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- Women in Tech
- TensorFlow
- Manifesto for Agile Software Development
- Martin Fowler's website
- Understanding the Agile methodology
- Agile ceremonies
- Agile user stories
- What is Android
- Android 10
- Android Open Source Project
- Getting Started and be an Android Developer
- Introduction
- Build your first app
- Whats New? AndroidX
- Migrate to AndroidX
- Official Angular Quickstart
- Angular's Source Code Maintained by Google
- Angular Console A nifty UI for the Angular CLI
- Angular Material Angular implementation of Google's Material design
- Sample Angular Starter App
- John Papa's Blog
- Angular2+ Version Upgrade Guide
- AngularJS to Angular2+ Migration Guide
- Angular in Depth
- Ask TOM
- Oracle APEX Community
- APEX World
- Oracle LiveSQL
- APEX Office Hours
- Maxime Tremblay's Blog
- Explorer UK
- Talk APEX
- Joel Kallman's Blog
- Oracle APEX Website
- Marksheet.io
- Mozilla Developer Network
- Codrops CSS Reference
- W3Schools
- CSS Tricks
- 10 great CSS animation resources
- Chen's Blog
- Smashing Magazine
- 30 Sec of CSS
- CSS Reference
- CSS Grid by Wes Bos
- CSS Flexbox by Wes Bos
- Alligator.IO CSS Page
- CSS Images
- Learn CSS Layouts
- Learn HTML & CSS
- Flexbox Froggy
- CSS Grid
- CSS Flexbox - freeCodeCamp
- CSS Grid - freeCodeCamp
- CSS Testing - QuirksMode.org
- Flexbox Froggy
- CSS Diner
- Pure CSS Loaders
- Udacity Introduction to Computer Vision
- A Gentle Introduction to Computer Vision
- Coursera Computer Vision Basics
- PyImageSearch Blog
- DataCamp
- New Coder
- Data Analysis in Python with Pandas
- The Quartz Guide to Bad data
- Analytics Vidhya
- Alison
- Automate the boring stuff with Python
- Deep Learning Specialization (instructor : Andrew Ng) on Coursera
- Udacity Intro to Tensorflow for Deep Learning
- Udacity Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch
- Adebiyi Adedotun
- Alistapart
- Assortment.io
- Ayo Isaiah
- Backticks & Tildes
- bitsofcode
- catlin.red
- Creative Bloq
- David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH)
- David Walsh
- Flavio Copes
- Gift Egwuenu
- Jake Archibald
- Harry Cresswell
- Mark Dotto Blog
- Martin Fowler
- Raymond Camden
- Shay Howe
- Tania Rascia
- Todd Motto
- Zell's Blog
- Dan Abramov Blog
- Web Development Reading List
- Developer Roadmap
- CodeWall
- My #100DaysofCode Experience — The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- Advice From A 19 Year Old Girl & Software Developer
- Becoming an intermediate developer, keeping up with the Wars
- How to relocate to Germany: IT Specialists sharing their experience
- Introduction to Flutter Development Using Dart
- Flutter Course - Full Tutorial for Beginners
- Flutter: Learning Resources for Beginners
- Flutter Tutorial by The Net Ninja
- Example Flutter theme
- Example Flutter UI
- Flask Official Documentation
- Flask Tutorial
- Python Flask Tutorials
- The Flask Mega Tutorial by Miguel Grinberg
- The official github guides
- GitHub Training
- Git and GitHub by freecodecamp.org
- Get to know Git by scotch.io (Premium content)
- Git and GitHub for beginners (Traversy Media)
- Git and GitHub commands (a list)
- A Tour of Go
- Go by Example
- Learn Go in Y minutes
- Go Crash Course
- Go for Javascript Developers
- Golang Tutorials
- What is GraphQL?
- Intro to GraphQL
- GraphQL Explained
- GraphQL vs REST overview
- From REST to GraphQL
- Authorization in GraphQL
- Authentication and Authorization in GraphQL
- HowToGraphQL
- GraphQL with React Tutorial
- awesome-infosec
- SecLists
- OWASP Top 10
- Beggining with Reverse Engineering
- CTF field guide
- Metasploit unleashed
- Infosec Institute
- FreeCodeCamp
- The Odin Project
- Fun Fun Function
- The Coding Train
- CodeSchool
- Egghead
- Ally.io
- How to code in JavaScript Digital Ocean
- Codeburst.io
- Hackernoon
- JavaScript in 14 minutes
- Scotch.io
- ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points
- Setup Continuous Integration with Travis CI in Your Nodejs App
- Javascript 30 by Wes Bos
- ES6 for Everyone by Wes Bos
- Alligator.io Javascript page
- JavaScript.info
- Object Oriented JavaScript
- Learn X in Y minutes: JavaScript
- CSX Structured JavaScript Learning Journey - Codesmith
- Dev.to JavaScript
- JavaScript Garden
- Codecademy: Introduction to JavaScript
- Eloquent JavaScript
- Mozilla's JavaScript Guide
- JavaScript for Cats
- Beginner JavaScript by Wes Bos
- Kotlin Coding Puzzles Set of programming challenges thats helps to improve whiteboard coding and problem-solving skills.
- Kotlin by Reddit
- Kotlin Academy
- Kotlin by Hackr.io
- Kotlin for Android
- Programming Kotlin
- Fast.ai
- Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning course
- Kaggle
- Topal
- MonkeyLearn
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R
- Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch
- Malware Analyst's Cookbook and DVD: Tools and Techniques for Fighting Malicious Code
- Practical Malware Analysis
- Exploit writing Tutorial
- Shell code database
- Learn Markdown in Y minutes
- Markdown Tutorial
- Markdown lessons
- Mastering Markdown
- Markdown Cheat Sheet
- Make a README
- Learn Node by Wes Bos
- Alligator.IO Node Page
- The Art of Node
- You don't know Node.js
- The Node Way
- Teach Yourself Node.js In Ten Steps
- Learn the Node.js Runtime Itself
- Microsoft Node.js Guidelines
- Offline Installation of npm Packages
- Using npm as a build tool
- How to Get Node.js Logging Right
- Node.js Testing with Jest
- Node.js Testing with Mocha
- Error Handling in Node.js
- Error Handling Best Practices in Node.js
- Node.js Security Checklist
- 13 Best Practices for Node.js Security
- Node.js Production Checklist
- Debugging Node.js Apps in Production
- Node.js Performance Tips
- Measuring HTTP Timings with Node.js
- Advanced Node.js(videos)
- Node.js Interview Questions and Answers
- Tutorialspoint
- A Roadmap for Node.js Security
- Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
- Awesome Node.JS (A-Z) Youtube Lecture
- Nodejs.dev
- 7 days challenge
- The right way
- In site learn
- Complete macos PHP setup
- Laravel framework
- Laracasts
- PHP Tutorial
- Behind the Tech
- CodeNewbie
- Syntax
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- The Freecodecamp Podcast
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- Rework
- Darknet Diaries
- Developer Tea
- ForLoop Pod
- Soft Skills Engineering
- Free Code Camp
- Full Stack Radio
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- Front End Happy Hour
- Laravel Podcast
- Laracast Snippet
- Pursuit Podcast
- Battle Tactics for Your Sexist Workplace
- Women in Tech
- Masters Of Scale
- Shop talk show
- Hanselminutes- Fresh Tech Talk from Fresh Faces
- This Week In Tech
- JS Party
- My Life As A Software Engineer
- The Cynical Developer
- The Complete Guide to Progressive Web Apps
- A Beginner's Guide to Service Workers
- Progressive Web Application Codelab
- 4 important points to know about Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
- PWA (Progressive Web App) Tutorial
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
- Think Python 2nd Edition
- Python Tips
- Inside The Python Virtual Machine
- CodingBat - Python
- Python for Fun
- A Byte of Python
- Learn Python 3 By Code Academy
- React for Beginners by Wes Bos
- Learn React
- The React BootCamp
- Fullstack Advanced React and GraphQL by Wes Bos
- Alligator.IO React Page
- Egghead.io
- Frontend Masters
- Roadmap to becoming a React developer
- fullstackreact
- The Road to learn React
- React Fundamentals by Tyler Mcginnis
- Hooks Guide
- Overreacted by Dan Abramov
- React & Firebase
- React Hooks & Context Tutorial
- React & Redux Complete Tutorial
- React Tutorials by React Community
- Pure React
- React Handbook
- React Enlightenment
- React Hooks in Action
- InstaMobile Blog
- BootDey React Native Snippets
- Awesome React Native
- UI Libraries
- The State Of React Native
- Official Rails Website
- David Heinemeier Hansson
- GoRails
- Rails Screen Casts
- Agile Web Development with Rails 5
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Web Development with Rails
- Serverless
- The Power of Serverless
- Awesome Serverless
- A Cloud Guru
- AWS Fundamentals: Building Serverless Applications
- DynamoDB Book
- The Serverless Handbook
- 100 Tips to Becoming a better Developer
- Super Cool Illustrations
- A coder's guide to APIs
- Why Coding Style Matters
- Google Styleguide
- Github Styleguide
- Want To Become A Multi-Millionaire? Do These 15 Things Immediately.
- Interruption is Not Collaboration
- Emoji Cheat Sheet
- UiGradient
- FlatUIColor Picker
- The Stocks
- Front-End Developer Handbook 2018
- Everything about Static Web Applications
- Array Explorer
- Object Explorer
- Create VSCode Theme Extension
- 30 Seconds of Interviews
- Andela Learning Digest
- DevTube
- Make Front-End Shit Again
- Learn algorithms from Tushar Roy for jobs
- Refactoring, write awesome code
- Remove Background from Images
- Creative Coding Experiments Blog
- CanIUse
- Clean Code JavaScript
- Cool Tech Confrence Talks
- Svelte and Sapper in Action (Book)
- The Svelte Handbook (Book)
- Web Development Simplified with Svelte
- Rethinking Reactivity
- The Return of 'Write Less, Do More'
- Simplify Web App Development with Svelte
- iOS and Swift for Beginners
- The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp
- Become an iOS Developer
- How to learn Swift programming for free in 2020
- Typescript Deep Dive (Book)
- Typescript Wiki
- Typescript Handbook
- Complete Typing Guide
- Starter Template for Typescript and Node.js
- Typescript Debugging in VSCode
- Using Jest for Typescript Testing
- Typescript Exercises
- Egghead.io
- Front End Masters
- Routing and Route Protection in Server-Rendered Vue Apps Using Nuxt.js
- Guide to Learning Vue
- Made with Vue.js
- Awesome Vue
- 4 Awesome Things You Can Do with the Vue.js CLI
- Vue.js Cookbook
- From Zero to Hero with Vue - But first, why Vue?
- Vue Mastery - Multiple Free Classes
- Laravel Cast - Learn Vue 2 Step by Step
- Vue Cheatsheet