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Tensorflow MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy test case

MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy in TensorFlow is a strategy designed for synchronous training across multiple workers, typically in a multi-node setup. This strategy is a part of TensorFlow's distributed training API. Consult the official Tensorflow documention for more information.

This project contains:

  • AWS optimized tensorflow container image.
  • Slurm scripts for the distributed training.

1. Preparation

This guide assumes that you have the following:

  • A functional Slurm cluster on AWS.
  • Docker, Pyxis and Enroot installed.
  • An FSx for Lustre filesystem mounted on /fsx.

We recommend that you setup a Slurm cluster using the templates in the architectures directory. Before creating the Slurm cluster, you need to setup the following environment variables:

export APPS_PATH=/apps
export ENROOT_IMAGE=$APPS_PATH/tensorflow.sqsh
export FSX_PATH=/fsx
export DATA_PATH=$FSX_PATH/mnist
export TEST_CASE_PATH=${HOME}/7.tensorflow-distributed  # where you copy the test case or set to your test case path

then follow the detailed instructions here.

2. Build the container

Before running training jobs, you need to use an Enroot container to retrieve and preprocess the input data. Below are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Copy the test case files to your cluster. You will need 0.tensorflow.Dockerfile,

  2. Build the Docker image with the command below in this directory.

    docker build -t tensorflow -f 0.tensorflow.Dockerfile .
  3. Once the Docker image is built, you can check if it is present with docker images. You should see an output similar to this one:

    REPOSITORY         TAG                                  IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
    tensorflow         latest                               a94ca0003efb   23 minutes ago   15.3GB
  4. Convert the Docker image to a squash file with the command below.

    enroot import -o ${ENROOT_IMAGE} dockerd://tensorflow:latest

    The file will be stored in the /apps directory (default). The output should look as below.

    [INFO] Fetching image
    [INFO] Extracting image content...
    [INFO] Creating squashfs filesystem...
    Parallel mksquashfs: Using 32 processors
    Creating 4.0 filesystem on /apps/llm-foundry.sqsh, block size 131072.
    [========================================================================================================================================================================================================================-] 291068/291068 100%
    Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072
            uncompressed data, uncompressed metadata, uncompressed fragments, uncompressed xattrs
            duplicates are not removed

It will take around 5 minutes to convert the container image from Docker to the Enroot format. Once done proceed to the next stage.

For ease of testing we've included a Makefile that automatically builds and imports the latest image. To run this, execute make or you can individually specify make build to build the Docker image, make clean to remove the squash file and make import to import the Dockerfile into enroot squash file.

3. Run the train job

Here, we will conduct simple NN against mnist dataset.

  1. Run a training job by submitting script to Slurm via sbatch as shown below.

  2. When the training job completes successfully, it should produce a log output similar to the below in the logs/ directory of $TEST_CASE_PATH

    56/70 [=======================>......] - ETA: 1s - loss: 4.0206 - accuracy: 1.0957
    62/70 [=========================>....] - ETA: 0s - loss: 4.0104 - accuracy: 1.1046
    62/70 [=========================>....] - ETA: 0s - loss: 4.0104 - accuracy: 1.1046
    69/70 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 3.9982 - accuracy: 1.1101
    69/70 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 3.9982 - accuracy: 1.1101
    70/70 [==============================] - 6s 82ms/step - loss: 1.9969 - accuracy: 0.5576
    70/70 [==============================] - 6s 82ms/step - loss: 1.9969 - accuracy: 0.5576

4. Authors / Reviewers

  • [A] Keita Watanabe - mlkeita@
  • [R] Pierre-Yves Aquilanti - pierreya@