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File metadata and controls

154 lines (98 loc) · 5.01 KB


Those are bare-bones methods which are responsible for taking care of the routine, error handling and types casting.

They are used by the services internally and provided as a part of the public API for very specific use cases.

Usually, you do not want to use those directly.

Though, you might find useful a batch method which makes a series of Bitrix REST operation with only a few requests.


A generic method for executing any supported Bitrix method.

Payload type will be resolved based on the Methods map.

import Bitrix, { Method } from '@2bad/bitrix'

// ...init client..., { ID: '77' }) // returns GetPayload<Deal>, {
  fields: { TITLE: 'New deal' },
  params: { REGISTER_SONET_EVENT: 'Y' }
}) // returns GetPayload<number>, {
  id: 77,
  fields: { TITLE: 'New deal title' }
}) // returns GetPayload<boolean>, {}) // returns ListPayload<Deal>
bitrix.getList<Deal>(Method.LIST_DEALS, { start: 774 }) // returns ListPayload<Deal>

In rare cases you might want to invoke not yet supported by this library method. Use casting and any as an escape hatch:'' as any, { newParam: true } as any)
  .then((payload) => payload as GetPayload<NewPayload>)


  • method: Method — any Bitrix method. Be sure to use Method enum here.
  • params: MethodParams<M> — params to be passed with an API request.


  • Error — a Got error, when an error received as a response
  • Error — when payload contains result.error property.
  • Error — when payload contains result.result.result_error property.


Promise<MethodPayload<M>> — a resolved payload type.


A compound method for executing any Bitrix method which involves retrieval of the list. Usually, those contain list word in the method, like

Retrieves all entries ("pages") by executing the necessary amount of batch requests with specified Bitrix method.

Payload type will be resolved based on the Methods map.

import Bitrix, { Method, Deal } from '@2bad/bitrix'

// ...init client...

bitrix.list(Method.LIST_DEALS, { start: 774 })


  • method: ListableMethod — any method that retrieves multiple entries, like Be sure to use Method enum here.

    The method will disallow to specify any Bitrix method which returns non-list payload. However, if you need to use something new or unsupported, consult Bitrix REST API documentation to figure out does Bitrix method in question returns payload of type ListPayload<P>.

  • params: MethodParams<M> — params to be passed with an API request, like start, select, filter or order.


  • Error — a Got error, when an error received as a response
  • Error — when payload contains result.error property.




Executes a series of Bitrix methods within as few as possible requests (using /batch Bitrix API endpoint).

If the amount of commands exceeds max allowed by the Bitrix API commands per batch (50 per batch), they will be chunked into standalone request and merged upon completion.

Payload type will be resolved based on the Methods map.

import Bitrix, { Method, Deal } from '@2bad/bitrix'

// ...init client...

// With an `const` of named commands
 deals: { method. Method.LIST_DEALS, params: {} },
 deal: { method. Method.GET_DEAL, params: { ID: '77' } }
} as const) // returns { deals: ListPayload<Deal>, deal: Deal }

// With an `const` of array of commands
 { method. Method.LIST_DEALS, params: {} },
 { method. Method.GET_DEAL, params: { ID: '77' } }
 ] as const) // returns [ListPayload<Deal>, Deal]

// With an array of commands
 { method. Method.LIST_DEALS, params: {} },
 { method. Method.GET_DEAL, params: { ID: '77' } }
 ]) // ReadonlyArray<ListPayload<Deal> | Deal>


  • commands: Commands — an array of commands to execute, or an object of commands, like so:

     const arrayOfCommands = [
       { method: Method.GET_DEAL },
       { method: Method.GET_LEAD }
     ] as const
     const namedCommands = {
       one: { method: Method.GET_DEAL },
       two: { method: Method.GET_LEAD }
      } as const

    The payload will depend on that format. In case of an array of commands, it will be of type P[], and in case of the named commands, an object of similar shape will be returned.

    It is highly advised to use commands with as const, as it will provide more accurate payload type.

  • commandsPerRequest: number = MAX_COMMANDS_PER_BATCH — how much commands to cramp into the single request. Usually, it shouldn't be changed. The default value is 50, a max allowed by the Bitrix API.


  • Error — a Got error, when an error received as a response
  • Error — when any payload contains errors in the result.result_error property.

