Multiple caveats over the same indirect subject type on the same relation can result in no permission being returned when permission is expected
For example, given this schema:
definition user {}
caveat somecaveat(somefield int) {
somefield == 42
definition group {
relation member: user
definition resource {
relation viewer: group#member with somecaveat
permission view = folder->view
If the resource has multiple groups, and each group is caveated, it is possible for the returned permission to be "no permission" when permission is expected.
Permission is returned as NO_PERMISSION when PERMISSION is expected on the CheckPermission API.
Do not use caveats or do not use caveats on an indirect subject type with multiple entries
Multiple caveats over the same indirect subject type on the same relation can result in no permission being returned when permission is expected
For example, given this schema:
If the resource has multiple groups, and each group is caveated, it is possible for the returned permission to be "no permission" when permission is expected.
Permission is returned as NO_PERMISSION when PERMISSION is expected on the CheckPermission API.
Do not use caveats or do not use caveats on an indirect subject type with multiple entries