What are some topics I might want to include in an edutainment project? see Most useful interesting generally applicable knowledge
[ed_Examples of edutainment portal 12-14-2013d1605]
[ed_LabDreams Project Portal 12-14-2013d1658] [ed_Emerging Bio story outline 05-26-2015d2218]
[[ed_Post Apocalypse Project Portal 03-28-2015d1729]]
Apple Banana cat Dog 1403
[ed_Some concept to include in edutainment projects portal 01-30-2014d1210]
My video for the kickstarter project C:\home_DR\9-4-12
some more audio to redo the last part of the video /home/owner/homeL_DR/2012/10-28-12
Timeline 01-30-2014d1316 update for reviewers -"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\01-30-2014d1307\LabDreams Update 1-30-14.docx" 9-29-13 Second round of revisions: -LabDreams Episode 1 Script as of 9-29-13.docx -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\9-29-13\LabDreams Episode 1 Script as of 9-29-13.docx" 9-1-13 Sent script out to several people to review 9-1-13 (in wikipad) 8-14-13 Character related to aleph terrorist group "C:\Users\kwhittem\Google Drive\Personal DR\2013\8-14-13\character related to aleph terrorist group 8-14-13.txt" 8-14-13 Various interesting scenarios or characters from personal life 8-14-13 "C:\Users\kwhittem\Google Drive\Personal DR\2013\8-14-13\Various interesting scenarios or characters from personal life 8-14-13.txt" 7-31-13 Ideas from Brianne about concepts to include 7-24-13 Idea from John about making antibodies against potential mutations 7-16-13 Kickstarter project launched to fund creation of first episode of antibody evolution machine series
Some items -[pr_old Edutainment folder previously in Documents folder 2018 06 Jun 30 1303]
see also Notes about writing a short story 8-25-13 "F:\kurt\storage\wikipad\KurtWhittemoreWiki\data\Notes about writing a short story 8-25-13.wiki" -[ed_Examples of edutainment portal 12-14-2013d1605] -[ed_Elements to explore in a story] -[ed_Notes about writing a short story 8-25-13] -[ed_interesting situations that could potentially be included in a story portal 02-18-2014d2217] -[ed_Some possible environments to include in a story 04-30-2014d2312] -[ed_Some sources of ideas 04-30-2014d2316] -[pr_personal notes related to edutainment projects 03-22-2015d1102] -[ed_some possible mathematical scientific or programming problems that could be included 03-31-2015d0031] -[ed_some themes I would like to turn into edutainment projects if I had unlimited time and resources 03-28-2015d1516] -[ed_type of education I am most interested in 04-27-2015d0806] -[ed_why would technical content in a fictional story be a benefit 05-26-2015d2223] -some older story ideas --"K:\G\kurt\storage\Documents\Miscellaneous\Story Ideas\Story Ideas.odt"