npm install react-droparea
React = require 'react'
{div} = React.DOM
Dragarea = React.createFactory(require '../index')
App = React.createClass
_onDrop: (file) ->
console.log file
_onRootDrop: ->
console.log 'root'
render: ->
div null,
onDrop: @_onRootDrop,
for item in [1..10]
className: 'droparea-item'
key: item
onDrop: @_onDrop,
div 'Totally placeholder 1'
div 'Totally placeholder 2'
div 'Totally placeholder 3'
React.render(React.createElement(App), document.getElementById('app'))
You can fiddle with prepared demo. Clone the repo, npm install
and npm start
Then visit localhost:3000
disableClick: React.PropTypes.bool
onDragEnter: React.PropTypes.func
onDragEnterStopPropagation: React.PropTypes.bool
onDragLeave: React.PropTypes.func
onDragLeaveStopPropagation: React.PropTypes.bool
onDrop: React.PropTypes.func
onDropStopPropagation: React.PropTypes.bool
dropEffect: React.PropTypes.string
className: React.PropTypes.string
activeClassName: React.PropTypes.string
multiple: React.PropTypes.bool
supportedFormats: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.string)
This library is inspired by react-dropzone by Param Aggarwal.