- Install Visual Studio 2017
- Use powershell to run
- Open
- Save solution and Build in Debug X64 Configuration Mode
- Switch Configuration Mode to Release X64 mode and then Build
The installer may not load. Please ignore this error or follow the instructions below to install the WIX toolset
- Launch the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017
- Start powershell
- Run the build script:
cd src\Windows
.\dll\build.ps1 -BuildType <Release/Debug>
If you get an error like the script cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system, run
Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass
and accept the changes.
To build the installer Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 and the WIX toolset are required.
- Downlad the WIX Toolset from https://wixtoolset.org/releases/ and install the recommended Toolset
- Install the Wix Toolset Visual Studio Extension. From Visual Studio search for "Wix Toolset Visual Studio Extension"
- Reload the project or re-open
- Run the build script in Release mode
- Run
nuget pack
in the GeneratePackage directory. If you need to bump the version number or any other info, update the *.nuspec file.
If you get an error like "The element 'metadata' in namespace..." Please use a newer version of nuget.exe