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v4.3.1 - 🐛 Fix unsorted prices in composed sensor 'INDEXED' (2024-03-25)

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  • 🐛 Fix unsorted prices in composed sensor 'INDEXED' (#72)
  • 👷 ci: Split actions for tests on PRs and publish package on main
  • 👷 Remove codecov integration and produce reports instead (#71)

v4.3.0 - ✨ Add new composed sensor for Indexed tariff (2024-03-10)

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  • ✨ Add new price sensors: Market adjustment (from ESIOS API indicator 2108), and Indexed tariff (as composed price sensor calculated as PVPC - ADJUSTMENT), from first-time contributor @MiguelAngelLV in #69 🍻, and some adjustments in #70
  • 🎨 pre-commit updates and change to ruff + ruff-format instead of black and isort
  • 🚀 Bump minor version and update deps and

v4.2.2 - ♻️ Remove python upper limit (2023-07-30)

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  • ♻️ Remove python upper limit (from @cdce8p in #59)
  • 🎨 pre-commit autoupdate
  • 📦️ Bump minor version and update deps and

v4.2.1 - Fix injection price sensor attributes (2) (2023-05-29)

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  • 🐛 Fix one-line conditional matching for 'not None' instead of positive value 🙈
  • ✅ tests: Add unit test for price sensor attributes

v4.2.0 - Fix injection price sensor attributes (2023-05-29)

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  • 🐛 Fix attributes 'max_price_at' and 'min_price_at' for injection price sensor (were swapped)
  • 📦️ Bump minor version and update deps
  • 📝 Fix usage example in
  • 🎨 pre-commit autoupdate and swap flake8 for ruff
  • 📝 Fix links in

v4.1.0 - Adapt to 403 unauthorized error (2023-03-12)

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  • 🐛 Process 403 error from server like '401 unauthorized', raising BadApiTokenAuthError to signal HA for reauth-config for both status codes, when API token is enabled.

v4.0.1 - Minor fixes (2023-01-11)

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  • ✏️ Fix typo on 'injection' keyword (was badly typed as spanglish 'inyection' 😅)
  • 🐛 Fix unit for price sensors attributes (from €/MWh to €/kWh)

v4.0.0 - Implement ESIOS API Token (2023-01-09)

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  • ✨ Implement support to access the extended ESIOS API with a personal token (you must request yours by mailing to [email protected]), with initial support for the existent PVPC price sensor (ESIOS indicator code: 1001), and 3 new ones 🤩:

    • Inyection price sensor (ESIOS indicator code: 1739), name: "Precio de la energía excedentaria del autoconsumo para el mecanismo de compensación simplificada"
    • MAG price sensor (ESIOS indicator code: 1900), name: "Desglose peaje por defecto 2.0TD excedente o déficit de la liquidación del mecanismo de ajuste de costes de producción"
    • OMIE price sensor (ESIOS indicator code: 10211), name: "Precio medio horario final suma de componentes"
  • 💥 Remove 'apidatos' support as alternative data-source, leaving only public and private paths for

  • ✨ Signal bad auth for esios token calls with a custom exception, to handle 'reauth' flow in Home-Assistant

  • ✨ Add helper methods for HA integration to manage unique ids for each sensor, to update the enabled sensors to download, and to check the API token

  • ♻️ Use dataclasses for EsiosApiData and EsiosResponse data containers, instead of typed dicts

  • ✅ tests: Update fixtures for esios sensors and adapt tests to the new interface and the multiple-sensors behaviour

  • 📦️ Bump mayor version to v4 and lighten dev-env, removing pre-commit related modules and adding python-dotenv

  • (from #46, with v3.1.0) Remove holidays dependency to evaluate special days under 'P3' period and fix tests

v3.0.0 - Change Data Source to (2021-12-05)

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🔥 BREAKING-CHANGE: this release removes support for the old PVPC tariffs (prices < 2021-06-01), and the extra methods to use this library as a dataloader (.download_prices_for_range(...)), leaving only the code to support the HA Core integration.

Motivated by recent successful attempts to kick us out from, we are changing the data source to another REE public server, at, with the same information than the current one, available without authentication 👌

This release implements the new data-source, but also maintains the legacy one.

  • Initial configuration is set with a new data_source parameter, with the new source as default.
  • If a 403 status-code is received, the data source is switched (new to legacy / legacy to new), no retry is done, and the User-Agent loop trick is only used for the legacy data-source.


  • 🔥 Remove support for old PVPC tariffs and range download methods, and make tariff and websession required arguments

  • ✨ Add alternative data-source from ''

    • Implement data parsing from, using endpoint at /es/datos/mercados/precios-mercados-tiempo-real
    • Add data_source parameter with valid keys 'apidatos' and 'esios_public', setting the new one as default ;-)
    • Remove retry call if 403 status is received, but maintain the User-Agent loop, and also toggle the data-source for the next call
    • Move old ATTRIBUTION to .attribution property, as function of the data-source
  • 🚚 Change test patterns to new tariffs by substituting old examples in DST days from 2019 to equivalent days since 2021-06, using the new tariff keys

  • 🚚 Add test patterns from new data-source, and adjust tests

v2.3.0 - Decrease API refresh rate and try to avoid banning (2021-12-01)

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Quick-Fix Release motivated by the last change in the ESIOS server (on 2021-11-30 😱), which is now apparently banning HomeAssistant requests, filtering us out because of the 'User-Agent' headers data 😤, as the server is returning a 403 status code error for a PUBLIC url 🤷.


  • Substantially decrease the number of API requests to ESIOS, avoiding unnecesary calls to refresh data for the same electricity prices. Before, when used from the pvpc_hourly_pricing HA Core integration, the ESIOS API was called 2 times/hour from 0h to 20h, and 4 times/hour in the evening, from 20h to 0h, retrieving today + tomorrow prices. This makes a total of ~56 requests/day, which is not a lot 😅, but it seems the aggregated total for the HA user base (🔥 >30k requests/day just counting users pushing HA analytics) is being some kind of a problem for ESIOS, as it looks like they're trying to bane us 🥺😭 Now, the API handler avoids calls to retrieve already available prices, cutting down the number of requests to just 1-2 requests/day 🤩

  • 🐛 Set standard User-Agent header info, to try to avoid server-side banning 🙈, and rotate it if banning is detected, using common User-Agent browser identifiers.

  • ♻️ Minor code refactor to prepare for future library changes, in order to move to authenticated API endpoints in future versions.

v2.2.4 - Split today / tomorrow price sensor attributes (2021-11-20)

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  • Generate different sets of sensor attributes for hourly prices for current day and for the next day (available at evening), so attrs like price_position or price_ratio don't change for the current day when next-day prices are received.

v2.2.2 - Migrate CI from travis to gh-actions (2021-11-04)

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  • 🎨 Add isort to pre-commit config
  • 💚 Add configuration for to run linter checks there
  • 💚 CI flow with GitHub Actions to
    • install library with poetry
    • run tests
    • upload coverage when merging to master
    • publish a new pypi version when merging to master if pyproject.toml changes
  • 🔥 Remove previus travis CI config

v2.2.1 - Quickfix for 403 status code from ESIOS API (2021-11-03)

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  • Fix Esios request returning a 403 status code since 2021-11-02, by:
    • just adding an 'User-Agent' to request headers, if aiohttp==3.7.4.post0
    • or upgrading to aiohttp==3.8.0, where it is not needed and the original request works like before
  • Add better error logging for this 'forbidden' error if reappears in the future
  • Update deps, requiring holidays>0.11.1

v2.2.0 - New sensor attributes for new tariff 2.0TD (2021-06-12)

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  • Determine tariff period (P1/P2/P3) for current hour, and calculate the delta hours to the next one, publishing attributes period, next_period, and hours_to_next_period
  • Add price_ratio, max_price, and max_price_at attributes
  • When there are cheaper prices ahead, add attributes next_better_price, hours_to_better_price, and num_better_prices_ahead
  • Add price_position attribute (1 for cheaper price, 24 for the most high-priced), as suggested by @r-jordan in #23
  • Add contracted power in kW as new parameters (power for P1/P2 and power for P3) to show the available_power for each period
  • Use holidays library to retrieve national holidays where to apply the valley period P3 for the full day

v2.1.2 - Quick adapt to new tariff 2.0TD (2021-05-31)

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  • Use "PCB" and "CYM" keys to retrieve prices for dates > 2021-06-01 to match new JSON from Esios API for new '2.0 TD' tariff.
  • Add new flag to set prices for Ceuta & Melilla (to use "CYM" identifier instead of "PCB")

v2.1.1 - Fix prices badly assigned outside default timezone (2021-05-16)

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  • Remove pytz dependency and handle timezones with zoneinfo (related to this article), and adapt to use input timezone as a time zone object or a string identifier.
  • Fix prices being badly assigned in Canary Islands timezone. Before, prices where assumed absolute in time, and marked with tz-aware UTC datetimes, but that behavior was incorrect 😔, as prices are applicable by-hour, independently of the timezone. So now the produced prices are shifted, to apply the correct ones for each local hour, so given the price at 10AM, it will be the same across all timezones. THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE over the old behavior, if you live in the Canary Islands (because before the prices were incorrect!)
  • Fix sensor attributes in month changes (there were badly tagged as "price last day" instead of "price next day" 🤪).
  • Update tests suite to use pytest-asyncio instead of pytest-aiohttp, add mypy to pre-commit, and a general dependency update.

v2.0.2 - Unpinned requirements (2020-08-04)

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  • Fix outdated pinned requirements by setting just a minimal version, and syncing those with HomeAssistant

v2.0.1 - Add methods to download a range of days (2020-05-07)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • Async & blocking methods to download prices for a range of days.
  • Use an asyncio.Queue to control concurrency for downloading a bunch of days, by creating a concurrency_calls number of workers.
  • Make specific tariff optional, to get ALL PVPC detailed data when None, with schema Dict[datetime, Dict[str, float] instead of tariff-specific Dict[datetime, float].


  • Make rest of init parameters also optional, to easier instantiation with PVPCData().
  • Add minimal doc in README and an example of use for bulk download of PVPC prices

v1.0.2 - Fix timezone support outside Europe/Madrid zone.

[1.0.0] - Initial


  • Basic data handler PVPCData to .async_update_prices and process_state_and_attributes for the PVPC HA sensor.