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ARM Mali Performance Counters




ALU - arithmetic unit in the execution engine, contains pipes: FMA, CVT, SFU, MSG.
AXI bus, ExtBus - interface between L2 slice and external memory (RAM).
Binning phase - includes vertex position shading, culling, and primitive binning.
Back-end - queue which placed after Execution core, only fragment queue has backend.
JM - Job Manager, frontend type before Valhall gen3
CSF - Command Stream Front-end, added to Valhall gen3.
CS - Command stream + number.
CEU - ?
DVFS - Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling.
Diverged instructions - in 'false' branch.
E/L ZS - early/late depth stencil test.
EC - Execution Core.
FPK - Forward Pixel Kill.
Front-end - queue which placed before Execution core, can be NonFragFrontend / FragFrontend.
Fragment Task - region of 32x32 px for Valhall, 64x64 px for 5th Gen.
IRQ - Interrupt Queue.
Job - GPU command, executed on Job Manager, it tracks inter-job dependencies, distributes jobs across shader cores, splits jobs into per-core tasks.
Load/store unit (LS, LSU) - used for general-purpose memory accesses, and includes vertex attribute access, buffer access, work group shared memory access, and stack access, also implements imageLoad/Store and atomic access functionality. (The load/store pipeline handles all non-texture memory access, including buffer access, image access, and atomic operations.)
MCU - GPU command stream microcontroller.
MMU or SMMU - Memory management unit.
Main phase - includes any deferred vertex processing and all fragment shading.
PE - Processing Engine.
Quad - 2x2 pixels
RTU - Ray Tracing Unit.
SCBus - Bus between L2 cache and LSU, texture unit, front-end unit, tile unit.
Task - part of job, executed on core.
Tiler - responsible for coordinating geometry processing and providing the fixed-function tiling needed for the tile-based rendering pipeline. It can run in parallel to vertex shading and fragment shading.
TLB - Translation Look-aside Buffer ?
Varying unit (V) - The varying pipeline is a dedicated pipeline which implements the varying interpolator.
Vertex position shading - part of vertex shader which outputs only vertex position.
Vertex Task - contain multiple of 4 vertices.
Warp - group of 4-16 threads.

Execution core / Processing unit / ALU:

  • FMA pipe - Arithmetic fused multiply accumulate unit (FMA). The FMA pipelines are the main arithmetic pipelines, implementing the floating-point multipliers that are widely used in shader code. Each FMA pipeline implements a 16-wide warp, and can issue a single 32-bit operation or two 16-bit operations per thread and per clock cycle. Most programs that are arithmetic-limited are limited by the performance of the FMA pipeline.
  • CVT pipe - Arithmetic convert unit (CVT). The CVT pipelines implement simple operations, such as format conversion and integer addition. Each CVT pipeline implements a 16-wide warp, and can issue a single 32-bit operation or two 16-bit operations per thread and per clock cycle.
  • SFU pipe - Arithmetic special functions unit (SFU). The SFU pipelines implement a special functions unit for computation of complex functions such as reciprocals and transcendental functions. Each SFU pipeline implements a 4-wide issue path, executing a 16-wide warp over 4 clock cycles.
  • MSG pipe - memory access ?


Vulkan adds implicit barriers when used timestamps, it prevent commands to overlap and can not be used to measure small tasks. Only large passes or group of passes can execute without influence of time measurements.

Mali T830

GPU family:       Midgard
Product Id:       T830
AXI bus width:    128 bits
Num cores:        1
Exec engines:     2
L2 slices * size: 64 KiB (1 * 64 KiB)
Tile size:        16x16 px
Warp width:       16 threads
counter description units comments
GPUCyPerPix Average cycles per pixel cycles
GPUPix Pixels pixels
LSUtil Load/store unit utilization percent
TexIssueCy Texture unit issue cycles cycles
TexUtil Texture unit utilization percent
TexCPI Texture filtering cycles per instruction cycles
TexSample Texture samples requests
ALUUtil Arithmetic unit utilization percent
CoreUtil Execution core utilization percent
FragTileKillRate Unchanged tile kill percentage percent
FragOverdraw Fragments per pixel threads
FragLZSKillRate Late ZS killed thread percentage percent
FragLZSTestRate Late ZS tested thread percentage percent
FragEZSKillRate Early ZS killed quad percentage percent
FragEZSTestRate Early ZS tested quad percentage percent
FragHelpTdRate Helper thread percentage percent
FragThroughputCy Average cycles per fragment thread cycles
FragUtil Fragment utilization percent
NonFragThroughputCy Average cycles per non-fragment thread cycles
NonFragUtil Non-fragment utilization percent
GeomZPlaneCullRate Z plane test cull percentage percent
GeomFaceXYPlaneCullRate Facing or XY plane test cull percentage percent
GeomTotalCullPrim Culled primitives primitives
GeomVisibleRate Visible primitive percentage percent
GeomTotalPrim Total input primitives primitives
TilerUtil Tiler utilization percent
ExtBusWrStallRate Output external write stall percentage percent
ExtBusRdStallRate Output external read stall percentage percent
ExtBusWrBy Output external write bytes bytes
ExtBusRdBy Output external read bytes bytes
NonFragQueueUtil Non-fragment queue utilization percent
FragQueueUtil Fragment queue utilization percent
GPUIRQUtil Interrupt pending utilization percent
TilerActiveCy Tiler active cycles cycles
GeomZPlaneCullPrim Z plane culled primitives primitives
GeomFaceXYPlaneCullPrim Facing or XY plane test culled primitives primitives
GeomVisiblePrim Visible primitives primitives
GeomBackFacePrim Visible back-facing primitives primitives
GeomFrontFacePrim Visible front-facing primitives primitives
GeomLinePrim Line primitives primitives
GeomPointPrim Point primitives primitives
GeomTrianglePrim Triangle primitives primitives
LSWrHitCy Load/store unit write hits requests
LSRdCy Load/store unit read issues cycles
LSRdHitCy Load/store unit read hits requests
TexFiltIssueCy Texture filtering cycles cycles
TexInstr Texture instructions requests
LSIssueCy Load/store unit issue cycles cycles
EngInstr Executed instructions instructions
CoreActiveCy Execution core active cycles cycles
NonFragThread Non-fragment threads threads
NonFragActiveCy Non-fragment active cycles cycles
FragTileKill Killed unchanged tiles tiles
FragTile Tiles tiles
FragLZSKillTd Late ZS killed threads threads
FragLZSTestTd Late ZS tested threads threads
FragEZSKillQd Early ZS killed quads quads
FragEZSTestQd Early ZS tested quads quads
FragRastQd Rasterized fine quads quads
FragHelpThread Fragment helper threads threads
FragThread Fragment threads threads
FragRdPrim Fragment primitives loaded primitives
FragActiveCy Fragment active cycles cycles
ExtBusWrStallCy Output external write stall cycles cycles
ExtBusRdStallCy Output external read stall cycles cycles
L2CacheRdLookup Read lookup requests requests
L2CacheLookup Any lookup requests requests
ExtBusRdBt Output external read beats beats
ExtBusWrBt Output external write beats beats
MMULookup MMU lookup requests requests
MMUL2Rd MMU L2 table read requests requests
MMUL2Hit MMU L2 lookup TLB hits requests
ResQueueWaitFinishCy Reserved queue job finish wait cycles cycles
ResQueueWaitDepCy Reserved queue job dependency wait cycles cycles
ResQueueWaitIssueCy Reserved queue job issue wait cycles cycles
ResQueueWaitRdCy Reserved queue job descriptor read wait cycles cycles
NonFragQueueWaitFinishCy Non-fragment queue job finish wait cycles cycles
NonFragQueueWaitDepCy Non-fragment queue job dependency wait cycles cycles
NonFragQueueWaitIssueCy Non-fragment queue job issue wait cycles cycles
NonFragQueueWaitRdCy Non-fragment queue job descriptor read wait cycles cycles
NonFragQueueActiveCy Non-fragment queue active cycles cycles
NonFragQueueTask Non-fragment tasks tasks
NonFragQueueJob Non-fragment jobs jobs
FragFPKBUtil Fragment FPK buffer utilization percent
FragQueueActiveCy Fragment queue active cycles cycles
FragQueueWaitFinishCy Fragment queue job finish wait cycles cycles
FragQueueTask Fragment tasks tasks
ResQueueActiveCy Reserved active cycles cycles
FragQueueWaitDepCy Fragment queue job dependency wait cycles cycles
FragQueueJob Fragment jobs jobs
ResQueueTask Reserved queue tasks tasks
FragQueueWaitIssueCy Fragment queue job issue wait cycles cycles
FragFPKActiveCy Forward pixel kill buffer active cycles cycles
LSAtomic Load/store unit atomic issues cycles
GPUIRQActiveCy GPU interrupt pending cycles cycles
ResQueueJob Reserved queue jobs jobs
FragQueueWaitRdCy Fragment queue job descriptor read wait cycles cycles
L2CacheWrLookup Write lookup requests requests
LSWrCy Load/store unit write issues cycles
GPUActiveCy GPU active cycles cycles

Mali G57

GPU family:       Valhall
Product Id:       G57-2
AXI bus width:    256 bits
Num cores:        2
Exec engines:     1
L2 slices * size: 512 Kb (1 * 512 Kb)
Tile size:        16x16 px
Warp width:       16 threads
counter description units comments
GPUCyPerPix Average cycles per pixel cycles
GPUPix Pixels pixels
SCBusTileWrBy Tile unit write bytes bytes
SCBusLSWrByPerWr Load/store unit bytes written to L2 per access cycle bytes
SCBusLSWrBy Load/store unit write bytes bytes
SCBusLSWrBt Load/store unit write beats to L2 memory system beats
SCBusTexExtRdByPerRd Texture unit bytes read from external memory per texture cycle bytes
SCBusTexExtRdBy Texture unit read bytes from external memory bytes
SCBusTexL2RdByPerRd Texture unit bytes read from L2 per texture cycle bytes
SCBusTexL2RdBy Texture unit read bytes from L2 cache bytes
SCBusLSExtRdByPerRd Load/store unit bytes read from external memory per access cycle bytes
SCBusLSExtRdBy Load/store unit read bytes from external memory bytes
SCBusLSL2RdByPerRd Load/store unit bytes read from L2 per access cycle bytes
SCBusLSL2RdBy Load/store unit read bytes from L2 cache bytes
SCBusFFEExtRdBy Front-end unit read bytes from external memory bytes
SCBusFFEL2RdBy Front-end unit read bytes from L2 cache bytes
VarUtil Varying unit utilization percent
VarIssueCy Varying unit issue cycles cycles
Var16IssueCy 16-bit interpolation active cycles cycles
Var32IssueCy 32-bit interpolation active cycles cycles
LSUtil Load/store unit utilization percent
LSIssueCy Load/store unit issue cycles cycles
LSWrCy Load/store unit write issues cycles
LSRdCy Load/store unit read issues cycles
TexFiltFullRate Texture full speed filtering percentage percent
TexOutBusUtil Texture output bus utilization percent
TexInBusUtil Texture input bus utilization percent
TexIssueCy Texture unit issue cycles cycles
TexQuads Texture quads quads
TexUtil Texture unit utilization percent
TexCPI Texture filtering cycles per instruction cycles
TexSample Texture samples requests
ALUUtil Arithmetic unit utilization percent
EngSWBlendRate Shader blend percentage percent
EngDivergedInstrRate Warp divergence percentage percent
EngArithInstr Arithmetic instruction issue cycles instructions
EngSFUPipeUtil SFU pipe utilization percent
EngCVTPipeUtil CVT pipe utilization percent
EngFMAPipeUtil FMA pipe utilization percent
CoreFullWarpRate Full warp percentage percent
CoreAllRegsWarpRate All registers warp percentage percent
FragThread Fragment threads threads
NonFragThread Non-fragment threads threads
CoreUtil Execution core utilization percent
FragTileKillRate Unchanged tile kill percentage percent
FragOverdraw Fragments per pixel threads Number of fragments shaded per output pixel. GPU processing cost per pixel accumulates with the layer count. High overdraw can build up to a significant processing cost, especially when rendering to a high-resolution framebuffer. Minimize overdraw by rendering opaque objects front-to-back and minimizing use of blended transparent layers. Note: 32 primitives per pixel equal to 2.0
FragRastPartQdRate Partial coverage percentage percent
FragFPKBUtil Fragment FPK buffer utilization percent
TilerUtil Tiler utilization percent
ExtBusWrOTQ4 Output external outstanding writes 75-100% transactions
ExtBusRdOTQ4 Output external outstanding reads 75-100% transactions
ExtBusRdLat384 Output external read latency 384+ cycles beats
ExtBusWrStallRate Output external write stall percentage percent
ExtBusRdStallRate Output external read stall percentage percent
ExtBusWrBy Output external write bytes bytes
ExtBusRdBy Output external read bytes bytes
L2CacheWrMissRate L2 cache write miss percentage percent
L2CacheRdMissRate L2 cache read miss percentage percent
NonFragQueueUtil Non-fragment queue utilization percent
FragQueueUtil Fragment queue utilization percent
GPUIRQUtil Interrupt pending utilization percent
TilerVarShadStallCy Tiler varying shading stall cycles cycles
GeomVarShadTask Tiler varying shading requests requests
TilerVarCacheMiss Varying cache misses requests
TilerVarCacheHit Varying cache hits requests
TilerPosCacheMiss Position cache miss requests requests
TilerPosCacheHit Position cache hit requests requests
TilerPosShadFIFOFullCy Tiler position FIFO full cycles cycles
TilerPosShadStallCy Tiler position shading stall cycles cycles
GeomPosShadTask Tiler position shading requests requests
TilerRdBt Output internal read beats beats
GeomSampleCullPrim Sample test culled primitives primitives
GeomZPlaneCullPrim Z plane culled primitives primitives
GeomFaceXYPlaneCullPrim Facing or XY plane test culled primitives primitives
GeomVisiblePrim Visible primitives primitives
GeomBackFacePrim Visible back-facing primitives primitives
GeomPointPrim Point primitives primitives
GeomTrianglePrim Triangle primitives primitives
TilerActiveCy Tiler active cycles cycles
SCBusLSWBWrBt Load/store unit write-back write beats beats
SCBusTileWrBt Tile unit write beats to L2 memory system beats
SCBusLSOtherWrBt Load/store unit other write beats beats
SCBusOtherL2RdBt Miscellaneous read beats from L2 cache beats
SCBusTexExtRdBt Texture unit read beats from external memory beats
SCBusTexL2RdBt Texture unit read beats from L2 cache beats
SCBusLSExtRdBt Load/store unit read beats from external memory beats
SCBusLSL2RdBt Load/store unit read beats from L2 cache beats
SCBusFFEExtRdBt Fragment front-end read beats from external memory beats
SCBusFFEL2RdBt Fragment front-end read beats from L2 cache beats
AttrInstr Attribute instructions instructions
Var16IssueSlot 16-bit interpolation slots issues
Var32IssueSlot 32-bit interpolation slots issues
VarInstr Varying unit instructions requests
LSAtomic Load/store unit atomic issues cycles
LSPartWr Load/store unit partial write issues cycles
LSFullWr Load/store unit full write issues cycles
LSPartRd Load/store unit partial read issues cycles
LSFullRd Load/store unit full read issues cycles
FragLZSKillRate Late ZS killed thread percentage percent
TexOutBt Texture message write beats beats
FragLZSTestRate Late ZS tested thread percentage percent
TexOutMsg Texture messages issues
FragEZSKillRate Early ZS killed quad percentage percent
TexFullTriFiltCy Texture filtering cycles using full trilinear cycles
FragEZSTestRate Early ZS tested quad percentage percent
TexFullBiFiltCy Texture filtering cycles using full bilinear cycles
TexFiltIssueCy Texture filtering cycles cycles
TexFiltStallCy Texture filtering stall cycles cycles
FragThroughputCy Average cycles per fragment thread cycles
TexDataFetchStallCy Texture fetch stall cycles cycles
FragUtil Fragment utilization percent
TexDescStallCy Texture descriptor stall cycles cycles
NonFragThroughputCy Average cycles per non-fragment thread cycles
TexInBt Texture message read beats beats
NonFragUtil Non-fragment utilization percent
EngSWBlendInstr Blend shader instructions instructions
EngStarveCy Execution engine starvation cycles cycles
GeomZPlaneCullRate Z plane test cull percentage percent
EngICacheMiss Instruction cache misses requests
EngDivergedInstr Diverged instructions instructions
GeomFaceXYPlaneCullRate Facing or XY plane test cull percentage percent
EngSFUInstr Arithmetic SFU pipe instructions instructions
GeomTotalCullPrim Culled primitives primitives
EngCVTInstr Arithmetic CVT pipe instructions instructions
GeomVisibleRate Visible primitive percentage percent
EngFMAInstr Arithmetic FMA pipe instructions instructions
CoreActiveCy Execution core active cycles cycles
NonFragWarp Non-fragment warps warps
NonFragTask Non-fragment core tasks tasks
NonFragActiveCy Non-fragment active cycles cycles
GeomFrontFacePrim Visible front-facing primitives primitives
CoreFullWarp Full warps warps
FragOpaqueQd Occluding quads quads
FragTileKill Killed unchanged tiles tiles
GeomLinePrim Line primitives primitives
CoreAllRegsWarp Warps using more than 32 registers warps
FragTile Tiles tiles
FragLZSKillQd Late ZS killed quads quads
FragLZSTestQd Late ZS tested quads quads
FragEZSKillQd Early ZS killed quads quads
FragEZSUpdateQd Early ZS updated quads quads
GeomTotalPrim Total input primitives primitives
FragRastPartQd Partial rasterized fine quads quads
FragEZSTestQd Early ZS tested quads quads
FragWarp Fragment warps warps
FragFPKActiveCy Forward pixel kill buffer active cycles cycles
FragRastQd Rasterized fine quads quads
FragRastPrim Rasterized primitives primitives
FragRdPrim Fragment primitives loaded primitives
FragActiveCy Fragment active cycles cycles
ExtBusWrStallCy Output external write stall cycles cycles
FragEZSUpdateRate Early ZS updated quad percentage percent
ExtBusWrBt Output external write beats beats
FragFPKKillRate FPK killed quad percentage percent
ExtBusRdStallCy Output external read stall cycles cycles
FragFPKKillQd FPK killed quads quads
ExtBusRdBt Output external read beats beats
ExtBusRdUnique Output external ReadUnique transactions transactions
ExtBusRdNoSnoop Output external ReadNoSnoop transactions transactions
ExtBusRd Output external read transactions transactions
L2CacheSnpLookup Input external snoop lookup requests requests
L2CacheIncSnpStallCy Input external snoop stall cycles cycles
L2CacheWrLookup Write lookup requests requests
L2CacheIncSnp Input external snoop transactions transactions
L2CacheRdLookup Read lookup requests requests
ExtBusWrOTQ3 Output external outstanding writes 50-75% transactions
L2CacheLookup Any lookup requests requests
L2CacheL1Wr Output internal write requests requests
L2CacheL1RdStallCy Output internal read stall cycles cycles
L2CacheL1Rd Output internal read requests requests
L2CacheSnpStallCy Input internal snoop stall cycles cycles
L2CacheSnp Input internal snoop requests requests
L2CacheWrStallCy Input internal write stall cycles cycles
L2CacheWr Input internal write requests requests
L2CacheRdStallCy Input internal read stall cycles cycles
L2CacheRd Input internal read requests requests
MMUS2L2Hit MMU stage 2 L2 lookup TLB hits requests
MMUS2L3Hit MMU stage 2 L3 lookup TLB hits requests
MMUS2L2Rd MMU stage 2 L2 lookup requests requests
MMUS2L3Rd MMU stage 2 L3 lookup requests requests
MMUS2Lookup MMU stage 2 lookup requests requests
ExtBusWrSnoopPart Output external WriteSnoopPartial transactions transactions
MMUL2Hit MMU L2 lookup TLB hits requests
MMUL3Hit MMU L3 lookup TLB hits requests
ExtBusWrOTQ1 Output external outstanding writes 0-25% transactions
MMUL2Rd MMU L2 table read requests requests
MMUL3Rd MMU L3 table read requests requests
ExtBusWrOTQ2 Output external outstanding writes 25-50% transactions
MMULookup MMU lookup requests requests
FragTransparentQd Non-occluding quads quads
ResQueueJob Reserved queue jobs jobs
L2CacheFlush L2 cache flush requests requests
ExtBusWrSnoopFull Output external WriteSnoopFull transactions transactions
ResQueueWaitFinishCy Reserved queue job finish wait cycles cycles
ExtBusWrNoSnoopPart Output external WriteNoSnoopPartial transactions transactions
ResQueueWaitDepCy Reserved queue job dependency wait cycles cycles
ExtBusWrNoSnoopFull Output external WriteNoSnoopFull transactions transactions
ResQueueWaitIssueCy Reserved queue job issue wait cycles cycles
ExtBusWr Output external write transactions transactions
ResQueueWaitRdCy Reserved queue job descriptor read wait cycles cycles
ExtBusRdLat320 Output external read latency 320-383 cycles beats
NonFragQueueWaitFinishCy Non-fragment queue job finish wait cycles cycles
ExtBusRdLat256 Output external read latency 256-319 cycles beats
NonFragQueueWaitDepCy Non-fragment queue job dependency wait cycles cycles
ExtBusRdLat192 Output external read latency 192-255 cycles beats
NonFragQueueWaitIssueCy Non-fragment queue job issue wait cycles cycles
ResQueueActiveCy Reserved active cycles cycles
FragOpaqueQdRate Occluding quad percentage percent
NonFragQueueActiveCy Non-fragment queue active cycles cycles
ResQueueWaitFlushCy Reserved queue cache flush wait cycles cycles
ExtBusRdLat128 Output external read latency 128-191 cycles beats
NonFragQueueWaitRdCy Non-fragment queue job descriptor read wait cycles cycles
NonFragQueueWaitFlushCy Non-fragment queue cache flush wait cycles cycles
TilerVarCacheHitRate Varying cache hit percentage percent
NonFragQueueTask Non-fragment tasks tasks
FragQueueWaitFlushCy Fragment queue cache flush wait cycles cycles
GeomVarShadThreadPerPrim Varying threads per input primitive threads
NonFragQueueJob Non-fragment jobs jobs
GeomVarShadThread Varying shader thread invocations threads
FragQueueActiveCy Fragment queue active cycles cycles
FragShadedQd Shaded coarse quads quads
ResQueueTask Reserved queue tasks tasks
ExtBusRdLat0 Output external read latency 0-127 cycles beats
FragQueueWaitFinishCy Fragment queue job finish wait cycles cycles
ExtBusRdOTQ3 Output external outstanding reads 50-75% transactions
FragQueueWaitDepCy Fragment queue job dependency wait cycles cycles
TilerPosCacheHitRate Position cache hit percentage percent
FragQueueTask Fragment tasks tasks
GeomPosShadThreadPerPrim Position threads per input primitive threads
FragQueueJob Fragment jobs jobs
ExtBusRdOTQ2 Output external outstanding reads 25-50% transactions
FragQueueWaitIssueCy Fragment queue job issue wait cycles cycles
GeomPosShadThread Position shader thread invocations threads
GPUIRQActiveCy GPU interrupt pending cycles cycles
ExtBusRdOTQ1 Output external outstanding reads 0-25% transactions
FragQueueWaitRdCy Fragment queue job descriptor read wait cycles cycles
GeomSampleCullRate Sample test cull percentage percent
GPUActiveCy GPU active cycles cycles

from libGPUCounters prop_decoder:

product_id:						37011
version_status:					0
minor_revision:					1
major_revision:					0
gpu_freq_khz_max:				5000 ???
log2_program_counter_size:		24
texture_features_0:				4160619518
texture_features_1:				3288332287
texture_features_2:				3219259295
texture_features_3:				4294
gpu_available_memory_size:		3867762688
num_exec_engines:				0
l2_log2_line_size:				6 -> 64
l2_log2_cache_size:				19 -> 512 Kb
l2_num_l2_slices:				1
tiler_bin_size_bytes:			512 b
tiler_max_active_levels:		8
max_threads:					1024
max_workgroup_size:				512
max_barrier_size:				512
max_registers:					32768 -> 32K
max_task_queue:					4
max_thread_group_split:			0
impl_tech:						0
tls_alloc:						1024
raw_shader_present:				5
raw_tiler_present:				1
raw_l2_present:					1
raw_stack_present:				5
raw_l2_features:				135463430 | x08'13'02'06 |		top 8 bits - log2 bus width = 256
raw_core_features:				0
raw_mem_features:				1
raw_mmu_features:				10288
raw_as_present:					255
raw_js_present:					7
raw_js_features_0:				526
raw_js_features_1:				7326
raw_js_features_2:				30
raw_tiler_features:				2057
raw_texture_features_0:			4160619518
raw_texture_features_1:			3288332287
raw_texture_features_2:			3219259295
raw_texture_features_3:			4294
raw_gpu_id:						2425552912
raw_thread_max_threads:			1024
raw_thread_max_workgroup_size:	512
raw_thread_max_barrier_size:	512
raw_thread_features:			294912
raw_coherency_mode:				0
raw_coherency_mode:				31
raw_gpu_features:				0
coherency_num_groups:			1
coherency_num_core_groups:		1 - count of coherency_group_*
coherency_coherency:			1
coherency_group_0:				5 -> 0101 -- shader core bit mask

Mali G610

GPU family:       Valhall
Product Id:       G610
AXI bus width:    128 bits
Num cores:        6
Exec engines:     2
L2 slices * size: 2 MiB (4 * 512 KiB)
Tile size:        16x16 px
Warp width:       16 threads
counter description units comments
GPUCyPerPix Average cycles per pixel cycles
GPUPix Pixels pixels
SCBusTileWrBy Tile unit write bytes bytes
SCBusLSWrByPerWr Load/store unit bytes written to L2 per access cycle bytes
SCBusLSWrBy Load/store unit write bytes bytes
SCBusLSWrBt Load/store unit write beats to L2 memory system beats
SCBusTexExtRdByPerRd Texture unit bytes read from external memory per texture cycle bytes
SCBusTexExtRdBy Texture unit read bytes from external memory bytes
SCBusTexL2RdByPerRd Texture unit bytes read from L2 per texture cycle bytes
SCBusTexL2RdBy Texture unit read bytes from L2 cache bytes
SCBusLSExtRdByPerRd Load/store unit bytes read from external memory per access cycle bytes
SCBusLSExtRdBy Load/store unit read bytes from external memory bytes
SCBusLSL2RdByPerRd Load/store unit bytes read from L2 per access cycle bytes
SCBusLSL2RdBy Load/store unit read bytes from L2 cache bytes
SCBusFFEExtRdBy Front-end unit read bytes from external memory bytes
SCBusFFEL2RdBy Front-end unit read bytes from L2 cache bytes
VarUtil Varying unit utilization percent
VarIssueCy Varying unit issue cycles cycles
Var16IssueCy 16-bit interpolation active cycles cycles
Var32IssueCy 32-bit interpolation active cycles cycles
LSUtil Load/store unit utilization percent
LSIssueCy Load/store unit issue cycles cycles
LSWrCy Load/store unit write issues cycles
LSRdCy Load/store unit read issues cycles
TexFiltFullRate Texture full speed filtering percentage percent
TexOutBusUtil Texture output bus utilization percent
TexInBusUtil Texture input bus utilization percent
TexIssueCy Texture unit issue cycles cycles
TexQuads Texture quads quads
TexUtil Texture unit utilization percent
TexCPI Texture filtering cycles per instruction cycles
TexSample Texture samples requests
ALUUtil Arithmetic unit utilization percent
EngSWBlendRate Shader blend percentage percent
EngDivergedInstrRate Warp divergence percentage percent
EngArithInstr Arithmetic instruction issue cycles instructions
EngSFUPipeUtil SFU pipe utilization percent
EngCVTPipeUtil CVT pipe utilization percent
EngFMAPipeUtil FMA pipe utilization percent
CoreFullWarpRate Full warp percentage percent
CoreAllRegsWarpRate All registers warp percentage percent
FragThread Fragment threads threads
NonFragThread Non-fragment threads threads
CoreUtil Execution core utilization percent
FragTileKillRate Unchanged tile kill percentage percent
FragOverdraw Fragments per pixel threads
FragLZSKillRate Late ZS killed thread percentage percent
FragLZSTestRate Late ZS tested thread percentage percent
FragFPKKillRate FPK killed quad percentage percent
FragFPKKillQd FPK killed quads quads
FragEZSKillRate Early ZS killed quad percentage percent
FragEZSUpdateRate Early ZS updated quad percentage percent
FragEZSTestRate Early ZS tested quad percentage percent
FragShadedQd Shaded coarse quads quads
FragTransparentQd Non-occluding quads quads
FragOpaqueQdRate Occluding quad percentage percent
FragRastPartQdRate Partial coverage percentage percent
AnyUtil Shader core usage percent
TilerVarCacheHitRate Varying cache hit percentage percent
GeomVarShadThreadPerPrim Varying threads per input primitive threads
TilerUtil Tiler utilization percent
ExtBusWrOTQ4 Output external outstanding writes 75-100% transactions
ExtBusRdOTQ4 Output external outstanding reads 75-100% transactions
ExtBusRdLat384 Output external read latency 384+ cycles beats
ExtBusWrStallRate Output external write stall percentage percent
ExtBusRdStallRate Output external read stall percentage percent
ExtBusWrBy Output external write bytes bytes
ExtBusRdBy Output external read bytes bytes
L2CacheWrMissRate L2 cache write miss percentage percent
L2CacheRdMissRate L2 cache read miss percentage percent
FragQueueUtil Fragment queue utilization percent
GeomVarShadThread Varying shader thread invocations threads
FragQueueActiveCy Fragment queue active cycles cycles
GPUIRQUtil Interrupt pending utilization percent
CSFMCUUtil Microcontroller utilization percent
TilerVarShadStallCy Tiler varying shading stall cycles cycles
CompQueueUtil Compute queue utilization percent
GeomVarShadTask Tiler varying shading requests requests
CompQueueActiveCy Compute queue active cycles cycles
TilerVarCacheMiss Varying cache misses requests
VertQueueUtil Vertex queue utilization percent
TilerVarCacheHit Varying cache hits requests
VertQueueActiveCy Vertex queue active cycles cycles
TilerPosShadFIFOFullCy Tiler position FIFO full cycles cycles
GeomZPlaneCullPrim Z plane culled primitives primitives
GeomFaceXYPlaneCullPrim Facing or XY plane test culled primitives primitives
GeomVisiblePrim Visible primitives primitives
GeomBackFacePrim Visible back-facing primitives primitives
GeomPointPrim Point primitives primitives
GeomTrianglePrim Triangle primitives primitives
TilerActiveCy Tiler active cycles cycles
SCBusLSWBWrBt Load/store unit write-back write beats beats
SCBusTileWrBt Tile unit write beats to L2 memory system beats
SCBusLSOtherWrBt Load/store unit other write beats beats
SCBusOtherL2RdBt Miscellaneous read beats from L2 cache beats
SCBusTexExtRdBt Texture unit read beats from external memory beats
SCBusTexL2RdBt Texture unit read beats from L2 cache beats
SCBusLSExtRdBt Load/store unit read beats from external memory beats
SCBusLSL2RdBt Load/store unit read beats from L2 cache beats
SCBusFFEExtRdBt Fragment front-end read beats from external memory beats
SCBusFFEL2RdBt Fragment front-end read beats from L2 cache beats
AnyActiveCy Any workload active cycles cycles
AttrInstr Attribute instructions instructions
Var16IssueSlot 16-bit interpolation slots issues
Var32IssueSlot 32-bit interpolation slots issues
VarInstr Varying unit instructions requests
LSPartWr Load/store unit partial write issues cycles
LSFullWr Load/store unit full write issues cycles
LSPartRd Load/store unit partial read issues cycles
LSFullRd Load/store unit full read issues cycles
TexOutBt Texture message write beats beats
TexOutMsg Texture messages issues
TexFullTriFiltCy Texture filtering cycles using full trilinear cycles
TexFullBiFiltCy Texture filtering cycles using full bilinear cycles
TexFiltIssueCy Texture filtering cycles cycles
TexFiltStallCy Texture filtering stall cycles cycles
FragThroughputCy Average cycles per fragment thread cycles
TexDataFetchStallCy Texture fetch stall cycles cycles
FragUtil Fragment utilization percent
TexDescStallCy Texture descriptor stall cycles cycles
NonFragThroughputCy Average cycles per non-fragment thread cycles
TexInBt Texture message read beats beats
NonFragUtil Non-fragment utilization percent
EngSWBlendInstr Blend shader instructions instructions
EngStarveCy Execution engine starvation cycles cycles
GeomZPlaneCullRate Z plane test cull percentage percent
EngICacheMiss Instruction cache misses requests
EngDivergedInstr Diverged instructions instructions
GeomFaceXYPlaneCullRate Facing or XY plane test cull percentage percent
EngSFUInstr Arithmetic SFU pipe instructions instructions
GeomTotalCullPrim Culled primitives primitives
EngCVTInstr Arithmetic CVT pipe instructions instructions
GeomVisibleRate Visible primitive percentage percent
EngFMAInstr Arithmetic FMA pipe instructions instructions
CoreActiveCy Execution core active cycles cycles
NonFragWarp Non-fragment warps warps
NonFragTask Non-fragment core tasks tasks
NonFragActiveCy Non-fragment active cycles cycles
GeomFrontFacePrim Visible front-facing primitives primitives
CoreFullWarp Full warps warps
FragOpaqueQd Occluding quads quads
FragTileKill Killed unchanged tiles tiles
GeomLinePrim Line primitives primitives
CoreAllRegsWarp Warps using more than 32 registers warps
FragTile Tiles tiles
FragLZSKillQd Late ZS killed quads quads
FragLZSTestQd Late ZS tested quads quads
FragEZSKillQd Early ZS killed quads quads
FragEZSUpdateQd Early ZS updated quads quads
GeomTotalPrim Total input primitives primitives
FragRastPartQd Partial rasterized fine quads quads
FragEZSTestQd Early ZS tested quads quads
CSFCEUUtil Command execution unit utilization percent
FragWarp Fragment warps warps
FragRastQd Rasterized fine quads quads
CSFLSUUtil Command load/store unit utilization percent
FragRastPrim Rasterized primitives primitives
ExtBusRdOTQ3 Output external outstanding reads 50-75% transactions
ExtBusRdOTQ2 Output external outstanding reads 25-50% transactions
ExtBusRdOTQ1 Output external outstanding reads 0-25% transactions
ExtBusRdUnique Output external ReadUnique transactions transactions
ExtBusRdNoSnoop Output external ReadNoSnoop transactions transactions
ExtBusRd Output external read transactions transactions
L2CacheSnpLookup Input external snoop lookup requests requests
L2CacheL1Wr Output internal write requests requests
L2CacheL1RdStallCy Output internal read stall cycles cycles
L2CacheL1Rd Output internal read requests requests
L2CacheSnpStallCy Input internal snoop stall cycles cycles
L2CacheSnp Input internal snoop requests requests
L2CacheWrStallCy Input internal write stall cycles cycles
FragRdPrim Fragment primitives loaded primitives
TilerPosShadStallCy Tiler position shading stall cycles cycles
L2CacheCleanUnique Input internal clean unique requests requests
FragActiveCy Fragment active cycles cycles
GeomPosShadTask Tiler position shading requests requests
L2CacheEvict Input internal evict requests requests
ExtBusWrStallCy Output external write stall cycles cycles
CS3WaitStallCy Command stream 3 wait stall cycles cycles
L2CacheWr Input internal write requests requests
ExtBusRdStallCy Output external read stall cycles cycles
TilerRdBt Output internal read beats beats
CSFCS3ActiveCy Command stream 3 active cycles cycles
L2CacheRdStallCy Input internal read stall cycles cycles
ExtBusRdBt Output external read beats beats
GeomSampleCullPrim Sample test culled primitives primitives
CS2WaitStallCy Command stream 2 wait stall cycles cycles
L2CacheRd Input internal read requests requests
ExtBusWrBt Output external write beats beats
L2CacheFlush L2 cache flush requests requests
CSFCS2ActiveCy Command stream 2 active cycles cycles
CS1WaitStallCy Command stream 1 wait stall cycles cycles
CSFCS1ActiveCy Command stream 1 active cycles cycles
CS0WaitStallCy Command stream 0 wait stall cycles cycles
FragFPKBUtil Fragment FPK buffer utilization percent
CSFCS0ActiveCy Command stream 0 active cycles cycles
TilerPosCacheMiss Position cache miss requests requests
CSFLSUActiveCy Command load/store unit active cycles cycles
MMUL3Hit MMU L3 lookup TLB hits requests
TilerPosCacheHit Position cache hit requests requests
CSFCEUActiveCy Command execution unit active cycles cycles
MMUL3Rd MMU L3 table read requests requests
LSAtomic Load/store unit atomic issues cycles
FragQueueAssignStallCy Fragment queue endpoint stall cycles cycles
TilerPosCacheHitRate Position cache hit percentage percent
FragQueueTask Fragment tasks tasks
FragQueueIRQActiveCy Fragment queue interrupt pending cycles cycles
GeomPosShadThread Position shader thread invocations threads
GPUIRQActiveCy GPU interrupt pending cycles cycles
FragFPKActiveCy Forward pixel kill buffer active cycles cycles
FragQueuedCy Fragment work queued cycles cycles
GeomSampleCullRate Sample test cull percentage percent
GPUActiveCy GPU active cycles cycles
L2CacheWrLookup Write lookup requests requests
CompQueueDrainStallCy Compute queue endpoint drain stall cycles cycles
L2CacheRdLookup Read lookup requests requests
CompQueueAssignStallCy Compute queue endpoint stall cycles cycles
L2CacheIncSnpStallCy Input external snoop stall cycles cycles
MMULookup MMU lookup requests requests
CompQueueTotalActiveCy Total compute active cycles cycles
L2CacheIncSnp Input external snoop transactions transactions
MMUL2Rd MMU L2 table read requests requests
CompQueueTask Compute tasks tasks
ExtBusWrOTQ3 Output external outstanding writes 50-75% transactions
CompQueueIRQActiveCy Compute queue interrupt pending cycles cycles
L2CacheLookup Any lookup requests requests
MMUL2Hit MMU L2 lookup TLB hits requests
CompQueueJob Compute jobs jobs
ExtBusWrOTQ2 Output external outstanding writes 25-50% transactions
CompQueuedCy Compute work queued cycles cycles
FragQueueTotalActiveCy Total fragment active cycles cycles
GeomPosShadThreadPerPrim Position threads per input primitive threads
FragQueueJob Fragment jobs jobs
ExtBusWrOTQ1 Output external outstanding writes 0-25% transactions
TilerQueueDrainStallCy Vertex queue endpoint drain stall cycles cycles
ExtBusWrSnoopPart Output external WriteSnoopPartial transactions transactions
VertQueueAssignStallCy Vertex queue endpoint stall cycles cycles
ExtBusWrSnoopFull Output external WriteSnoopFull transactions transactions
VertQueueIRQActiveCy Vertex queue interrupt pending cycles cycles
ExtBusWrNoSnoopFull Output external WriteNoSnoopFull transactions transactions
VertQueueTask Vertex tasks tasks
ExtBusWr Output external write transactions transactions
VertQueueJob Vertex jobs jobs
ExtBusRdLat320 Output external read latency 320-383 cycles beats
VertQueuedCy Vertex work queued cycles cycles
ExtBusWrNoSnoopPart Output external WriteNoSnoopPartial transactions transactions
VertQueueTotalActiveCy Total vertex active cycles cycles
ExtBusRdLat256 Output external read latency 256-319 cycles beats
L2CacheFlushCy L2 cache flush cycles cycles
ExtBusRdLat192 Output external read latency 192-255 cycles beats
GPUIRQ GPU interrupts interrupts
ExtBusRdLat0 Output external read latency 0-127 cycles beats
CSFMCUActiveCy MCU active cycles cycles
ExtBusRdLat128 Output external read latency 128-191 cycles beats
GPUQueueActiveCy Any queue active cycles cycles