This is a SwiftUI-based movie app that follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture. The app integrates Firebase Authentication for Single Sign-On (SSO) and utilizes Firebase Database to store user details and watchlist data. Additionally, it fetches movie data from The Movie Database (TMDB) API.
Get started with the TMDB API
- Dark Mode: The app supports Dark Mode and light mode.
- Trending Movies: Explore trending movies based on today and this week for the latest and most popular content.
- Top Rated Movies: Discover top-rated movies.
- Movies by Genres: Browse movies categorized by genres, allowing users to find content based on their preferences.
- Movie Details View:
- Add to Watchlist: Save movies to your watchlist for later viewing.
- Movie Overview: Get a detailed overview of each movie.
- Movie Trailer: Watch trailers directly within the app.
- Cast Information: Explore the cast details of each movie.
- Search Movies: Utilize a search feature to find movies quickly based on the titles.
- Watchlist: Manage your watchlist by adding or removing movies.
- Profile View: View the user profiles and the log out option.
iOS version: 17.0
- Xcode: Ensure you have Xcode installed on your development machine.
- Firebase Account: Create a Firebase project and set up Firebase Authentication and Database.
- TMDB API Read Access Token: Obtain an API Read Access Token from TMDB to access their movie data.
Clone the repository
git clone
Configure Firebase
- Add your Firebase configuration plist file to the project.
- Update the Firebase settings in the app accordingly.
Configure TMDB API Read Access Token
Add YouTubePlayerKit Package:
- The app uses the YouTubePlayerKit package for displaying YouTube videos. Ensure that you have integrated this package into your project.
Build and run the app in Xcode.