Inno setup for Windows, Appimage for Linux
We don't only want zip for multiple images, but also for multiple size or format ( = multiple images also) -
Find a solution to don't have 109239082398232 line of error.log (maybe create error.log) -
Problem with PHP Timeout set to 30s
Catch error file for single image too -
Instead of output-768.jpg, I thinks its better to keep the original image name -
Find also all "set_timeout" parameters, to set it to infinite
Add favicon
Actual PHP Warning/Error have to be save in error.log file
Add code to check ifupload_max_filesize
are set to infinite. -
[x] Resize by width or height -> only added in HTML, handle it in JavaScript and PHP. -
Make drag and drop files possible.
Make "add picture's" btn focusable
Issues : When add a lot of images and PHP script abort, resetForm don't remove images in the DOM (or maybe its CSS class ?)
? Can't reproduce this bug ? -> Its when we have red error message
Sometime, the window "move" when the text take two line instead of one. -
Play text animation on resize info to each new text -
Rework animation of error message : do the same animation of information text on resize image (remove absolute position) -
We have to check if input file is correct image, before update thumbnail. If we add, for example, pdf, we have an empty square -
Refacto imgUpdateContainer js function (so ugly) -
If we have error, like empty form because too much files, in front we see "Done" message, we have to display error. -
If we first resize img, not download but reload the page, then download, we don't have thumbnailbut we can resize. If we resize, we have a display bug with "add picture's" btn + success message.Maybe we can empty form on reload ? I have to find a solution to reset only input file. -
After resize, we have to flush input files -
If we change form after download, it does not reset imgContainer -
Sometime, the image is not on the same order between PHP file and imgContainer -
Thumbnails are not deleted in the same order than PHP files -
Sometime, width is not checked. See that, and by default in PHP api, check it.-
Note : checked by default OK. Now see PHP API
When we resize image, make all checkbox and radio disable