deploy it with your own geth and a customized genesis file and all.
geth implements Clique, a proof-of-authority mechanism to reach consensus. Moreover, a number of accounts a defined to produce new blocks in the chain.
a custom Ethereum testnet contains three components: * a custom [genesis file](/genesis.json * a custom data directory, which we define with
* a customNetworkID
, which we set137
- genesis block explanation
- deployment on gcp and docker
- deployment of geth in gcp + kubernetex
- running a node in ethereum with geth
- geth creation commands
running nodes are responsible for the following tasks:
- store blockchain data,
- participates in block validation (verifying blocks and states),
- serve the network and provides data on request.
interacting with the client:
web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase), "ether")
web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance("2ee8D80de1c389f1254e94bc44D2d1Bc391eD402"), "ether")
- access to several non-standard RPC methods to inspect the contents of the transaction pool containing all the currently pending transactions as well as the ones queued for future processing:
- click a
custom RPC
network and add:
Network Name: "<project name>"
New RPC URL: localhost
Chain ID: 137
- geth commands
- [geth with mev seacher additions, by code0x2)
- graphql server on geth node