,000.
      • Condition C: Condition A and condition B
      • Strategy: If condition C, buy $3000 of SPY
  2. Create unlimited portfolios with different combinations of strategies
    • Create unlimited portfolios
  3. Backtest those strategies using historical data.
    • Backtest your portfolio
    • Only stocks are currently supported, but cryptocurrency and options support is baked into the architecture
  4. Optimize the strategy's parameters using a genetic algorithm
    • Optimize your strategy with Genetic Algorithms
    • Choose hyperparameters like mutation rate, training period, validation period, and population size
    • Choose to optimize percent gain, sortino ratio, sharpe ratio, or max drawdown
  5. Deploy the strategies live and see how it performs in real-time
    • Deploy your strategies live with the click of a button

System Architecture and Design

Some architectural artifacts can be found at this link:

Local Installation


  1. Mac, Linux or WSL2 preferred
  2. Tradier Account (with at least a free sandbox token; additional brokers TBD)

Mac Setup

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install MongoDB community edition and enable it.
  3. Install the dependencies: npm run install-all
  4. Make sure all tests pass: cd app && npm t && cd ..
  5. Add your Tradier token to the ./app/env file and rename the file to .env

Linux/WSL2 setup (tested on Ubuntu 20.04)

  1. If needed, install Node.js. NVM Option:
    1. curl -o- | bash
    2. Exit and restart the terminal session.
    3. nvm install --lts
  2. Install MongoDB community edition and enable. For Ubuntu 20.04:
    1. curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    2. echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list
    3. sudo apt update
    4. sudo apt install mongodb-org
    5. Linux/Ubuntu specific:
      1. sudo systemctl status mongod (verify it's running)
      2. sudo systemctl enable mongod (to auto-start at boot)
    6. WSL2 specific:
      1. sudo mkdir -p /data/db
      2. sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db
      3. wget -O
      4. sudo mv ./ /etc/init.d/mongod
      5. sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/mongod
      6. sudo service mongod start
      7. sudo service mongod status (verify it's running)
    7. mongo --eval 'db.runCommand({ connectionStatus: 1 })' (verify it's working)
  3. Clone the NextTrade repository: cd ~ && git clone && cd NextTrade
  4. Install the dependencies: npm run install-all
  5. Copy the sample config file to .env cp ./app/env ./app/.env
  6. Add your Tradier token to the ./app/.env file
  7. Make sure all tests pass: cd app && npm t; cd ..

Turning on the system

Manually managed

Development environment

  1. Open two terminal windows.
  2. In a terminal instance, turn on the client: cd client; npm start
  3. In another terminal instance, turn on the server: cd app; npm start
  4. Once started, load the app: http://localhost:3000

PM2 Managed


  1. npm install pm2@latest -g
  2. cd ~/NextTrade/client && pm2 start npm --name "NextTrade-Client" -- start
  3. cd ~/NextTrade/app && pm2 start npm --name "NextTrade-App" -- start
  4. pm2 save

Running (assuming no other PM2 apps)

  1. To start the client+app: pm2 start all
  2. To stop the client+app: pm2 stop all
  3. Other Useful commands: pm2 status, pm2 logs, pm2 monit See PM2 Quickstart for more.