The first Method generates C-Style Shellcode,injects it into memory and executes it using Python,the meterpreter session is handled through an https like connection.
- It generates a SSL Certificate to handle the Meterpreter Session between the victim and the attacker,many Antivirus Companies still haven't utilised SSL interception/termination,so it aids on bypassing antivirus software.
- Then it generates C-style shellcode using Metasploit-Framework's msfvenom.It will be XOR encoded multiple times using Metasploit's preincluded xor encoders,this helps defeat file-signing detection that is being used by antivirus software.
- It uses a python script that after it will be executed it will inject the C-style shellcode into memory.
- After it uses PyInstaller in Wine to make the .py an executable (.exe) it will setup a listener on msfconsole,so when our victim executes our Trojan Horse it will handle our meterpreter session.