JDateTime is a lightweight Android library for seamless date and time operations, offering compatibility with both modern and legacy API levels. It simplifies formatting, calculations, and conversions while supporting leap year checks, day/month names, and more.
This library uses both Android's LocalDateTime
and Calendar
APIs. The LocalDateTime API is supported on devices running Oreo (API 26) or higher. Logical handling is in place to detect the device's API level and use the appropriate API accordingly. Some methods work with both APIs, while others have alternative implementations for different versions. If you experience any crashes, please refer to the method descriptions for clarification.
First, add the following dependency to settings.gradle.kts file
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") }
Later, add this implementation build.gradle.kts (Module:app)
dependencies {
TOML usage
dependencies {
jdatetime = "latest_version"
jdatetime = { module = "com.github.avcialper:jdatetime", version.ref = "jdatetime" }
Name | Description | Return |
instance | Gets the instance of JDateTime. | JDateTime |
isDeviceEqualOrHigherO | Determines if the device's API level is Android 8 (API 26) or higher | Boolean |
date | Current date as a string in the format dd.MM.yyyy . |
String |
time | Current time as a string in the format HH:mm:ss . |
String |
year | Current year | Int |
month | Current month (0 for January to 11 for December) | Int |
dayOfMonth | Current day of the month, starting from 1 |
Int |
hour | Current hour of the day | Int |
minute | Current minute | Int |
second | Current seocond | Int |
epochDay | Number of days since January 1, 1970 . |
Long |
timeInSecond | Time of day in a second, from 0 to 24 * 60 * 60 - 1 . |
Int |
dayOfWeek | Current day of the week (0 for Monday to 6 for Sunday) | Int |
dayOfYear | Current day of the year, starting from 1 |
Int |
dayName | Current day name as JDay enum |
JDay |
weekOfMonth | Week of the month | Int |
weekOfYear | Week of the year | Int |
monthName | Month name as JMonth enum |
JMonth |
isLeapYear | True if the current year is a leap year | Boolean |
Name | Description | Params | Return |
getAllDaysOfMonth | Returns all days of the month as a list of JDayOfMonth |
year - desired year month - month of the year (0 for January to 11 for December) |
List<JDayOfMonth> |
Equal or higher than API 26 format |
Formats the current date using a DateTimeFormatter |
formatter - DateTimeFormatter instance |
String |
Lower than API 26 format |
Formats the current date using a SimpleDateFormatter |
formatter - SimpleDateFormatter instance |
String |
Equal or higher than API 26 formatDate |
Formats a given date using a DateTimeFormatter |
formatter - DateTimeFormatter instance date - LocalDate instance |
String |
Lower than API 26 formatDate |
Formats a given date using a SimpleDateFormatter |
formatter - SimpleDateFormatter instance date - Calendar instance |
String |
Equal or higher than API 26 formatTime |
Formats the current time using a DateTimeFormatter |
formatter - DateTimeFormatter instance |
String |
Lower than API 26 formatTime |
Formats the current time using a SimpleDateFormatter |
formatter - SimpleDateFormatter instance |
String |
Equal or higher than API 26 findDateDifference |
Calculates the difference between two dates using LocalDate |
fromDate - start date toDate - end date |
JDateDifference |
Lower than API 26 findDateDifference |
Calculates the difference between two dates using Calendar |
fromDate - start date toDate - end date |
JDateDifference |
Equal or higher than API 26 findDayDifference |
Calculates the day difference between two dates using LocalDate . |
fromDate - start date toDate - end date |
Int |
Lower than API 26 findDayDifference |
Calculates the day difference between two dates using Calendar |
fromDate - start date toDate - end date |
Int |
lengthOfMonth | Returns the length of a given month | year - year of the month month - month (0 for January to 11 for December) |
Int |
findEpochDay | Calculates the epoch day of a given date | year - year of the date month - month (0 for January to 11 for December) dayOfMonth - day of the month (1 - 31) |
Long |
findDayOfWeek | Determines the day of the week for a given date | year - year of the date month - month (0 for January to 11 for December) dayOfMonth - day of the month (1 - 31) |
Int |
findDayOfYear | Determines the day of the year for a given date | year - year of the date month - month (0 for January to 11 for December) dayOfMonth - day of the month (1 - 31) |
Int |
findDayName | Determines the day name of a given date as JDay |
year - year of the date month - month (0 for January to 11 for December) dayOfMonth - day of the month (1 - 31) |
JDay |
findTimeInMinute | Converts a given time to total minutes | hour - hour component of the time minute - minute component of the time |
Int |
isLeapYear | Determines if a given year is a leap year | year - year to checked |
Boolean |