diff --git a/src/morphic.dist.js b/src/morphic.dist.js
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/morphic.dist.js
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+ morphic.js
+ a lively Web-GUI
+ inspired by Squeak
+ written by Jens Mönig
+ jens@moenig.org
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2022 by Jens Mönig
+ This file is part of Snap!.
+ Snap! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+ the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ documentation contents
+ ----------------------
+ I. inheritance hierarchy
+ II. object definition toc
+ III. yet to implement
+ IV. open issues
+ V. browser compatibility
+ VI. the big picture
+ VII. programming guide
+ (1) setting up a web page
+ (a) single world
+ (b) multiple worlds
+ (c) an application
+ (2) manipulating morphs
+ (3) events
+ (a) mouse events
+ (b) context menu
+ (c) dragging
+ (d) dropping
+ (e) keyboard events
+ (f) resize event
+ (g) combined mouse-keyboard events
+ (h) text editing events
+ (4) stepping
+ (5) creating new kinds of morphs
+ (a) drawing the shape
+ (b) determining extent and arranging submorphs
+ (c) pixel-perfect pointing events
+ (d) caching the shape
+ (e) holes
+ (f) updating
+ (g) duplicating
+ (6) development and user modes
+ (7) turtle graphics
+ (8) supporting high-resolution "retina" screens
+ (9 animations
+ (10) minifying morphic.js
+ VIII. acknowledgements
+ IX. contributors
+ I. hierarchy
+ -------------
+ the following tree lists all constructors hierarchically,
+ indentation indicating inheritance. Refer to this list to get a
+ contextual overview:
+ Animation
+ Color
+ Node
+ Morph
+ BlinkerMorph
+ CursorMorph
+ BouncerMorph*
+ BoxMorph
+ InspectorMorph
+ MenuMorph
+ MouseSensorMorph*
+ SpeechBubbleMorph
+ CircleBoxMorph
+ SliderButtonMorph
+ SliderMorph
+ ColorPaletteMorph
+ GrayPaletteMorph
+ ColorPickerMorph
+ DialMorph
+ FrameMorph
+ ScrollFrameMorph
+ ListMorph
+ StringFieldMorph
+ WorldMorph
+ HandleMorph
+ HandMorph
+ PenMorph
+ ShadowMorph
+ StringMorph
+ TextMorph
+ TriggerMorph
+ MenuItemMorph
+ Point
+ Rectangle
+ II. toc
+ -------
+ the following list shows the order in which all constructors are
+ defined. Use this list to locate code in this document:
+ Global settings
+ Global functions
+ Animation
+ Color
+ Point
+ Rectangle
+ Node
+ Morph
+ ShadowMorph
+ HandleMorph
+ PenMorph
+ ColorPaletteMorph
+ GrayPaletteMorph
+ ColorPickerMorph
+ BlinkerMorph
+ CursorMorph
+ BoxMorph
+ SpeechBubbleMorph
+ DialMorph
+ CircleBoxMorph
+ SliderButtonMorph
+ SliderMorph
+ MouseSensorMorph*
+ InspectorMorph
+ MenuMorph
+ StringMorph
+ TextMorph
+ TriggerMorph
+ MenuItemMorph
+ FrameMorph
+ ScrollFrameMorph
+ ListMorph
+ StringFieldMorph
+ BouncerMorph*
+ HandMorph
+ WorldMorph
+ * included only for demo purposes
+ III. yet to implement
+ ---------------------
+ - keyboard support for scroll frames and lists
+ - virtual keyboard support for Android
+ IV. open issues
+ ----------------
+ - clipboard support (copy & paste) for non-textual data
+ V. browser compatibility
+ ------------------------
+ I have taken great care and considerable effort to make morphic.js
+ runnable and appearing exactly the same on all current browsers
+ available to me:
+ - Firefox for Windows
+ - Firefox for Mac
+ - Firefox for Android
+ - Chrome for Windows
+ - Chrome for Mac
+ - Chrome for Android
+ - Safari for Windows (deprecated)
+ - safari for Mac
+ - Safari for iOS (mobile)
+ - IE for Windows (partial support)
+ - Edge for Windows
+ - Opera for Windows
+ - Opera for Mac
+ VI. the big picture
+ -------------------
+ Morphic.js is completely based on Canvas and JavaScript, it is just
+ Morphic, nothing else. Morphic.js is very basic and covers only the
+ bare essentials:
+ * a stepping mechanism (a time-sharing multiplexer for lively
+ user interaction ontop of a single OS/browser thread)
+ * progressive display updates (only dirty rectangles are
+ redrawn at each display cycle)
+ * a tree structure
+ * a single World per Canvas element (although you can have
+ multiple worlds in multiple Canvas elements on the same web
+ page)
+ * a single Hand per World (but you can support multi-touch
+ events)
+ * a single text entry focus per World
+ In its current state morphic.js doesn't support transforms (you
+ cannot rotate Morphs), but with PenMorph there already is a simple
+ LOGO-like turtle that you can use to draw onto any Morph it is
+ attached to. I'm planning to add special Morphs that support these
+ operations later on, but not for every Morph in the system.
+ Therefore these additions ("sprites" etc.) are likely to be part of
+ other libraries ("microworld.js") in separate files.
+ the purpose of morphic.js is to provide a malleable framework that
+ will let me experiment with lively GUIs for my hobby horse, which
+ is drag-and-drop, blocks based programming languages. Those things
+ (BYOB4 - http://byob.berkeley.edu) will be written using morphic.js
+ as a library.
+ VII. programming guide
+ ----------------------
+ Morphic.js provides a library for lively GUIs inside single HTML
+ Canvas elements. Each such canvas element functions as a "world" in
+ which other visible shapes ("morphs") can be positioned and
+ manipulated, often directly and interactively by the user. Morphs
+ are tree nodes and may contain any number of submorphs ("children").
+ All things visible in a morphic World are morphs themselves, i.e.
+ all text rendering, blinking cursors, entry fields, menus, buttons,
+ sliders, windows and dialog boxes etc. are created with morphic.js
+ rather than using HTML DOM elements, and as a consequence can be
+ changed and adjusted by the programmer regardless of proprietary
+ browser behavior.
+ Each World has an - invisible - "Hand" resembling the mouse cursor
+ (or the user's finger on touch screens) which handles mouse events,
+ and may also have a keyboard focus to handle key events.
+ The basic idea of Morphic is to continuously run display cycles and
+ to incrementally update the screen by only redrawing those World
+ regions which have been "dirtied" since the last redraw. Before
+ each shape is processed for redisplay it gets the chance to perform
+ a "step" procedure, thus allowing for an illusion of concurrency.
+ (1) setting up a web page
+ -------------------------
+ Setting up a web page for Morphic always involves three steps:
+ adding one or more Canvas elements, defining one or more worlds,
+ initializing and starting the main loop.
+ (a) single world
+ -----------------
+ Most commonly you will want your World to fill the browsers's whole
+ client area. This default situation is easiest and most straight
+ forward.
+ example html file:
+ Morphic!
+ if you use ScrollFrames or otherwise plan to support mouse wheel
+ scrolling events, make sure to add the following inline-CSS
+ attribute to the Canvas element:
+ style="position: absolute;"
+ which will prevent the World to be scrolled around instead of the
+ elements inside of it in some browsers.
+ (b) multiple worlds
+ -------------------
+ If you wish to create a web page with more than one world, make
+ sure to prevent each world from auto-filling the whole page and
+ include it in the main loop. It's also a good idea to give each
+ world its own tabindex:
+ example html file:
+ Morphic!
first world:
second world:
+ (c) an application
+ -------------------
+ Of course, most of the time you don't want to just plain use the
+ standard Morphic World "as is" out of the box, but write your own
+ application (something like Scratch!) in it. For such an
+ application you'll create your own morph prototypes, perhaps
+ assemble your own "window frame" and bring it all to life in a
+ customized World state. the following example creates a simple
+ snake-like mouse drawing game.
+ example html file:
+ touch me!
+ To get an idea how you can craft your own custom morph prototypes
+ I've included two examples which should give you an idea how to add
+ properties, override inherited methods and use the stepping
+ mechanism for "livelyness":
+ BouncerMorph
+ MouseSensorMorph
+ For the sake of sharing a single file I've included those examples
+ in morphic.js itself. Usually you'll define your additions in a
+ separate file and keep morphic.js untouched.
+ (2) manipulating morphs
+ -----------------------
+ There are many methods to programmatically manipulate morphs. Among
+ the most important and common ones among all morphs are the
+ following nine:
+ * hide()
+ * show()
+ * setPosition(aPoint)
+ * setExtent(aPoint)
+ * setColor(aColor)
+ * add(submorph) - attaches submorph ontop
+ * addBack(submorph) - attaches submorph underneath
+ * fullCopy() - duplication
+ * destroy() - deletion
+ (3) events
+ ----------
+ All user (and system) interaction is triggered by events, which are
+ passed on from the root element - the World - to its submorphs. The
+ World contains a list of system (browser) events it reacts to in its
+ initEventListeners()
+ method. Currently there are
+ - mouse
+ - drop
+ - keyboard
+ - (window) resize
+ events.
+ These system events are dispatched within the morphic World by the
+ World's Hand and its keyboardFocus (usually the active text
+ cursor).
+ (a) mouse events:
+ -----------------
+ The Hand dispatches the following mouse events to relevant morphs:
+ mouseDownLeft
+ mouseDownRight
+ mouseClickLeft
+ mouseClickRight
+ mouseDoubleClick
+ mouseEnter
+ mouseLeave
+ mouseEnterDragging
+ mouseLeaveDragging
+ mouseEnterBounds
+ mouseLeaveBounds
+ mouseMove
+ mouseScroll
+ If you wish your morph to react to any such event, simply add a
+ method of the same name as the event, e.g:
+ MyMorph.prototype.mouseMove = function(pos) {};
+ Most of these methods have as optional parameter a Point object
+ indicating the current position of the Hand inside the World's
+ coordinate system. The
+ mouseMove(pos, button)
+ event method has an additional optional parameter indicating the
+ currently pressed mouse button, which is either 'left' or 'right'.
+ You can use this to let users interact with 3D environments.
+ The
+ mouseEnterDragging(morph)
+ mouseLeaveDragging(morph)
+ mouseEnterBounds(morph)
+ mouseLeaveBounds(morph)
+ event methods have as optional parameter the morph currently dragged by
+ the Hand, if any.
+ Events may be "bubbled" up a morph's owner chain by calling
+ this.escalateEvent(functionName, arg)
+ in the event handler method's code.
+ Likewise, removing the event handler method will render your morph
+ passive to the event in question.
+ (b) context menu:
+ -----------------
+ By default right-clicking (or single-finger tap-and-hold) on a morph
+ also invokes its context menu (in addition to firing the
+ mouseClickRight event). A morph's context menu can be customized by
+ assigning a Menu instance to its
+ customContextMenu
+ property, or altogether suppressed by overriding its inherited
+ contextMenu()
+ method.
+ (c) dragging:
+ -------------
+ Dragging a morph is initiated when the left mouse button is pressed,
+ held and the mouse is moved.
+ You can control whether a morph is draggable by setting its
+ isDraggable
+ property either to false or true. If a morph isn't draggable itself
+ it will pass the pick-up request up its owner chain. This lets you
+ create draggable composite morphs like Windows, DialogBoxes,
+ Sliders etc.
+ Sometimes it is desireable to make "template" shapes which cannot be
+ moved themselves, but from which instead duplicates can be peeled
+ off. This is especially useful for building blocks in construction
+ kits, e.g. the MIT-Scratch palette. Morphic.js lets you control this
+ functionality by setting the
+ isTemplate
+ property flag to true for any morph whose "isDraggable" property is
+ turned off. When dragging such a Morph the hand will instead grab
+ a duplicate of the template whose "isDraggable" flag is true and
+ whose "isTemplate" flag is false, in other words: a non-template.
+ When creating a copy from a template, the copy's
+ reactToTemplateCopy
+ is invoked, if it is present.
+ Dragging is indicated by adding a drop shadow to the morph in hand.
+ If a morph follows the hand without displaying a drop shadow it is
+ merely being moved about without changing its parent (owner morph),
+ e.g. when "dragging" a morph handle to resize its owner, or when
+ "dragging" a slider button.
+ Right before a morph is picked up its
+ selectForEdit
+ and
+ prepareToBeGrabbed(handMorph)
+ methods are invoked, each if it is present. the optional
+ selectForEdit
+ if implemented, must return the object that is to be picked up.
+ In addition to just returning the original object chosen by the user
+ your method can also modify the target's environment and instead return
+ a copy of the selected morph if, for example, you would like to implement
+ a copy-on-write mechanism such as in Snap.
+ Immediately after the pick-up the former parent's
+ reactToGrabOf(grabbedMorph)
+ method is called, again only if it exists.
+ Similar to events, these methods are optional and don't exist by
+ default. For a simple example of how they can be used to adjust
+ scroll bars in a scroll frame please have a look at their
+ implementation in FrameMorph.
+ (d) dropping:
+ -------------
+ Dropping is triggered when the left mouse button is either pressed
+ or released while the Hand is dragging a morph.
+ Dropping a morph causes it to become embedded in a new owner morph.
+ You can control this embedding behavior by setting the prospective
+ drop target's
+ acceptsDrops
+ property to either true or false, or by overriding its inherited
+ wantsDropOf(aMorph)
+ method.
+ Right before dropping a morph the designated new parent's optional
+ selectForEdit
+ method is invoked if it is present. Again, if implemented this method
+ must return the new parent for the morph that is about to be dropped.
+ Again, in addition to just returning the designeted drop-target
+ your method can also modify its environment and instead return
+ a copy of the new parent if, for example, you would like to implement
+ a copy-on-write mechanism such as in Snap.
+ Right after a morph has been dropped its
+ justDropped(handMorph)
+ method is called, and its new parent's
+ reactToDropOf(droppedMorph, handMorph)
+ method is invoked, again only if each method exists.
+ Similar to events, these methods are optional and by default are
+ not present in morphs by default (watch out for inheritance,
+ though!). For a simple example of how they can be used to adjust
+ scroll bars in a scroll frame please have a look at their
+ implementation in FrameMorph.
+ Drops of image elements from outside the world canvas are dispatched as
+ droppedImage(aCanvas, name)
+ droppedSVG(anImage, name)
+ events to interested Morphs at the mouse pointer. If you want your Morph
+ to e.g. import outside images you can add the droppedImage() and / or the
+ droppedSVG() methods to it. The parameter passed to the event handles is
+ a new offscreen canvas element representing a copy of the original image
+ element which can be directly used, e.g. by assigning it to another
+ Morph's cachedImage property. In the case of a dropped SVG it is an image
+ element (not a canvas), which has to be rasterized onto a canvas before
+ it can be used. The benefit of handling SVGs as image elements is that
+ rasterization can be deferred until the destination scale is known, taking
+ advantage of SVG's ability for smooth scaling. If instead SVGs are to be
+ rasterized right away, you can set the
+ MorphicPreferences.rasterizeSVGs
+ preference to . In this case dropped SVGs also trigger the
+ droppedImage() event with a canvas containing a rasterized version of the
+ SVG.
+ The same applies to drops of audio or text files from outside the world
+ canvas.
+ Those are dispatched as
+ droppedAudio(anAudio, name)
+ droppedText(aString, name, type)
+ events to interested Morphs at the mouse pointer.
+ if none of the above content types can be determined, the file contents
+ is dispatched as an ArrayBuffer to interested Morphs:
+ droppedBinary(anArrayBuffer, name)
+ In case multiple files are dropped simulateneously the events
+ beginBulkDrop()
+ endBulkDrop()
+ are dispatched to to Morphs interested in bracketing the bulk operation,
+ and the endBulkDrop() event is only signalled after the contents last file
+ has been asynchronously made available.
+ (e) keyboard events
+ -------------------
+ The World dispatches the following key events to its active
+ keyboard focus:
+ keypress
+ keydown
+ keyup
+ Currently the only morphs which acts as keyboard focus are
+ CursorMorph - the basic text editing widget - and MenuMorph elements.
+ If you wish to add keyboard support to your morph you need to add event
+ handling methods for
+ processKeyPress(event)
+ processKeyDown(event)
+ processKeyUp(event)
+ and activate them by assigning your morph to the World's
+ keyboardFocus
+ property.
+ Note that processKeyUp() is optional and doesn't have to be present
+ if your morph doesn't require it.
+ (f) resize event
+ ----------------
+ The Window resize event is handled by the World and allows the
+ World's extent to be adjusted so that it always completely fills
+ the browser's visible page. You can turn off this default behavior
+ by setting the World's
+ useFillPage
+ property to false.
+ Alternatively you can also initialize the World with the
+ useFillPage switch turned off from the beginning by passing the
+ false value as second parameter to the World's constructor:
+ world = new World(aCanvas, false);
+ Use this when creating a web page with multiple Worlds.
+ if "useFillPage" is turned on the World dispatches an
+ reactToWorldResize(newBounds)
+ events to all of its children (toplevel only), allowing each to
+ adjust to the new World bounds by implementing a corresponding
+ method, the passed argument being the World's new dimensions after
+ completing the resize. By default, the "reactToWorldResize" Method
+ does not exist.
+ Example:
+ Add the following method to your Morph to let it automatically
+ fill the whole World, but leave a 10 pixel border uncovered:
+ MyMorph.prototype.reactToWorldResize = function (rect) {
+ this.changed();
+ this.bounds = rect.insetBy(10);
+ this.rerender();
+ };
+ (g) combined mouse-keyboard events
+ ----------------------------------
+ Occasionally you'll want an object to react differently to a mouse
+ click or to some other mouse event while the user holds down a key
+ on the keyboard. Such "shift-click", "ctl-click", or "alt-click"
+ events can be implemented by querying the World's
+ currentKey
+ property inside the function that reacts to the mouse event. This
+ property stores the keyCode of the key that's currently pressed.
+ Once the key is released by the user it reverts to null.
+ (h) text editing events
+ -----------------------
+ Much of Morphic's "liveliness" comes out of allowing text elements
+ (instances of either single-lined StringMorph or multi-lined TextMorph)
+ to be directly manipulated and edited by users. This requires other
+ objects which may have an interest in the text element's state to react
+ appropriately. Therefore text elements and their manipulators emit
+ a stream of events, mostly by "bubbling" them up the text element's
+ owner chain. Text elements' parents are notified about the following
+ events:
+ Whenever the user presses a key on the keyboard while a text element
+ is being edited, first a
+ reactToKeystroke(event)
+ is escalated up its parent chain, the "event" parameter being the
+ original one received by the World.
+ Whenever the input changes, by adding or removing one or more characters,
+ an additional
+ reactToInput(event)
+ is escalated up its parent chain, the "event" parameter again being the
+ original one received by the World or by the IME element.
+ Note that the "reactToKeystroke" event gets triggered before the input
+ changes, and thus befgore the "reactToInput" event fires.
+ Once the user has completed the edit, the following events are
+ dispatched:
+ accept() - was pressed on a single line of text
+ cancel() - was pressed on any text element
+ Note that "accept" only gets triggered by single-line texte elements,
+ as the key is used to insert line breaks in multi-line
+ elements. Therefore, whenever a text edit is terminated by the user
+ (accepted, cancelled or otherwise),
+ reactToEdit(StringOrTextMorph)
+ is triggered.
+ If the MorphicPreference's
+ useSliderForInput
+ setting is turned on, a slider is popped up underneath the currently
+ edited text element letting the user insert numbers out of the given
+ slider range. Whenever this happens, i.e. whenever the slider is moved
+ or while the slider button is pressed, a stream of
+ reactToSliderEdit(StringOrTextMorph)
+ events is dispatched, allowing for "Bret-Victor" style "scrubbing"
+ applications.
+ In addition to user-initiated events text elements also emit
+ change notifications to their direct parents whenever their contents
+ changes. That way complex Morphs containing text elements
+ get a chance to react if something about the embedded text has been
+ modified programmatically. These events are:
+ layoutChanged() - sent only from instances of TextMorph
+ fixLayout() - sent from instances of all Morphs, including StringMorphs
+ they are different so that Morphs which contain both multi-line and
+ single-line text elements can hold them apart.
+ (4) stepping
+ ------------
+ Stepping is what makes Morphic "magical". Two properties control
+ a morph's stepping behavior: the fps attribute and the step()
+ method.
+ By default the
+ step()
+ method does nothing. As you can see in the examples of BouncerMorph
+ and MouseSensorMorph you can easily override this inherited method
+ to suit your needs.
+ By default the step() method is called once per display cycle.
+ Depending on the number of actively stepping morphs and the
+ complexity of your step() methods this can cause quite a strain on
+ your CPU, and also result in your application behaving differently
+ on slower computers than on fast ones.
+ setting
+ myMorph.fps
+ to a number lower than the interval for the main loop lets you free
+ system resources (albeit at the cost of a less responsive or slower
+ behavior for this particular morph).
+ (5) creating new kinds of morphs
+ --------------------------------
+ The real fun begins when you start to create new kinds of morphs
+ with customized shapes. Imagine, e.g. jigsaw puzzle pieces or
+ musical notes.
+ When you create your own morphs, you'll want to think about how to
+ graphically render it, how to determine its size and whether it needs
+ to arrange any other parts ("submorphs). There are also ways to specify
+ its collision detection behavior and define "untouchable" regions
+ ("holes").
+ (a) drawing the shape
+ ---------------------
+ For this you have to override the default
+ render(ctx)
+ method.
+ This method draws the morph's shape using a given 2d graphics context.
+ Note that any coordinates used in the render() method must be relative
+ to the morph's own position, i.e. you don't need to worry about
+ translating the shape yourself.
+ You can use the following template for a start:
+ MyMorph.prototype.render = function(ctx) {
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.color.toString();
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width(), this.height());
+ };
+ it renders the morph as a solid rectangle completely filling its
+ area with its current color.
+ Notice how the coordinates for the fillRect() call are relative
+ to the morph's own position: The rendered rectangle's origin is always
+ located at (0, 0) regardless of the morph's actual position in the World.
+ (b) determining extent and arranging submorphs
+ ----------------------------------------------
+ If your new morph also needs to determine its extent and, e.g. to
+ encompass one or several other morphs, or arrange the layout of its
+ submorphs, make sure to also override the default
+ fixLayout()
+ method.
+ NOTE: If you need to set the morph's extent inside, in order to avoid
+ infinite recursion instead of calling morph.setExtent() - which will
+ in turn call morph.fixLayout() again - directly modify the morph's
+ bounds
+ property. Bounds is a rectable on which you can also use the same
+ size-setters, e.g. by calling:
+ this.bounds.setExtent()
+ (c) pixel-perfect pointing events
+ ---------------------------------
+ In case your new morph needs to support pixel-perfect collision detection
+ with other morphs or pointing devices such as the mouse or a stylus you
+ can set the inherited attribute
+ isFreeForm = bool
+ to "true" (default is "false"). This makes sense the more your morph's
+ visual shape diverges from a rectangle. For example, if you create a
+ circular filled morph the default setting will register mouse-events
+ anywhere within its bounding box, e.g. also in the transparent parts
+ between the bounding box's corners outside of the circle's bounds.
+ Instead you can specify your irregulary shaped morph to only register
+ pointing events (mouse and touch) on solid, non-transparent parts.
+ Notice, however, that such pixel-perfect collision detection might
+ strain processing resources, especially if applied liberally.
+ In order to mitigate unfavorable processor loads for pixel-perfect
+ collision deteciton of irregularly shaped morphs there are two strategies
+ to consider: Caching the shape and specifying "untouchable" regions.
+ (d) caching the shape
+ ---------------------
+ In case of pixel-perfect free-form collision detection it makes sense to
+ cache your morph's current shape, so it doesn't have to be re-drawn onto a
+ new Canvas element every time the mouse moves over its bounding box.
+ For this you can set then inherited
+ isCachingImage = bool
+ attribute to "true" instead of the default "false" value. This will
+ significantly speed up collision detection and smoothen animations that
+ continuously perform collision detection. However, it will also consume
+ more memory. Therefore it's best to use this setting with caution.
+ Snap! caches the shapes of sprites but not those of blocks. Instead it
+ manages the insides of C- and E-shaped blocks through the morphic "holes"
+ mechanism.
+ (e) holes
+ ---------
+ An alternative albeit not as precise and general way for handling
+ irregularly shaped morphs with "untouchable" regions is to specify a set
+ of rectangular areas in which pointing events (mouse or touch) are not
+ registered.
+ By default the inherited
+ holes = []
+ property is an empty array. You can add one or more morphic Rectangle
+ objects to this list, representing regions, in which occurring events will
+ instead be passed on to the morph underneath.
+ Note that, same with the render() method, the coordinates of these
+ rectangular holes must be specified relative to your morph's position.
+ If you specify holes you might find the need to adjust their layout
+ depending on the layout of your morph. To accomplish this you can override
+ the inherited
+ fixHolesLayout()
+ method.
+ (f) updating
+ ------------
+ One way for morphs to become alive is form them to literally "morph" their
+ shape depending on whicher contest you wish them to react to. For example,
+ you might want the user to interactively draw a shape using their fingers
+ on a touch screen device, or you want the user to be able to "pinch" or
+ otherwise distort a shape interactively. In all of these situations you'll
+ want your morph to frequently rerender its shape.
+ You can accomplish this, by calling
+ rerender()
+ after every change to your morph's appearance that requires rerendering.
+ Such changes are usually only happening when the morph's dimensions or
+ other visual properties - such as its color - changes.
+ (g) duplicating
+ ---------------
+ If your new morph stores or references to other morphs outside of
+ the submorph tree in other properties, be sure to also override the
+ default
+ updateReferences()
+ method if you want it to support duplication.
+ (6) development and user modes
+ ------------------------------
+ When working with Squeak on Scratch or BYOB among the features I
+ like the best and use the most is inspecting what's going on in
+ the World while it is up and running. That's what development mode
+ is for (you could also call it debug mode). In essence development
+ mode controls which context menu shows up. In user mode right
+ clicking (or double finger tapping) a morph invokes its
+ customContextMenu
+ property, whereas in development mode only the general
+ developersMenu()
+ method is called and the resulting menu invoked. The developers'
+ menu features Gui-Builder-wise functionality to directly inspect,
+ take apart, reassamble and otherwise manipulate morphs and their
+ contents.
+ Instead of using the "customContextMenu" property you can also
+ assign a more dynamic contextMenu by overriding the general
+ userMenu()
+ method with a customized menu constructor. The difference between
+ the customContextMenu property and the userMenu() method is that
+ the former is also present in development mode and overrides the
+ developersMenu() result. For an example of how to use the
+ customContextMenu property have a look at TextMorph's evaluation
+ menu, which is used for the Inspector's evaluation pane.
+ When in development mode you can inspect every Morph's properties
+ with the inspector, including all of its methods. The inspector
+ also lets you add, remove and rename properties, and even edit
+ their values at runtime. Like in a Smalltalk environment the inspect
+ features an evaluation pane into which you can type in arbitrary
+ JavaScript code and evaluate it in the context of the inspectee.
+ Use switching between user and development modes while you are
+ developing an application and disable switching to development once
+ you're done and deploying, because generally you don't want to
+ confuse end-users with inspectors and meta-level stuff.
+ (7) turtle graphics
+ -------------------
+ The basic Morphic kernel features a simple LOGO turtle constructor
+ called
+ PenMorph
+ which you can use to draw onto its parent Morph. By default every
+ Morph in the system (including the World) is able to act as turtle
+ canvas and can display pen trails. Pen trails will be lost whenever
+ the trails morph (the pen's parent) performs a "render()"
+ operation. If you want to create your own pen trails canvas, you
+ may wish to modify its
+ penTrails()
+ property, so that it keeps a separate offscreen canvas for pen
+ trails (and doesn't loose these on redraw).
+ the following properties of PenMorph are relevant for turtle
+ graphics:
+ color - a Color
+ size - line width of pen trails
+ heading - degrees
+ isDown - drawing state
+ the following commands can be used to actually draw something:
+ up() - lift the pen up, further movements leave no trails
+ down() - set down, further movements leave trails
+ clear() - remove all trails from the current parent
+ forward(n) - move n steps in the current direction (heading)
+ turn(n) - turn right n degrees
+ Turtle graphics can best be explored interactively by creating a
+ new PenMorph object and by manipulating it with the inspector
+ widget.
+ NOTE: PenMorph has a special optimization for recursive operations
+ called
+ warp(function)
+ You can significantly speed up recursive ops and increase the depth
+ of recursion that's displayable by wrapping WARP around your
+ recursive function call:
+ example:
+ myPen.warp(function () {
+ myPen.tree(12, 120, 20);
+ })
+ will be much faster than just invoking the tree function, because it
+ prevents the parent's parent from keeping track of every single line
+ segment and instead redraws the outcome in a single pass.
+ (8) supporting high-resolution "retina" screens
+ -----------------------------------------------
+ By default retina support gets installed when Morphic.js loads. There
+ are two global functions that let you test for retina availability:
+ isRetinaSupported() - Bool, answers if retina support is available
+ isRetinaEnabled() - Bool, answers if currently in retina mode
+ and two more functions that let you control retina support if it is
+ available:
+ enableRetinaSupport()
+ disableRetinaSupport()
+ Both of these internally test whether retina is available, so they are
+ safe to call directly. For an example how to make retina support
+ user-specifiable refer to
+ Snap! >> guis.js >> toggleRetina()
+ Even when in retina mode it often makes sense to use normal-resolution
+ canvasses for simple shapes in order to save system resources and
+ optimize performance. Examples are costumes and backgrounds in Snap.
+ In Morphic you can create new canvas elements using
+ newCanvas(extentPoint [, nonRetinaFlag])
+ If retina support is enabled such new canvasses will automatically be
+ high-resolution canvasses, unless the newCanvas() function is given an
+ otherwise optional second Boolean argument that explicitly makes
+ it a non-retina canvas.
+ Not the whole canvas API is supported by Morphic's retina utilities.
+ Especially if your code uses putImageData() you will want to "downgrade"
+ a target high-resolution canvas to a normal-resolution ("non-retina")
+ one before using
+ normalizeCanvas(aCanvas [, copyFlag])
+ This will change the target canvas' resolution in place (!). If you
+ pass in the optional second Boolean flag the function returns
+ a non-retina copy and leaves the target canvas unchanged. An example
+ of this normalize mechanism is converting the penTrails layer of Snap's
+ stage (high-resolution) into a sprite-costume (normal resolution).
+ (9) animations
+ ---------------
+ Animations handle gradual transitions between one state and another over a
+ period of time. Transition effects can be specified using easing functions.
+ An easing function maps a fraction of the transition time to a fraction of
+ the state delta. This way accelerating / decelerating and bouncing sliding
+ effects can be accomplished.
+ Animations are generic and not limited to motion, i.e. they can also handle
+ other transitions such as color changes, transparency fadings, growing,
+ shrinking, turning etc.
+ Animations need to be stepped by a scheduler, e. g. an interval function.
+ In Morphic the preferred way to run an animation is to register it with
+ the World by adding it to the World's animation queue. The World steps each
+ registered animation once per display cycle independently of the Morphic
+ stepping mechanism.
+ For an example how to use animations look at how the Morph's methods
+ glideTo()
+ fadeTo()
+ and
+ slideBackTo()
+ are implemented.
+ (10) minifying morphic.js
+ -------------------------
+ Coming from Smalltalk and being a Squeaker at heart I am a huge fan
+ of browsing the code itself to make sense of it. Therefore I have
+ included this documentation and (too little) inline comments so all
+ you need to get going is this very file.
+ Nowadays with live streaming HD video even on mobile phones 250 KB
+ shouldn't be a big strain on bandwith, still minifying and even
+ compressing morphic.js down do about 100 KB may sometimes improve
+ performance in production use.
+ Being an attorney-at-law myself you programmer folk keep harassing
+ me with rabulistic nitpickings about free software licenses. I'm
+ releasing morphic.js under an AGPL license. Therefore please make
+ sure to adhere to that license in any minified or compressed version.
+ VIII. acknowledgements
+ ----------------------
+ The original Morphic was designed and written by Randy Smith and
+ John Maloney for the SELF programming language, and later ported to
+ Squeak (Smalltalk) by John Maloney and Dan Ingalls, who has also
+ ported it to JavaScript (the Lively Kernel), once again setting
+ a "Gold Standard" for self sustaining systems which morphic.js
+ cannot and does not aspire to meet.
+ This Morphic implementation for JavaScript is not a direct port of
+ Squeak's Morphic, but still many individual functions have been
+ ported almost literally from Squeak, sometimes even including their
+ comments, e.g. the morph duplication mechanism fullCopy(). Squeak
+ has been a treasure trove, and if morphic.js looks, feels and
+ smells a lot like Squeak, I'll take it as a compliment.
+ Evelyn Eastmond has inspired and encouraged me with her wonderful
+ implementation of DesignBlocksJS. Thanks for sharing code, ideas
+ and enthusiasm for programming.
+ John Maloney has been my mentor and my source of inspiration for
+ these Morphic experiments. Thanks for the critique, the suggestions
+ and explanations for all things Morphic and for being my all time
+ programming hero.
+ I have originally written morphic.js in Florian Balmer's Notepad2
+ editor for Windows, later switched to Apple's Dashcode and later
+ still to Apple's Xcode. I've also come to depend on both Douglas
+ Crockford's JSLint and later the JSHint project, as well as on
+ Mozilla's Firebug and Google's Chrome to get it right.
+ IX. contributors
+ ----------------------
+ Joe Otto found and fixed many early bugs and taught me some tricks.
+ Nathan Dinsmore contributed mouse wheel scrolling, cached
+ background texture handling, countless bug fixes and optimizations.
+ Ian Reynolds contributed backspace key handling for Chrome.
+ Davide Della Casa contributed performance optimizations for Firefox.
+ Jason N (@cyderize) contributed native copy & paste for text editing.
+ Bartosz Leper contributed retina display support.
+ Zhenlei Jia and Dariusz Dorożalski pioneered IME text editing.
+ Bernat Romagosa contributed to text editing and to the core design.
+ Michael Ball found and fixed a longstanding scrolling bug.
+ Brian Harvey contributed to the design and implementation of submenus.
+ Ken Kahn contributed to Chinese keboard entry and Android support.
+ Brian Broll contributed clickable URLs in text elements and many bugfixes.
+ - Jens Mönig
+// Global settings /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+/*global window, HTMLCanvasElement, FileReader, Audio, FileList, Map*/
+/*jshint esversion: 6*/
+var morphicVersion = '2022-January-28';
+var modules = {}; // keep track of additional loaded modules
+var useBlurredShadows = true;
+const ZERO = new Point();
+const BLACK = new Color();
+const WHITE = new Color(255, 255, 255);
+const CLEAR = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
+var standardSettings = {
+ minimumFontHeight: getMinimumFontHeight(), // browser settings
+ globalFontFamily: '',
+ menuFontName: 'sans-serif',
+ menuFontSize: 12,
+ bubbleHelpFontSize: 10,
+ prompterFontName: 'sans-serif',
+ prompterFontSize: 12,
+ prompterSliderSize: 10,
+ handleSize: 15,
+ scrollBarSize: 9, // was 12,
+ mouseScrollAmount: 40,
+ useSliderForInput: false,
+ isTouchDevice: false, // turned on by touch events, don't set
+ rasterizeSVGs: false,
+ isFlat: false,
+ grabThreshold: 5,
+ showHoles: false
+var touchScreenSettings = {
+ minimumFontHeight: standardSettings.minimumFontHeight,
+ globalFontFamily: '',
+ menuFontName: 'sans-serif',
+ menuFontSize: 24,
+ bubbleHelpFontSize: 18,
+ prompterFontName: 'sans-serif',
+ prompterFontSize: 24,
+ prompterSliderSize: 20,
+ handleSize: 26,
+ scrollBarSize: 24,
+ mouseScrollAmount: 40,
+ useSliderForInput: false,
+ isTouchDevice: true,
+ rasterizeSVGs: false,
+ isFlat: false,
+ grabThreshold: 5,
+ showHoles: false
+var MorphicPreferences = standardSettings;
+// first, try enabling support for retina displays - can be turned off later
+ Support for retina displays has been pioneered and contributed by
+ Bartosz Leper.
+ NOTE: this will make changes to the HTMLCanvasElement that - mostly -
+ make Morphic usable on retina displays in very high resolution mode
+ with crisp fonts and clear fine lines without you (the programmer)
+ needing to know any specifics, provided both the display and the browser
+ support these (Safari currently doesn't), otherwise these utilities will
+ not be installed.
+ If you don't want your Morphic application to support retina resolutions
+ you don't have to edit this morphic.js file to comment out the next line
+ of code, instead you can simply call
+ disableRetinaSupport();
+ before you create your World(s) in the html page. Disabling retina
+ support also will simply do nothing if retina support is not possible
+ or already disabled, so it's equally safe to call.
+ For an example how to make retina support user-specifiable refer to
+ Snap! >> guis.js >> toggleRetina()
+// Global Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+function nop() {
+ // do explicitly nothing
+ return null;
+function localize(string) {
+ // override this function with custom localizations
+ return string;
+function isNil(thing) {
+ return thing === undefined || thing === null;
+function contains(list, element) {
+ // answer true if element is a member of list
+ return list.indexOf(element) !== -1;
+function detect(list, predicate) {
+ // answer the first element of list for which predicate evaluates
+ // true, otherwise answer null
+ var i, size = list.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i += 1) {
+ if (predicate.call(null, list[i])) {
+ return list[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+function sizeOf(object) {
+ // answer the number of own properties
+ var size = 0, key;
+ for (key in object) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) {
+ size += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return size;
+function isString(target) {
+ return typeof target === 'string' || target instanceof String;
+function isObject(target) {
+ return target !== null &&
+ (typeof target === 'object' || target instanceof Object);
+function radians(degrees) {
+ return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
+function degrees(radians) {
+ return radians * 180 / Math.PI;
+function fontHeight(height) {
+ var minHeight = Math.max(height, MorphicPreferences.minimumFontHeight);
+ return minHeight * 1.2; // assuming 1/5 font size for ascenders
+function isWordChar(aCharacter) {
+ // can't use \b or \w because they ignore diacritics
+ return aCharacter.match(/[A-zÀ-ÿ0-9]/);
+function isURLChar(aCharacter) {
+ return aCharacter.match(/[A-z0-9./:?&_+%-]/);
+function isURL(text) {
+ return /^https?:\/\//.test(text);
+function newCanvas(extentPoint, nonRetina, recycleMe) {
+ // answer a new empty instance of Canvas, don't display anywhere
+ // nonRetina - optional Boolean "false"
+ // by default retina support is automatic
+ // optional existing canvas to be used again, unless it is marked as
+ // being shared among Morphs (dataset property "morphicShare")
+ var canvas, ext;
+ nonRetina = nonRetina || false;
+ ext = (extentPoint ||
+ (recycleMe ? new Point(recycleMe.width, recycleMe.height)
+ : new Point(0, 0))).ceil();
+ if (recycleMe &&
+ !recycleMe.dataset.morphicShare &&
+ (recycleMe.isRetinaEnabled || false) !== nonRetina &&
+ ext.x === recycleMe.width && ext.y === recycleMe.height
+ ) {
+ canvas = recycleMe;
+ canvas.getContext("2d").clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+ return canvas;
+ } else {
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ canvas.width = ext.x;
+ canvas.height = ext.y;
+ }
+ if (nonRetina && canvas.isRetinaEnabled) {
+ canvas.isRetinaEnabled = false;
+ }
+ return canvas;
+function copyCanvas(aCanvas) {
+ // answer a deep copy of a canvas element respecting its retina status
+ var c;
+ if (aCanvas && aCanvas.width && aCanvas.height) {
+ c = newCanvas(
+ new Point(aCanvas.width, aCanvas.height),
+ !aCanvas.isRetinaEnabled
+ );
+ c.getContext("2d").drawImage(aCanvas, 0, 0);
+ return c;
+ }
+ return aCanvas;
+function getMinimumFontHeight() {
+ // answer the height of the smallest font renderable in pixels
+ var str = 'I',
+ size = 50,
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
+ ctx,
+ maxX,
+ data,
+ x,
+ y;
+ canvas.width = size;
+ canvas.height = size;
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.font = '1px serif';
+ maxX = ctx.measureText(str).width;
+ ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
+ ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
+ ctx.fillText(str, 0, size);
+ for (y = 0; y < size; y += 1) {
+ for (x = 0; x < maxX; x += 1) {
+ data = ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1);
+ if (data.data[3] !== 0) {
+ return size - y + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+function getDocumentPositionOf(aDOMelement) {
+ // answer the relative coordinates of a DOM element in the viewport
+ var rect = aDOMelement.getBoundingClientRect(),
+ scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
+ scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ return {x: rect.left + scrollLeft, y:rect.top + scrollTop};
+function copy(target) {
+ // answer a shallow copy of target
+ var value, c, property, keys, l, i;
+ if (typeof target !== 'object') {
+ return target;
+ }
+ value = target.valueOf();
+ if (target !== value) {
+ return new target.constructor(value);
+ }
+ if (target instanceof target.constructor &&
+ target.constructor !== Object) {
+ c = Object.create(target.constructor.prototype);
+ keys = Object.keys(target);
+ for (l = keys.length, i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
+ property = keys[i];
+ if (target[property] instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {
+ // tag canvas elements as being shared,
+ // so the next time when rerendering a Morph
+ // instead of recycling the shared canvas a
+ // new unshared one get created
+ // see newCanvas() function
+ target[property].dataset.morphicShare = 'true';
+ }
+ c[property] = target[property];
+ }
+ } else {
+ c = {};
+ for (property in target) {
+ c[property] = target[property];
+ }
+ }
+ return c;
+// Retina Display Support //////////////////////////////////////////////
+ By default retina support gets installed when Morphic.js loads. There
+ are two global functions that let you test for retina availability:
+ isRetinaSupported() - Boolean, whether retina support is available
+ isRetinaEnabled() - Boolean, whether currently in retina mode
+ and two more functions that let you control retina support if it is
+ available:
+ enableRetinaSupport()
+ disableRetinaSupport()
+ Both of these internally test whether retina is available, so they are
+ safe to call directly.
+ Even when in retina mode it often makes sense to use non-high-resolution
+ canvasses for simple shapes in order to save system resources and
+ optimize performance. Examples are costumes and backgrounds in Snap.
+ In Morphic you can create new canvas elements using
+ newCanvas(extentPoint [, nonRetinaFlag])
+ If retina support is enabled such new canvasses will automatically be
+ high-resolution canvasses, unless the newCanvas() function is given an
+ otherwise optional second Boolean argument that explicitly makes
+ it a non-retina canvas.
+ Not the whole canvas API is supported by Morphic's retina utilities.
+ Especially if your code uses putImageData() you will want to "downgrade"
+ a target high-resolution canvas to a normal-resolution ("non-retina")
+ one before using
+ normalizeCanvas(aCanvas [, copyFlag])
+ This will change the target canvas' resolution in place (!). If you
+ pass in the optional second Boolean flag the function returns
+ a non-retina copy and leaves the target canvas unchanged. An example
+ of this normalize mechanism is converting the penTrails layer of Snap's
+ stage (high-resolution) into a sprite-costume (normal resolution).
+function enableRetinaSupport() {
+ === contributed by Bartosz Leper ===
+ This installs a series of utilities that allow using Canvas the same way
+ on retina and non-retina displays. If the display is a retina one, the
+ underlying dimensions of the Canvas elements are doubled, but this will
+ be transparent to the code that uses Canvas. All dimensions read or
+ written to the Canvas element will be scaled appropriately.
+ NOTE: This implementation is not exhaustive; it only implements what is
+ needed by the Snap! UI.
+ [Jens]: like all other retina screen support implementations I've seen
+ Bartosz's patch also does not address putImageData() compatibility when
+ mixing retina-enabled and non-retina canvasses. If you need to manipulate
+ pixels in such mixed canvasses, make sure to "downgrade" them all using
+ normalizeCanvas() below.
+ // Get the window's pixel ratio for canvas elements.
+ // See: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/canvas/hidpi/
+ var ctx = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"),
+ backingStorePixelRatio = ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+ ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+ ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+ ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+ ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1,
+ // Unfortunately, it's really hard to make this work well when changing
+ // zoom level, so let's leave it like this right now, and stick to
+ // whatever the ratio was in the beginning.
+ // originalDevicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio,
+ // [Jens]: As of summer 2016 non-integer devicePixelRatios lead to
+ // artifacts when blitting images onto canvas elements in all browsers
+ // except Chrome, especially Firefox, Edge, IE (Safari doesn't even
+ // support retina mode as implemented here).
+ // therefore - to ensure crisp fonts - use the ceiling of whatever
+ // the devicePixelRatio is. This needs more memory, but looks nicer.
+ originalDevicePixelRatio = Math.ceil(window.devicePixelRatio),
+ canvasProto = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype,
+ contextProto = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype,
+ // [Jens]: keep track of original properties in a dictionary
+ // so they can be iterated over and restored
+ uber = {
+ drawImage: contextProto.drawImage,
+ getImageData: contextProto.getImageData,
+ width: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
+ canvasProto,
+ 'width'
+ ),
+ height: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
+ canvasProto,
+ 'height'
+ ),
+ shadowOffsetX: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
+ contextProto,
+ 'shadowOffsetX'
+ ),
+ shadowOffsetY: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
+ contextProto,
+ 'shadowOffsetY'
+ ),
+ shadowBlur: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
+ contextProto,
+ 'shadowBlur'
+ )
+ };
+ // [Jens]: only install retina utilities if the display supports them
+ if (backingStorePixelRatio === originalDevicePixelRatio) {return; }
+ // [Jens]: check whether properties can be overridden, needed for Safari
+ if (Object.keys(uber).some(any => {
+ var prop = uber[any];
+ return prop.hasOwnProperty('configurable') && (!prop.configurable);
+ })) {return; }
+ function getPixelRatio(imageSource) {
+ return imageSource.isRetinaEnabled ?
+ (originalDevicePixelRatio || 1) / backingStorePixelRatio : 1;
+ }
+ canvasProto._isRetinaEnabled = true;
+ // [Jens]: remember the original non-retina properties,
+ // so they can be restored again
+ canvasProto._bak = uber;
+ Object.defineProperty(canvasProto, 'isRetinaEnabled', {
+ get: function() {
+ return this._isRetinaEnabled;
+ },
+ set: function(enabled) {
+ var prevPixelRatio = getPixelRatio(this),
+ prevWidth = this.width,
+ prevHeight = this.height;
+ this._isRetinaEnabled = enabled;
+ if (getPixelRatio(this) != prevPixelRatio) {
+ this.width = prevWidth;
+ this.height = prevHeight;
+ }
+ },
+ configurable: true // [Jens]: allow to be deleted an reconfigured
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(canvasProto, 'width', {
+ get: function() {
+ return uber.width.get.call(this) / getPixelRatio(this);
+ },
+ set: function(width) {
+ try { // workaround one of FF's dreaded NS_ERROR_FAILURE bugs
+ // this should be taken out as soon as FF gets fixed again
+ var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(this),
+ context;
+ uber.width.set.call(this, width * pixelRatio);
+ context = this.getContext('2d');
+ /*
+ context.restore();
+ context.save();
+ */
+ context.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log('Retina Display Support Problem', err);
+ uber.width.set.call(this, width);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(canvasProto, 'height', {
+ get: function() {
+ return uber.height.get.call(this) / getPixelRatio(this);
+ },
+ set: function(height) {
+ var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(this),
+ context;
+ uber.height.set.call(this, height * pixelRatio);
+ context = this.getContext('2d');
+ /*
+ context.restore();
+ context.save();
+ */
+ context.scale(pixelRatio, pixelRatio);
+ }
+ });
+ contextProto.drawImage = function(image) {
+ var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(image),
+ sx, sy, sWidth, sHeight, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight;
+ // Different signatures of drawImage() method have different
+ // parameter assignments.
+ switch (arguments.length) {
+ case 9:
+ sx = arguments[1];
+ sy = arguments[2];
+ sWidth = arguments[3];
+ sHeight = arguments[4];
+ dx = arguments[5];
+ dy = arguments[6];
+ dWidth = arguments[7];
+ dHeight = arguments[8];
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ sx = 0;
+ sy = 0;
+ sWidth = image.width;
+ sHeight = image.height;
+ dx = arguments[1];
+ dy = arguments[2];
+ dWidth = arguments[3];
+ dHeight = arguments[4];
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ sx = 0;
+ sy = 0;
+ sWidth = image.width;
+ sHeight = image.height;
+ dx = arguments[1];
+ dy = arguments[2];
+ dWidth = image.width;
+ dHeight = image.height;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw Error('Called drawImage() with ' + arguments.length +
+ ' arguments');
+ }
+ uber.drawImage.call(
+ this, image,
+ sx * pixelRatio, sy * pixelRatio,
+ sWidth * pixelRatio, sHeight * pixelRatio,
+ dx, dy,
+ dWidth, dHeight);
+ };
+ contextProto.getImageData = function(sx, sy, sw, sh) {
+ var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(this.canvas);
+ return uber.getImageData.call(
+ this,
+ sx * pixelRatio, sy * pixelRatio,
+ sw * pixelRatio, sh * pixelRatio);
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(contextProto, 'shadowOffsetX', {
+ get: function() {
+ return uber.shadowOffsetX.get.call(this) /
+ getPixelRatio(this.canvas);
+ },
+ set: function(offset) {
+ var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(this.canvas);
+ uber.shadowOffsetX.set.call(this, offset * pixelRatio);
+ }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(contextProto, 'shadowOffsetY', {
+ get: function() {
+ return uber.shadowOffsetY.get.call(this) /
+ getPixelRatio(this.canvas);
+ },
+ set: function(offset) {
+ var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(this.canvas);
+ uber.shadowOffsetY.set.call(this, offset * pixelRatio);
+ }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(contextProto, 'shadowBlur', {
+ get: function() {
+ return uber.shadowBlur.get.call(this) /
+ getPixelRatio(this.canvas);
+ },
+ set: function(blur) {
+ var pixelRatio = getPixelRatio(this.canvas);
+ uber.shadowBlur.set.call(this, blur * pixelRatio);
+ }
+ });
+function isRetinaSupported () {
+ var ctx = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"),
+ backingStorePixelRatio = ctx.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+ ctx.mozBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+ ctx.msBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+ ctx.oBackingStorePixelRatio ||
+ ctx.backingStorePixelRatio || 1,
+ canvasProto = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype,
+ contextProto = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype,
+ uber = {
+ drawImage: contextProto.drawImage,
+ getImageData: contextProto.getImageData,
+ width: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
+ canvasProto,
+ 'width'
+ ),
+ height: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
+ canvasProto,
+ 'height'
+ ),
+ shadowOffsetX: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
+ contextProto,
+ 'shadowOffsetX'
+ ),
+ shadowOffsetY: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
+ contextProto,
+ 'shadowOffsetY'
+ ),
+ shadowBlur: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
+ contextProto,
+ 'shadowBlur'
+ )
+ };
+ return backingStorePixelRatio !== window.devicePixelRatio &&
+ !(Object.keys(uber).some(any => {
+ var prop = uber[any];
+ return prop.hasOwnProperty('configurable') && (!prop.configurable);
+ })
+ );
+function isRetinaEnabled () {
+ return HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty('_isRetinaEnabled');
+function disableRetinaSupport() {
+ // uninstalls Retina utilities. Make sure to re-create every Canvas
+ // element afterwards
+ var canvasProto, contextProto, uber;
+ if (!isRetinaEnabled()) {return; }
+ canvasProto = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype;
+ contextProto = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
+ uber = canvasProto._bak;
+ Object.defineProperty(canvasProto, 'width', uber.width);
+ Object.defineProperty(canvasProto, 'height', uber.height);
+ contextProto.drawImage = uber.drawImage;
+ contextProto.getImageData = uber.getImageData;
+ Object.defineProperty(contextProto, 'shadowOffsetX', uber.shadowOffsetX);
+ Object.defineProperty(contextProto, 'shadowOffsetY', uber.shadowOffsetY);
+ Object.defineProperty(contextProto, 'shadowBlur', uber.shadowBlur);
+ delete canvasProto._isRetinaEnabled;
+ delete canvasProto.isRetinaEnabled;
+ delete canvasProto._bak;
+function normalizeCanvas(aCanvas, getCopy) {
+ // make sure aCanvas is non-retina, otherwise convert it in place (!)
+ // or answer a normalized copy if the "getCopy" flag is
+ var cpy;
+ if (!aCanvas.isRetinaEnabled) {return aCanvas; }
+ cpy = newCanvas(new Point(aCanvas.width, aCanvas.height), true);
+ cpy.getContext('2d').drawImage(aCanvas, 0, 0);
+ if (getCopy) {return cpy; }
+ aCanvas.isRetinaEnabled = false;
+ aCanvas.width = cpy.width;
+ aCanvas.height = cpy.height;
+ aCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(cpy, 0, 0);
+ return aCanvas;
+// Animations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ Animations handle gradual transitions between one state and another over a
+ period of time. Transition effects can be specified using easing functions.
+ An easing function maps a fraction of the transition time to a fraction of
+ the state delta. This way accelerating / decelerating and bouncing sliding
+ effects can be accomplished.
+ Animations are generic and not limited to motion, i.e. they can also handle
+ other transitions such as color changes, transparency fadings, growing,
+ shrinking, turning etc.
+ Animations need to be stepped by a scheduler, e. g. an interval function.
+ In Morphic the preferred way to run an animation is to register it with
+ the World by adding it to the World's animation queue. The World steps each
+ registered animation once per display cycle independently of the Morphic
+ stepping mechanism.
+ For an example how to use animations look at how the Morph's methods
+ glideTo()
+ fadeTo()
+ and
+ slideBackTo()
+ are implemented.
+// Animation instance creation:
+function Animation(setter, getter, delta, duration, easing, onComplete) {
+ this.setter = setter; // function
+ this.getter = getter; // function
+ this.delta = delta || 0; // number
+ this.duration = duration || 0; // milliseconds
+ this.easing = isString(easing) ? // string or function
+ this.easings[easing] || this.easings.sinusoidal
+ : easing || this.easings.sinusoidal;
+ this.onComplete = onComplete || null; // optional callback
+ this.endTime = null;
+ this.destination = null;
+ this.isActive = false;
+ this.start();
+Animation.prototype.easings = {
+ // dictionary of a few pre-defined easing functions used to transition
+ // two states
+ // ease both in and out:
+ linear: t => t,
+ sinusoidal: t => 1 - Math.cos(radians(t * 90)),
+ quadratic: t => t < 0.5 ? 2 * t * t : ((4 - (2 * t)) * t) - 1,
+ cubic: t => {
+ return t < 0.5 ?
+ 4 * t * t * t
+ : ((t - 1) * ((2 * t) - 2) * ((2 * t) - 2)) + 1;
+ },
+ elastic: t => {
+ return (t -= 0.5) < 0 ?
+ (0.01 + 0.01 / t) * Math.sin(50 * t)
+ : (0.02 - 0.01 / t) * Math.sin(50 * t) + 1;
+ },
+ // ease in only:
+ sine_in: t => 1 - Math.sin(radians(90 + (t * 90))),
+ quad_in: t => t * t,
+ cubic_in: t => t * t * t,
+ elastic_in: t => (0.04 - 0.04 / t) * Math.sin(25 * t) + 1,
+ // ease out only:
+ sine_out: t => Math.sin(radians(t * 90)),
+ quad_out: t => t * (2 - t),
+ elastic_out: t => 0.04 * t / (--t) * Math.sin(25 * t)
+Animation.prototype.start = function () {
+ // (re-) activate the animation, e.g. if is has previously completed,
+ // make sure to plug it into something that repeatedly triggers step(),
+ // e.g. the World's animations queue
+ this.endTime = Date.now() + this.duration;
+ this.destination = this.getter.call(this) + this.delta;
+ this.isActive = true;
+Animation.prototype.step = function () {
+ if (!this.isActive) {return; }
+ var now = Date.now();
+ if (now > this.endTime) {
+ this.setter(this.destination);
+ this.isActive = false;
+ if (this.onComplete) {this.onComplete(); }
+ } else {
+ this.setter(
+ this.destination -
+ (this.delta * this.easing((this.endTime - now) / this.duration))
+ );
+ }
+// Colors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Color instance creation:
+function Color(r, g, b, a) {
+ // all values are optional, just (r, g, b) is fine
+ this.r = r || 0;
+ this.g = g || 0;
+ this.b = b || 0;
+ this.a = a || ((a === 0) ? 0 : 1);
+// Color string representation: e.g. 'rgba(255,165,0,1)'
+Color.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'rgba(' +
+ Math.round(this.r) + ',' +
+ Math.round(this.g) + ',' +
+ Math.round(this.b) + ',' +
+ this.a + ')';
+Color.prototype.toRGBstring = function () {
+ return 'rgb(' +
+ Math.round(this.r) + ',' +
+ Math.round(this.g) + ',' +
+ Math.round(this.b) + ')';
+Color.fromString = function (aString) {
+ // I parse rgb/rgba strings into a Color object
+ var components = aString.split(/[\(),]/).slice(1,5);
+ return new Color(components[0], components[1], components[2], components[3]);
+// Color copying:
+Color.prototype.copy = function () {
+ return new Color(
+ this.r,
+ this.g,
+ this.b,
+ this.a
+ );
+// Color comparison:
+Color.prototype.eq = function (aColor, observeAlpha) {
+ // ==
+ return aColor &&
+ this.r === aColor.r &&
+ this.g === aColor.g &&
+ this.b === aColor.b &&
+ (observeAlpha ? this.a === aColor.a : true);
+Color.prototype.isCloseTo = function (aColor, observeAlpha, tolerance) {
+ // experimental - answer whether a color is "close" to another one by
+ // a given percentage. tolerance is the percentage by which each color
+ // channel may diverge, alpha needs to be the exact same unless ignored
+ var thres = 2.55 * (tolerance || 10);
+ function dist(a, b) {
+ var diff = a - b;
+ return diff < 0 ? 255 + diff : diff;
+ }
+ return aColor &&
+ dist(this.r, aColor.r) < thres &&
+ dist(this.g, aColor.g) < thres &&
+ dist(this.b, aColor.b) < thres &&
+ (observeAlpha ? this.a === aColor.a : true);
+// Color conversion (hsv):
+Color.prototype.hsv = function () {
+ // ignore alpha
+ var max, min, h, s, v, d,
+ rr = this.r / 255,
+ gg = this.g / 255,
+ bb = this.b / 255;
+ max = Math.max(rr, gg, bb);
+ min = Math.min(rr, gg, bb);
+ h = max;
+ s = max;
+ v = max;
+ d = max - min;
+ s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
+ if (max === min) {
+ h = 0;
+ } else {
+ switch (max) {
+ case rr:
+ h = (gg - bb) / d + (gg < bb ? 6 : 0);
+ break;
+ case gg:
+ h = (bb - rr) / d + 2;
+ break;
+ case bb:
+ h = (rr - gg) / d + 4;
+ break;
+ }
+ h /= 6;
+ }
+ return [h, s, v];
+Color.prototype.set_hsv = function (h, s, v) {
+ // ignore alpha, h, s and v are to be within [0, 1]
+ var i, f, p, q, t;
+ i = Math.floor(h * 6);
+ f = h * 6 - i;
+ p = v * (1 - s);
+ q = v * (1 - f * s);
+ t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
+ switch (i % 6) {
+ case 0:
+ this.r = v;
+ this.g = t;
+ this.b = p;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ this.r = q;
+ this.g = v;
+ this.b = p;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ this.r = p;
+ this.g = v;
+ this.b = t;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.r = p;
+ this.g = q;
+ this.b = v;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ this.r = t;
+ this.g = p;
+ this.b = v;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ this.r = v;
+ this.g = p;
+ this.b = q;
+ break;
+ }
+ this.r *= 255;
+ this.g *= 255;
+ this.b *= 255;
+// Color conversion (hsl):
+Color.prototype.hsl = function () {
+ // ignore alpha
+ var rr = this.r / 255,
+ gg = this.g / 255,
+ bb = this.b / 255,
+ max = Math.max(rr, gg, bb), min = Math.min(rr, gg, bb),
+ h,
+ s,
+ l = (max + min) / 2,
+ d;
+ if (max === min) { // achromatic
+ h = 0;
+ s = 0;
+ } else {
+ d = max - min;
+ s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
+ switch (max) {
+ case rr:
+ h = (gg - bb) / d + (gg < bb ? 6 : 0);
+ break;
+ case gg:
+ h = (bb - rr) / d + 2;
+ break;
+ case bb:
+ h = (rr - gg) / d + 4;
+ break;
+ }
+ h /= 6;
+ }
+ return [h, s, l];
+Color.prototype.set_hsl = function (h, s, l) {
+ // ignore alpha, h, s and l are to be within [0, 1]
+ var q, p;
+ function hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
+ if (t < 0) {
+ t += 1;
+ }
+ if (t > 1) {
+ t -= 1;
+ }
+ if (t < 1/6) {
+ return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
+ }
+ if (t < 1/2) {
+ return q;
+ }
+ if (t < 2/3) {
+ return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6;
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ if (s == 0) { // achromatic
+ this.r = l;
+ this.g = l;
+ this.b = l;
+ } else {
+ q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
+ p = 2 * l - q;
+ this.r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3);
+ this.g = hue2rgb(p, q, h);
+ this.b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3);
+ }
+ this.r *= 255;
+ this.g *= 255;
+ this.b *= 255;
+// Color mixing:
+Color.prototype.mixed = function (proportion, otherColor) {
+ // answer a copy of this color mixed with another color, ignore alpha
+ var frac1 = Math.min(Math.max(proportion, 0), 1),
+ frac2 = 1 - frac1;
+ return new Color(
+ this.r * frac1 + otherColor.r * frac2,
+ this.g * frac1 + otherColor.g * frac2,
+ this.b * frac1 + otherColor.b * frac2
+ );
+Color.prototype.darker = function (percent) {
+ // return an rgb-interpolated darker copy of me, ignore alpha
+ var fract = 0.8333;
+ if (percent) {
+ fract = (100 - percent) / 100;
+ }
+ return this.mixed(fract, new Color(0, 0, 0));
+Color.prototype.lighter = function (percent) {
+ // return an rgb-interpolated lighter copy of me, ignore alpha
+ var fract = 0.8333;
+ if (percent) {
+ fract = (100 - percent) / 100;
+ }
+ return this.mixed(fract, WHITE);
+Color.prototype.dansDarker = function () {
+ // return an hsv-interpolated darker copy of me, ignore alpha
+ var hsv = this.hsv(),
+ result = new Color(),
+ vv = Math.max(hsv[2] - 0.16, 0);
+ result.set_hsv(hsv[0], hsv[1], vv);
+ return result;
+Color.prototype.inverted = function () {
+ return new Color(
+ 255 - this.r,
+ 255 - this.g,
+ 255 - this.b
+ );
+Color.prototype.solid = function () {
+ return new Color(
+ this.r,
+ this.g,
+ this.b
+ );
+// Points //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Point instance creation:
+function Point(x, y) {
+ this.x = x || 0;
+ this.y = y || 0;
+// Point string representation: e.g. '12@68'
+Point.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return Math.round(this.x.toString()) +
+ '@' + Math.round(this.y.toString());
+// Point copying:
+Point.prototype.copy = function () {
+ return new Point(this.x, this.y);
+// Point comparison:
+Point.prototype.eq = function (aPoint) {
+ // ==
+ return this.x === aPoint.x && this.y === aPoint.y;
+Point.prototype.lt = function (aPoint) {
+ // <
+ return this.x < aPoint.x && this.y < aPoint.y;
+Point.prototype.gt = function (aPoint) {
+ // >
+ return this.x > aPoint.x && this.y > aPoint.y;
+Point.prototype.ge = function (aPoint) {
+ // >=
+ return this.x >= aPoint.x && this.y >= aPoint.y;
+Point.prototype.le = function (aPoint) {
+ // <=
+ return this.x <= aPoint.x && this.y <= aPoint.y;
+Point.prototype.max = function (aPoint) {
+ return new Point(Math.max(this.x, aPoint.x),
+ Math.max(this.y, aPoint.y));
+Point.prototype.min = function (aPoint) {
+ return new Point(Math.min(this.x, aPoint.x),
+ Math.min(this.y, aPoint.y));
+// Point conversion:
+Point.prototype.round = function () {
+ return new Point(Math.round(this.x), Math.round(this.y));
+Point.prototype.abs = function () {
+ return new Point(Math.abs(this.x), Math.abs(this.y));
+Point.prototype.neg = function () {
+ return new Point(-this.x, -this.y);
+Point.prototype.mirror = function () {
+ return new Point(this.y, this.x);
+Point.prototype.floor = function () {
+ return new Point(
+ Math.max(Math.floor(this.x), 0),
+ Math.max(Math.floor(this.y), 0)
+ );
+Point.prototype.ceil = function () {
+ return new Point(Math.ceil(this.x), Math.ceil(this.y));
+// Point arithmetic:
+Point.prototype.add = function (other) {
+ if (other instanceof Point) {
+ return new Point(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);
+ }
+ return new Point(this.x + other, this.y + other);
+Point.prototype.subtract = function (other) {
+ if (other instanceof Point) {
+ return new Point(this.x - other.x, this.y - other.y);
+ }
+ return new Point(this.x - other, this.y - other);
+Point.prototype.multiplyBy = function (other) {
+ if (other instanceof Point) {
+ return new Point(this.x * other.x, this.y * other.y);
+ }
+ return new Point(this.x * other, this.y * other);
+Point.prototype.divideBy = function (other) {
+ if (other instanceof Point) {
+ return new Point(this.x / other.x, this.y / other.y);
+ }
+ return new Point(this.x / other, this.y / other);
+Point.prototype.floorDivideBy = function (other) {
+ if (other instanceof Point) {
+ return new Point(Math.floor(this.x / other.x),
+ Math.floor(this.y / other.y));
+ }
+ return new Point(Math.floor(this.x / other),
+ Math.floor(this.y / other));
+// Point polar coordinates:
+Point.prototype.r = function () {
+ var t = (this.multiplyBy(this));
+ return Math.sqrt(t.x + t.y);
+Point.prototype.degrees = function () {
+ answer the angle I make with origin in degrees.
+ Right is 0, down is 90
+ var tan, theta;
+ if (this.x === 0) {
+ if (this.y >= 0) {
+ return 90;
+ }
+ return 270;
+ }
+ tan = this.y / this.x;
+ theta = Math.atan(tan);
+ if (this.x >= 0) {
+ if (this.y >= 0) {
+ return degrees(theta);
+ }
+ return 360 + (degrees(theta));
+ }
+ return 180 + degrees(theta);
+Point.prototype.theta = function () {
+ answer the angle I make with origin in radians.
+ Right is 0, down is 90
+ var tan, theta;
+ if (this.x === 0) {
+ if (this.y >= 0) {
+ return radians(90);
+ }
+ return radians(270);
+ }
+ tan = this.y / this.x;
+ theta = Math.atan(tan);
+ if (this.x >= 0) {
+ if (this.y >= 0) {
+ return theta;
+ }
+ return radians(360) + theta;
+ }
+ return radians(180) + theta;
+// Point functions:
+Point.prototype.crossProduct = function (aPoint) {
+ return this.multiplyBy(aPoint.mirror());
+Point.prototype.distanceTo = function (aPoint) {
+ return (aPoint.subtract(this)).r();
+Point.prototype.rotate = function (direction, center) {
+ // direction must be 'right', 'left' or 'pi'
+ var offset = this.subtract(center);
+ if (direction === 'right') {
+ return new Point(-offset.y, offset.y).add(center);
+ }
+ if (direction === 'left') {
+ return new Point(offset.y, -offset.y).add(center);
+ }
+ // direction === 'pi'
+ return center.subtract(offset);
+Point.prototype.flip = function (direction, center) {
+ // direction must be 'vertical' or 'horizontal'
+ if (direction === 'vertical') {
+ return new Point(this.x, center.y * 2 - this.y);
+ }
+ // direction === 'horizontal'
+ return new Point(center.x * 2 - this.x, this.y);
+Point.prototype.distanceAngle = function (dist, angle) {
+ var deg = angle, x, y;
+ if (deg > 270) {
+ deg = deg - 360;
+ } else if (deg < -270) {
+ deg = deg + 360;
+ }
+ if (-90 <= deg && deg <= 90) {
+ x = Math.sin(radians(deg)) * dist;
+ y = Math.sqrt((dist * dist) - (x * x));
+ return new Point(x + this.x, this.y - y);
+ }
+ x = Math.sin(radians(180 - deg)) * dist;
+ y = Math.sqrt((dist * dist) - (x * x));
+ return new Point(x + this.x, this.y + y);
+// Point transforming:
+Point.prototype.scaleBy = function (scalePoint) {
+ return this.multiplyBy(scalePoint);
+Point.prototype.translateBy = function (deltaPoint) {
+ return this.add(deltaPoint);
+Point.prototype.rotateBy = function (angle, centerPoint) {
+ var center = centerPoint || ZERO,
+ p = this.subtract(center),
+ r = p.r(),
+ theta = angle - p.theta();
+ return new Point(
+ center.x + (r * Math.cos(theta)),
+ center.y - (r * Math.sin(theta))
+ );
+// Point conversion:
+Point.prototype.asArray = function () {
+ return [this.x, this.y];
+// Rectangles //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Rectangle instance creation:
+function Rectangle(left, top, right, bottom) {
+ this.init(new Point((left || 0), (top || 0)),
+ new Point((right || 0), (bottom || 0)));
+Rectangle.prototype.init = function (originPoint, cornerPoint) {
+ this.origin = originPoint;
+ this.corner = cornerPoint;
+// Rectangle string representation: e.g. '[0@0 | 160@80]'
+Rectangle.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return '[' + this.origin.toString() + ' | ' +
+ this.extent().toString() + ']';
+// Rectangle copying:
+Rectangle.prototype.copy = function () {
+ return new Rectangle(
+ this.left(),
+ this.top(),
+ this.right(),
+ this.bottom()
+ );
+// creating Rectangle instances from Points:
+Point.prototype.corner = function (cornerPoint) {
+ // answer a new Rectangle
+ return new Rectangle(
+ this.x,
+ this.y,
+ cornerPoint.x,
+ cornerPoint.y
+ );
+Point.prototype.rectangle = function (aPoint) {
+ // answer a new Rectangle
+ var org, crn;
+ org = this.min(aPoint);
+ crn = this.max(aPoint);
+ return new Rectangle(org.x, org.y, crn.x, crn.y);
+Point.prototype.extent = function (aPoint) {
+ //answer a new Rectangle
+ var crn = this.add(aPoint);
+ return new Rectangle(this.x, this.y, crn.x, crn.y);
+// Rectangle accessing - setting:
+Rectangle.prototype.setTo = function (left, top, right, bottom) {
+ // note: all inputs are optional and can be omitted
+ this.origin = new Point(
+ left || ((left === 0) ? 0 : this.left()),
+ top || ((top === 0) ? 0 : this.top())
+ );
+ this.corner = new Point(
+ right || ((right === 0) ? 0 : this.right()),
+ bottom || ((bottom === 0) ? 0 : this.bottom())
+ );
+// Rectangle mutating
+Rectangle.prototype.setExtent = function(aPoint) {
+ this.setWidth(aPoint.x);
+ this.setHeight(aPoint.y);
+Rectangle.prototype.setWidth = function (width) {
+ this.corner.x = this.origin.x + width;
+Rectangle.prototype.setHeight = function (height) {
+ this.corner.y = this.origin.y + height;
+// Rectangle accessing - getting:
+Rectangle.prototype.area = function () {
+ //requires width() and height() to be defined
+ var w = this.width();
+ if (w < 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return Math.max(w * this.height(), 0);
+Rectangle.prototype.bottom = function () {
+ return this.corner.y;
+Rectangle.prototype.bottomCenter = function () {
+ return new Point(this.center().x, this.bottom());
+Rectangle.prototype.bottomLeft = function () {
+ return new Point(this.origin.x, this.corner.y);
+Rectangle.prototype.bottomRight = function () {
+ return this.corner.copy();
+Rectangle.prototype.boundingBox = function () {
+ return this;
+Rectangle.prototype.center = function () {
+ return this.origin.add(
+ this.corner.subtract(this.origin).floorDivideBy(2)
+ );
+Rectangle.prototype.corners = function () {
+ return [this.origin,
+ this.bottomLeft(),
+ this.corner,
+ this.topRight()];
+Rectangle.prototype.extent = function () {
+ return this.corner.subtract(this.origin);
+Rectangle.prototype.height = function () {
+ return this.corner.y - this.origin.y;
+Rectangle.prototype.left = function () {
+ return this.origin.x;
+Rectangle.prototype.leftCenter = function () {
+ return new Point(this.left(), this.center().y);
+Rectangle.prototype.right = function () {
+ return this.corner.x;
+Rectangle.prototype.rightCenter = function () {
+ return new Point(this.right(), this.center().y);
+Rectangle.prototype.top = function () {
+ return this.origin.y;
+Rectangle.prototype.topCenter = function () {
+ return new Point(this.center().x, this.top());
+Rectangle.prototype.topLeft = function () {
+ return this.origin;
+Rectangle.prototype.topRight = function () {
+ return new Point(this.corner.x, this.origin.y);
+Rectangle.prototype.width = function () {
+ return this.corner.x - this.origin.x;
+Rectangle.prototype.position = function () {
+ return this.origin;
+// Rectangle comparison:
+Rectangle.prototype.eq = function (aRect) {
+ return this.origin.eq(aRect.origin) &&
+ this.corner.eq(aRect.corner);
+Rectangle.prototype.abs = function () {
+ var newOrigin, newCorner;
+ newOrigin = this.origin.abs();
+ newCorner = this.corner.max(newOrigin);
+ return newOrigin.corner(newCorner);
+// Rectangle functions:
+Rectangle.prototype.insetBy = function (delta) {
+ // delta can be either a Point or a Number
+ var result = new Rectangle();
+ result.origin = this.origin.add(delta);
+ result.corner = this.corner.subtract(delta);
+ return result;
+Rectangle.prototype.expandBy = function (delta) {
+ // delta can be either a Point or a Number
+ var result = new Rectangle();
+ result.origin = this.origin.subtract(delta);
+ result.corner = this.corner.add(delta);
+ return result;
+Rectangle.prototype.growBy = function (delta) {
+ // delta can be either a Point or a Number
+ var result = new Rectangle();
+ result.origin = this.origin.copy();
+ result.corner = this.corner.add(delta);
+ return result;
+Rectangle.prototype.intersect = function (aRect) {
+ var result = new Rectangle();
+ result.origin = this.origin.max(aRect.origin);
+ result.corner = this.corner.min(aRect.corner);
+ return result;
+Rectangle.prototype.merge = function (aRect) {
+ var result = new Rectangle();
+ result.origin = this.origin.min(aRect.origin);
+ result.corner = this.corner.max(aRect.corner);
+ return result;
+Rectangle.prototype.mergeWith = function (aRect) {
+ // mutates myself
+ this.origin = this.origin.min(aRect.origin);
+ this.corner = this.corner.max(aRect.corner);
+Rectangle.prototype.round = function () {
+ return this.origin.round().corner(this.corner.round());
+Rectangle.prototype.spread = function () {
+ // round me by applying floor() to my origin and ceil() to my corner
+ // avoids artefacts on retina displays
+ return this.origin.floor().corner(this.corner.ceil());
+Rectangle.prototype.amountToTranslateWithin = function (aRect) {
+ Answer a Point, delta, such that self + delta is forced within
+ aRectangle. when all of me cannot be made to fit, prefer to keep
+ my topLeft inside. Taken from Squeak.
+ var dx = 0, dy = 0;
+ if (this.right() > aRect.right()) {
+ dx = aRect.right() - this.right();
+ }
+ if (this.bottom() > aRect.bottom()) {
+ dy = aRect.bottom() - this.bottom();
+ }
+ if ((this.left() + dx) < aRect.left()) {
+ dx = aRect.left() - this.left();
+ }
+ if ((this.top() + dy) < aRect.top()) {
+ dy = aRect.top() - this.top();
+ }
+ return new Point(dx, dy);
+Rectangle.prototype.regionsAround = function (aRect) {
+ // answer a list of rectangles surrounding another one,
+ // use this to clip "holes"
+ var regions = [];
+ if (!this.intersects(aRect)) {
+ return regions;
+ }
+ // left
+ if (aRect.left() > this.left()) {
+ regions.push(
+ new Rectangle(
+ this.left(),
+ this.top(),
+ aRect.left(),
+ this.bottom()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ // above:
+ if (aRect.top() > this.top()) {
+ regions.push(
+ new Rectangle(
+ this.left(),
+ this.top(),
+ this.right(),
+ aRect.top()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ // right:
+ if (aRect.right() < this.right()) {
+ regions.push(
+ new Rectangle(
+ aRect.right(),
+ this.top(),
+ this.right(),
+ this.bottom()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ // below:
+ if (aRect.bottom() < this.bottom()) {
+ regions.push(
+ new Rectangle(
+ this.left(),
+ aRect.bottom(),
+ this.right(),
+ this.bottom()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return regions;
+// Rectangle testing:
+Rectangle.prototype.containsPoint = function (aPoint) {
+ return this.origin.le(aPoint) && aPoint.lt(this.corner);
+Rectangle.prototype.containsRectangle = function (aRect) {
+ return aRect.origin.gt(this.origin) &&
+ aRect.corner.lt(this.corner);
+Rectangle.prototype.intersects = function (aRect) {
+ var ro = aRect.origin, rc = aRect.corner;
+ return (rc.x >= this.origin.x) &&
+ (rc.y >= this.origin.y) &&
+ (ro.x <= this.corner.x) &&
+ (ro.y <= this.corner.y);
+Rectangle.prototype.isNearTo = function (aRect, threshold) {
+ var ro = aRect.origin, rc = aRect.corner, border = threshold || 0;
+ return (rc.x + border >= this.origin.x) &&
+ (rc.y + border >= this.origin.y) &&
+ (ro.x - border <= this.corner.x) &&
+ (ro.y - border <= this.corner.y);
+// Rectangle transforming:
+Rectangle.prototype.scaleBy = function (scale) {
+ // scale can be either a Point or a scalar
+ var o = this.origin.multiplyBy(scale),
+ c = this.corner.multiplyBy(scale);
+ return new Rectangle(o.x, o.y, c.x, c.y);
+Rectangle.prototype.translateBy = function (delta) {
+ // delta can be either a Point or a number
+ var o = this.origin.add(delta),
+ c = this.corner.add(delta);
+ return new Rectangle(o.x, o.y, c.x, c.y);
+// Rectangle converting:
+Rectangle.prototype.asArray = function () {
+ return [this.left(), this.top(), this.right(), this.bottom()];
+Rectangle.prototype.asArray_xywh = function () {
+ return [this.left(), this.top(), this.width(), this.height()];
+// Nodes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Node instance creation:
+function Node(parent, childrenArray) {
+ this.init(parent || null, childrenArray || []);
+Node.prototype.init = function (parent, childrenArray) {
+ this.parent = parent || null;
+ this.children = childrenArray || [];
+// Node string representation: e.g. 'a Node[3]'
+Node.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'a Node' + '[' + this.children.length.toString() + ']';
+// Node accessing:
+Node.prototype.addChild = function (aNode) {
+ this.children.push(aNode);
+ aNode.parent = this;
+Node.prototype.addChildFirst = function (aNode) {
+ this.children.splice(0, null, aNode);
+ aNode.parent = this;
+Node.prototype.removeChild = function (aNode) {
+ var idx = this.children.indexOf(aNode);
+ if (idx !== -1) {
+ this.children.splice(idx, 1);
+ }
+// Node functions:
+Node.prototype.root = function () {
+ if (this.parent === null) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ return this.parent.root();
+Node.prototype.depth = function () {
+ if (this.parent === null) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return this.parent.depth() + 1;
+Node.prototype.allChildren = function () {
+ // includes myself
+ var result = [this];
+ this.children.forEach(child => {
+ result = result.concat(child.allChildren());
+ });
+ return result;
+Node.prototype.forAllChildren = function (aFunction) {
+ if (this.children.length > 0) {
+ this.children.forEach(child => child.forAllChildren(aFunction));
+ }
+ aFunction.call(null, this);
+Node.prototype.anyChild = function (aPredicate) {
+ // includes myself
+ var i;
+ if (aPredicate.call(null, this)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i += 1) {
+ if (this.children[i].anyChild(aPredicate)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+Node.prototype.allLeafs = function () {
+ var result = [];
+ this.allChildren().forEach(element => {
+ if (element.children.length === 0) {
+ result.push(element);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+Node.prototype.allParents = function () {
+ // includes myself
+ var result = [this];
+ if (this.parent !== null) {
+ result = result.concat(this.parent.allParents());
+ }
+ return result;
+Node.prototype.siblings = function () {
+ if (this.parent === null) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return this.parent.children.filter(child => child !== this);
+Node.prototype.parentThatIsA = function () {
+ // including myself
+ // Note: you can pass in multiple constructors to test for
+ var i;
+ for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
+ if (this instanceof arguments[i]) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this.parent) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return this.parentThatIsA.apply(this.parent, arguments);
+Node.prototype.parentThatIsAnyOf = function (constructors) {
+ // deprecated, use parentThatIsA instead
+ return this.parentThatIsA.apply(this, constructors);
+Node.prototype.childThatIsA = function () {
+ // including myself
+ // Note: you can pass in multiple constructors to test for
+ var i, hit;
+ for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
+ if (this instanceof arguments[i]) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this.children.length) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i += 1) {
+ hit = this.childThatIsA.apply(this.children[i], arguments);
+ if (hit) {
+ return hit;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+// Morphs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Morph: referenced constructors
+var Morph;
+var WorldMorph;
+var HandMorph;
+var ShadowMorph;
+var FrameMorph;
+var MenuMorph;
+var HandleMorph;
+var StringFieldMorph;
+var ColorPickerMorph;
+var SliderMorph;
+var ScrollFrameMorph;
+var InspectorMorph;
+var StringMorph;
+var TextMorph;
+// Morph inherits from Node:
+Morph.prototype = new Node();
+Morph.prototype.constructor = Morph;
+Morph.uber = Node.prototype;
+// Morph settings:
+Morph.prototype.shadowBlur = 4;
+// Morph instance creation:
+function Morph() {
+ this.init();
+// Morph initialization:
+Morph.prototype.init = function () {
+ Morph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.isMorph = true; // used to optimize deep copying
+ this.cachedImage = null;
+ this.isCachingImage = false;
+ this.shouldRerender = false;
+ this.bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 40);
+ this.holes = []; // list of "untouchable" regions (rectangles)
+ this.color = new Color(80, 80, 80);
+ this.texture = null; // optional url of a fill-image
+ this.cachedTexture = null; // internal cache of actual bg image
+ this.alpha = 1;
+ this.isVisible = true;
+ this.isDraggable = false;
+ this.isTemplate = false;
+ this.acceptsDrops = false;
+ this.isFreeForm = false;
+ this.noDropShadow = false;
+ this.fullShadowSource = true;
+ this.fps = 0;
+ this.customContextMenu = null;
+ this.lastTime = Date.now();
+ this.onNextStep = null; // optional function to be run once
+// Morph string representation: e.g. 'a Morph 2 [20@45 | 130@250]'
+Morph.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return 'a ' +
+ (this.constructor.name ||
+ this.constructor.toString().split(' ')[1].split('(')[0]) +
+ ' ' +
+ this.children.length.toString() + ' ' +
+ this.bounds;
+// Morph deleting:
+Morph.prototype.destroy = function () {
+ if (this.parent !== null) {
+ this.fullChanged();
+ this.parent.removeChild(this);
+ }
+// Morph stepping:
+Morph.prototype.stepFrame = function () {
+ if (!this.step) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var current, elapsed, leftover, nxt;
+ current = Date.now();
+ elapsed = current - this.lastTime;
+ if (this.fps > 0) {
+ leftover = (1000 / this.fps) - elapsed;
+ } else {
+ leftover = 0;
+ }
+ if (leftover < 1) {
+ this.lastTime = current;
+ if (this.onNextStep) {
+ nxt = this.onNextStep;
+ this.onNextStep = null;
+ nxt.call(this);
+ }
+ this.step();
+ this.children.forEach(child => child.stepFrame());
+ }
+Morph.prototype.nextSteps = function (arrayOfFunctions) {
+ var lst = arrayOfFunctions || [],
+ nxt = lst.shift();
+ if (nxt) {
+ this.onNextStep = () => {
+ nxt.call(this);
+ this.nextSteps(lst);
+ };
+ }
+Morph.prototype.step = nop;
+// Morph accessing - geometry getting:
+Morph.prototype.left = function () {
+ return this.bounds.left();
+Morph.prototype.right = function () {
+ return this.bounds.right();
+Morph.prototype.top = function () {
+ return this.bounds.top();
+Morph.prototype.bottom = function () {
+ return this.bounds.bottom();
+Morph.prototype.center = function () {
+ return this.bounds.center();
+Morph.prototype.bottomCenter = function () {
+ return this.bounds.bottomCenter();
+Morph.prototype.bottomLeft = function () {
+ return this.bounds.bottomLeft();
+Morph.prototype.bottomRight = function () {
+ return this.bounds.bottomRight();
+Morph.prototype.boundingBox = function () {
+ return this.bounds;
+Morph.prototype.corners = function () {
+ return this.bounds.corners();
+Morph.prototype.leftCenter = function () {
+ return this.bounds.leftCenter();
+Morph.prototype.rightCenter = function () {
+ return this.bounds.rightCenter();
+Morph.prototype.topCenter = function () {
+ return this.bounds.topCenter();
+Morph.prototype.topLeft = function () {
+ return this.bounds.topLeft();
+Morph.prototype.topRight = function () {
+ return this.bounds.topRight();
+Morph.prototype.position = function () {
+ return this.bounds.origin;
+Morph.prototype.extent = function () {
+ return this.bounds.extent();
+Morph.prototype.width = function () {
+ return this.bounds.width();
+Morph.prototype.height = function () {
+ return this.bounds.height();
+Morph.prototype.fullBounds = function () {
+ var result;
+ result = this.bounds;
+ this.children.forEach(child => {
+ if (child.isVisible) {
+ result = result.merge(child.fullBounds());
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+Morph.prototype.fullBoundsNoShadow = function () {
+ // answer my full bounds but ignore any shadow
+ var result;
+ result = this.bounds;
+ this.children.forEach(child => {
+ if (!(child instanceof ShadowMorph) && (child.isVisible)) {
+ result = result.merge(child.fullBounds());
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+Morph.prototype.visibleBounds = function () {
+ // answer which part of me is not clipped by a Frame
+ var visible = this.bounds,
+ frames = this.allParents().filter(p => p instanceof FrameMorph);
+ frames.forEach(f => visible = visible.intersect(f.bounds));
+ return visible;
+// Morph accessing - simple changes:
+Morph.prototype.moveBy = function (delta) {
+ var children = this.children,
+ i = children.length;
+ this.changed();
+ this.bounds = this.bounds.translateBy(delta);
+ this.changed();
+ for (i; i > 0; i -= 1) {
+ children[i - 1].moveBy(delta);
+ }
+Morph.prototype.setPosition = function (aPoint) {
+ var delta = aPoint.subtract(this.topLeft());
+ if (!(delta.eq(ZERO))) {
+ this.moveBy(delta);
+ }
+Morph.prototype.setLeft = function (x) {
+ this.setPosition(
+ new Point(
+ x,
+ this.top()
+ )
+ );
+Morph.prototype.setRight = function (x) {
+ this.setPosition(
+ new Point(
+ x - this.width(),
+ this.top()
+ )
+ );
+Morph.prototype.setTop = function (y) {
+ this.setPosition(
+ new Point(
+ this.left(),
+ y
+ )
+ );
+Morph.prototype.setBottom = function (y) {
+ this.setPosition(
+ new Point(
+ this.left(),
+ y - this.height()
+ )
+ );
+Morph.prototype.setCenter = function (aPoint) {
+ this.setPosition(
+ aPoint.subtract(
+ this.extent().floorDivideBy(2)
+ )
+ );
+Morph.prototype.setFullCenter = function (aPoint) {
+ this.setPosition(
+ aPoint.subtract(
+ this.fullBounds().extent().floorDivideBy(2)
+ )
+ );
+Morph.prototype.keepWithin = function (aMorph) {
+ // make sure I am completely within another Morph's bounds
+ var leftOff, rightOff, topOff, bottomOff;
+ rightOff = this.fullBounds().right() - aMorph.right();
+ if (rightOff > 0) {
+ this.moveBy(new Point(-rightOff, 0));
+ }
+ leftOff = this.fullBounds().left() - aMorph.left();
+ if (leftOff < 0) {
+ this.moveBy(new Point(-leftOff, 0));
+ }
+ bottomOff = this.fullBounds().bottom() - aMorph.bottom();
+ if (bottomOff > 0) {
+ this.moveBy(new Point(0, -bottomOff));
+ }
+ topOff = this.fullBounds().top() - aMorph.top();
+ if (topOff < 0) {
+ this.moveBy(new Point(0, -topOff));
+ }
+Morph.prototype.scrollIntoView = function () {
+ var leftOff, rightOff, topOff, bottomOff,
+ sf = this.parentThatIsA(ScrollFrameMorph);
+ if (!sf) {return; }
+ rightOff = Math.min(
+ this.fullBounds().right() - sf.right(),
+ sf.contents.right() - sf.right()
+ );
+ if (rightOff > 0) {
+ sf.contents.moveBy(new Point(-rightOff, 0));
+ }
+ leftOff = this.fullBounds().left() - sf.left();
+ if (leftOff < 0) {
+ sf.contents.moveBy(new Point(-leftOff, 0));
+ }
+ topOff = this.fullBounds().top() - sf.top();
+ if (topOff < 0) {
+ sf.contents.moveBy(new Point(0, -topOff));
+ }
+ bottomOff = this.fullBounds().bottom() - sf.bottom();
+ if (bottomOff > 0) {
+ sf.contents.moveBy(new Point(0, -bottomOff));
+ }
+ sf.adjustScrollBars();
+// Morph accessing - dimensional changes requiring a complete redraw
+Morph.prototype.setExtent = function (aPoint) {
+ if (aPoint.eq(this.extent())) {return; }
+ this.changed();
+ this.bounds.setWidth(aPoint.x);
+ this.bounds.setHeight(aPoint.y);
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+Morph.prototype.setWidth = function (width) {
+ this.setExtent(new Point(width || 0, this.height()));
+Morph.prototype.setHeight = function (height) {
+ this.setExtent(new Point(this.width(), height || 0));
+Morph.prototype.setColor = function (aColor) {
+ if (aColor) {
+ if (!this.color.eq(aColor)) {
+ this.color = aColor;
+ this.rerender();
+ }
+ }
+// Morph rendering:
+Morph.prototype.getImage = function () {
+ var img;
+ if (this.cachedImage && !this.shouldRerender) {
+ return this.cachedImage;
+ }
+ img = newCanvas(this.extent(), false, this.cachedImage);
+ if (this.isCachingImage) {
+ this.cachedImage = img;
+ }
+ this.render(img.getContext('2d'));
+ this.shouldRerender = false;
+ return img;
+Morph.prototype.render = function (aContext) {
+ aContext.fillStyle = this.getRenderColor().toString();
+ aContext.fillRect(0, 0, this.width(), this.height());
+ if (this.cachedTexture) {
+ this.renderCachedTexture(aContext);
+ } else if (this.texture) {
+ this.renderTexture(this.texture, aContext);
+ }
+Morph.prototype.getRenderColor = function () {
+ // can be overriden by my heirs or instances
+ return this.color;
+Morph.prototype.fixLayout = function () {
+ // implemented by my heirs
+ // determine my extent and arrange my submorphs, if any
+ // default is to do nothing
+ // NOTE: If you need to set the extent, in order to avoid
+ // infinite recursion instead of calling setExtent() (which will
+ // in turn call fixLayout() again) directly modify the bounds
+ // property, e.g. like this: this.bounds.setExtent()
+ return;
+Morph.prototype.fixHolesLayout = function () {
+ // implemented by my heirs
+ // arrange my untouchable areas, if any
+ // default is to do nothing
+ return;
+// Morph displaying:
+Morph.prototype.renderTexture = function (url, ctx) {
+ this.cachedTexture = new Image();
+ this.cachedTexture.onload = () => this.changed();
+ this.cachedTexture.src = this.texture = url;
+Morph.prototype.renderCachedTexture = function (ctx) {
+ var bg = this.cachedTexture,
+ cols = Math.floor(this.width() / bg.width),
+ lines = Math.floor(this.height() / bg.height),
+ x,
+ y;
+ ctx.save();
+ ctx.globalAlpha = this.alpha;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.rect(0, 0, this.width(), this.height());
+ ctx.clip();
+ for (y = 0; y <= lines; y += 1) {
+ for (x = 0; x <= cols; x += 1) {
+ ctx.drawImage(bg, x * bg.width, y * bg.height);
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+Morph.prototype.drawOn = function (ctx, rect) {
+ var clipped = rect.intersect(this.bounds),
+ pos = this.position(),
+ pic, src, w, h, sl, st;
+ if (!clipped.extent().gt(ZERO)) {return; }
+ ctx.save();
+ ctx.globalAlpha = this.alpha;
+ if (this.isCachingImage) {
+ pic = this.getImage();
+ src = clipped.translateBy(pos.neg());
+ sl = src.left();
+ st = src.top();
+ w = Math.min(src.width(), pic.width - sl);
+ h = Math.min(src.height(), pic.height - st);
+ if (w < 1 || h < 1) {return; }
+ ctx.drawImage(
+ pic,
+ sl,
+ st,
+ w,
+ h,
+ clipped.left(),
+ clipped.top(),
+ w,
+ h
+ );
+ } else { // render directly on target canvas
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.rect(clipped.left(), clipped.top(), clipped.width(), clipped.height());
+ ctx.clip();
+ ctx.translate(pos.x, pos.y);
+ this.render(ctx);
+ if (MorphicPreferences.showHoles) { // debug hole rendering
+ ctx.translate(-pos.x, -pos.y);
+ ctx.globalAlpha = 0.25;
+ ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
+ this.holes.forEach(hole => {
+ var sect = hole.translateBy(pos).intersect(clipped);
+ ctx.fillRect(
+ sect.left(),
+ sect.top(),
+ sect.width(),
+ sect.height()
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+Morph.prototype.fullDrawOn = function (aContext, aRect) {
+ if (!this.isVisible) {return; }
+ this.drawOn(aContext, aRect);
+ this.children.forEach(child => child.fullDrawOn(aContext, aRect));
+Morph.prototype.hide = function () {
+ this.isVisible = false;
+ this.changed();
+Morph.prototype.show = function () {
+ this.isVisible = true;
+ this.changed();
+Morph.prototype.toggleVisibility = function () {
+ this.isVisible = !this.isVisible;
+ this.changed();
+// Morph full image:
+Morph.prototype.fullImage = function () {
+ var fb = this.fullBounds(),
+ img = newCanvas(fb.extent()),
+ ctx = img.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.translate(-fb.origin.x, -fb.origin.y);
+ this.fullDrawOn(ctx, fb);
+ return img;
+// Morph shadow:
+Morph.prototype.shadowImage = function (off, color) {
+ // for flat design mode
+ var fb, img, outline, sha, ctx,
+ offset = off || new Point(7, 7),
+ clr = color || new Color(0, 0, 0);
+ if (this.fullShadowSource) {
+ fb = this.fullBounds().extent();
+ img = this.fullImage();
+ } else { // optimization when all submorphs are contained inside
+ fb = this.extent();
+ img = this.getImage();
+ }
+ outline = newCanvas(fb);
+ ctx = outline.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
+ ctx.drawImage(
+ img,
+ -offset.x,
+ -offset.y
+ );
+ sha = newCanvas(fb);
+ ctx = sha.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.drawImage(outline, 0, 0);
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-atop';
+ ctx.fillStyle = clr.toString();
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, fb.x, fb.y);
+ return sha;
+Morph.prototype.shadowImageBlurred = function (off, color) {
+ var fb, img, sha, ctx,
+ offset = off || new Point(7, 7),
+ blur = this.shadowBlur,
+ clr = color || new Color(0, 0, 0);
+ if (this.fullShadowSource) {
+ fb = this.fullBounds().extent().add(blur * 2);
+ img = this.fullImage();
+ } else { // optimization when all submorphs are contained inside
+ fb = this.extent().add(blur * 2);
+ img = this.getImage();
+ }
+ sha = newCanvas(fb);
+ ctx = sha.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.shadowOffsetX = offset.x;
+ ctx.shadowOffsetY = offset.y;
+ ctx.shadowBlur = blur;
+ ctx.shadowColor = clr.toString();
+ ctx.drawImage(
+ img,
+ blur - offset.x,
+ blur - offset.y
+ );
+ ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
+ ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;
+ ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
+ ctx.drawImage(
+ img,
+ blur - offset.x,
+ blur - offset.y
+ );
+ return sha;
+Morph.prototype.shadow = function (off, a, color) {
+ var shadow = new ShadowMorph(),
+ offset = off || new Point(7, 7),
+ alpha = a || ((a === 0) ? 0 : 0.2),
+ fb = this.fullBounds();
+ shadow.setExtent(fb.extent().add(this.shadowBlur * 2));
+ if (useBlurredShadows /*&& !MorphicPreferences.isFlat*/) {
+ shadow.cachedImage = this.shadowImageBlurred(offset, color);
+ shadow.alpha = alpha;
+ shadow.setPosition(fb.origin.add(offset).subtract(this.shadowBlur));
+ } else {
+ shadow.cachedImage = this.shadowImage(offset, color);
+ shadow.alpha = alpha;
+ shadow.setPosition(fb.origin.add(offset));
+ }
+ shadow.shouldRerender = false;
+ return shadow;
+Morph.prototype.addShadow = function (off, a, color) {
+ var shadow,
+ offset = off || new Point(7, 7),
+ alpha = a || ((a === 0) ? 0 : 0.2);
+ shadow = this.shadow(offset, alpha, color);
+ this.addBack(shadow);
+ this.fullChanged();
+ return shadow;
+Morph.prototype.getShadow = function () {
+ var shadows;
+ shadows = this.children.slice(0).reverse().filter(
+ child => child instanceof ShadowMorph
+ );
+ if (shadows.length !== 0) {
+ return shadows[0];
+ }
+ return null;
+Morph.prototype.removeShadow = function () {
+ var shadow = this.getShadow();
+ if (shadow !== null) {
+ this.fullChanged();
+ this.removeChild(shadow);
+ }
+// Morph pen trails:
+Morph.prototype.penTrails = function () {
+ // answer my pen trails canvas. default is to answer my image
+ // NOTE: clients calling this also want to make sure the
+ // obtained canvas will be around at the next display cycle,
+ // so they might also wish to set the receiver's "isCachingImage"
+ // property to "true".
+ return this.getImage();
+// Morph updating:
+Morph.prototype.rerender = function () {
+ this.shouldRerender = true;
+ this.changed();
+Morph.prototype.changed = function () {
+ var w = this.root();
+ if (w instanceof WorldMorph) {
+ w.broken.push(this.visibleBounds().spread());
+ }
+ if (this.parent) {
+ this.parent.childChanged(this);
+ }
+Morph.prototype.fullChanged = function () {
+ var w = this.root();
+ if (w instanceof WorldMorph) {
+ w.broken.push(
+ this.fullBounds().spread()
+ );
+ }
+Morph.prototype.childChanged = function () {
+ // react to a change in one of my children,
+ // default is to just pass this message on upwards
+ // override this method for Morphs that need to adjust accordingly
+ if (this.parent) {
+ this.parent.childChanged(this);
+ }
+// Morph accessing - structure:
+Morph.prototype.world = function () {
+ var root = this.root();
+ if (root instanceof WorldMorph) {
+ return root;
+ }
+ if (root instanceof HandMorph) {
+ return root.world;
+ }
+ return null;
+Morph.prototype.add = function (aMorph) {
+ var owner = aMorph.parent;
+ if (owner !== null) {
+ owner.removeChild(aMorph);
+ }
+ this.addChild(aMorph);
+Morph.prototype.addBack = function (aMorph) {
+ var owner = aMorph.parent;
+ if (owner !== null) {
+ owner.removeChild(aMorph);
+ }
+ this.addChildFirst(aMorph);
+Morph.prototype.topMorphAt = function (point) {
+ var i, result;
+ if (!this.isVisible) {return null; }
+ for (i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
+ result = this.children[i].topMorphAt(point);
+ if (result) {return result; }
+ }
+ if (this.bounds.containsPoint(point)) {
+ if (this.holes.some(
+ any => any.translateBy(this.position()).containsPoint(point))
+ ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (this.isFreeForm) {
+ if (!this.isTransparentAt(point)) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+Morph.prototype.topMorphSuchThat = function (predicate) {
+ var next;
+ if (predicate.call(null, this)) {
+ next = detect(
+ this.children.slice(0).reverse(),
+ predicate
+ );
+ if (next) {
+ return next.topMorphSuchThat(predicate);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ return null;
+Morph.prototype.overlappedMorphs = function () {
+ //exclude the World
+ var world = this.world(),
+ fb = this.fullBounds(),
+ allParents = this.allParents(),
+ allChildren = this.allChildren(),
+ morphs;
+ morphs = world.allChildren();
+ return morphs.filter(m => {
+ return m.isVisible &&
+ m !== this &&
+ m !== world &&
+ !contains(allParents, m) &&
+ !contains(allChildren, m) &&
+ m.fullBounds().intersects(fb);
+ });
+// Morph pixel access:
+Morph.prototype.getPixelColor = function (aPoint) {
+ var point, context, data;
+ point = aPoint.subtract(this.bounds.origin);
+ context = this.getImage().getContext('2d');
+ data = context.getImageData(point.x, point.y, 1, 1);
+ return new Color(
+ data.data[0],
+ data.data[1],
+ data.data[2],
+ data.data[3] / 255
+ );
+Morph.prototype.isTransparentAt = function (aPoint) {
+ var point, context, data;
+ if (this.bounds.containsPoint(aPoint)) {
+ if (this.texture) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ point = aPoint.subtract(this.bounds.origin);
+ context = this.getImage().getContext('2d');
+ data = context.getImageData(
+ Math.floor(point.x),
+ Math.floor(point.y),
+ 1,
+ 1
+ );
+ return data.data[3] === 0;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Morph duplicating:
+Morph.prototype.copy = function () {
+ var c = copy(this);
+ c.parent = null;
+ c.children = [];
+ c.bounds = this.bounds.copy();
+ return c;
+Morph.prototype.fullCopy = function () {
+ /*
+ Produce a copy of me with my entire tree of submorphs. Morphs
+ mentioned more than once are all directed to a single new copy.
+ Other properties are also *shallow* copied, so you must override
+ to deep copy Arrays and (complex) Objects
+ */
+ var map = new Map(), c;
+ c = this.copyRecordingReferences(map);
+ c.forAllChildren(m => m.updateReferences(map));
+ return c;
+Morph.prototype.copyRecordingReferences = function (map) {
+ /*
+ Recursively copy this entire composite morph, recording the
+ correspondence between old and new morphs in the given dictionary.
+ This dictionary will be used to update intra-composite references
+ in the copy. See updateReferences().
+ Note: This default implementation copies ONLY morphs. If a morph
+ stores morphs in other properties that it wants to copy, then it
+ should override this method to do so. The same goes for morphs that
+ contain other complex data that should be copied when the morph is
+ duplicated.
+ */
+ var c = this.copy();
+ map.set(this, c);
+ this.children.forEach(m => c.add(m.copyRecordingReferences(map)));
+ return c;
+Morph.prototype.updateReferences = function (map) {
+ /*
+ Update intra-morph references within a composite morph that has
+ been copied. For example, if a button refers to morph X in the
+ orginal composite then the copy of that button in the new composite
+ should refer to the copy of X in new composite, not the original X.
+ */
+ var properties = Object.keys(this),
+ l = properties.length,
+ property,
+ value,
+ reference,
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
+ property = properties[i];
+ value = this[property];
+ if (value && value.isMorph) {
+ reference = map.get(value);
+ if (reference) { this[property] = reference; }
+ }
+ }
+// Morph dragging and dropping:
+Morph.prototype.rootForGrab = function () {
+ if (this instanceof ShadowMorph) {
+ return this.parent.rootForGrab();
+ }
+ if (this.parent instanceof ScrollFrameMorph) {
+ return this.parent;
+ }
+ if (this.parent === null ||
+ this.parent instanceof WorldMorph ||
+ this.parent instanceof FrameMorph ||
+ this.isDraggable === true) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ return this.parent.rootForGrab();
+Morph.prototype.isCorrectingOutsideDrag = function () {
+ // make sure I don't "trail behind" the hand when dragged
+ // override for morphs that you want to be dragged outside
+ // their full bounds
+ return true;
+Morph.prototype.wantsDropOf = function (aMorph) {
+ // default is to answer the general flag - change for my heirs
+ if ((aMorph instanceof HandleMorph) ||
+ (aMorph instanceof MenuMorph) ||
+ (aMorph instanceof InspectorMorph)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this.acceptsDrops;
+Morph.prototype.pickUp = function (wrrld) {
+ var world = wrrld || this.world();
+ this.setPosition(
+ world.hand.position().subtract(
+ this.extent().floorDivideBy(2)
+ )
+ );
+ world.hand.grab(this);
+Morph.prototype.isPickedUp = function () {
+ return this.parentThatIsA(HandMorph) !== null;
+Morph.prototype.situation = function () {
+ // answer a dictionary specifying where I am right now, so
+ // I can slide back to it if I'm dropped somewhere else
+ if (this.parent) {
+ return {
+ origin: this.parent,
+ position: this.position().subtract(this.parent.position())
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+Morph.prototype.slideBackTo = function (
+ situation,
+ msecs,
+ onBeforeDrop,
+ onComplete
+) {
+ var pos = situation.origin.position().add(situation.position);
+ this.glideTo(
+ pos,
+ msecs,
+ null, // easing
+ () => {
+ situation.origin.add(this);
+ if (onBeforeDrop) {onBeforeDrop(); }
+ if (this.justDropped) {this.justDropped(); }
+ if (situation.origin.reactToDropOf) {
+ situation.origin.reactToDropOf(this);
+ }
+ if (onComplete) {onComplete(); }
+ }
+ );
+// Morph animating:
+Morph.prototype.glideTo = function (endPoint, msecs, easing, onComplete) {
+ var world = this.world(),
+ horizontal = new Animation(
+ x => this.setLeft(x),
+ () => this.left(),
+ -(this.left() - endPoint.x),
+ msecs === 0 ? 0 : msecs || 100,
+ easing
+ );
+ world.animations.push(horizontal);
+ world.animations.push(new Animation(
+ y => this.setTop(y),
+ () => this.top(),
+ -(this.top() - endPoint.y),
+ msecs === 0 ? 0 : msecs || 100,
+ easing,
+ () => {
+ horizontal.setter(horizontal.destination);
+ horizontal.isActive = false;
+ onComplete();
+ }
+ ));
+Morph.prototype.fadeTo = function (endAlpha, msecs, easing, onComplete) {
+ // include all my children, restore all original transparencies
+ // on completion, so I can be recovered
+ var world = this.world(),
+ oldAlpha = this.alpha;
+ this.children.forEach(child => child.fadeTo(endAlpha, msecs, easing));
+ world.animations.push(new Animation(
+ n => {
+ this.alpha = n;
+ this.changed();
+ },
+ () => this.alpha,
+ endAlpha - this.alpha,
+ msecs === 0 ? 0 : msecs || 200,
+ easing,
+ () => {
+ this.alpha = oldAlpha;
+ if (onComplete) {onComplete(); }
+ }
+ ));
+Morph.prototype.perish = function (msecs, onComplete) {
+ this.fadeTo(
+ 0,
+ msecs === 0 ? 0 : msecs || 100,
+ null,
+ () => {
+ this.destroy();
+ if (onComplete) {onComplete(); }
+ }
+ );
+// Morph utilities:
+Morph.prototype.nop = nop;
+Morph.prototype.resize = function () {
+ this.world().activeHandle = new HandleMorph(this);
+Morph.prototype.move = function () {
+ this.world().activeHandle = new HandleMorph(
+ this,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ 'move'
+ );
+Morph.prototype.moveCenter = function () {
+ this.world().activeHandle = new HandleMorph(
+ this,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ 'moveCenter'
+ );
+Morph.prototype.hint = function (msg) {
+ var m, text;
+ text = msg;
+ if (msg) {
+ if (msg.toString) {
+ text = msg.toString();
+ }
+ } else {
+ text = 'NULL';
+ }
+ m = new MenuMorph(this, text);
+ m.isDraggable = true;
+ m.popUpCenteredAtHand(this.world());
+Morph.prototype.inform = function (msg) {
+ var m, text;
+ text = msg;
+ if (msg) {
+ if (msg.toString) {
+ text = msg.toString();
+ }
+ } else {
+ text = 'NULL';
+ }
+ m = new MenuMorph(this, text);
+ m.addItem("Ok");
+ m.isDraggable = true;
+ m.popUpCenteredAtHand(this.world());
+Morph.prototype.prompt = function (
+ msg,
+ callback,
+ environment,
+ defaultContents,
+ width,
+ floorNum,
+ ceilingNum,
+ isRounded,
+ action = nop
+) {
+ var menu, entryField, slider, isNumeric;
+ if (ceilingNum) {
+ isNumeric = true;
+ }
+ menu = new MenuMorph(
+ callback || null,
+ msg || '',
+ environment || null
+ );
+ entryField = new StringFieldMorph(
+ defaultContents || '',
+ width || 100,
+ MorphicPreferences.prompterFontSize,
+ MorphicPreferences.prompterFontName,
+ false,
+ false,
+ isNumeric
+ );
+ menu.items.push(entryField);
+ if (ceilingNum || MorphicPreferences.useSliderForInput) {
+ slider = new SliderMorph(
+ floorNum || 0,
+ ceilingNum,
+ parseFloat(defaultContents),
+ Math.floor((ceilingNum - floorNum) / 4),
+ 'horizontal'
+ );
+ slider.alpha = 1;
+ slider.color = new Color(225, 225, 225);
+ slider.button.color = menu.borderColor;
+ slider.button.highlightColor = slider.button.color.copy();
+ slider.button.highlightColor.b += 100;
+ slider.button.pressColor = slider.button.color.copy();
+ slider.button.pressColor.b += 150;
+ slider.setHeight(MorphicPreferences.prompterSliderSize);
+ if (isRounded) {
+ slider.action = (num) => {
+ entryField.changed();
+ entryField.text.text = Math.round(num).toString();
+ entryField.text.fixLayout();
+ entryField.text.changed();
+ entryField.text.edit();
+ action(Math.round(num));
+ };
+ } else {
+ slider.action = (num) => {
+ entryField.changed();
+ entryField.text.text = num.toString();
+ entryField.text.fixLayout();
+ entryField.text.changed();
+ action(num);
+ };
+ }
+ menu.items.push(slider);
+ }
+ menu.addLine(2);
+ menu.addItem('Ok', () => entryField.string());
+ menu.addItem(
+ 'Cancel',
+ () => {
+ action(defaultContents);
+ return null;
+ }
+ );
+ menu.isDraggable = true;
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ entryField.text.edit();
+Morph.prototype.pickColor = function (
+ msg,
+ callback,
+ environment,
+ defaultContents
+) {
+ var menu, colorPicker;
+ menu = new MenuMorph(
+ callback || null,
+ msg || '',
+ environment || null
+ );
+ colorPicker = new ColorPickerMorph(defaultContents);
+ menu.items.push(colorPicker);
+ menu.addLine(2);
+ menu.addItem('Ok', () => colorPicker.getChoice());
+ menu.addItem('Cancel', () => null);
+ menu.isDraggable = true;
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+Morph.prototype.inspect = function (anotherObject) {
+ var world = this.world instanceof Function ?
+ this.world() : this.root() || this.world,
+ inspector,
+ inspectee = this;
+ if (anotherObject) {
+ inspectee = anotherObject;
+ }
+ inspector = new InspectorMorph(inspectee);
+ inspector.setPosition(world.hand.position());
+ inspector.keepWithin(world);
+ world.add(inspector);
+ inspector.changed();
+Morph.prototype.inspectKeyEvent = function (event) {
+ this.inform(
+ 'Key pressed: ' +
+ String.fromCharCode(event.charCode) +
+ '\n------------------------' +
+ '\ncharCode: ' +
+ event.charCode.toString() +
+ '\nkeyCode: ' +
+ event.keyCode.toString() +
+ '\nkey: ' +
+ event.key.toString() +
+ '\nshiftKey: ' +
+ event.shiftKey.toString() +
+ '\naltKey: ' +
+ event.altKey.toString() +
+ '\nctrlKey: ' +
+ event.ctrlKey.toString() +
+ '\ncmdKey: ' +
+ event.metaKey.toString()
+ );
+// Morph menus:
+Morph.prototype.contextMenu = function () {
+ var world;
+ if (this.customContextMenu) {
+ return this.customContextMenu;
+ }
+ world = this.world instanceof Function ? this.world() : this.world;
+ if (world && world.isDevMode) {
+ if (this.parent === world) {
+ return this.developersMenu();
+ }
+ return this.hierarchyMenu();
+ }
+ return this.userMenu() ||
+ (this.parent && this.parent.userMenu());
+Morph.prototype.hierarchyMenu = function () {
+ var parents = this.allParents(),
+ world = this.world instanceof Function ? this.world() : this.world,
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, null);
+ parents.forEach(each => {
+ if (each.developersMenu && (each !== world)) {
+ menu.addMenu(
+ each.toString().slice(0, 50),
+ each.developersMenu()
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ return menu;
+Morph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ // 'name' is not an official property of a function, hence:
+ var world = this.world instanceof Function ? this.world() : this.world,
+ userMenu = this.userMenu() ||
+ (this.parent && this.parent.userMenu()),
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, this.constructor.name ||
+ this.constructor.toString().split(' ')[1].split('(')[0]);
+ if (userMenu) {
+ menu.addMenu('user features', userMenu);
+ menu.addLine();
+ }
+ menu.addItem(
+ "color...",
+ () => {
+ this.pickColor(
+ menu.title + localize('\ncolor:'),
+ this.setColor,
+ this,
+ this.color
+ );
+ },
+ 'choose another color \nfor this morph'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "transparency...",
+ () => {
+ this.prompt(
+ menu.title + localize('\nalpha\nvalue:'),
+ this.setAlphaScaled,
+ this,
+ (this.alpha * 100).toString(),
+ null,
+ 1,
+ 100,
+ true
+ );
+ },
+ 'set this morph\'s\nalpha value'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "resize...",
+ 'resize',
+ 'show a handle\nwhich can be dragged\nto change this morph\'s' +
+ ' extent'
+ );
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem(
+ "duplicate",
+ () => this.fullCopy().pickUp(this.world()),
+ 'make a copy\nand pick it up'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "pick up",
+ 'pickUp',
+ 'detach and put \ninto the hand'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "attach...",
+ 'attach',
+ 'stick this morph\nto another one'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "move...",
+ 'move',
+ 'show a handle\nwhich can be dragged\nto move this morph'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "inspect...",
+ 'inspect',
+ 'open a window\non all properties'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "pic...",
+ () => window.open(this.fullImage().toDataURL()),
+ 'open a new window\nwith a picture of this morph'
+ );
+ menu.addLine();
+ if (this.isDraggable) {
+ menu.addItem(
+ "lock",
+ 'toggleIsDraggable',
+ 'make this morph\nunmovable'
+ );
+ } else {
+ menu.addItem(
+ "unlock",
+ 'toggleIsDraggable',
+ 'make this morph\nmovable'
+ );
+ }
+ menu.addItem("hide", 'hide');
+ menu.addItem("delete", 'destroy');
+ if (!(this instanceof WorldMorph)) {
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem(
+ "World...",
+ () => world.contextMenu().popUpAtHand(world),
+ 'show the\nWorld\'s menu'
+ );
+ }
+ return menu;
+Morph.prototype.userMenu = function () {
+ return null;
+Morph.prototype.addToDemoMenu = function (aMorphOrMenuArray) {
+ // register a Morph or a Menu with Morphs with the World's demos menu
+ // a menu can be added in the form of a two-item array: [name, [morphs]]
+ WorldMorph.prototype.customMorphs.push(aMorphOrMenuArray);
+// Morph menu actions
+Morph.prototype.setAlphaScaled = function (alpha) {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ var newAlpha, unscaled;
+ if (typeof alpha === 'number') {
+ unscaled = alpha / 100;
+ this.alpha = Math.min(Math.max(unscaled, 0), 1);
+ } else {
+ newAlpha = parseFloat(alpha);
+ if (!isNaN(newAlpha)) {
+ unscaled = newAlpha / 100;
+ this.alpha = Math.min(Math.max(unscaled, 0), 1);
+ }
+ }
+ this.changed();
+Morph.prototype.attach = function () {
+ var choices = this.overlappedMorphs(),
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, 'choose new parent:');
+ choices.forEach(each => {
+ menu.addItem(each.toString().slice(0, 50), () => {
+ each.add(this);
+ this.isDraggable = false;
+ });
+ });
+ if (choices.length > 0) {
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ }
+Morph.prototype.toggleIsDraggable = function () {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ this.isDraggable = !this.isDraggable;
+Morph.prototype.colorSetters = function () {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ return ['color'];
+Morph.prototype.numericalSetters = function () {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ return [
+ 'setLeft',
+ 'setTop',
+ 'setWidth',
+ 'setHeight',
+ 'setAlphaScaled'
+ ];
+// Morph entry field tabbing:
+Morph.prototype.allEntryFields = function () {
+ return this.allChildren().filter(each => {
+ return each.isEditable &&
+ (each instanceof StringMorph ||
+ each instanceof TextMorph);
+ });
+Morph.prototype.nextEntryField = function (current) {
+ var fields = this.allEntryFields(),
+ idx = fields.indexOf(current);
+ if (idx !== -1) {
+ if (fields.length > idx + 1) {
+ return fields[idx + 1];
+ }
+ }
+ return fields[0];
+Morph.prototype.previousEntryField = function (current) {
+ var fields = this.allEntryFields(),
+ idx = fields.indexOf(current);
+ if (idx !== -1) {
+ if (idx > 0) {
+ return fields[idx - 1];
+ }
+ return fields[fields.length - 1];
+ }
+ return fields[0];
+Morph.prototype.tab = function (editField) {
+ the key was pressed in one of my edit fields.
+ invoke my "nextTab()" function if it exists, else
+ propagate it up my owner chain.
+ if (this.nextTab) {
+ this.nextTab(editField);
+ } else if (this.parent) {
+ this.parent.tab(editField);
+ }
+Morph.prototype.backTab = function (editField) {
+ the key was pressed in one of my edit fields.
+ invoke my "previousTab()" function if it exists, else
+ propagate it up my owner chain.
+ if (this.previousTab) {
+ this.previousTab(editField);
+ } else if (this.parent) {
+ this.parent.backTab(editField);
+ }
+ the following are examples of what the navigation methods should
+ look like. Insert these at the World level for fallback, and at lower
+ levels in the Morphic tree (e.g. dialog boxes) for a more fine-grained
+ control over the tabbing cycle.
+Morph.prototype.nextTab = function (editField) {
+ var next = this.nextEntryField(editField);
+ editField.clearSelection();
+ next.selectAll();
+ next.edit();
+Morph.prototype.previousTab = function (editField) {
+ var prev = this.previousEntryField(editField);
+ editField.clearSelection();
+ prev.selectAll();
+ prev.edit();
+// Morph events:
+Morph.prototype.escalateEvent = function (functionName, arg) {
+ var handler = this.parent;
+ while (!handler[functionName] && handler.parent !== null) {
+ handler = handler.parent;
+ }
+ if (handler[functionName]) {
+ handler[functionName](arg);
+ }
+// Morph eval:
+Morph.prototype.evaluateString = function (code) {
+ var result;
+ try {
+ result = eval(code);
+ this.changed();
+ } catch (err) {
+ this.inform(err);
+ }
+ return result;
+// Morph collision detection:
+Morph.prototype.isTouching = function (otherMorph) {
+ var data = this.overlappingPixels(otherMorph),
+ len, i;
+ if (!data) {return false; }
+ len = data[0].length;
+ for (i = 3; i < len; i += 4) {
+ if (data[0][i] && data[1][i]) {return true; }
+ }
+ return false;
+Morph.prototype.overlappingPixels = function (otherMorph) {
+ var fb = this.fullBounds(),
+ otherFb = otherMorph.fullBounds(),
+ oRect = fb.intersect(otherFb),
+ thisImg, thatImg;
+ if (oRect.width() < 1 || oRect.height() < 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ thisImg = this.fullImage();
+ thatImg = otherMorph.fullImage();
+ if (thisImg.isRetinaEnabled !== thatImg.isRetinaEnabled) {
+ thisImg = normalizeCanvas(thisImg, true);
+ thatImg = normalizeCanvas(thatImg, true);
+ }
+ return [
+ thisImg.getContext("2d").getImageData(
+ oRect.left() - this.left(),
+ oRect.top() - this.top(),
+ oRect.width(),
+ oRect.height()
+ ).data,
+ thatImg.getContext("2d").getImageData(
+ oRect.left() - otherMorph.left(),
+ oRect.top() - otherMorph.top(),
+ oRect.width(),
+ oRect.height()
+ ).data
+ ];
+// ShadowMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// ShadowMorph inherits from Morph:
+ShadowMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+ShadowMorph.prototype.constructor = ShadowMorph;
+ShadowMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// ShadowMorph instance creation:
+function ShadowMorph() {
+ this.init();
+ShadowMorph.prototype.init = function () {
+ ShadowMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.isCachingImage = true;
+ShadowMorph.prototype.topMorphAt = function () {
+ return null;
+// HandleMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I am a resize / move handle that can be attached to any Morph
+// HandleMorph inherits from Morph:
+HandleMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+HandleMorph.prototype.constructor = HandleMorph;
+HandleMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// HandleMorph instance creation:
+function HandleMorph(target, minX, minY, insetX, insetY, type) {
+ // if insetY is missing, it will be the same as insetX
+ this.init(target, minX, minY, insetX, insetY, type);
+HandleMorph.prototype.init = function (
+ target,
+ minX,
+ minY,
+ insetX,
+ insetY,
+ type
+) {
+ var size = MorphicPreferences.handleSize;
+ this.target = target || null;
+ this.minExtent = new Point(minX || 0, minY || 0);
+ this.inset = new Point(insetX || 0, insetY || insetX || 0);
+ this.type = type || 'resize'; // also: 'move', 'moveCenter', 'movePivot'
+ this.isHighlighted = false;
+ HandleMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.color = WHITE;
+ this.isDraggable = false;
+ if (this.type === 'movePivot') {
+ size *= 2;
+ }
+ this.setExtent(new Point(size, size));
+ this.fixLayout();
+// HandleMorph drawing:
+HandleMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () {
+ if (this.target) {
+ if (this.type === 'moveCenter') {
+ this.setCenter(this.target.center());
+ } else if (this.type === 'movePivot') {
+ this.setCenter(this.target.rotationCenter());
+ } else { // 'resize', 'move'
+ this.setPosition(
+ this.target.bottomRight().subtract(
+ this.extent().add(this.inset)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ this.target.add(this);
+ this.target.changed();
+ }
+HandleMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
+ if (this.type === 'movePivot') {
+ if (this.isHighlighted) {
+ this.renderCrosshairsOn(ctx, 0.5);
+ } else {
+ this.renderCrosshairsOn(ctx, 0.6);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (this.isHighlighted) {
+ this.renderHandleOn(
+ ctx,
+ new Color(100, 100, 255),
+ );
+ } else {
+ this.renderHandleOn(
+ ctx,
+ this.color,
+ new Color(100, 100, 100)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+HandleMorph.prototype.renderCrosshairsOn = function (ctx, fract) {
+ var r = this.width() / 2;
+ // semi-transparent white background blob
+ ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)';
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(
+ r,
+ r,
+ r * 0.9,
+ radians(0),
+ radians(360),
+ false
+ );
+ ctx.fill();
+ // solid black ring
+ ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
+ ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(
+ r,
+ r,
+ r * fract,
+ radians(0),
+ radians(360),
+ false
+ );
+ ctx.stroke();
+ // vertically centered horizontal line
+ ctx.moveTo(0, r);
+ ctx.lineTo(this.width(), r);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ // horizontally centered vertical line
+ ctx.moveTo(r, 0);
+ ctx.lineTo(r, this.height());
+ ctx.stroke();
+HandleMorph.prototype.renderHandleOn = function (
+ ctx,
+ color,
+ shadowColor
+) {
+ var isSquare = (this.type.indexOf('move') === 0),
+ p1 = new Point(0, this.height()), // bottom left
+ p2 = new Point(this.width(), 0), // top right
+ p11, p22, i;
+ ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+ ctx.lineCap = 'round';
+ ctx.strokeStyle = color.toString();
+ if (isSquare) {
+ p11 = p1.copy();
+ p22 = p2.copy();
+ for (i = 0; i <= this.height(); i = i + 6) {
+ p11.y = p1.y - i;
+ p22.y = p2.y - i;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(p11.x, p11.y);
+ ctx.lineTo(p22.x, p22.y);
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ }
+ p11 = p1.copy();
+ p22 = p2.copy();
+ for (i = 0; i <= this.width(); i = i + 6) {
+ p11.x = p1.x + i;
+ p22.x = p2.x + i;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(p11.x, p11.y);
+ ctx.lineTo(p22.x, p22.y);
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ ctx.strokeStyle = shadowColor.toString();
+ if (isSquare) {
+ p11 = p1.copy();
+ p22 = p2.copy();
+ for (i = -2; i <= this.height(); i = i + 6) {
+ p11.y = p1.y - i;
+ p22.y = p2.y - i;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(p11.x, p11.y);
+ ctx.lineTo(p22.x, p22.y);
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ }
+ p11 = p1.copy();
+ p22 = p2.copy();
+ for (i = 2; i <= this.width(); i = i + 6) {
+ p11.x = p1.x + i;
+ p22.x = p2.x + i;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(p11.x, p11.y);
+ ctx.lineTo(p22.x, p22.y);
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+// HandleMorph stepping:
+HandleMorph.prototype.step = null;
+HandleMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) {
+ var world = this.root(),
+ offset;
+ if (!this.target) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (this.type.indexOf('move') === 0) {
+ offset = pos.subtract(this.center());
+ } else {
+ offset = pos.subtract(this.bounds.origin);
+ }
+ this.step = () => {
+ var newPos, newExt;
+ if (world.hand.mouseButton) {
+ newPos = world.hand.bounds.origin.copy().subtract(offset);
+ if (this.type === 'resize') {
+ newExt = newPos.add(
+ this.extent().add(this.inset)
+ ).subtract(this.target.bounds.origin);
+ newExt = newExt.max(this.minExtent);
+ this.target.setExtent(newExt);
+ this.setPosition(
+ this.target.bottomRight().subtract(
+ this.extent().add(this.inset)
+ )
+ );
+ } else if (this.type === 'moveCenter') {
+ this.target.setCenter(newPos);
+ } else if (this.type === 'movePivot') {
+ this.target.setPivot(newPos);
+ this.setCenter(this.target.rotationCenter());
+ } else { // type === 'move'
+ this.target.setPosition(
+ newPos.subtract(this.target.extent())
+ .add(this.extent())
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.step = null;
+ }
+ };
+ if (!this.target.step) {
+ this.target.step = nop;
+ }
+// HandleMorph dragging and dropping:
+HandleMorph.prototype.rootForGrab = function () {
+ return this;
+// HandleMorph events:
+HandleMorph.prototype.mouseEnter = function () {
+ this.isHighlighted = true;
+ this.changed();
+HandleMorph.prototype.mouseLeave = function () {
+ this.isHighlighted = false;
+ this.changed();
+// HandleMorph menu:
+HandleMorph.prototype.attach = function () {
+ var choices = this.overlappedMorphs(),
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, 'choose target:');
+ choices.forEach(each => {
+ menu.addItem(each.toString().slice(0, 50), () => {
+ this.isDraggable = false;
+ this.target = each;
+ this.fixLayout();
+ });
+ });
+ if (choices.length > 0) {
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ }
+// PenMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I am a simple LOGO-wise turtle.
+// PenMorph: referenced constructors
+var PenMorph;
+// PenMorph inherits from Morph:
+PenMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+PenMorph.prototype.constructor = PenMorph;
+PenMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// PenMorph instance creation:
+function PenMorph() {
+ this.init();
+PenMorph.prototype.init = function () {
+ var size = MorphicPreferences.handleSize * 4;
+ // additional properties:
+ this.isWarped = false; // internal optimization
+ this.heading = 0;
+ this.isDown = true;
+ this.size = 1;
+ this.penPoint = 'tip'; // or 'center"
+ this.penBounds = null; // rect around the visible arrow shape
+ HandleMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.setExtent(new Point(size, size));
+// PenMorph updating - optimized for warping, i.e atomic recursion
+PenMorph.prototype.changed = function () {
+ if (this.isWarped) {return; }
+ PenMorph.uber.changed.call(this);
+// PenMorph display:
+PenMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx, facing) {
+ // my orientation can be overridden with the "facing" parameter to
+ // implement Scratch-style rotation styles
+ var start, dest, left, right, len,
+ direction = facing || this.heading;
+ len = this.width() / 2;
+ start = this.center().subtract(this.bounds.origin);
+ if (this.penPoint === 'tip') {
+ dest = start.distanceAngle(len * 0.75, direction - 180);
+ left = start.distanceAngle(len, direction + 195);
+ right = start.distanceAngle(len, direction - 195);
+ } else { // 'middle'
+ dest = start.distanceAngle(len * 0.75, direction);
+ left = start.distanceAngle(len * 0.33, direction + 230);
+ right = start.distanceAngle(len * 0.33, direction - 230);
+ }
+ // cache penBounds
+ this.penBounds = new Rectangle(
+ Math.min(start.x, dest.x, left.x, right.x),
+ Math.min(start.y, dest.y, left.y, right.y),
+ Math.max(start.x, dest.x, left.x, right.x),
+ Math.max(start.y, dest.y, left.y, right.y)
+ );
+ // draw arrow shape
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.color.toString();
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(start.x, start.y);
+ ctx.lineTo(left.x, left.y);
+ ctx.lineTo(dest.x, dest.y);
+ ctx.lineTo(right.x, right.y);
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';
+ ctx.lineWidth = 3;
+ ctx.stroke();
+ ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
+ ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+ ctx.stroke();
+ ctx.fill();
+// PenMorph access:
+PenMorph.prototype.setHeading = function (degrees) {
+ this.heading = ((+degrees % 360) + 360) % 360;
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+PenMorph.prototype.numericalSetters = function () {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ return [
+ 'setLeft',
+ 'setTop',
+ 'setWidth',
+ 'setHeight',
+ 'setAlphaScaled',
+ 'setHeading'
+ ];
+// PenMorph menu:
+PenMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ var menu = PenMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this);
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem(
+ 'set rotation',
+ "setRotation",
+ 'interactively turn this morph\nusing a dial widget'
+ );
+ return menu;
+PenMorph.prototype.setRotation = function () {
+ var menu, dial,
+ name = this.name || this.constructor.name;
+ if (name.length > 10) {
+ name = name.slice(0, 9) + '...';
+ }
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, name);
+ dial = new DialMorph(null, null, this.heading);
+ dial.rootForGrab = () => dial;
+ dial.target = this;
+ dial.action = 'setHeading';
+ menu.items.push(dial);
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem('(90) right', () => this.setHeading(90));
+ menu.addItem('(-90) left', () => this.setHeading(-90));
+ menu.addItem('(0) up', () => this.setHeading(0));
+ menu.addItem('(180) down', () => this.setHeading(180));
+ menu.isDraggable = true;
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+// PenMorph drawing:
+PenMorph.prototype.drawLine = function (start, dest) {
+ var context = this.parent.penTrails().getContext('2d'),
+ from = start.subtract(this.parent.bounds.origin),
+ to = dest.subtract(this.parent.bounds.origin);
+ if (this.isDown) {
+ context.lineWidth = this.size;
+ context.strokeStyle = this.color.toString();
+ context.lineCap = 'round';
+ context.lineJoin = 'round';
+ context.beginPath();
+ context.moveTo(from.x, from.y);
+ context.lineTo(to.x, to.y);
+ context.stroke();
+ if (this.isWarped === false) {
+ this.world().broken.push(
+ start.rectangle(dest).expandBy(
+ Math.max(this.size / 2, 1)
+ ).intersect(this.parent.visibleBounds()).spread()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+// PenMorph turtle ops:
+PenMorph.prototype.turn = function (degrees) {
+ this.setHeading(this.heading + parseFloat(degrees));
+PenMorph.prototype.forward = function (steps) {
+ var start = this.center(),
+ dest,
+ dist = parseFloat(steps);
+ if (dist >= 0) {
+ dest = this.position().distanceAngle(dist, this.heading);
+ } else {
+ dest = this.position().distanceAngle(
+ Math.abs(dist),
+ (this.heading - 180)
+ );
+ }
+ this.setPosition(dest);
+ this.drawLine(start, this.center());
+PenMorph.prototype.down = function () {
+ this.isDown = true;
+PenMorph.prototype.up = function () {
+ this.isDown = false;
+PenMorph.prototype.clear = function () {
+ this.parent.rerender();
+// PenMorph optimization for atomic recursion:
+PenMorph.prototype.startWarp = function () {
+ this.isWarped = true;
+PenMorph.prototype.endWarp = function () {
+ this.isWarped = false;
+ this.parent.changed();
+PenMorph.prototype.warp = function (fun) {
+ this.startWarp();
+ fun.call(this);
+ this.endWarp();
+PenMorph.prototype.warpOp = function (selector, argsArray) {
+ this.startWarp();
+ this[selector].apply(this, argsArray);
+ this.endWarp();
+// PenMorph demo ops:
+// try these with WARP eg.: this.warp(function () {tree(12, 120, 20)})
+PenMorph.prototype.warpSierpinski = function (length, min) {
+ this.warpOp('sierpinski', [length, min]);
+PenMorph.prototype.sierpinski = function (length, min) {
+ var i;
+ if (length > min) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
+ this.sierpinski(length * 0.5, min);
+ this.turn(120);
+ this.forward(length);
+ }
+ }
+PenMorph.prototype.warpTree = function (level, length, angle) {
+ this.warpOp('tree', [level, length, angle]);
+PenMorph.prototype.tree = function (level, length, angle) {
+ if (level > 0) {
+ this.size = level;
+ this.forward(length);
+ this.turn(angle);
+ this.tree(level - 1, length * 0.75, angle);
+ this.turn(angle * -2);
+ this.tree(level - 1, length * 0.75, angle);
+ this.turn(angle);
+ this.forward(-length);
+ }
+// ColorPaletteMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+var ColorPaletteMorph;
+// ColorPaletteMorph inherits from Morph:
+ColorPaletteMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+ColorPaletteMorph.prototype.constructor = ColorPaletteMorph;
+ColorPaletteMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// ColorPaletteMorph instance creation:
+function ColorPaletteMorph(target, sizePoint) {
+ this.init(
+ target || null,
+ sizePoint || new Point(80, 50)
+ );
+ColorPaletteMorph.prototype.init = function (target, size) {
+ ColorPaletteMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.isCachingImage = true;
+ this.target = target;
+ this.targetSetter = 'color';
+ this.setExtent(size);
+ this.choice = null;
+ColorPaletteMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
+ var ext = this.extent(),
+ x, y, h, l;
+ this.choice = BLACK;
+ for (x = 0; x <= ext.x; x += 1) {
+ h = 360 * x / ext.x;
+ for (y = 0; y <= ext.y; y += 1) {
+ l = 100 - (y / ext.y * 100);
+ ctx.fillStyle = 'hsl(' + h + ',100%,' + l + '%)';
+ ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ColorPaletteMorph.prototype.mouseMove = function (pos) {
+ this.choice = this.getPixelColor(pos);
+ this.updateTarget();
+ColorPaletteMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) {
+ this.choice = this.getPixelColor(pos);
+ this.updateTarget();
+ColorPaletteMorph.prototype.updateTarget = function () {
+ if (this.target instanceof Morph && this.choice !== null) {
+ if (this.target[this.targetSetter] instanceof Function) {
+ this.target[this.targetSetter](this.choice);
+ } else {
+ this.target[this.targetSetter] = this.choice;
+ this.target.rerender();
+ }
+ }
+// ColorPaletteMorph menu:
+ColorPaletteMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ var menu = ColorPaletteMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this);
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem(
+ 'set target',
+ "setTarget",
+ 'choose another morph\nwhose color property\n will be' +
+ ' controlled by this one'
+ );
+ return menu;
+ColorPaletteMorph.prototype.setTarget = function () {
+ var choices = this.overlappedMorphs(),
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, 'choose target:');
+ choices.push(this.world());
+ choices.forEach(each => {
+ menu.addItem(each.toString().slice(0, 50), () => {
+ this.target = each;
+ this.setTargetSetter();
+ });
+ });
+ if (choices.length === 1) {
+ this.target = choices[0];
+ this.setTargetSetter();
+ } else if (choices.length > 0) {
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ }
+ColorPaletteMorph.prototype.setTargetSetter = function () {
+ var choices = this.target.colorSetters(),
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, 'choose target property:');
+ choices.forEach(each => {
+ menu.addItem(each, () => this.targetSetter = each);
+ });
+ if (choices.length === 1) {
+ this.targetSetter = choices[0];
+ } else if (choices.length > 0) {
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ }
+// GrayPaletteMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+var GrayPaletteMorph;
+// GrayPaletteMorph inherits from ColorPaletteMorph:
+GrayPaletteMorph.prototype = new ColorPaletteMorph();
+GrayPaletteMorph.prototype.constructor = GrayPaletteMorph;
+GrayPaletteMorph.uber = ColorPaletteMorph.prototype;
+// GrayPaletteMorph instance creation:
+function GrayPaletteMorph(target, sizePoint) {
+ this.init(
+ target || null,
+ sizePoint || new Point(80, 10)
+ );
+GrayPaletteMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
+ var ext = this.extent(),
+ gradient;
+ this.choice = BLACK;
+ gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, ext.x, ext.y);
+ gradient.addColorStop(0, 'black');
+ gradient.addColorStop(1, 'white');
+ ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ext.x, ext.y);
+// ColorPickerMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// ColorPickerMorph inherits from Morph:
+ColorPickerMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+ColorPickerMorph.prototype.constructor = ColorPickerMorph;
+ColorPickerMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// ColorPickerMorph instance creation:
+function ColorPickerMorph(defaultColor) {
+ this.init(defaultColor || WHITE);
+ColorPickerMorph.prototype.init = function (defaultColor) {
+ this.choice = defaultColor;
+ ColorPickerMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.color = WHITE;
+ this.setExtent(new Point(80, 80));
+ColorPickerMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () {
+ var cpal, gpal, x, y;
+ this.children.forEach(child => child.destroy());
+ this.children = [];
+ this.feedback = new Morph();
+ this.feedback.color = this.choice;
+ this.feedback.setExtent(new Point(20, 20));
+ cpal = new ColorPaletteMorph(
+ this.feedback,
+ new Point(this.width(), 50)
+ );
+ gpal = new GrayPaletteMorph(
+ this.feedback,
+ new Point(this.width(), 5)
+ );
+ cpal.setPosition(this.bounds.origin);
+ this.add(cpal);
+ gpal.setPosition(cpal.bottomLeft());
+ this.add(gpal);
+ x = (gpal.left() +
+ Math.floor((gpal.width() - this.feedback.width()) / 2));
+ y = gpal.bottom() + Math.floor((this.bottom() -
+ gpal.bottom() - this.feedback.height()) / 2);
+ this.feedback.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
+ this.add(this.feedback);
+ColorPickerMorph.prototype.getChoice = function () {
+ return this.feedback.color;
+ColorPickerMorph.prototype.rootForGrab = function () {
+ return this;
+// BlinkerMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// can be used for text cursors
+var BlinkerMorph;
+// BlinkerMorph inherits from Morph:
+BlinkerMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+BlinkerMorph.prototype.constructor = BlinkerMorph;
+BlinkerMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// BlinkerMorph instance creation:
+function BlinkerMorph(rate) {
+ this.init(rate);
+BlinkerMorph.prototype.init = function (rate) {
+ BlinkerMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.color = new Color(0, 0, 0);
+ this.fps = rate || 2;
+// BlinkerMorph stepping:
+BlinkerMorph.prototype.step = function () {
+ this.toggleVisibility();
+// CursorMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I am a String/Text editing widget
+// CursorMorph: referenced constructors
+var CursorMorph;
+// CursorMorph inherits from BlinkerMorph:
+CursorMorph.prototype = new BlinkerMorph();
+CursorMorph.prototype.constructor = CursorMorph;
+CursorMorph.uber = BlinkerMorph.prototype;
+// CursorMorph preferences settings:
+CursorMorph.prototype.viewPadding = 1;
+// CursorMorph instance creation:
+function CursorMorph(aStringOrTextMorph, aTextarea) {
+ this.init(aStringOrTextMorph, aTextarea);
+CursorMorph.prototype.init = function (aStringOrTextMorph, aTextarea) {
+ var ls;
+ // additional properties:
+ this.keyDownEventUsed = false;
+ this.target = aStringOrTextMorph;
+ this.originalContents = this.target.text;
+ this.originalAlignment = this.target.alignment;
+ this.slot = this.target.text.length;
+ this.textarea = aTextarea;
+ CursorMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ // override inherited defaults
+ ls = fontHeight(this.target.fontSize);
+ this.setExtent(new Point(Math.max(Math.floor(ls / 20), 1), ls));
+ if (this.target instanceof TextMorph &&
+ (this.target.alignment !== 'left')) {
+ this.target.setAlignmentToLeft();
+ }
+ this.textarea.value = this.target.text;
+ this.textarea.style.fontSize = this.target.fontSize + 'px';
+ this.gotoSlot(this.slot);
+ this.updateTextAreaPosition();
+ this.syncTextareaSelectionWith(this.target);
+// CursorMorph event handling
+ /*
+ There are three cases when the textarea gets inputs:
+ 1. Inputs that represent special shortcuts of Snap!, so we
+ don't want the textarea to handle it. These events are captured in
+ "keydown" event handler.
+ 2. inputs that change the content of the textarea, we need to update
+ the content of its target morph accordingly. This is handled in
+ the "input" event handler.
+ 3. input that change the textarea without triggering an "input" event,
+ e.g. selection change, cursor movements. These are handled in the
+ "keyup" event handler.
+ Note that some changes in case 2 are not caused by keyboards (for
+ example, select a word by clicking in IME window), so there are overlaps
+ between case 2 and case 3. but no one can replace the other.
+ */
+CursorMorph.prototype.processKeyDown = function (event) {
+ /* Special shortcuts
+ - ctrl-d, ctrl-i and ctrl-p: doit, inspect it and print it
+ - tab: goto next text field
+ - esc: discard the editing
+ - enter / shift+enter: accept the editing
+ */
+ var keyName = event.key,
+ shift = event.shiftKey,
+ singleLineText = this.target instanceof StringMorph,
+ dest;
+ if (!isNil(this.target.receiver) && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) {
+ if (keyName === 'd') {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.target.doIt();
+ return;
+ } else if (keyName === 'i') {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.target.inspectIt();
+ return;
+ } else if (keyName === 'p') {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.target.showIt();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (keyName === 'Tab' || keyName === 'U+0009') {
+ if (shift) {
+ this.target.backTab(this.target);
+ } else {
+ this.target.tab(this.target);
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.target.escalateEvent('reactToEdit', this.target);
+ } else if (keyName === 'Escape') {
+ this.cancel();
+ } else if (keyName === "Enter" && (singleLineText || shift)) {
+ this.accept();
+ } else {
+ // catch "up arrow" and "down arrow" keys
+ if (keyName === 'ArrowDown') {
+ dest = this.target.downFrom(this.slot);
+ this.textarea.setSelectionRange(dest, dest);
+ // to do: allow holding shift to select
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ if (keyName === 'ArrowUp') {
+ dest = this.target.upFrom(this.slot);
+ this.textarea.setSelectionRange(dest, dest);
+ // to do: allow holding shift to select
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ this.target.escalateEvent('reactToKeystroke', event);
+ }
+CursorMorph.prototype.processKeyUp = function (event) {
+ // handle selection change and cursor position change.
+ var textarea = this.textarea,
+ target = this.target;
+ if (textarea.selectionStart === textarea.selectionEnd) {
+ target.startMark = null;
+ target.endMark = null;
+ } else {
+ if (textarea.selectionDirection === 'backward') {
+ target.startMark = textarea.selectionEnd;
+ target.endMark = textarea.selectionStart;
+ } else {
+ target.startMark = textarea.selectionStart;
+ target.endMark = textarea.selectionEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ target.fixLayout();
+ target.rerender();
+ this.gotoSlot(textarea.selectionEnd);
+CursorMorph.prototype.processInput = function (event) {
+ // handle content change.
+ var target = this.target,
+ textarea = this.textarea,
+ filteredContent,
+ caret;
+ // filter invalid chars for numeric fields
+ function filterText (content) {
+ var points = 0,
+ hasE = false,
+ result = '',
+ i, ch, valid;
+ for (i = 0; i < content.length; i += 1) {
+ ch = content.charAt(i);
+ valid = (
+ ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') || // digits
+ (ch.toLowerCase() === 'e') || // scientific notation
+ ((i === 0 || hasE) && ch === '-') || // leading '-' or sc. not.
+ (ch === '.' && points === 0) // at most '.'
+ );
+ if (valid) {
+ result += ch;
+ if (ch === '.') {
+ points += 1;
+ }
+ if (ch.toLowerCase() === 'e') {
+ hasE = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (target.isNumeric) {
+ filteredContent = filterText(textarea.value);
+ } else {
+ filteredContent = textarea.value;
+ }
+ if (filteredContent.length < textarea.value.length) {
+ textarea.value = filteredContent;
+ caret = Math.min(textarea.selectionStart, filteredContent.length);
+ textarea.selectionEnd = caret;
+ textarea.selectionStart = caret;
+ }
+ // target morph: copy the content and selection status to the target.
+ target.text = filteredContent;
+ if (textarea.selectionStart === textarea.selectionEnd) {
+ target.startMark = null;
+ target.endMark = null;
+ } else {
+ if (textarea.selectionDirection === 'backward') {
+ target.startMark = textarea.selectionEnd;
+ target.endMark = textarea.selectionStart;
+ } else {
+ target.startMark = textarea.selectionStart;
+ target.endMark = textarea.selectionEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ target.changed();
+ target.fixLayout();
+ target.rerender();
+ // cursor morph: copy the caret position to cursor morph.
+ this.gotoSlot(textarea.selectionStart);
+ this.updateTextAreaPosition();
+ // the "reactToInput" event gets triggered AFTER "reactToKeystroke"
+ this.target.escalateEvent('reactToInput', event);
+// CursorMorph synching:
+CursorMorph.prototype.updateTextAreaPosition = function () {
+ var pos = getDocumentPositionOf(this.target.world().worldCanvas),
+ origin = this.target.bounds.origin.add(new Point(pos.x, pos.y));
+ function number2px (n) {
+ return Math.ceil(n) + 'px';
+ }
+ this.textarea.style.top = number2px(origin.y);
+ this.textarea.style.left = number2px(origin.x);
+CursorMorph.prototype.syncTextareaSelectionWith = function (targetMorph) {
+ var start = targetMorph.startMark,
+ end = targetMorph.endMark;
+ if (start === end) {
+ this.textarea.setSelectionRange(this.slot, this.slot, 'none');
+ } else if (start < end) {
+ this.textarea.setSelectionRange(start, end, 'forward');
+ } else {
+ this.textarea.setSelectionRange(end, start, 'backward');
+ }
+ this.textarea.focus();
+// CursorMorph navigation:
+CursorMorph.prototype.gotoSlot = function (slot) {
+ var length = this.target.text.length,
+ pos = this.target.slotPosition(slot),
+ right,
+ left;
+ this.slot = slot < 0 ? 0 : slot > length ? length : slot;
+ if (this.parent && this.target.isScrollable) {
+ right = this.parent.right() - this.viewPadding;
+ left = this.parent.left() + this.viewPadding;
+ if (pos.x > right) {
+ this.target.setLeft(this.target.left() + right - pos.x);
+ pos.x = right;
+ }
+ if (pos.x < left) {
+ left = Math.min(this.parent.left(), left);
+ this.target.setLeft(this.target.left() + left - pos.x);
+ pos.x = left;
+ }
+ if (this.target.right() < right &&
+ right - this.target.width() < left) {
+ pos.x += right - this.target.right();
+ this.target.setRight(right);
+ }
+ }
+ this.show();
+ this.setPosition(pos);
+ if (this.parent
+ && this.parent.parent instanceof ScrollFrameMorph
+ && this.target.isScrollable) {
+ this.parent.parent.scrollCursorIntoView(this);
+ }
+CursorMorph.prototype.gotoPos = function (aPoint) {
+ this.gotoSlot(this.target.slotAt(aPoint));
+ this.show();
+// CursorMorph selecting:
+CursorMorph.prototype.updateSelection = function (shift) {
+ if (shift) {
+ if (isNil(this.target.endMark) && isNil(this.target.startMark)) {
+ this.target.startMark = this.slot;
+ this.target.endMark = this.slot;
+ } else if (this.target.endMark !== this.slot) {
+ this.target.endMark = this.slot;
+ this.target.changed();
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.target.clearSelection();
+ }
+// CursorMorph editing:
+CursorMorph.prototype.accept = function () {
+ var world = this.root();
+ if (world) {
+ world.stopEditing();
+ }
+ this.escalateEvent('accept', this);
+CursorMorph.prototype.cancel = function () {
+ var world = this.root();
+ this.undo();
+ if (world) {
+ world.stopEditing();
+ }
+ this.escalateEvent('cancel', this);
+CursorMorph.prototype.undo = function () {
+ this.target.text = this.originalContents;
+ this.target.changed();
+ this.target.fixLayout();
+ this.target.changed();
+ this.gotoSlot(0);
+// CursorMorph destroying:
+CursorMorph.prototype.destroy = function () {
+ if (this.target.alignment !== this.originalAlignment) {
+ this.target.alignment = this.originalAlignment;
+ this.target.changed();
+ }
+ CursorMorph.uber.destroy.call(this);
+ this.target.world().resetKeyboardHandler();
+// BoxMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I can have an optionally rounded border
+var BoxMorph;
+// BoxMorph inherits from Morph:
+BoxMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+BoxMorph.prototype.constructor = BoxMorph;
+BoxMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// BoxMorph instance creation:
+function BoxMorph(edge, border, borderColor) {
+ this.init(edge, border, borderColor);
+BoxMorph.prototype.init = function (edge, border, borderColor) {
+ this.edge = edge || 4;
+ this.border = border || ((border === 0) ? 0 : 2);
+ this.borderColor = borderColor || BLACK;
+ BoxMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+// BoxMorph drawing:
+BoxMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
+ if ((this.edge === 0) && (this.border === 0)) {
+ BoxMorph.uber.render.call(this, ctx);
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.color.toString();
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ this.outlinePath(
+ ctx,
+ Math.max(this.edge - this.border, 0),
+ this.border
+ );
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.fill();
+ if (this.border > 0) {
+ ctx.lineWidth = this.border;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = this.borderColor.toString();
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ this.outlinePath(ctx, this.edge, this.border / 2);
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+BoxMorph.prototype.outlinePath = function (ctx, corner, inset) {
+ var w = this.width(),
+ h = this.height(),
+ radius = Math.min(corner, (Math.min(w, h) - inset) / 2),
+ offset = radius + inset;
+ // top left:
+ ctx.arc(
+ offset,
+ offset,
+ radius,
+ radians(-180),
+ radians(-90),
+ false
+ );
+ // top right:
+ ctx.arc(
+ w - offset,
+ offset,
+ radius,
+ radians(-90),
+ radians(-0),
+ false
+ );
+ // bottom right:
+ ctx.arc(
+ w - offset,
+ h - offset,
+ radius,
+ radians(0),
+ radians(90),
+ false
+ );
+ // bottom left:
+ ctx.arc(
+ offset,
+ h - offset,
+ radius,
+ radians(90),
+ radians(180),
+ false
+ );
+// BoxMorph menus:
+BoxMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ var menu = BoxMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this);
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem(
+ "border width...",
+ () => {
+ this.prompt(
+ menu.title + '\nborder\nwidth:',
+ this.setBorderWidth,
+ this,
+ this.border.toString(),
+ null,
+ 0,
+ 100,
+ true
+ );
+ },
+ 'set the border\'s\nline size'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "border color...",
+ () => {
+ this.pickColor(
+ menu.title + '\nborder color:',
+ this.setBorderColor,
+ this,
+ this.borderColor
+ );
+ },
+ 'set the border\'s\nline color'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "corner size...",
+ () => {
+ this.prompt(
+ menu.title + '\ncorner\nsize:',
+ this.setCornerSize,
+ this,
+ this.edge.toString(),
+ null,
+ 0,
+ 100,
+ true
+ );
+ },
+ 'set the corner\'s\nradius'
+ );
+ return menu;
+BoxMorph.prototype.setBorderWidth = function (size) {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ var newSize;
+ if (typeof size === 'number') {
+ this.border = Math.max(size, 0);
+ } else {
+ newSize = parseFloat(size);
+ if (!isNaN(newSize)) {
+ this.border = Math.max(newSize, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ this.changed();
+BoxMorph.prototype.setBorderColor = function (color) {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ if (color) {
+ this.borderColor = color;
+ this.changed();
+ }
+BoxMorph.prototype.setCornerSize = function (size) {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ var newSize;
+ if (typeof size === 'number') {
+ this.edge = Math.max(size, 0);
+ } else {
+ newSize = parseFloat(size);
+ if (!isNaN(newSize)) {
+ this.edge = Math.max(newSize, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ this.changed();
+BoxMorph.prototype.colorSetters = function () {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ return ['color', 'borderColor'];
+BoxMorph.prototype.numericalSetters = function () {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ var list = BoxMorph.uber.numericalSetters.call(this);
+ list.push('setBorderWidth', 'setCornerSize');
+ return list;
+// SpeechBubbleMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ I am a comic-style speech bubble that can display either a string,
+ a Morph, a Canvas or a toString() representation of anything else.
+ If I am invoked using popUp() I behave like a tool tip.
+// SpeechBubbleMorph: referenced constructors
+var SpeechBubbleMorph;
+// SpeechBubbleMorph inherits from BoxMorph:
+SpeechBubbleMorph.prototype = new BoxMorph();
+SpeechBubbleMorph.prototype.constructor = SpeechBubbleMorph;
+SpeechBubbleMorph.uber = BoxMorph.prototype;
+// SpeechBubbleMorph instance creation:
+function SpeechBubbleMorph(
+ contents,
+ color,
+ edge,
+ border,
+ borderColor,
+ padding,
+ isThought,
+ noShadow
+) {
+ this.init(
+ contents,
+ color,
+ edge,
+ border,
+ borderColor,
+ padding,
+ isThought,
+ noShadow
+ );
+SpeechBubbleMorph.prototype.init = function (
+ contents,
+ color,
+ edge,
+ border,
+ borderColor,
+ padding,
+ isThought, // bool or anything but "true" to draw no hook at all
+ noShadow // explicit TRUE to suppress
+) {
+ this.isPointingRight = true; // orientation of text
+ this.contents = contents || '';
+ this.padding = padding || 0; // additional vertical pixels
+ this.isThought = isThought || false; // draw "think" bubble
+ this.isClickable = false;
+ SpeechBubbleMorph.uber.init.call(
+ this,
+ edge || 6,
+ border || ((border === 0) ? 0 : 1),
+ borderColor || new Color(140, 140, 140)
+ );
+ this.hasShadow = noShadow !== true;
+ this.noDropShadow = true;
+ this.fullShadowSource = false;
+ this.color = color || new Color(230, 230, 230);
+ this.fixLayout();
+// SpeechBubbleMorph invoking:
+SpeechBubbleMorph.prototype.popUp = function (world, pos, isClickable) {
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.setPosition(pos.subtract(new Point(0, this.height())));
+ this.keepWithin(world);
+ world.add(this);
+ this.fullChanged();
+ world.hand.destroyTemporaries();
+ world.hand.temporaries.push(this);
+ if (!isClickable) {
+ this.mouseEnter = this.destroy;
+ } else {
+ this.isClickable = true;
+ }
+// SpeechBubbleMorph drawing:
+SpeechBubbleMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () {
+ // determine my extent and arrange my contents
+ if (this.contentsMorph) {
+ this.contentsMorph.destroy();
+ }
+ if (this.contents instanceof Morph) {
+ this.contentsMorph = this.contents;
+ } else if (isString(this.contents)) {
+ this.contentsMorph = new TextMorph(
+ this.contents,
+ MorphicPreferences.bubbleHelpFontSize,
+ null,
+ false,
+ true,
+ 'center'
+ );
+ } else if (this.contents instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {
+ this.contentsMorph = new Morph();
+ this.contentsMorph.setExtent(new Point(
+ this.contents.width,
+ this.contents.height
+ ));
+ this.contentsMorph.cachedImage = this.contents;
+ } else {
+ this.contentsMorph = new TextMorph(
+ this.contents.toString(),
+ MorphicPreferences.bubbleHelpFontSize,
+ null,
+ false,
+ true,
+ 'center'
+ );
+ }
+ this.add(this.contentsMorph);
+ // adjust my layout
+ this.bounds.setExtent(
+ new Point(
+ this.contentsMorph.width() +
+ (this.padding ? this.padding * 2 : this.edge * 2),
+ this.contentsMorph.height() +
+ this.edge +
+ this.border * 2 +
+ this.padding * 2 +
+ 2
+ )
+ );
+ // position my contents
+ this.contentsMorph.setPosition(this.position().add(
+ new Point(
+ this.padding || this.edge,
+ this.border + this.padding + 1
+ )
+ ));
+ // refresh a shallow shadow
+ if (this.hasShadow) {
+ this.removeShadow();
+ this.addShadow(new Point(2, 2), 80);
+ }
+SpeechBubbleMorph.prototype.outlinePath = function (ctx, radius, inset) {
+ var offset = radius + inset,
+ w = this.width(),
+ h = this.height(),
+ rad;
+ function circle(x, y, r) {
+ ctx.moveTo(x + r, y);
+ ctx.arc(x, y, r, radians(0), radians(360));
+ }
+ // top left:
+ ctx.arc(
+ offset,
+ offset,
+ radius,
+ radians(-180),
+ radians(-90),
+ false
+ );
+ // top right:
+ ctx.arc(
+ w - offset,
+ offset,
+ radius,
+ radians(-90),
+ radians(-0),
+ false
+ );
+ // bottom right:
+ ctx.arc(
+ w - offset,
+ h - offset - radius,
+ radius,
+ radians(0),
+ radians(90),
+ false
+ );
+ if (!this.isThought) { // draw speech bubble hook
+ if (this.isPointingRight) {
+ ctx.lineTo(
+ offset + radius,
+ h - offset
+ );
+ ctx.lineTo(
+ radius / 2 + inset,
+ h - inset
+ );
+ } else { // pointing left
+ ctx.lineTo(
+ w - (radius / 2 + inset),
+ h - inset
+ );
+ ctx.lineTo(
+ w - (offset + radius),
+ h - offset
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // bottom left:
+ ctx.arc(
+ offset,
+ h - offset - radius,
+ radius,
+ radians(90),
+ radians(180),
+ false
+ );
+ if (this.isThought === true) { // use anything but "true" to draw nothing
+ // close large bubble:
+ ctx.lineTo(
+ inset,
+ offset
+ );
+ // draw thought bubbles:
+ if (this.isPointingRight) {
+ // tip bubble:
+ rad = radius / 4;
+ circle(
+ rad + inset,
+ h - rad - inset,
+ rad
+ );
+ // middle bubble:
+ rad = radius / 3.2;
+ circle(
+ (rad * 2) + inset,
+ h - rad - (inset * 2),
+ rad
+ );
+ // top bubble:
+ rad = radius / 2.8;
+ circle(
+ (rad * 3) + inset * 2,
+ h - rad - (inset * 4),
+ rad
+ );
+ } else { // pointing left
+ // tip bubble:
+ rad = radius / 4;
+ circle(
+ w - (rad + inset),
+ h - rad - inset,
+ rad
+ );
+ // middle bubble:
+ rad = radius / 3.2;
+ circle(
+ w - (rad * 2 + inset),
+ h - rad - inset * 2,
+ rad
+ );
+ // top bubble:
+ rad = radius / 2.8;
+ circle(
+ w - (rad * 3 + inset * 2),
+ h - rad - inset * 4,
+ rad
+ );
+ }
+ }
+// SpeechBubbleMorph shadow
+ only take the 'plain' image, so the box rounding and the
+ shadow doesn't become conflicted by embedded scrolling panes
+SpeechBubbleMorph.prototype.shadowImage = function (off, color) {
+ // for "flat" design mode
+ var fb, img, outline, sha, ctx,
+ offset = off || new Point(7, 7),
+ clr = color || new Color(0, 0, 0);
+ fb = this.extent();
+ img = this.getImage();
+ outline = newCanvas(fb);
+ ctx = outline.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
+ ctx.drawImage(
+ img,
+ -offset.x,
+ -offset.y
+ );
+ sha = newCanvas(fb);
+ ctx = sha.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.drawImage(outline, 0, 0);
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-atop';
+ ctx.fillStyle = clr.toString();
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, fb.x, fb.y);
+ return sha;
+SpeechBubbleMorph.prototype.shadowImageBlurred = function (off, color) {
+ var fb, img, sha, ctx,
+ offset = off || new Point(7, 7),
+ blur = this.shadowBlur,
+ clr = color || new Color(0, 0, 0);
+ fb = this.extent().add(blur * 2);
+ img = this.getImage();
+ sha = newCanvas(fb);
+ ctx = sha.getContext('2d');
+ ctx.shadowOffsetX = offset.x;
+ ctx.shadowOffsetY = offset.y;
+ ctx.shadowBlur = blur;
+ ctx.shadowColor = clr.toString();
+ ctx.drawImage(
+ img,
+ blur - offset.x,
+ blur - offset.y
+ );
+ ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
+ ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;
+ ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
+ ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
+ ctx.drawImage(
+ img,
+ blur - offset.x,
+ blur - offset.y
+ );
+ return sha;
+// DialMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I am a knob than can be turned to select a number
+var DialMorph;
+// DialMorph inherits from Morph:
+DialMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+DialMorph.prototype.constructor = DialMorph;
+DialMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+function DialMorph(min, max, value, tick, radius) {
+ this.init(min, max, value, tick, radius);
+DialMorph.prototype.init = function (min, max, value, tick, radius) {
+ this.target = null;
+ this.action = null;
+ this.min = min || 0;
+ this.max = max || 360;
+ this.value = Math.max(this.min, (value || 0) % this.max);
+ this.tick = tick || 15;
+ this.fillColor = null;
+ DialMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.color = new Color(230, 230, 230);
+ this.setRadius(radius || MorphicPreferences.menuFontSize * 4);
+DialMorph.prototype.setRadius = function (radius) {
+ this.radius = radius;
+ this.setExtent(new Point(this.radius * 2, this.radius * 2));
+DialMorph.prototype.setValue = function (value, snapToTick, noUpdate) {
+ var range = this.max - this.min;
+ value = value || 0;
+ this.value = this.min + (((+value % range) + range) % range);
+ if (snapToTick) {
+ if (this.value < this.tick) {
+ this.value = this.min;
+ } else {
+ this.value -= this.value % this.tick % this.value;
+ }
+ }
+ this.changed();
+ if (noUpdate) {return; }
+ this.updateTarget();
+DialMorph.prototype.getValueOf = function (point) {
+ var range = this.max - this.min,
+ center = this.center(),
+ deltaX = point.x - center.x,
+ deltaY = center.y - point.y,
+ angle = Math.abs(deltaX) < 0.001 ? (deltaY < 0 ? 90 : 270)
+ : Math.round(
+ (deltaX >= 0 ? 0 : 180)
+ - (Math.atan(deltaY / deltaX) * 57.2957795131)
+ ),
+ value = angle + 90 % 360,
+ ratio = value / 360;
+ return range * ratio + this.min;
+DialMorph.prototype.setExtent = function (aPoint) {
+ var size = Math.min(aPoint.x, aPoint.y);
+ this.radius = size / 2;
+ DialMorph.uber.setExtent.call(this, new Point(size, size));
+DialMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
+ var i, angle, x1, y1, x2, y2,
+ light = this.color.lighter().toString(),
+ range = this.max - this.min,
+ ticks = range / this.tick,
+ face = this.radius * 0.75,
+ inner = face * 0.85,
+ outer = face * 0.95;
+ // draw a light border:
+ ctx.fillStyle = light;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(
+ this.radius,
+ this.radius,
+ face + Math.min(1, this.radius - face),
+ 0,
+ 2 * Math.PI,
+ false
+ );
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.fill();
+ // fill circle:
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.color.toString();
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(
+ this.radius,
+ this.radius,
+ face,
+ 0,
+ 2 * Math.PI,
+ false
+ );
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.fill();
+ // fill value
+ angle = (this.value - this.min) * (Math.PI * 2) / range - Math.PI / 2;
+ ctx.fillStyle = (this.fillColor || this.color.darker()).toString();
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(
+ this.radius,
+ this.radius,
+ face,
+ Math.PI / -2,
+ angle,
+ false
+ );
+ ctx.lineTo(this.radius, this.radius);
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.fill();
+ // draw ticks:
+ ctx.strokeStyle = new Color(35, 35, 35).toString();
+ ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < ticks; i += 1) {
+ angle = (i - 3) * (Math.PI * 2) / ticks - Math.PI / 2;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ x1 = this.radius + Math.cos(angle) * inner;
+ y1 = this.radius + Math.sin(angle) * inner;
+ x2 = this.radius + Math.cos(angle) * outer;
+ y2 = this.radius + Math.sin(angle) * outer;
+ ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
+ ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ // draw a filled center:
+ inner = face * 0.05;
+ ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(
+ this.radius,
+ this.radius,
+ inner,
+ 0,
+ 2 * Math.PI,
+ false
+ );
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.fill();
+ // draw the inner hand:
+ ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
+ ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+ angle = (this.value - this.min) * (Math.PI * 2) / range - Math.PI / 2;
+ outer = face * 0.8;
+ x1 = this.radius + Math.cos(angle) * inner;
+ y1 = this.radius + Math.sin(angle) * inner;
+ x2 = this.radius + Math.cos(angle) * outer;
+ y2 = this.radius + Math.sin(angle) * outer;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
+ ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ // draw a read-out circle:
+ inner = inner * 2;
+ x2 = this.radius + Math.cos(angle) * (outer + inner);
+ y2 = this.radius + Math.sin(angle) * (outer + inner);
+ ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(
+ x2,
+ y2,
+ inner,
+ 0,
+ 2 * Math.PI,
+ false
+ );
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.stroke();
+ // draw the outer hand:
+ angle = (this.value - this.min) * (Math.PI * 2) / range - Math.PI / 2;
+ x1 = this.radius + Math.cos(angle) * face;
+ y1 = this.radius + Math.sin(angle) * face;
+ x2 = this.radius + Math.cos(angle) * (this.radius - 1);
+ y2 = this.radius + Math.sin(angle) * (this.radius - 1);
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
+ ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
+ ctx.lineWidth = 3;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = light;
+ ctx.stroke();
+ ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
+ ctx.stroke();
+ // draw arrow tip:
+ angle = radians(degrees(angle) - 4);
+ x1 = this.radius + Math.cos(angle) * this.radius * 0.9;
+ y1 = this.radius + Math.sin(angle) * this.radius * 0.9;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
+ angle = radians(degrees(angle) + 8);
+ x1 = this.radius + Math.cos(angle) * this.radius * 0.9;
+ y1 = this.radius + Math.sin(angle) * this.radius * 0.9;
+ ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
+ ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.lineWidth = 3;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = light;
+ ctx.stroke();
+ ctx.lineWidth = 1;
+ ctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
+ ctx.stroke();
+ ctx.fill();
+// DialMorph stepping:
+DialMorph.prototype.step = null;
+DialMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) {
+ var world = this.root();
+ this.step = () => {
+ if (world.hand.mouseButton) {
+ this.setValue(
+ this.getValueOf(world.hand.bounds.origin),
+ world.currentKey !== 16 // snap to tick
+ );
+ } else {
+ this.step = null;
+ }
+ };
+// DialMorph menu:
+DialMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ var menu = DialMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this);
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem(
+ 'set target',
+ "setTarget",
+ 'select another morph\nwhose numerical property\nwill be ' +
+ 'controlled by this one'
+ );
+ return menu;
+DialMorph.prototype.setTarget = function () {
+ var choices = this.overlappedMorphs(),
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, 'choose target:');
+ choices.push(this.world());
+ choices.forEach(each => {
+ menu.addItem(each.toString().slice(0, 50), () => {
+ this.target = each;
+ this.setTargetSetter();
+ });
+ });
+ if (choices.length === 1) {
+ this.target = choices[0];
+ this.setTargetSetter();
+ } else if (choices.length > 0) {
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ }
+DialMorph.prototype.setTargetSetter = function () {
+ var choices = this.target.numericalSetters(),
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, 'choose target property:');
+ choices.forEach(each => {
+ menu.addItem(each, () => this.action = each);
+ });
+ if (choices.length === 1) {
+ this.action = choices[0];
+ } else if (choices.length > 0) {
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ }
+DialMorph.prototype.updateTarget = function () {
+ if (this.action) {
+ if (typeof this.action === 'function') {
+ this.action.call(this.target, this.value);
+ } else { // assume it's a String
+ this.target[this.action](this.value);
+ }
+ }
+// CircleBoxMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I can be used for sliders
+var CircleBoxMorph;
+// CircleBoxMorph inherits from Morph:
+CircleBoxMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+CircleBoxMorph.prototype.constructor = CircleBoxMorph;
+CircleBoxMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+function CircleBoxMorph(orientation) {
+ this.init(orientation || 'vertical');
+CircleBoxMorph.prototype.init = function (orientation) {
+ CircleBoxMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.orientation = orientation;
+ this.autoOrient = true;
+ this.setExtent(new Point(20, 100));
+CircleBoxMorph.prototype.autoOrientation = function () {
+ if (this.height() > this.width()) {
+ this.orientation = 'vertical';
+ } else {
+ this.orientation = 'horizontal';
+ }
+CircleBoxMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
+ var w = this.width(),
+ h = this.height(),
+ radius;
+ if (this.autoOrient) {
+ this.autoOrientation();
+ }
+ if (this.orientation === 'vertical') {
+ radius = w / 2;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ // top semi-circle
+ ctx.arc(
+ radius,
+ radius,
+ radius,
+ radians(180),
+ radians(0),
+ false
+ );
+ // right line
+ ctx.lineTo(
+ w,
+ h - radius
+ );
+ // bottom semi-circle
+ ctx.arc(
+ radius,
+ h - radius,
+ radius,
+ radians(0),
+ radians(180),
+ false
+ );
+ } else {
+ radius = h / 2;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ // left semi-circle
+ ctx.arc(
+ radius,
+ radius,
+ radius,
+ radians(90),
+ radians(-90),
+ false
+ );
+ // top line
+ ctx.lineTo(
+ w - radius,
+ 0
+ );
+ // right semi-circle
+ ctx.arc(
+ w - radius,
+ radius,
+ radius,
+ radians(-90),
+ radians(90),
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.color.toString();
+ ctx.fill();
+// CircleBoxMorph menu:
+CircleBoxMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ var menu = CircleBoxMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this);
+ menu.addLine();
+ if (this.orientation === 'vertical') {
+ menu.addItem(
+ "horizontal...",
+ 'toggleOrientation',
+ 'toggle the\norientation'
+ );
+ } else {
+ menu.addItem(
+ "vertical...",
+ 'toggleOrientation',
+ 'toggle the\norientation'
+ );
+ }
+ return menu;
+CircleBoxMorph.prototype.toggleOrientation = function () {
+ var center = this.center();
+ this.changed();
+ if (this.orientation === 'vertical') {
+ this.orientation = 'horizontal';
+ } else {
+ this.orientation = 'vertical';
+ }
+ this.setExtent(new Point(this.height(), this.width()));
+ this.setCenter(center);
+// SliderButtonMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+var SliderButtonMorph;
+// SliderButtonMorph inherits from CircleBoxMorph:
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype = new CircleBoxMorph();
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype.constructor = SliderButtonMorph;
+SliderButtonMorph.uber = CircleBoxMorph.prototype;
+function SliderButtonMorph(orientation) {
+ this.init(orientation);
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype.init = function (orientation) {
+ this.color = new Color(80, 80, 80);
+ this.highlightColor = new Color(90, 90, 140);
+ this.pressColor = new Color(80, 80, 160);
+ this.userState = 'normal'; // 'highlight', 'pressed'
+ this.is3D = false;
+ this.hasMiddleDip = true;
+ SliderButtonMorph.uber.init.call(this, orientation);
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype.autoOrientation = nop;
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
+ var colorBak = this.color;
+ if (this.userState === 'highlight') {
+ this.color = this.highlightColor;
+ } else if (this.userState === 'pressed') {
+ this.color = this.pressColor;
+ }
+ SliderButtonMorph.uber.render.call(this, ctx);
+ if (this.is3D || !MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {
+ this.renderEdges(ctx);
+ }
+ this.color = colorBak;
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype.renderEdges = function (ctx) {
+ var gradient,
+ radius,
+ w = this.width(),
+ h = this.height();
+ ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
+ ctx.lineCap = 'round';
+ if (this.orientation === 'vertical') {
+ ctx.lineWidth = w / 3;
+ gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ctx.lineWidth,
+ 0
+ );
+ gradient.addColorStop(0, 'white');
+ gradient.addColorStop(1, this.color.toString());
+ ctx.strokeStyle = gradient;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(ctx.lineWidth * 0.5, w / 2);
+ ctx.lineTo(ctx.lineWidth * 0.5, h - w / 2);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(
+ w - ctx.lineWidth,
+ 0,
+ w,
+ 0
+ );
+ gradient.addColorStop(0, this.color.toString());
+ gradient.addColorStop(1, 'black');
+ ctx.strokeStyle = gradient;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(w - ctx.lineWidth * 0.5, w / 2);
+ ctx.lineTo(w - ctx.lineWidth * 0.5, h - w / 2);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ if (this.hasMiddleDip) {
+ gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(
+ ctx.lineWidth,
+ 0,
+ w - ctx.lineWidth,
+ 0
+ );
+ radius = w / 4;
+ gradient.addColorStop(0, 'black');
+ gradient.addColorStop(0.35, this.color.toString());
+ gradient.addColorStop(0.65, this.color.toString());
+ gradient.addColorStop(1, 'white');
+ ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(
+ w / 2,
+ h / 2,
+ radius,
+ radians(0),
+ radians(360),
+ false
+ );
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ } else if (this.orientation === 'horizontal') {
+ ctx.lineWidth = h / 3;
+ gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ctx.lineWidth
+ );
+ gradient.addColorStop(0, 'white');
+ gradient.addColorStop(1, this.color.toString());
+ ctx.strokeStyle = gradient;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(h / 2, ctx.lineWidth * 0.5);
+ ctx.lineTo(w - h / 2, ctx.lineWidth * 0.5);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(
+ 0,
+ h - ctx.lineWidth,
+ 0,
+ h
+ );
+ gradient.addColorStop(0, this.color.toString());
+ gradient.addColorStop(1, 'black');
+ ctx.strokeStyle = gradient;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.moveTo(h / 2, h - ctx.lineWidth * 0.5);
+ ctx.lineTo(w - h / 2, h - ctx.lineWidth * 0.5);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ if (this.hasMiddleDip) {
+ gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(
+ 0,
+ ctx.lineWidth,
+ 0,
+ h - ctx.lineWidth
+ );
+ radius = h / 4;
+ gradient.addColorStop(0, 'black');
+ gradient.addColorStop(0.35, this.color.toString());
+ gradient.addColorStop(0.65, this.color.toString());
+ gradient.addColorStop(1, 'white');
+ ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(
+ this.width() / 2,
+ this.height() / 2,
+ radius,
+ radians(0),
+ radians(360),
+ false
+ );
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ }
+//SliderButtonMorph events:
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype.mouseEnter = function () {
+ this.userState = 'highlight';
+ this.rerender();
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype.mouseLeave = function () {
+ this.userState = 'normal';
+ this.rerender();
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) {
+ this.userState = 'pressed';
+ this.rerender();
+ this.escalateEvent('mouseDownLeft', pos);
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function () {
+ this.userState = 'highlight';
+ this.rerender();
+SliderButtonMorph.prototype.mouseMove = function () {
+ // prevent my parent from getting picked up
+ nop();
+// SliderMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// SliderMorph inherits from CircleBoxMorph:
+SliderMorph.prototype = new CircleBoxMorph();
+SliderMorph.prototype.constructor = SliderMorph;
+SliderMorph.uber = CircleBoxMorph.prototype;
+function SliderMorph(start, stop, value, size, orientation, color) {
+ this.init(
+ start || 0,
+ stop || 100,
+ value || 0,
+ size || 10,
+ orientation || 'vertical',
+ color
+ );
+SliderMorph.prototype.init = function (
+ start,
+ stop,
+ value,
+ size,
+ orientation,
+ color
+) {
+ this.target = null;
+ this.action = null;
+ this.start = start;
+ this.stop = stop;
+ this.value = value;
+ this.size = size;
+ this.offset = null;
+ this.button = new SliderButtonMorph();
+ this.button.isDraggable = false;
+ this.button.alpha = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? 0.7 : 1;
+ this.button.color = new Color(200, 200, 200);
+ this.button.highlightColor = new Color(210, 210, 255);
+ this.button.pressColor = new Color(180, 180, 255);
+ SliderMorph.uber.init.call(this, orientation);
+ this.add(this.button);
+ this.alpha = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? 0 : 0.3;
+ this.color = color || new Color(0, 0, 0);
+ this.setExtent(new Point(20, 100));
+ this.fixLayout();
+SliderMorph.prototype.autoOrientation = nop;
+SliderMorph.prototype.rangeSize = function () {
+ return this.stop - this.start;
+SliderMorph.prototype.ratio = function () {
+ return this.size / (this.rangeSize() + 1);
+SliderMorph.prototype.unitSize = function () {
+ if (this.orientation === 'vertical') {
+ return (this.height() - this.button.height()) /
+ this.rangeSize();
+ }
+ return (this.width() - this.button.width()) /
+ this.rangeSize();
+SliderMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () {
+ var bw, bh, posX, posY;
+ this.button.orientation = this.orientation;
+ if (this.orientation === 'vertical') {
+ bw = this.width() - 2;
+ bh = Math.max(bw, Math.round(this.height() * this.ratio()));
+ this.button.setExtent(new Point(bw, bh));
+ posX = 1;
+ posY = Math.max(
+ Math.min(
+ Math.round((this.value - this.start) * this.unitSize()),
+ this.height() - this.button.height()
+ ),
+ 0
+ );
+ } else {
+ bh = this.height() - 2;
+ bw = Math.max(bh, Math.round(this.width() * this.ratio()));
+ this.button.setExtent(new Point(bw, bh));
+ posY = 1;
+ posX = Math.max(
+ Math.min(
+ Math.round((this.value - this.start) * this.unitSize()),
+ this.width() - this.button.width()
+ ),
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ this.button.setPosition(
+ new Point(posX, posY).add(this.bounds.origin)
+ );
+SliderMorph.prototype.updateValue = function () {
+ var relPos;
+ if (this.orientation === 'vertical') {
+ relPos = this.button.top() - this.top();
+ } else {
+ relPos = this.button.left() - this.left();
+ }
+ this.value = Math.round(relPos / this.unitSize() + this.start);
+ this.updateTarget();
+SliderMorph.prototype.updateTarget = function () {
+ if (this.action) {
+ if (typeof this.action === 'function') {
+ this.action.call(this.target, this.value);
+ } else { // assume it's a String
+ this.target[this.action](this.value);
+ }
+ }
+// SliderMorph menu:
+SliderMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ var menu = SliderMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this);
+ menu.addItem(
+ "show value...",
+ 'showValue',
+ 'display a dialog box\nshowing the selected number'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "floor...",
+ () => {
+ this.prompt(
+ menu.title + '\nfloor:',
+ this.setStart,
+ this,
+ this.start.toString(),
+ null,
+ 0,
+ this.stop - this.size,
+ true
+ );
+ },
+ 'set the minimum value\nwhich can be selected'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "ceiling...",
+ () => {
+ this.prompt(
+ menu.title + '\nceiling:',
+ this.setStop,
+ this,
+ this.stop.toString(),
+ null,
+ this.start + this.size,
+ this.size * 100,
+ true
+ );
+ },
+ 'set the maximum value\nwhich can be selected'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "button size...",
+ () => {
+ this.prompt(
+ menu.title + '\nbutton size:',
+ this.setSize,
+ this,
+ this.size.toString(),
+ null,
+ 1,
+ this.stop - this.start,
+ true
+ );
+ },
+ 'set the range\ncovered by\nthe slider button'
+ );
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem(
+ 'set target',
+ "setTarget",
+ 'select another morph\nwhose numerical property\nwill be ' +
+ 'controlled by this one'
+ );
+ return menu;
+SliderMorph.prototype.showValue = function () {
+ this.inform(this.value);
+SliderMorph.prototype.userSetStart = function (num) {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ this.start = Math.max(num, this.stop);
+SliderMorph.prototype.setStart = function (num, noUpdate) {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ var newStart;
+ if (typeof num === 'number') {
+ this.start = Math.min(
+ num,
+ this.stop - this.size
+ );
+ } else {
+ newStart = parseFloat(num);
+ if (!isNaN(newStart)) {
+ this.start = Math.min(
+ newStart,
+ this.stop - this.size
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ this.value = Math.max(this.value, this.start);
+ if (!noUpdate) {this.updateTarget(); }
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+SliderMorph.prototype.setStop = function (num, noUpdate) {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ var newStop;
+ if (typeof num === 'number') {
+ this.stop = Math.max(num, this.start + this.size);
+ } else {
+ newStop = parseFloat(num);
+ if (!isNaN(newStop)) {
+ this.stop = Math.max(newStop, this.start + this.size);
+ }
+ }
+ this.value = Math.min(this.value, this.stop);
+ if (!noUpdate) {this.updateTarget(); }
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+SliderMorph.prototype.setSize = function (num, noUpdate) {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ var newSize;
+ if (typeof num === 'number') {
+ this.size = Math.min(
+ Math.max(num, 1),
+ this.stop - this.start
+ );
+ } else {
+ newSize = parseFloat(num);
+ if (!isNaN(newSize)) {
+ this.size = Math.min(
+ Math.max(newSize, 1),
+ this.stop - this.start
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ this.value = Math.min(this.value, this.stop - this.size);
+ if (!noUpdate) {this.updateTarget(); }
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+SliderMorph.prototype.setTarget = function () {
+ var choices = this.overlappedMorphs(),
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, 'choose target:');
+ choices.push(this.world());
+ choices.forEach(each => {
+ menu.addItem(each.toString().slice(0, 50), () => {
+ this.target = each;
+ this.setTargetSetter();
+ });
+ });
+ if (choices.length === 1) {
+ this.target = choices[0];
+ this.setTargetSetter();
+ } else if (choices.length > 0) {
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ }
+SliderMorph.prototype.setTargetSetter = function () {
+ var choices = this.target.numericalSetters(),
+ menu = new MenuMorph(this, 'choose target property:');
+ choices.forEach(each => {
+ menu.addItem(each, () => this.action = each);
+ });
+ if (choices.length === 1) {
+ this.action = choices[0];
+ } else if (choices.length > 0) {
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ }
+SliderMorph.prototype.numericalSetters = function () {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ var list = SliderMorph.uber.numericalSetters.call(this);
+ list.push('setStart', 'setStop', 'setSize');
+ return list;
+// SliderMorph stepping:
+SliderMorph.prototype.step = null;
+SliderMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) {
+ var world;
+ if (!this.button.bounds.containsPoint(pos)) {
+ this.offset = new Point(); // return null;
+ } else {
+ this.offset = pos.subtract(this.button.bounds.origin);
+ }
+ world = this.root();
+ this.step = () => {
+ var mousePos, newX, newY;
+ if (world.hand.mouseButton) {
+ mousePos = world.hand.bounds.origin;
+ if (this.orientation === 'vertical') {
+ newX = this.button.bounds.origin.x;
+ newY = Math.max(
+ Math.min(
+ mousePos.y - this.offset.y,
+ this.bottom() - this.button.height()
+ ),
+ this.top()
+ );
+ } else {
+ newY = this.button.bounds.origin.y;
+ newX = Math.max(
+ Math.min(
+ mousePos.x - this.offset.x,
+ this.right() - this.button.width()
+ ),
+ this.left()
+ );
+ }
+ this.button.setPosition(new Point(newX, newY));
+ this.updateValue();
+ } else {
+ this.step = null;
+ }
+ };
+// MouseSensorMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// for demo and debuggin purposes only, to be removed later
+var MouseSensorMorph;
+// MouseSensorMorph inherits from BoxMorph:
+MouseSensorMorph.prototype = new BoxMorph();
+MouseSensorMorph.prototype.constructor = MouseSensorMorph;
+MouseSensorMorph.uber = BoxMorph.prototype;
+// MouseSensorMorph instance creation:
+function MouseSensorMorph(edge, border, borderColor) {
+ this.init(edge, border, borderColor);
+MouseSensorMorph.prototype.init = function (edge, border, borderColor) {
+ MouseSensorMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.edge = edge || 4;
+ this.border = border || 2;
+ this.color = WHITE;
+ this.borderColor = borderColor || BLACK;
+ this.isTouched = false;
+ this.upStep = 0.05;
+ this.downStep = 0.02;
+MouseSensorMorph.prototype.touch = function () {
+ if (!this.isTouched) {
+ this.isTouched = true;
+ this.alpha = 0.6;
+ this.step = () => {
+ if (this.isTouched) {
+ if (this.alpha < 1) {
+ this.alpha += this.upStep;
+ }
+ } else if (this.alpha > this.downStep) {
+ this.alpha -= this.downStep;
+ } else {
+ this.alpha = 0;
+ this.step = null;
+ }
+ this.changed();
+ };
+ }
+MouseSensorMorph.prototype.unTouch = function () {
+ this.isTouched = false;
+MouseSensorMorph.prototype.mouseEnter = function () {
+ this.touch();
+MouseSensorMorph.prototype.mouseLeave = function () {
+ this.unTouch();
+MouseSensorMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function () {
+ this.touch();
+MouseSensorMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function () {
+ this.unTouch();
+// InspectorMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// InspectorMorph: referenced constructors
+var ListMorph;
+var TriggerMorph;
+// InspectorMorph inherits from BoxMorph:
+InspectorMorph.prototype = new BoxMorph();
+InspectorMorph.prototype.constructor = InspectorMorph;
+InspectorMorph.uber = BoxMorph.prototype;
+// InspectorMorph instance creation:
+function InspectorMorph(target) {
+ this.init(target);
+InspectorMorph.prototype.init = function (target) {
+ // additional properties:
+ this.target = target;
+ this.currentProperty = null;
+ this.showing = 'attributes';
+ this.markOwnProperties = false;
+ this.hasUserEditedDetails = false;
+ // initialize inherited properties:
+ InspectorMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ // override inherited properties:
+ this.isDraggable = true;
+ this.border = 1;
+ this.edge = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? 1 : 5;
+ this.color = new Color(60, 60, 60);
+ this.borderColor = new Color(95, 95, 95);
+ this.fps = 25;
+ // panes:
+ this.label = null;
+ this.list = null;
+ this.detail = null;
+ this.work = null;
+ this.buttonInspect = null;
+ this.buttonClose = null;
+ this.buttonSubset = null;
+ this.buttonEdit = null;
+ this.resizer = null;
+ if (this.target) {
+ this.buildPanes();
+ }
+ this.setExtent(
+ new Point(
+ MorphicPreferences.handleSize * 20,
+ MorphicPreferences.handleSize * 20 * 2 / 3
+ )
+ );
+InspectorMorph.prototype.setTarget = function (target) {
+ this.target = target;
+ this.currentProperty = null;
+ this.buildPanes();
+InspectorMorph.prototype.updateCurrentSelection = function () {
+ var val, txt, cnts,
+ sel = this.list.selected,
+ currentTxt = this.detail.contents.children[0],
+ root = this.root();
+ if (root &&
+ (root.keyboardFocus instanceof CursorMorph) &&
+ (root.keyboardFocus.target === currentTxt)) {
+ this.hasUserEditedDetails = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isNil(sel) || this.hasUserEditedDetails) {return; }
+ val = this.target[sel];
+ this.currentProperty = val;
+ if (isNil(val)) {
+ txt = 'NULL';
+ } else if (isString(val)) {
+ txt = val;
+ } else {
+ txt = val.toString();
+ }
+ if (currentTxt.text === txt) {return; }
+ cnts = new TextMorph(txt);
+ cnts.isEditable = true;
+ cnts.enableSelecting();
+ cnts.setReceiver(this.target);
+ this.detail.setContents(cnts);
+InspectorMorph.prototype.buildPanes = function () {
+ var attribs = [], property, ctrl, ev, doubleClickAction;
+ // remove existing panes
+ this.children.forEach(m => {
+ if (m !== this.work) { // keep work pane around
+ m.destroy();
+ }
+ });
+ this.children = [];
+ // label
+ this.label = new TextMorph(this.target.toString());
+ this.label.fontSize = MorphicPreferences.menuFontSize;
+ this.label.isBold = true;
+ this.label.color = WHITE;
+ this.add(this.label);
+ // properties list
+ for (property in this.target) {
+ if (property) { // dummy condition, to be refined
+ attribs.push(property);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.showing === 'attributes') {
+ attribs = attribs.filter(
+ prop => typeof this.target[prop] !== 'function'
+ );
+ } else if (this.showing === 'methods') {
+ attribs = attribs.filter(
+ prop => typeof this.target[prop] === 'function'
+ );
+ } // otherwise show all properties
+ doubleClickAction = () => {
+ var world, inspector;
+ if (!isObject(this.currentProperty)) {return; }
+ world = this.world();
+ inspector = new InspectorMorph(
+ this.currentProperty
+ );
+ inspector.setPosition(world.hand.position());
+ inspector.keepWithin(world);
+ world.add(inspector);
+ inspector.changed();
+ };
+ this.list = new ListMorph(
+ this.target instanceof Array ? attribs : attribs.sort(),
+ null, // label getter
+ this.markOwnProperties ?
+ [ // format list
+ [ // format element: [color, predicate(element]
+ new Color(0, 0, 180),
+ element => {
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(
+ this.target,
+ element
+ );
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ : null,
+ doubleClickAction
+ );
+ this.list.action = () => {
+ this.hasUserEditedDetails = false;
+ this.updateCurrentSelection();
+ };
+ this.list.hBar.alpha = 0.6;
+ this.list.vBar.alpha = 0.6;
+ this.list.contents.step = null;
+ this.add(this.list);
+ // details pane
+ this.detail = new ScrollFrameMorph();
+ this.detail.acceptsDrops = false;
+ this.detail.contents.acceptsDrops = false;
+ this.detail.isTextLineWrapping = true;
+ this.detail.color = WHITE;
+ this.detail.hBar.alpha = 0.6;
+ this.detail.vBar.alpha = 0.6;
+ ctrl = new TextMorph('');
+ ctrl.isEditable = true;
+ ctrl.enableSelecting();
+ ctrl.setReceiver(this.target);
+ this.detail.setContents(ctrl);
+ this.add(this.detail);
+ // work ('evaluation') pane
+ // don't refresh the work pane if it already exists
+ if (this.work === null) {
+ this.work = new ScrollFrameMorph();
+ this.work.acceptsDrops = false;
+ this.work.contents.acceptsDrops = false;
+ this.work.isTextLineWrapping = true;
+ this.work.color = WHITE;
+ this.work.hBar.alpha = 0.6;
+ this.work.vBar.alpha = 0.6;
+ ev = new TextMorph('');
+ ev.isEditable = true;
+ ev.enableSelecting();
+ ev.setReceiver(this.target);
+ this.work.setContents(ev);
+ }
+ this.add(this.work);
+ // properties button
+ this.buttonSubset = new TriggerMorph();
+ this.buttonSubset.labelString = 'show...';
+ this.buttonSubset.createLabel();
+ this.buttonSubset.action = () => {
+ var menu;
+ menu = new MenuMorph();
+ menu.addItem(
+ 'attributes',
+ () => {
+ this.showing = 'attributes';
+ this.buildPanes();
+ }
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ 'methods',
+ () => {
+ this.showing = 'methods';
+ this.buildPanes();
+ }
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ 'all',
+ () => {
+ this.showing = 'all';
+ this.buildPanes();
+ }
+ );
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem(
+ (this.markOwnProperties ?
+ 'un-mark own' : 'mark own'),
+ () => {
+ this.markOwnProperties = !this.markOwnProperties;
+ this.buildPanes();
+ },
+ 'highlight\n\'own\' properties'
+ );
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ };
+ this.add(this.buttonSubset);
+ // inspect button
+ this.buttonInspect = new TriggerMorph();
+ this.buttonInspect.labelString = 'inspect...';
+ this.buttonInspect.createLabel();
+ this.buttonInspect.action = () => {
+ var menu, world, inspector;
+ if (isObject(this.currentProperty)) {
+ menu = new MenuMorph();
+ menu.addItem(
+ 'in new inspector...',
+ () => {
+ world = this.world();
+ inspector = new InspectorMorph(
+ this.currentProperty
+ );
+ inspector.setPosition(world.hand.position());
+ inspector.keepWithin(world);
+ world.add(inspector);
+ inspector.changed();
+ }
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ 'here...',
+ () => this.setTarget(this.currentProperty)
+ );
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ } else {
+ this.inform(
+ (this.currentProperty === null ?
+ 'null' : typeof this.currentProperty) +
+ '\nis not inspectable'
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ this.add(this.buttonInspect);
+ // edit button
+ this.buttonEdit = new TriggerMorph();
+ this.buttonEdit.labelString = 'edit...';
+ this.buttonEdit.createLabel();
+ this.buttonEdit.action = () => {
+ var menu = new MenuMorph(this);
+ menu.addItem("save", 'save', 'accept changes');
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem("add property...", 'addProperty');
+ menu.addItem("rename...", 'renameProperty');
+ menu.addItem("remove...", 'removeProperty');
+ menu.popUpAtHand(this.world());
+ };
+ this.add(this.buttonEdit);
+ // close button
+ this.buttonClose = new TriggerMorph();
+ this.buttonClose.labelString = 'close';
+ this.buttonClose.createLabel();
+ this.buttonClose.action = () => this.destroy();
+ this.add(this.buttonClose);
+ // resizer
+ this.resizer = new HandleMorph(
+ this,
+ 150,
+ 100,
+ this.edge,
+ this.edge
+ );
+ // update layout
+ this.fixLayout();
+InspectorMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () {
+ var x, y, r, b, w, h;
+ // label
+ x = this.left() + this.edge;
+ y = this.top() + this.edge;
+ r = this.right() - this.edge;
+ w = r - x;
+ this.label.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
+ this.label.setWidth(w);
+ if (this.label.height() > (this.height() - 50)) {
+ this.bounds.setHeight(this.label.height() + 50);
+ }
+ // list
+ y = this.label.bottom() + 2;
+ w = Math.min(
+ Math.floor(this.width() / 3),
+ this.list.listContents.width()
+ );
+ w -= this.edge;
+ b = this.bottom() - (2 * this.edge) -
+ MorphicPreferences.handleSize;
+ h = b - y;
+ this.list.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
+ this.list.setExtent(new Point(w, h));
+ // detail
+ x = this.list.right() + this.edge;
+ r = this.right() - this.edge;
+ w = r - x;
+ this.detail.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
+ this.detail.setExtent(new Point(w, (h * 2 / 3) - this.edge));
+ // work
+ y = this.detail.bottom() + this.edge;
+ this.work.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
+ this.work.setExtent(new Point(w, h / 3));
+ // properties button
+ x = this.list.left();
+ y = this.list.bottom() + this.edge;
+ w = this.list.width();
+ h = MorphicPreferences.handleSize;
+ this.buttonSubset.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
+ this.buttonSubset.setExtent(new Point(w, h));
+ // inspect button
+ x = this.detail.left();
+ w = this.detail.width() - this.edge -
+ MorphicPreferences.handleSize;
+ w = w / 3 - this.edge / 3;
+ this.buttonInspect.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
+ this.buttonInspect.setExtent(new Point(w, h));
+ // edit button
+ x = this.buttonInspect.right() + this.edge;
+ this.buttonEdit.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
+ this.buttonEdit.setExtent(new Point(w, h));
+ // close button
+ x = this.buttonEdit.right() + this.edge;
+ r = this.detail.right() - this.edge -
+ MorphicPreferences.handleSize;
+ w = r - x;
+ this.buttonClose.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
+ this.buttonClose.setExtent(new Point(w, h));
+ // resizer
+ this.resizer.fixLayout();
+// InspectorMorph editing ops:
+InspectorMorph.prototype.save = function () {
+ var txt = this.detail.contents.children[0].text.toString(),
+ prop = this.list.selected;
+ try {
+ this.target.evaluateString('this.' + prop + ' = ' + txt);
+ this.hasUserEditedDetails = false;
+ this.target.changed();
+ } catch (err) {
+ this.inform(err);
+ }
+InspectorMorph.prototype.addProperty = function () {
+ this.prompt(
+ 'new property name:',
+ prop => {
+ if (prop) {
+ this.target[prop] = null;
+ this.buildPanes();
+ this.target.changed();
+ }
+ },
+ this,
+ 'property'
+ );
+InspectorMorph.prototype.renameProperty = function () {
+ var propertyName = this.list.selected;
+ this.prompt(
+ 'property name:',
+ prop => {
+ try {
+ delete (this.target[propertyName]);
+ this.target[prop] = this.currentProperty;
+ } catch (err) {
+ this.inform(err);
+ }
+ this.buildPanes();
+ this.target.changed();
+ },
+ this,
+ propertyName
+ );
+InspectorMorph.prototype.removeProperty = function () {
+ var prop = this.list.selected;
+ try {
+ delete (this.target[prop]);
+ this.currentProperty = null;
+ this.buildPanes();
+ this.target.changed();
+ } catch (err) {
+ this.inform(err);
+ }
+// InspectorMorph stepping
+InspectorMorph.prototype.step = function () {
+ this.updateCurrentSelection();
+ var lbl = this.target.toString();
+ if (this.label.text === lbl) {return; }
+ this.label.text = lbl;
+ this.fixLayout();
+// InspectorMorph duplicating:
+InspectorMorph.prototype.updateReferences = function (map) {
+ var active = this.list.activeIndex();
+ InspectorMorph.uber.updateReferences.call(this, map);
+ this.buildPanes();
+ this.list.activateIndex(active);
+// MenuMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// MenuMorph: referenced constructors
+var MenuItemMorph;
+// MenuMorph inherits from BoxMorph:
+MenuMorph.prototype = new BoxMorph();
+MenuMorph.prototype.constructor = MenuMorph;
+MenuMorph.uber = BoxMorph.prototype;
+// MenuMorph instance creation:
+function MenuMorph(target, title, environment, fontSize) {
+ this.init(target, title, environment, fontSize);
+ /*
+ if target is a function, use it as callback:
+ execute target as callback function with the action property
+ of the triggered MenuItem as argument.
+ Use the environment, if it is specified.
+ Note: if action is also a function, instead of becoming
+ the argument itself it will be called to answer the argument.
+ For selections, Yes/No Choices etc.
+ else (if target is not a function):
+ if action is a function:
+ execute the action with target as environment (can be null)
+ for lambdafied (inline) actions
+ else if action is a String:
+ treat it as function property of target and execute it
+ for selector-like actions
+ */
+MenuMorph.prototype.init = function (target, title, environment, fontSize) {
+ // additional properties:
+ this.target = target;
+ this.title = title || null;
+ this.environment = environment || null;
+ this.fontSize = fontSize || null;
+ this.items = [];
+ this.label = null;
+ this.world = null;
+ this.isListContents = false;
+ this.hasFocus = false;
+ this.selection = null;
+ this.submenu = null;
+ // initialize inherited properties:
+ MenuMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ // override inherited properties:
+ this.isDraggable = false;
+ this.noDropShadow = true;
+ this.fullShadowSource = false;
+ // immutable properties:
+ this.border = null;
+ this.edge = null;
+MenuMorph.prototype.addItem = function (
+ labelString,
+ action,
+ hint,
+ color,
+ bold, // bool
+ italic, // bool
+ doubleClickAction, // optional, when used as list contents
+ shortcut, // optional string, icon (Morph or Canvas) or tuple [icon, string]
+ verbatim // optional bool, don't translate if true
+) {
+ /*
+ labelString is normally a single-line string. But it can also be one
+ of the following:
+ * a multi-line string (containing line breaks)
+ * an icon (either a Morph or a Canvas)
+ * a tuple of format: [icon, string]
+ */
+ this.items.push([
+ verbatim ? labelString || 'close' : localize(labelString || 'close'),
+ action === 0 ? 0 : action || nop,
+ hint,
+ color,
+ bold || false,
+ italic || false,
+ doubleClickAction,
+ shortcut,
+ verbatim]);
+MenuMorph.prototype.addMenu = function (label, aMenu, indicator, verbatim) {
+ this.addPair(
+ label,
+ aMenu,
+ isNil(indicator) ? '\u25ba' : indicator,
+ null,
+ verbatim // don't translate
+ );
+MenuMorph.prototype.addPair = function (
+ label,
+ action,
+ shortcut,
+ hint,
+ verbatim // don't translate
+) {
+ this.addItem(
+ label,
+ action,
+ hint,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ shortcut,
+ verbatim
+ );
+MenuMorph.prototype.addLine = function (width) {
+ this.items.push([0, width || 1]);
+MenuMorph.prototype.createLabel = function () {
+ var text;
+ if (this.label !== null) {
+ this.label.destroy();
+ }
+ text = new TextMorph(
+ localize(this.title),
+ this.fontSize || MorphicPreferences.menuFontSize,
+ MorphicPreferences.menuFontName,
+ true,
+ false,
+ 'center'
+ );
+ text.alignment = 'center';
+ text.color = WHITE;
+ text.backgroundColor = this.borderColor;
+ text.fixLayout();
+ this.label = new BoxMorph(3, 0);
+ if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {
+ this.label.edge = 0;
+ }
+ this.label.color = this.borderColor;
+ this.label.borderColor = this.borderColor;
+ this.label.setExtent(text.extent().add(4));
+ this.label.add(text);
+ this.label.text = text;
+MenuMorph.prototype.createItems = function () {
+ var item,
+ fb,
+ x,
+ y,
+ isLine = false;
+ this.children.forEach(m => m.destroy());
+ this.children = [];
+ if (!this.isListContents) {
+ this.edge = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? 0 : 5;
+ this.border = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? 1 : 2;
+ }
+ this.color = WHITE;
+ this.borderColor = new Color(60, 60, 60);
+ this.setExtent(new Point(0, 0));
+ y = 2;
+ x = this.left() + 4;
+ if (!this.isListContents) {
+ if (this.title) {
+ this.createLabel();
+ this.label.setPosition(this.bounds.origin.add(4));
+ this.add(this.label);
+ y = this.label.bottom();
+ } else {
+ y = this.top() + 4;
+ }
+ }
+ y += 1;
+ this.items.forEach(tuple => {
+ isLine = false;
+ if (tuple instanceof StringFieldMorph ||
+ tuple instanceof ColorPickerMorph ||
+ tuple instanceof SliderMorph ||
+ tuple instanceof DialMorph) {
+ item = tuple;
+ } else if (tuple[0] === 0) {
+ isLine = true;
+ item = new Morph();
+ item.color = this.borderColor;
+ item.setHeight(tuple[1]);
+ } else {
+ item = new MenuItemMorph(
+ this.target,
+ tuple[1],
+ tuple[0],
+ this.fontSize || MorphicPreferences.menuFontSize,
+ MorphicPreferences.menuFontName,
+ this.environment,
+ tuple[2], // bubble help hint
+ tuple[3], // color
+ tuple[4], // bold
+ tuple[5], // italic
+ tuple[6], // doubleclick action
+ tuple[7] // shortcut
+ );
+ }
+ if (isLine) {
+ y += 1;
+ }
+ item.setPosition(new Point(x, y));
+ this.add(item);
+ y = y + item.height();
+ if (isLine) {
+ y += 1;
+ }
+ });
+ fb = this.fullBounds();
+ this.setExtent(fb.extent().add(4));
+ this.adjustWidths();
+MenuMorph.prototype.maxWidth = function () {
+ var w = 0;
+ if (this.parent instanceof FrameMorph) {
+ if (this.parent.scrollFrame instanceof ScrollFrameMorph) {
+ w = this.parent.scrollFrame.width();
+ }
+ }
+ this.children.forEach(item => {
+ if (item instanceof MenuItemMorph) {
+ w = Math.max(
+ w,
+ item.label.width() + 8 +
+ (item.shortcut ? item.shortcut.width() + 4 : 0)
+ );
+ } else if ((item instanceof StringFieldMorph) ||
+ (item instanceof ColorPickerMorph) ||
+ (item instanceof SliderMorph) ||
+ (item instanceof DialMorph)) {
+ w = Math.max(w, item.width());
+ }
+ });
+ if (this.label) {
+ w = Math.max(w, this.label.width());
+ }
+ return w;
+MenuMorph.prototype.adjustWidths = function () {
+ var w = this.maxWidth();
+ this.children.forEach(item => {
+ if (!(item instanceof DialMorph)) {
+ item.setWidth(w);
+ }
+ item.fixLayout();
+ if (item === this.label) {
+ item.text.setPosition(
+ item.center().subtract(
+ item.text.extent().floorDivideBy(2)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ });
+MenuMorph.prototype.unselectAllItems = function () {
+ this.children.forEach(item => {
+ if (item instanceof MenuItemMorph) {
+ if (item.userState !== 'normal') {
+ item.userState = 'normal';
+ item.rerender();
+ }
+ } else if (item instanceof ScrollFrameMorph) {
+ item.contents.children.forEach(morph => {
+ if (morph instanceof MenuItemMorph &&
+ morph.userState !== 'normal') {
+ morph.userState = 'normal';
+ morph.rerender();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+// MenuMorph popping up
+MenuMorph.prototype.popup = function (world, pos) {
+ var scroller;
+ this.createItems();
+ this.setPosition(pos);
+ this.addShadow(new Point(2, 2), 80);
+ this.keepWithin(world);
+ if (this.bottom() > world.bottom()) {
+ // scroll menu items if the menu is taller than the world
+ this.removeShadow();
+ scroller = this.scroll();
+ this.bounds.corner.y = world.bottom() - 2;
+ this.addShadow(new Point(2, 2), 80);
+ scroller.setHeight(world.bottom() - scroller.top() - 6);
+ scroller.adjustScrollBars(); // ?
+ }
+ if (world.activeMenu) {
+ world.activeMenu.destroy();
+ }
+ if (this.items.length < 1 && !this.title) { // don't show empty menus
+ return;
+ }
+ world.add(this);
+ world.activeMenu = this;
+ this.world = world; // optionally enable keyboard support
+ this.fullChanged();
+MenuMorph.prototype.scroll = function () {
+ // private - move all items into a scroll frame
+ var scroller = new ScrollFrameMorph(),
+ start = this.label ? 1 : 0,
+ first = this.children[start];
+ scroller.setPosition(first.position());
+ this.children.slice(start).forEach(morph => scroller.addContents(morph));
+ this.add(scroller);
+ scroller.setWidth(first.width());
+ return scroller;
+MenuMorph.prototype.popUpAtHand = function (world) {
+ var wrrld = world || this.world;
+ this.popup(wrrld, wrrld.hand.position());
+MenuMorph.prototype.popUpCenteredAtHand = function (world) {
+ var wrrld = world || this.world;
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.createItems();
+ this.popup(
+ wrrld,
+ wrrld.hand.position().subtract(
+ this.extent().floorDivideBy(2)
+ )
+ );
+MenuMorph.prototype.popUpCenteredInWorld = function (world) {
+ var wrrld = world || this.world;
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.createItems();
+ this.popup(
+ wrrld,
+ wrrld.center().subtract(
+ this.extent().floorDivideBy(2)
+ )
+ );
+// MenuMorph submenus
+MenuMorph.prototype.closeRootMenu = function () {
+ if (this.parent instanceof MenuMorph) {
+ this.parent.closeRootMenu();
+ } else {
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+MenuMorph.prototype.closeSubmenu = function () {
+ if (this.submenu) {
+ this.submenu.destroy();
+ this.submenu = null;
+ this.unselectAllItems();
+ this.world.activeMenu = this;
+ }
+// MenuMorph keyboard accessibility
+MenuMorph.prototype.getFocus = function () {
+ this.world.keyboardFocus = this;
+ this.selection = null;
+ this.selectFirst();
+ this.hasFocus = true;
+MenuMorph.prototype.processKeyDown = function (event) {
+ // console.log(event.keyCode);
+ switch (event.keyCode) {
+ case 13: // 'enter'
+ case 32: // 'space'
+ if (this.selection) {
+ this.selection.mouseClickLeft();
+ if (this.submenu) {
+ this.submenu.getFocus();
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ case 27: // 'esc'
+ return this.destroy();
+ case 37: // 'left arrow'
+ return this.leaveSubmenu();
+ case 38: // 'up arrow'
+ return this.selectUp();
+ case 39: // 'right arrow'
+ return this.enterSubmenu();
+ case 40: // 'down arrow'
+ return this.selectDown();
+ default:
+ nop();
+ }
+MenuMorph.prototype.processKeyUp = function (event) {
+ nop(event);
+MenuMorph.prototype.processKeyPress = function (event) {
+ nop(event);
+MenuMorph.prototype.selectFirst = function () {
+ var scroller, items, i;
+ scroller = detect(
+ this.children,
+ morph => morph instanceof ScrollFrameMorph
+ );
+ items = scroller ? scroller.contents.children : this.children;
+ for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {
+ if (items[i] instanceof MenuItemMorph) {
+ this.select(items[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+MenuMorph.prototype.selectUp = function () {
+ var scroller, triggers, idx;
+ scroller = detect(
+ this.children,
+ morph => morph instanceof ScrollFrameMorph
+ );
+ triggers = (scroller ? scroller.contents.children : this.children).filter(
+ each => each instanceof MenuItemMorph
+ );
+ if (!this.selection) {
+ if (triggers.length) {
+ this.select(triggers[0]);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ idx = triggers.indexOf(this.selection) - 1;
+ if (idx < 0) {
+ idx = triggers.length - 1;
+ }
+ this.select(triggers[idx]);
+MenuMorph.prototype.selectDown = function () {
+ var scroller, triggers, idx;
+ scroller = detect(
+ this.children,
+ morph => morph instanceof ScrollFrameMorph
+ );
+ triggers = (scroller ? scroller.contents.children : this.children).filter(
+ each => each instanceof MenuItemMorph
+ );
+ if (!this.selection) {
+ if (triggers.length) {
+ this.select(triggers[0]);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ idx = triggers.indexOf(this.selection) + 1;
+ if (idx >= triggers.length) {
+ idx = 0;
+ }
+ this.select(triggers[idx]);
+MenuMorph.prototype.enterSubmenu = function () {
+ if (this.selection && this.selection.action instanceof MenuMorph) {
+ this.selection.popUpSubmenu();
+ if (this.submenu) {
+ this.submenu.getFocus();
+ }
+ }
+MenuMorph.prototype.leaveSubmenu = function () {
+ var menu = this.parent;
+ if (this.parent instanceof MenuMorph) {
+ menu.submenu = null;
+ menu.hasFocus = true;
+ this.destroy();
+ menu.world.keyboardFocus = menu;
+ menu.world.activeMenu = menu;
+ }
+MenuMorph.prototype.select = function (aMenuItem) {
+ this.unselectAllItems();
+ aMenuItem.userState = 'highlight';
+ aMenuItem.rerender();
+ aMenuItem.scrollIntoView();
+ this.selection = aMenuItem;
+MenuMorph.prototype.destroy = function () {
+ if (this.hasFocus) {
+ this.world.keyboardFocus = null;
+ }
+ if (!this.isListContents && (this.world.activeMenu === this)) {
+ this.world.activeMenu = null;
+ }
+ MenuMorph.uber.destroy.call(this);
+// StringMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I am a single line of text
+// StringMorph inherits from Morph:
+StringMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+StringMorph.prototype.constructor = StringMorph;
+StringMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// StringMorph shared properties:
+// context for measuring text dimensions, used by StringMorphs and TextMorphs
+StringMorph.prototype.measureCtx = newCanvas().getContext("2d");
+// StringMorph instance creation:
+function StringMorph(
+ text,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ isNumeric,
+ shadowOffset,
+ shadowColor,
+ color,
+ fontName
+) {
+ this.init(
+ text,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ isNumeric,
+ shadowOffset,
+ shadowColor,
+ color,
+ fontName
+ );
+StringMorph.prototype.init = function (
+ text,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ isNumeric,
+ shadowOffset,
+ shadowColor,
+ color,
+ fontName
+) {
+ // additional properties:
+ this.text = text || ((text === '') ? '' : 'StringMorph');
+ this.fontSize = fontSize || 12;
+ this.fontName = fontName || MorphicPreferences.globalFontFamily;
+ this.fontStyle = fontStyle || 'sans-serif';
+ this.isBold = bold || false;
+ this.isItalic = italic || false;
+ this.isEditable = false;
+ this.enableLinks = false; // set to "true" if I can contain clickable URLs
+ this.isNumeric = isNumeric || false;
+ this.isPassword = false;
+ this.shadowOffset = shadowOffset || ZERO;
+ this.shadowColor = shadowColor || null;
+ this.isShowingBlanks = false;
+ this.blanksColor = new Color(180, 140, 140);
+ // additional properties for text-editing:
+ this.isScrollable = true; // scrolls into view when edited
+ this.currentlySelecting = false;
+ this.startMark = 0;
+ this.endMark = 0;
+ this.markedTextColor = WHITE;
+ this.markedBackgoundColor = new Color(60, 60, 120);
+ // initialize inherited properties:
+ StringMorph.uber.init.call(this, true);
+ // override inherited properites:
+ this.color = color || new Color(0, 0, 0);
+ this.fixLayout(); // determine my extent
+StringMorph.prototype.toString = function () {
+ // e.g. 'a StringMorph("Hello World")'
+ return 'a ' +
+ (this.constructor.name ||
+ this.constructor.toString().split(' ')[1].split('(')[0]) +
+ '("' + this.text.slice(0, 30) + '...")';
+StringMorph.prototype.password = function (letter, length) {
+ var ans = '',
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
+ ans += letter;
+ }
+ return ans;
+StringMorph.prototype.font = function () {
+ // answer a font string, e.g. 'bold italic 12px sans-serif'
+ var font = '';
+ if (this.isBold) {
+ font = font + 'bold ';
+ }
+ if (this.isItalic) {
+ font = font + 'italic ';
+ }
+ return font +
+ this.fontSize + 'px ' +
+ (this.fontName ? this.fontName + ', ' : '') +
+ this.fontStyle;
+StringMorph.prototype.getShadowRenderColor = function () {
+ // answer the shadow rendering color, can be overridden for my children
+ return this.shadowColor;
+StringMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function (justMe) {
+ // determine my extent depending on my current settings
+ var width,
+ shadowOffset = this.shadowOffset || ZERO,
+ txt = this.isPassword ?
+ this.password('*', this.text.length) : this.text;
+ this.measureCtx.font = this.font();
+ width = Math.max(
+ this.measureCtx.measureText(txt).width + Math.abs(shadowOffset.x),
+ 1
+ );
+ this.bounds.corner = this.bounds.origin.add(
+ new Point(
+ width,
+ fontHeight(this.fontSize) + Math.abs(shadowOffset.y)
+ )
+ );
+ // notify my parent of layout change
+ if (!justMe && this.parent) {
+ if (this.parent.fixLayout) {
+ this.parent.fixLayout();
+ }
+ }
+StringMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
+ var start, stop, i, p, c, x, y,
+ shadowOffset = this.shadowOffset || ZERO,
+ shadowColor = this.getShadowRenderColor(),
+ txt = this.isPassword ?
+ this.password('*', this.text.length) : this.text;
+ // prepare context for drawing text
+ ctx.font = this.font();
+ ctx.textAlign = 'left';
+ ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
+ // first draw the shadow, if any
+ if (shadowColor) {
+ x = Math.max(shadowOffset.x, 0);
+ y = Math.max(shadowOffset.y, 0);
+ ctx.fillStyle = shadowColor.toString();
+ ctx.fillText(txt, x, fontHeight(this.fontSize) + y);
+ }
+ // now draw the actual text
+ x = Math.abs(Math.min(shadowOffset.x, 0));
+ y = Math.abs(Math.min(shadowOffset.y, 0));
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.getRenderColor().toString();
+ if (this.isShowingBlanks) {
+ this.renderWithBlanks(
+ ctx,
+ x,
+ fontHeight(this.fontSize) + y
+ );
+ } else {
+ ctx.fillText(
+ txt,
+ x,
+ fontHeight(this.fontSize) + y
+ );
+ }
+ // draw the selection
+ start = Math.min(this.startMark, this.endMark);
+ stop = Math.max(this.startMark, this.endMark);
+ for (i = start; i < stop; i += 1) {
+ p = this.slotPosition(i).subtract(this.position());
+ c = txt.charAt(i);
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.markedBackgoundColor.toString();
+ ctx.fillRect(p.x, p.y, ctx.measureText(c).width + 1 + x,
+ fontHeight(this.fontSize) + y);
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.markedTextColor.toString();
+ ctx.fillText(c, p.x, fontHeight(this.fontSize) + p.y);
+ }
+StringMorph.prototype.renderWithBlanks = function (ctx, startX, y) {
+ var space = ctx.measureText(' ').width,
+ blanksColor = this.blanksColor.toString(),
+ top = y - this.height() / 2,
+ words = this.text.split(' '),
+ x = startX || 0,
+ isFirst = true;
+ function drawBlank() {
+ ctx.fillStyle = blanksColor;
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(
+ x + space / 2,
+ top,
+ space / 2,
+ radians(0),
+ radians(360)
+ );
+ ctx.fill();
+ x += space;
+ }
+ // render my text inserting blanks
+ words.forEach(word => {
+ if (!isFirst) {
+ drawBlank();
+ }
+ isFirst = false;
+ if (word !== '') {
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.getRenderColor().toString();
+ ctx.fillText(word, x, y);
+ x += ctx.measureText(word).width;
+ }
+ });
+// StringMorph measuring:
+StringMorph.prototype.slotPosition = function (slot) {
+ // answer the position point of the given index ("slot")
+ // where the cursor should be placed
+ var txt = this.isPassword ?
+ this.password('*', this.text.length) : this.text,
+ dest = Math.min(Math.max(slot, 0), txt.length);
+ this.measureCtx.font = this.font();
+ this.pos = dest;
+ return new Point(
+ this.left() + this.measureCtx.measureText(txt.slice(0, dest)).width,
+ this.top()
+ );
+StringMorph.prototype.slotAt = function (aPoint) {
+ // answer the slot (index) closest to the given point taking
+ // in account how far from the middle of the character it is,
+ // so the cursor can be moved accordingly
+ var txt = this.isPassword ?
+ this.password('*', this.text.length) : this.text,
+ idx = 0,
+ charX = 0;
+ this.measureCtx.font = this.font();
+ while (aPoint.x - this.left() > charX) {
+ charX += this.measureCtx.measureText(txt[idx]).width;
+ idx += 1;
+ if (idx === txt.length) {
+ if ((this.measureCtx.measureText(txt).width -
+ (this.measureCtx.measureText(txt[idx - 1]).width / 2)) <
+ (aPoint.x - this.left())) {
+ return idx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // see where our click fell with respect to the middle of the char
+ if (aPoint.x - this.left() >
+ charX - this.measureCtx.measureText(txt[idx - 1]).width / 2) {
+ return idx;
+ } else {
+ return idx - 1;
+ }
+StringMorph.prototype.upFrom = function (slot) {
+ // answer the slot above the given one
+ return slot;
+StringMorph.prototype.downFrom = function (slot) {
+ // answer the slot below the given one
+ return slot;
+StringMorph.prototype.startOfLine = function () {
+ // answer the first slot (index) of the line for the given slot
+ return 0;
+StringMorph.prototype.endOfLine = function () {
+ // answer the slot (index) indicating the EOL for the given slot
+ return this.text.length;
+StringMorph.prototype.previousWordFrom = function (aSlot) {
+ // answer the slot (index) slots indicating the position of the
+ // previous word to the left of aSlot
+ var index = aSlot - 1;
+ // while the current character is non-word one, we skip it, so that
+ // if we are in the middle of a non-alphanumeric sequence, we'll get
+ // right to the beginning of the previous word
+ while (index > 0 && !isWordChar(this.text[index])) {
+ index -= 1;
+ }
+ // while the current character is a word one, we skip it until we
+ // find the beginning of the current word
+ while (index > 0 && isWordChar(this.text[index - 1])) {
+ index -= 1;
+ }
+ return index;
+StringMorph.prototype.nextWordFrom = function (aSlot) {
+ var index = aSlot;
+ while (index < this.endOfLine() && !isWordChar(this.text[index])) {
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ while (index < this.endOfLine() && isWordChar(this.text[index])) {
+ index += 1;
+ }
+ return index;
+StringMorph.prototype.rawHeight = function () {
+ // answer my corrected fontSize
+ return this.height() / 1.2;
+// StringMorph menus:
+StringMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ var menu = StringMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this);
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem("edit", 'edit');
+ menu.addItem(
+ "font size...",
+ () => {
+ this.prompt(
+ menu.title + '\nfont\nsize:',
+ this.setFontSize,
+ this,
+ this.fontSize.toString(),
+ null,
+ 6,
+ 500,
+ true
+ );
+ },
+ 'set this String\'s\nfont point size'
+ );
+ if (this.fontStyle !== 'serif') {
+ menu.addItem("serif", 'setSerif');
+ }
+ if (this.fontStyle !== 'sans-serif') {
+ menu.addItem("sans-serif", 'setSansSerif');
+ }
+ if (this.isBold) {
+ menu.addItem("normal weight", 'toggleWeight');
+ } else {
+ menu.addItem("bold", 'toggleWeight');
+ }
+ if (this.isItalic) {
+ menu.addItem("normal style", 'toggleItalic');
+ } else {
+ menu.addItem("italic", 'toggleItalic');
+ }
+ if (this.isShowingBlanks) {
+ menu.addItem("hide blanks", 'toggleShowBlanks');
+ } else {
+ menu.addItem("show blanks", 'toggleShowBlanks');
+ }
+ if (this.isPassword) {
+ menu.addItem("show characters", 'toggleIsPassword');
+ } else {
+ menu.addItem("hide characters", 'toggleIsPassword');
+ }
+ return menu;
+StringMorph.prototype.toggleIsDraggable = function () {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ this.isDraggable = !this.isDraggable;
+ if (this.isDraggable) {
+ this.disableSelecting();
+ } else {
+ this.enableSelecting();
+ }
+StringMorph.prototype.toggleShowBlanks = function () {
+ this.isShowingBlanks = !this.isShowingBlanks;
+ this.changed();
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+StringMorph.prototype.toggleWeight = function () {
+ this.isBold = !this.isBold;
+ this.changed();
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+StringMorph.prototype.toggleItalic = function () {
+ this.isItalic = !this.isItalic;
+ this.changed();
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+StringMorph.prototype.toggleIsPassword = function () {
+ this.isPassword = !this.isPassword;
+ this.changed();
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+StringMorph.prototype.setSerif = function () {
+ this.fontStyle = 'serif';
+ this.changed();
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+StringMorph.prototype.setSansSerif = function () {
+ this.fontStyle = 'sans-serif';
+ this.changed();
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+StringMorph.prototype.setFontSize = function (size) {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ var newSize;
+ if (typeof size === 'number') {
+ this.fontSize = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(size, 4), 500));
+ } else {
+ newSize = parseFloat(size);
+ if (!isNaN(newSize)) {
+ this.fontSize = Math.round(
+ Math.min(Math.max(newSize, 4), 500)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ this.changed();
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+StringMorph.prototype.setText = function (size) {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ this.text = Math.round(size).toString();
+ this.changed();
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+StringMorph.prototype.numericalSetters = function () {
+ // for context menu demo purposes
+ return [
+ 'setLeft',
+ 'setTop',
+ 'setAlphaScaled',
+ 'setFontSize',
+ 'setText'
+ ];
+// StringMorph editing:
+StringMorph.prototype.edit = function () {
+ this.root().edit(this);
+StringMorph.prototype.selection = function () {
+ var start, stop;
+ start = Math.min(this.startMark, this.endMark);
+ stop = Math.max(this.startMark, this.endMark);
+ return this.text.slice(start, stop);
+StringMorph.prototype.selectionStartSlot = function () {
+ return Math.min(this.startMark, this.endMark);
+StringMorph.prototype.clearSelection = function () {
+ if (!this.currentlySelecting &&
+ isNil(this.startMark) &&
+ isNil(this.endMark)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.currentlySelecting = false;
+ this.startMark = null;
+ this.endMark = null;
+ this.changed();
+StringMorph.prototype.deleteSelection = function () {
+ var start, stop, text;
+ text = this.text;
+ start = Math.min(this.startMark, this.endMark);
+ stop = Math.max(this.startMark, this.endMark);
+ this.text = text.slice(0, start) + text.slice(stop);
+ this.changed();
+ this.clearSelection();
+StringMorph.prototype.selectAll = function () {
+ var cursor;
+ if (this.isEditable) {
+ this.startMark = 0;
+ cursor = this.root().cursor;
+ this.endMark = this.text.length;
+ if (cursor) {
+ cursor.gotoSlot(this.text.length);
+ cursor.syncTextareaSelectionWith(this);
+ }
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+ }
+StringMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) {
+ if (this.world().currentKey === 16) {
+ this.shiftClick(pos);
+ } else if (this.isEditable) {
+ this.clearSelection();
+ } else {
+ this.escalateEvent('mouseDownLeft', pos);
+ }
+StringMorph.prototype.shiftClick = function (pos) {
+ var cursor = this.root().cursor;
+ if (cursor) {
+ if (!this.startMark) {
+ this.startMark = cursor.slot;
+ }
+ cursor.gotoPos(pos);
+ this.endMark = cursor.slot;
+ cursor.syncTextareaSelectionWith(this);
+ this.changed();
+ }
+ this.currentlySelecting = false;
+ this.escalateEvent('mouseDownLeft', pos);
+StringMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function (pos) {
+ var cursor,
+ slot,
+ clickedText,
+ startMark,
+ endMark;
+ if (this.isEditable) {
+ if (!this.currentlySelecting) {
+ this.edit(); // creates a new cursor
+ }
+ cursor = this.root().cursor;
+ if (cursor) {
+ cursor.gotoPos(pos);
+ }
+ this.currentlySelecting = true;
+ } else if (this.enableLinks) {
+ slot = this.slotAt(pos);
+ if (slot === this.text.length) {
+ slot -= 1;
+ }
+ startMark = slot;
+ while (startMark > 1 && isURLChar(this.text[startMark-1])) {
+ startMark -= 1;
+ }
+ endMark = slot;
+ while (endMark < this.text.length - 1 &&
+ isURLChar(this.text[endMark + 1])) {
+ endMark += 1;
+ }
+ clickedText = this.text.substring(startMark, endMark + 1);
+ if (isURL(clickedText)) {
+ window.open(clickedText, '_blank');
+ } else {
+ this.escalateEvent('mouseClickLeft', pos);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.escalateEvent('mouseClickLeft', pos);
+ }
+StringMorph.prototype.mouseDoubleClick = function (pos) {
+ // selects the word at pos
+ // if there is no word, we select whatever is between
+ // the previous and next words
+ var slot = this.slotAt(pos);
+ if (this.isEditable) {
+ this.edit();
+ if (slot === this.text.length) {
+ slot -= 1;
+ }
+ if (this.text[slot] && isWordChar(this.text[slot])) {
+ this.selectWordAt(slot);
+ } else if (this.text[slot]) {
+ this.selectBetweenWordsAt(slot);
+ } else {
+ // special case for when we click right after the
+ // last slot in multi line TextMorphs
+ this.selectAll();
+ }
+ this.root().cursor.syncTextareaSelectionWith(this);
+ } else {
+ this.escalateEvent('mouseDoubleClick', pos);
+ }
+StringMorph.prototype.selectWordAt = function (slot) {
+ var cursor = this.root().cursor;
+ if (slot === 0 || isWordChar(this.text[slot - 1])) {
+ cursor.gotoSlot(this.previousWordFrom(slot));
+ this.startMark = cursor.slot;
+ this.endMark = this.nextWordFrom(cursor.slot);
+ } else {
+ cursor.gotoSlot(slot);
+ this.startMark = slot;
+ this.endMark = this.nextWordFrom(slot);
+ }
+ this.changed();
+StringMorph.prototype.selectBetweenWordsAt = function (slot) {
+ var cursor = this.root().cursor;
+ cursor.gotoSlot(this.nextWordFrom(this.previousWordFrom(slot)));
+ this.startMark = cursor.slot;
+ this.endMark = cursor.slot;
+ while (this.endMark < this.text.length
+ && !isWordChar(this.text[this.endMark])) {
+ this.endMark += 1;
+ }
+ this.changed();
+StringMorph.prototype.enableSelecting = function () {
+ this.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) {
+ var crs = this.root().cursor,
+ already = crs ? crs.target === this : false;
+ if (this.world().currentKey === 16) {
+ this.shiftClick(pos);
+ } else {
+ this.clearSelection();
+ if (this.isEditable && (!this.isDraggable)) {
+ this.edit();
+ this.root().cursor.gotoPos(pos);
+ this.startMark = this.slotAt(pos);
+ this.endMark = this.startMark;
+ this.currentlySelecting = true;
+ this.root().cursor.syncTextareaSelectionWith(this);
+ if (!already) {this.escalateEvent('mouseDownLeft', pos); }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.mouseMove = function (pos) {
+ if (this.isEditable &&
+ this.currentlySelecting &&
+ (!this.isDraggable)) {
+ var newMark = this.slotAt(pos);
+ if (newMark !== this.endMark) {
+ this.endMark = newMark;
+ this.root().cursor.syncTextareaSelectionWith(this);
+ this.changed();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+StringMorph.prototype.disableSelecting = function () {
+ this.mouseDownLeft = StringMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft;
+ delete this.mouseMove;
+// TextMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I am a multi-line, word-wrapping String, quasi-inheriting from StringMorph
+// TextMorph inherits from Morph:
+TextMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+TextMorph.prototype.constructor = TextMorph;
+TextMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// TextMorph shared properties:
+// context for measuring text dimensions, shared with StringMorph prototype
+TextMorph.prototype.measureCtx = StringMorph.prototype.measureCtx;
+// TextMorph instance creation:
+function TextMorph(
+ text,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ alignment,
+ width,
+ fontName,
+ shadowOffset,
+ shadowColor
+) {
+ this.init(text,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ alignment,
+ width,
+ fontName,
+ shadowOffset,
+ shadowColor);
+TextMorph.prototype.init = function (
+ text,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ alignment,
+ width,
+ fontName,
+ shadowOffset,
+ shadowColor
+) {
+ // additional properties:
+ this.text = text || (text === '' ? text : 'TextMorph');
+ this.words = [];
+ this.lines = [];
+ this.lineSlots = [];
+ this.fontSize = fontSize || 12;
+ this.fontName = fontName || MorphicPreferences.globalFontFamily;
+ this.fontStyle = fontStyle || 'sans-serif';
+ this.isBold = bold || false;
+ this.isItalic = italic || false;
+ this.alignment = alignment || 'left';
+ this.shadowOffset = shadowOffset || ZERO;
+ this.shadowColor = shadowColor || null;
+ this.maxWidth = width || 0;
+ this.maxLineWidth = 0;
+ this.backgroundColor = null;
+ this.isEditable = false;
+ this.enableLinks = false; // set to "true" if I can contain clickable URLs
+ //additional properties for ad-hoc evaluation:
+ this.receiver = null;
+ // additional properties for text-editing:
+ this.isScrollable = true; // scrolls into view when edited
+ this.currentlySelecting = false;
+ this.startMark = 0;
+ this.endMark = 0;
+ this.markedTextColor = WHITE;
+ this.markedBackgoundColor = new Color(60, 60, 120);
+ // initialize inherited properties:
+ TextMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ // override inherited properites:
+ this.color = new Color(0, 0, 0);
+ this.fixLayout(); // determine my extent
+TextMorph.prototype.toString = function () {
+ // e.g. 'a TextMorph("Hello World")'
+ return 'a TextMorph' + '("' + this.text.slice(0, 30) + '...")';
+TextMorph.prototype.font = StringMorph.prototype.font;
+TextMorph.prototype.parse = function () {
+ var paragraphs = this.text.split('\n'),
+ context = this.measureCtx,
+ oldline = '',
+ newline,
+ w,
+ slot = 0;
+ context.font = this.font();
+ this.maxLineWidth = 0;
+ this.lines = [];
+ this.lineSlots = [0];
+ this.words = [];
+ paragraphs.forEach(p => {
+ this.words = this.words.concat(p.split(' '));
+ this.words.push('\n');
+ });
+ this.words.forEach(word => {
+ if (word === '\n') {
+ this.lines.push(oldline);
+ this.lineSlots.push(slot);
+ this.maxLineWidth = Math.max(
+ this.maxLineWidth,
+ context.measureText(oldline).width
+ );
+ oldline = '';
+ } else {
+ if (this.maxWidth > 0) {
+ newline = oldline + word + ' ';
+ w = context.measureText(newline).width;
+ if (w > this.maxWidth) {
+ this.lines.push(oldline);
+ this.lineSlots.push(slot);
+ this.maxLineWidth = Math.max(
+ this.maxLineWidth,
+ context.measureText(oldline).width
+ );
+ oldline = word + ' ';
+ } else {
+ oldline = newline;
+ }
+ } else {
+ oldline = oldline + word + ' ';
+ }
+ slot += word.length + 1;
+ }
+ });
+TextMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () {
+ // determine my extent depending on my current settings
+ var height, shadowHeight, shadowWidth;
+ this.parse();
+ // set my extent
+ shadowWidth = Math.abs(this.shadowOffset.x);
+ shadowHeight = Math.abs(this.shadowOffset.y);
+ height = this.lines.length * (fontHeight(this.fontSize) + shadowHeight);
+ if (this.maxWidth === 0) {
+ this.bounds = this.bounds.origin.extent(
+ new Point(this.maxLineWidth + shadowWidth, height)
+ );
+ } else {
+ this.bounds = this.bounds.origin.extent(
+ new Point(this.maxWidth + shadowWidth, height)
+ );
+ }
+ // notify my parent of layout change
+ if (this.parent) {
+ if (this.parent.layoutChanged) {
+ this.parent.layoutChanged();
+ }
+ }
+TextMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
+ var shadowWidth = Math.abs(this.shadowOffset.x),
+ shadowHeight = Math.abs(this.shadowOffset.y),
+ shadowColor = this.getShadowRenderColor(),
+ i, line, width, offx, offy, x, y, start, stop, p, c;
+ // prepare context for drawing text
+ ctx.font = this.font();
+ ctx.textAlign = 'left';
+ ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
+ // fill the background, if desired
+ if (this.backgroundColor) {
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor.toString();
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width(), this.height());
+ }
+ // draw the shadow, if any
+ if (shadowColor) {
+ offx = Math.max(this.shadowOffset.x, 0);
+ offy = Math.max(this.shadowOffset.y, 0);
+ ctx.fillStyle = shadowColor.toString();
+ for (i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i = i + 1) {
+ line = this.lines[i];
+ width = ctx.measureText(line).width + shadowWidth;
+ if (this.alignment === 'right') {
+ x = this.width() - width;
+ } else if (this.alignment === 'center') {
+ x = (this.width() - width) / 2;
+ } else { // 'left'
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ y = (i + 1) * (fontHeight(this.fontSize) + shadowHeight)
+ - shadowHeight;
+ ctx.fillText(line, x + offx, y + offy);
+ }
+ }
+ // now draw the actual text
+ offx = Math.abs(Math.min(this.shadowOffset.x, 0));
+ offy = Math.abs(Math.min(this.shadowOffset.y, 0));
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.getRenderColor().toString();
+ for (i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i = i + 1) {
+ line = this.lines[i];
+ width = ctx.measureText(line).width + shadowWidth;
+ if (this.alignment === 'right') {
+ x = this.width() - width;
+ } else if (this.alignment === 'center') {
+ x = (this.width() - width) / 2;
+ } else { // 'left'
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ y = (i + 1) * (fontHeight(this.fontSize) + shadowHeight) - shadowHeight;
+ ctx.fillText(line, x + offx, y + offy);
+ }
+ // draw the selection
+ start = Math.min(this.startMark, this.endMark);
+ stop = Math.max(this.startMark, this.endMark);
+ for (i = start; i < stop; i += 1) {
+ p = this.slotPosition(i).subtract(this.position());
+ c = this.text.charAt(i);
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.markedBackgoundColor.toString();
+ ctx.fillRect(p.x, p.y, ctx.measureText(c).width + 1,
+ fontHeight(this.fontSize));
+ ctx.fillStyle = this.markedTextColor.toString();
+ ctx.fillText(c, p.x, p.y + fontHeight(this.fontSize));
+ }
+TextMorph.prototype.getShadowRenderColor =
+ StringMorph.prototype.getShadowRenderColor;
+TextMorph.prototype.setExtent = function (aPoint) {
+ this.maxWidth = Math.max(aPoint.x, 0);
+ this.changed();
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.rerender();
+// TextMorph mesuring:
+TextMorph.prototype.columnRow = function (slot) {
+ // answer the logical position point of the given index ("slot")
+ var row,
+ col,
+ idx = 0;
+ for (row = 0; row < this.lines.length; row += 1) {
+ idx = this.lineSlots[row];
+ for (col = 0; col < this.lines[row].length; col += 1) {
+ if (idx === slot) {
+ return new Point(col, row);
+ }
+ idx += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // return new Point(0, 0);
+ return new Point(
+ this.lines[this.lines.length - 1].length - 1,
+ this.lines.length - 1
+ );
+TextMorph.prototype.slotPosition = function (slot) {
+ // answer the physical position point of the given index ("slot")
+ // where the cursor should be placed
+ var colRow = this.columnRow(slot),
+ ctx = this.measureCtx,
+ shadowHeight = Math.abs(this.shadowOffset.y),
+ xOffset = 0,
+ yOffset;
+ ctx.font = this.font();
+ yOffset = colRow.y * (fontHeight(this.fontSize) + shadowHeight);
+ xOffset = ctx.measureText(this.lines[colRow.y].slice(0, colRow.x)).width;
+ return new Point(this.left() + xOffset, this.top() + yOffset);
+TextMorph.prototype.slotAt = function (aPoint) {
+ // answer the slot (index) closest to the given point taking
+ // in account how far from the middle of the character it is,
+ // so the cursor can be moved accordingly
+ var charX,
+ row = 0,
+ col = 0,
+ columnLength,
+ shadowHeight = Math.abs(this.shadowOffset.y),
+ ctx = this.measureCtx,
+ textWidth;
+ while (aPoint.y - this.top() >
+ ((fontHeight(this.fontSize) + shadowHeight) * row)) {
+ row += 1;
+ }
+ row = Math.max(row, 1);
+ ctx.font = this.font();
+ textWidth = ctx.measureText(this.lines[row - 1]).width;
+ if (this.alignment === 'right') {
+ charX = this.width() - textWidth;
+ } else if (this.alignment === 'center') {
+ charX = (this.width() - textWidth) / 2;
+ } else { // 'left'
+ charX = 0;
+ }
+ columnLength = this.lines[row - 1].length;
+ while (col < columnLength - 1 && aPoint.x - this.left() > charX) {
+ charX += ctx.measureText(this.lines[row - 1][col]).width;
+ col += 1;
+ }
+ // see where our click fell with respect to the middle of the char
+ if (aPoint.x - this.left() >
+ charX - ctx.measureText(this.lines[row - 1][col]).width / 2) {
+ return this.lineSlots[Math.max(row - 1, 0)] + col;
+ } else {
+ return this.lineSlots[Math.max(row - 1, 0)] + col - 1;
+ }
+TextMorph.prototype.upFrom = function (slot) {
+ // answer the slot above the given one
+ var above,
+ colRow = this.columnRow(slot);
+ if (colRow.y < 1) {
+ return slot;
+ }
+ above = this.lines[colRow.y - 1];
+ if (above.length < colRow.x - 1) {
+ return this.lineSlots[colRow.y - 1] + above.length;
+ }
+ return this.lineSlots[colRow.y - 1] + colRow.x;
+TextMorph.prototype.downFrom = function (slot) {
+ // answer the slot below the given one
+ var below,
+ colRow = this.columnRow(slot);
+ if (colRow.y > this.lines.length - 2) {
+ return slot;
+ }
+ below = this.lines[colRow.y + 1];
+ if (below.length < colRow.x - 1) {
+ return this.lineSlots[colRow.y + 1] + below.length;
+ }
+ return this.lineSlots[colRow.y + 1] + colRow.x;
+TextMorph.prototype.startOfLine = function (slot) {
+ // answer the first slot (index) of the line for the given slot
+ return this.lineSlots[this.columnRow(slot).y];
+TextMorph.prototype.endOfLine = function (slot) {
+ // answer the slot (index) indicating the EOL for the given slot
+ return this.startOfLine(slot) +
+ this.lines[this.columnRow(slot).y].length - 1;
+TextMorph.prototype.previousWordFrom = StringMorph.prototype.previousWordFrom;
+TextMorph.prototype.nextWordFrom = StringMorph.prototype.nextWordFrom;
+// TextMorph editing:
+TextMorph.prototype.edit = StringMorph.prototype.edit;
+TextMorph.prototype.selection = StringMorph.prototype.selection;
+ = StringMorph.prototype.selectionStartSlot;
+TextMorph.prototype.clearSelection = StringMorph.prototype.clearSelection;
+TextMorph.prototype.deleteSelection = StringMorph.prototype.deleteSelection;
+TextMorph.prototype.selectAll = StringMorph.prototype.selectAll;
+TextMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = StringMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft;
+TextMorph.prototype.shiftClick = StringMorph.prototype.shiftClick;
+TextMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = StringMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft;
+TextMorph.prototype.mouseDoubleClick = StringMorph.prototype.mouseDoubleClick;
+TextMorph.prototype.selectWordAt = StringMorph.prototype.selectWordAt;
+ = StringMorph.prototype.selectBetweenWordsAt;
+TextMorph.prototype.enableSelecting = StringMorph.prototype.enableSelecting;
+TextMorph.prototype.disableSelecting = StringMorph.prototype.disableSelecting;
+TextMorph.prototype.selectAllAndEdit = function () {
+ this.edit();
+ this.selectAll();
+// TextMorph menus:
+TextMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ var menu = TextMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this);
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem("edit", 'edit');
+ menu.addItem(
+ "font size...",
+ () => {
+ this.prompt(
+ menu.title + '\nfont\nsize:',
+ this.setFontSize,
+ this,
+ this.fontSize.toString(),
+ null,
+ 6,
+ 100,
+ true
+ );
+ },
+ 'set this Text\'s\nfont point size'
+ );
+ if (this.alignment !== 'left') {
+ menu.addItem("align left", 'setAlignmentToLeft');
+ }
+ if (this.alignment !== 'right') {
+ menu.addItem("align right", 'setAlignmentToRight');
+ }
+ if (this.alignment !== 'center') {
+ menu.addItem("align center", 'setAlignmentToCenter');
+ }
+ menu.addLine();
+ if (this.fontStyle !== 'serif') {
+ menu.addItem("serif", 'setSerif');
+ }
+ if (this.fontStyle !== 'sans-serif') {
+ menu.addItem("sans-serif", 'setSansSerif');
+ }
+ if (this.isBold) {
+ menu.addItem("normal weight", 'toggleWeight');
+ } else {
+ menu.addItem("bold", 'toggleWeight');
+ }
+ if (this.isItalic) {
+ menu.addItem("normal style", 'toggleItalic');
+ } else {
+ menu.addItem("italic", 'toggleItalic');
+ }
+ return menu;
+TextMorph.prototype.setAlignmentToLeft = function () {
+ this.alignment = 'left';
+ this.rerender();
+TextMorph.prototype.setAlignmentToRight = function () {
+ this.alignment = 'right';
+ this.rerender();
+TextMorph.prototype.setAlignmentToCenter = function () {
+ this.alignment = 'center';
+ this.rerender();
+ = StringMorph.prototype.toggleIsDraggable;
+TextMorph.prototype.toggleWeight = StringMorph.prototype.toggleWeight;
+TextMorph.prototype.toggleItalic = StringMorph.prototype.toggleItalic;
+TextMorph.prototype.setSerif = StringMorph.prototype.setSerif;
+TextMorph.prototype.setSansSerif = StringMorph.prototype.setSansSerif;
+TextMorph.prototype.setText = StringMorph.prototype.setText;
+TextMorph.prototype.setFontSize = StringMorph.prototype.setFontSize;
+TextMorph.prototype.numericalSetters = StringMorph.prototype.numericalSetters;
+// TextMorph evaluation:
+TextMorph.prototype.evaluationMenu = function () {
+ var menu = new MenuMorph(this, null);
+ menu.addItem(
+ "do it",
+ 'doIt',
+ 'evaluate the\nselected expression'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "show it",
+ 'showIt',
+ 'evaluate the\nselected expression\nand show the result'
+ );
+ menu.addItem(
+ "inspect it",
+ 'inspectIt',
+ 'evaluate the\nselected expression\nand inspect the result'
+ );
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem("select all", 'selectAllAndEdit');
+ return menu;
+TextMorph.prototype.setReceiver = function (obj) {
+ this.receiver = obj;
+ this.customContextMenu = this.evaluationMenu();
+TextMorph.prototype.doIt = function () {
+ this.receiver.evaluateString(this.selection());
+ this.edit();
+TextMorph.prototype.showIt = function () {
+ var result = this.receiver.evaluateString(this.selection());
+ if (result !== null) {
+ this.inform(result);
+ }
+TextMorph.prototype.inspectIt = function () {
+ var result = this.receiver.evaluateString(this.selection()),
+ world = this.world(),
+ inspector;
+ if (isObject(result)) {
+ inspector = new InspectorMorph(result);
+ inspector.setPosition(world.hand.position());
+ inspector.keepWithin(world);
+ world.add(inspector);
+ inspector.changed();
+ }
+// TriggerMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I provide basic button functionality
+// TriggerMorph inherits from Morph:
+TriggerMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+TriggerMorph.prototype.constructor = TriggerMorph;
+TriggerMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// TriggerMorph instance creation:
+function TriggerMorph(
+ target,
+ action,
+ labelString,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ environment,
+ hint,
+ labelColor,
+ labelBold,
+ labelItalic,
+ doubleClickAction
+) {
+ this.init(
+ target,
+ action,
+ labelString,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ environment,
+ hint,
+ labelColor,
+ labelBold,
+ labelItalic,
+ doubleClickAction
+ );
+TriggerMorph.prototype.init = function (
+ target,
+ action,
+ labelString,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ environment,
+ hint,
+ labelColor,
+ labelBold,
+ labelItalic,
+ doubleClickAction
+) {
+ // additional properties:
+ this.target = target || null;
+ this.action = action === 0 ? 0 : action|| null;
+ this.doubleClickAction = doubleClickAction || null;
+ this.environment = environment || null;
+ this.labelString = labelString || ' ';
+ this.label = null;
+ this.hint = hint || null; // null, String, or Function
+ this.schedule = null; // animation slot for displaying hints
+ this.fontSize = fontSize || MorphicPreferences.menuFontSize;
+ this.fontStyle = fontStyle || 'sans-serif';
+ this.highlightColor = new Color(192, 192, 192);
+ this.pressColor = new Color(128, 128, 128);
+ this.labelColor = labelColor || new Color(0, 0, 0);
+ this.labelBold = labelBold || false;
+ this.labelItalic = labelItalic || false;
+ this.userState = 'normal'; // 'highlight', 'pressed'
+ // initialize inherited properties:
+ TriggerMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ // override inherited properites:
+ this.color = WHITE;
+ this.createLabel();
+// TriggerMorph drawing:
+TriggerMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) {
+ var colorBak = this.color;
+ if (this.userState === 'highlight') {
+ this.color = this.highlightColor;
+ } else if (this.userState === 'pressed') {
+ this.color = this.pressColor;
+ }
+ TriggerMorph.uber.render.call(this, ctx);
+ this.color = colorBak;
+TriggerMorph.prototype.createLabel = function () {
+ if (this.label !== null) {
+ this.label.destroy();
+ }
+ this.label = new StringMorph(
+ this.labelString,
+ this.fontSize,
+ this.fontStyle,
+ this.labelBold,
+ this.labelItalic,
+ false, // numeric
+ null, // shadow offset
+ null, // shadow color
+ this.labelColor
+ );
+ this.fixLayout();
+ this.add(this.label);
+TriggerMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () {
+ this.label.setPosition(
+ this.center().subtract(
+ this.label.extent().floorDivideBy(2)
+ )
+ );
+// TriggerMorph action:
+TriggerMorph.prototype.trigger = function () {
+ /*
+ if target is a function, use it as callback:
+ execute target as callback function with action as argument
+ in the environment as optionally specified.
+ Note: if action is also a function, instead of becoming
+ the argument itself it will be called to answer the argument.
+ for selections, Yes/No Choices etc. As second argument pass
+ myself, so I can be modified to reflect status changes, e.g.
+ inside a list box:
+ else (if target is not a function):
+ if action is a function:
+ execute the action with target as environment (can be null)
+ for lambdafied (inline) actions
+ else if action is a String:
+ treat it as function property of target and execute it
+ for selector-like actions
+ */
+ if (this.schedule) {
+ this.schedule.isActive = false;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.target === 'function') {
+ if (typeof this.action === 'function') {
+ this.target.call(this.environment, this.action.call(), this);
+ } else {
+ this.target.call(this.environment, this.action, this);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (typeof this.action === 'function') {
+ this.action.call(this.target);
+ } else { // assume it's a String
+ this.target[this.action]();
+ }
+ }
+TriggerMorph.prototype.triggerDoubleClick = function () {
+ // same as trigger() but use doubleClickAction instead of action property
+ // note that specifying a doubleClickAction is optional
+ if (!this.doubleClickAction) {return; }
+ if (this.schedule) {
+ this.schedule.isActive = false;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.target === 'function') {
+ if (typeof this.doubleClickAction === 'function') {
+ this.target.call(
+ this.environment,
+ this.doubleClickAction.call(),
+ this
+ );
+ } else {
+ this.target.call(this.environment, this.doubleClickAction, this);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (typeof this.doubleClickAction === 'function') {
+ this.doubleClickAction.call(this.target);
+ } else { // assume it's a String
+ this.target[this.doubleClickAction]();
+ }
+ }
+// TriggerMorph events:
+TriggerMorph.prototype.mouseEnter = function () {
+ var contents = this.hint instanceof Function ? this.hint() : this.hint;
+ this.userState = 'highlight';
+ this.rerender();
+ if (contents) {
+ this.bubbleHelp(contents);
+ }
+TriggerMorph.prototype.mouseLeave = function () {
+ this.userState = 'normal';
+ this.rerender();
+ if (this.schedule) {
+ this.schedule.isActive = false;
+ }
+ if (this.hint) {
+ this.world().hand.destroyTemporaries();
+ }
+TriggerMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function () {
+ this.userState = 'pressed';
+ this.rerender();
+TriggerMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function () {
+ this.userState = 'highlight';
+ this.rerender();
+ this.trigger();
+TriggerMorph.prototype.mouseDoubleClick = function () {
+ this.triggerDoubleClick();
+TriggerMorph.prototype.rootForGrab = function () {
+ return this.isDraggable ? TriggerMorph.uber.rootForGrab.call(this) : null;
+// TriggerMorph bubble help:
+TriggerMorph.prototype.bubbleHelp = function (contents) {
+ var world = this.world();
+ this.schedule = new Animation(
+ nop,
+ nop,
+ 0,
+ 500,
+ nop,
+ () => this.popUpbubbleHelp(contents)
+ );
+ world.animations.push(this.schedule);
+TriggerMorph.prototype.popUpbubbleHelp = function (contents) {
+ new SpeechBubbleMorph(
+ localize(contents),
+ null,
+ null,
+ 1
+ ).popUp(this.world(), this.rightCenter().add(new Point(-8, 0)));
+// MenuItemMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I automatically determine my bounds
+var MenuItemMorph;
+// MenuItemMorph inherits from TriggerMorph:
+MenuItemMorph.prototype = new TriggerMorph();
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.constructor = MenuItemMorph;
+MenuItemMorph.uber = TriggerMorph.prototype;
+// MenuItemMorph instance creation:
+function MenuItemMorph(
+ target,
+ action,
+ labelString, // can also be a Morph or a Canvas or a tuple: [icon, string]
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ environment,
+ hint,
+ color,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ doubleClickAction, // optional when used as list morph item
+ shortcut // optional string, Morph, Canvas or tuple: [icon, string]
+) {
+ // additional properties:
+ this.shortcutString = shortcut || null;
+ this.shortcut = null;
+ // initialize inherited properties:
+ this.init(
+ target,
+ action,
+ labelString,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ environment,
+ hint,
+ color,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ doubleClickAction
+ );
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.createLabel = function () {
+ var w, h;
+ if (this.label) {
+ this.label.destroy();
+ }
+ this.label = this.createLabelPart(this.labelString);
+ this.add(this.label);
+ w = this.label.width();
+ h = this.label.height();
+ if (this.shortcut) {
+ this.shortcut.destroy();
+ }
+ if (this.shortcutString) {
+ this.shortcut = this.createLabelPart(this.shortcutString);
+ w += this.shortcut.width() + 4;
+ h = Math.max(h, this.shortcut.height());
+ this.add(this.shortcut);
+ }
+ this.setExtent(new Point(w + 8, h));
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () {
+ var cntr = this.center();
+ this.label.setCenter(cntr);
+ this.label.setLeft(this.left() + 4);
+ if (this.shortcut) {
+ this.shortcut.setCenter(cntr);
+ this.shortcut.setRight(this.right() - 4);
+ }
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.createLabelPart = function (source) {
+ var part, icon, lbl;
+ if (isString(source)) {
+ return this.createLabelString(source);
+ }
+ if (source instanceof Array) {
+ // assume its pattern is: [icon, string]
+ part = new Morph();
+ part.alpha = 0; // transparent
+ icon = this.createIcon(source[0]);
+ part.add(icon);
+ lbl = this.createLabelString(source[1]);
+ part.add(lbl);
+ lbl.setCenter(icon.center());
+ lbl.setLeft(icon.right() + 4);
+ part.bounds = (icon.bounds.merge(lbl.bounds));
+ part.rerender();
+ return part;
+ }
+ // assume it's either a Morph or a Canvas
+ return this.createIcon(source);
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.createIcon = function (source) {
+ // source can be either a Morph or an HTMLCanvasElement
+ var icon;
+ if (source instanceof Morph) {
+ return source.fullCopy();
+ }
+ // assume a Canvas
+ icon = new Morph();
+ icon.isCachingImage = true;
+ icon.cachedImage = source; // should we copy the canvas?
+ icon.bounds.setWidth(source.width);
+ icon.bounds.setHeight(source.height);
+ return icon;
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.createLabelString = function (string) {
+ var lbl = new TextMorph(
+ string,
+ this.fontSize,
+ this.fontStyle,
+ this.labelBold,
+ this.labelItalic
+ );
+ lbl.setColor(this.labelColor);
+ return lbl;
+// MenuItemMorph events:
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.mouseEnter = function () {
+ var menu = this.parentThatIsA(MenuMorph);
+ if (this.isShowingSubmenu()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (menu) {
+ menu.closeSubmenu();
+ }
+ if (!this.isListItem()) {
+ this.userState = 'highlight';
+ this.rerender();
+ }
+ if (this.action instanceof MenuMorph) {
+ this.delaySubmenu();
+ } else if (this.hint) {
+ this.bubbleHelp(this.hint);
+ }
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.mouseLeave = function () {
+ if (!this.isListItem()) {
+ if (this.isShowingSubmenu()) {
+ this.userState = 'highlight';
+ } else {
+ this.userState = 'normal';
+ }
+ this.rerender();
+ }
+ if (this.schedule) {
+ this.schedule.isActive = false;
+ }
+ if (this.hint) {
+ this.world().hand.destroyTemporaries();
+ }
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) {
+ if (this.isListItem()) {
+ this.parentThatIsA(MenuMorph).unselectAllItems();
+ this.escalateEvent('mouseDownLeft', pos);
+ }
+ this.userState = 'pressed';
+ this.rerender();
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.mouseMove = function () {
+ if (this.isListItem()) {
+ this.escalateEvent('mouseMove');
+ }
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function () {
+ if (this.action instanceof MenuMorph) {
+ this.popUpSubmenu();
+ } else {
+ if (!this.isListItem()) {
+ this.parentThatIsA(MenuMorph).closeRootMenu();
+ this.world().activeMenu = null;
+ }
+ this.trigger();
+ }
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.isListItem = function () {
+ var menu = this.parentThatIsA(MenuMorph);
+ if (menu) {
+ return menu.isListContents;
+ }
+ return false;
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.isSelectedListItem = function () {
+ if (this.isListItem()) {
+ return this.userState === 'pressed';
+ }
+ return false;
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.isShowingSubmenu = function () {
+ var menu = this.parentThatIsA(MenuMorph);
+ if (menu && (this.action instanceof MenuMorph)) {
+ return menu.submenu === this.action;
+ }
+ return false;
+// MenuItemMorph submenus:
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.delaySubmenu = function () {
+ var world = this.world();
+ this.schedule = new Animation(
+ nop,
+ nop,
+ 0,
+ 500,
+ nop,
+ () => this.popUpSubmenu()
+ );
+ world.animations.push(this.schedule);
+MenuItemMorph.prototype.popUpSubmenu = function () {
+ var menu = this.parentThatIsA(MenuMorph),
+ world = this.world(),
+ scroller;
+ if (!(this.action instanceof MenuMorph)) {return; }
+ this.action.createItems();
+ this.action.setPosition(this.topRight().subtract(new Point(0, 5)));
+ this.action.addShadow(new Point(2, 2), 80);
+ this.action.keepWithin(this.world());
+ if (this.action.items.length < 1 && !this.action.title) {return; }
+ if (this.action.bottom() > world.bottom()) {
+ // scroll menu items if the menu is taller than the world
+ this.action.removeShadow();
+ scroller = this.action.scroll();
+ this.action.bounds.corner.y = world.bottom() - 2;
+ this.action.addShadow(new Point(2, 2), 80);
+ scroller.setHeight(world.bottom() - scroller.top() - 6);
+ scroller.adjustScrollBars(); // ?
+ }
+ menu.add(this.action);
+ menu.submenu = this.action;
+ menu.submenu.world = menu.world; // keyboard control
+ this.action.fullChanged();
+// FrameMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I clip my submorphs at my bounds
+// Frames inherit from Morph:
+FrameMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+FrameMorph.prototype.constructor = FrameMorph;
+FrameMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+function FrameMorph(aScrollFrame) {
+ this.init(aScrollFrame);
+FrameMorph.prototype.init = function (aScrollFrame) {
+ this.scrollFrame = aScrollFrame || null;
+ FrameMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.color = new Color(255, 250, 245);
+ this.acceptsDrops = true;
+ if (this.scrollFrame) {
+ this.isDraggable = false;
+ this.alpha = 0;
+ }
+FrameMorph.prototype.fullBounds = function () {
+ var shadow = this.getShadow();
+ if (shadow !== null) {
+ return this.bounds.merge(shadow.bounds);
+ }
+ return this.bounds;
+FrameMorph.prototype.fullImage = function () {
+ // use only for shadows
+ return this.getImage();
+FrameMorph.prototype.fullDrawOn = function (ctx, aRect) {
+ var shadow, clipped;
+ if (!this.isVisible) {return; }
+ clipped = this.bounds.intersect(aRect);
+ if (!clipped.extent().gt(ZERO)) {return; }
+ this.drawOn(ctx, clipped);
+ this.children.forEach(child => {
+ if (child instanceof ShadowMorph) {
+ shadow = child;
+ } else {
+ child.fullDrawOn(ctx, clipped);
+ }
+ });
+ if (shadow) {
+ shadow.drawOn(ctx, aRect);
+ }
+// FrameMorph navigation:
+FrameMorph.prototype.topMorphAt = function (point) {
+ var i, result;
+ if (!(this.isVisible && this.bounds.containsPoint(point))) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ for (i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
+ result = this.children[i].topMorphAt(point);
+ if (result) {return result; }
+ }
+ if (this.isFreeForm) {
+ return this.isTransparentAt(point) ? null : this;
+ }
+ return this;
+// FrameMorph scrolling support:
+FrameMorph.prototype.submorphBounds = function () {
+ var result = null;
+ if (this.children.length > 0) {
+ result = this.children[0].bounds;
+ this.children.forEach(child => {
+ result = result.merge(child.fullBounds());
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+FrameMorph.prototype.keepInScrollFrame = function () {
+ if (this.scrollFrame === null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (this.left() > this.scrollFrame.left()) {
+ this.moveBy(
+ new Point(this.scrollFrame.left() - this.left(), 0)
+ );
+ }
+ if (this.right() < this.scrollFrame.right()) {
+ this.moveBy(
+ new Point(this.scrollFrame.right() - this.right(), 0)
+ );
+ }
+ if (this.top() > this.scrollFrame.top()) {
+ this.moveBy(
+ new Point(0, this.scrollFrame.top() - this.top())
+ );
+ }
+ if (this.bottom() < this.scrollFrame.bottom()) {
+ this.moveBy(
+ 0,
+ new Point(this.scrollFrame.bottom() - this.bottom(), 0)
+ );
+ }
+FrameMorph.prototype.adjustBounds = function () {
+ var subBounds,
+ newBounds;
+ if (this.scrollFrame === null) {return; }
+ subBounds = this.submorphBounds();
+ if (subBounds && (!this.scrollFrame.isTextLineWrapping)) {
+ newBounds = subBounds
+ .expandBy(this.scrollFrame.padding)
+ .growBy(this.scrollFrame.growth)
+ .merge(this.scrollFrame.bounds);
+ } else {
+ newBounds = this.scrollFrame.bounds.copy();
+ }
+ if (!this.bounds.eq(newBounds)) {
+ this.bounds = newBounds;
+ this.keepInScrollFrame();
+ }
+ if (this.scrollFrame.isTextLineWrapping) {
+ this.children.forEach(morph => {
+ if (morph instanceof TextMorph) {
+ morph.setWidth(this.width());
+ this.setHeight(
+ Math.max(morph.height(), this.scrollFrame.height())
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ this.scrollFrame.adjustScrollBars();
+// FrameMorph dragging & dropping of contents:
+FrameMorph.prototype.reactToDropOf = function () {
+ this.adjustBounds();
+FrameMorph.prototype.reactToGrabOf = function () {
+ this.adjustBounds();
+// FrameMorph menus:
+FrameMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ var menu = FrameMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this);
+ if (this.children.length > 0) {
+ menu.addLine();
+ menu.addItem(
+ "move all inside...",
+ 'keepAllSubmorphsWithin',
+ 'keep all submorphs\nwithin and visible'
+ );
+ }
+ return menu;
+FrameMorph.prototype.keepAllSubmorphsWithin = function () {
+ this.children.forEach(m => m.keepWithin(this));
+// ScrollFrameMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype = new FrameMorph();
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.constructor = ScrollFrameMorph;
+ScrollFrameMorph.uber = FrameMorph.prototype;
+function ScrollFrameMorph(scroller, size, sliderColor) {
+ this.init(scroller, size, sliderColor);
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.init = function (scroller, size, sliderColor) {
+ ScrollFrameMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.scrollBarSize = size || MorphicPreferences.scrollBarSize;
+ this.autoScrollTrigger = null;
+ this.enableAutoScrolling = true; // change to suppress
+ this.isScrollingByDragging = true; // change to suppress
+ this.hasVelocity = true; // dto.
+ this.padding = 0; // around the scrollable area
+ this.growth = 0; // pixels or Point to grow right/left when near edge
+ this.isTextLineWrapping = false;
+ this.contents = scroller || new FrameMorph(this);
+ this.add(this.contents);
+ this.hBar = new SliderMorph(
+ null, // start
+ null, // stop
+ null, // value
+ null, // size
+ 'horizontal',
+ sliderColor
+ );
+ this.hBar.setHeight(this.scrollBarSize);
+ this.hBar.action = (num) => {
+ this.contents.setPosition(
+ new Point(
+ this.left() - num,
+ this.contents.position().y
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ this.hBar.isDraggable = false;
+ this.add(this.hBar);
+ this.vBar = new SliderMorph(
+ null, // start
+ null, // stop
+ null, // value
+ null, // size
+ 'vertical',
+ sliderColor
+ );
+ this.vBar.setWidth(this.scrollBarSize);
+ this.vBar.action = (num) => {
+ this.contents.setPosition(
+ new Point(
+ this.contents.position().x,
+ this.top() - num
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ this.vBar.isDraggable = false;
+ this.add(this.vBar);
+ this.toolBar = null; // optional slot
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.adjustScrollBars = function () {
+ var hWidth = this.width() - this.scrollBarSize,
+ vHeight = this.height() - this.scrollBarSize;
+ this.changed();
+ if (this.contents.width() > this.width()) {
+ this.hBar.show();
+ if (this.hBar.width() !== hWidth) {
+ this.hBar.setWidth(hWidth);
+ }
+ this.hBar.setPosition(
+ new Point(
+ this.left(),
+ this.bottom() - this.hBar.height()
+ )
+ );
+ this.hBar.start = 0;
+ this.hBar.stop = this.contents.width() -
+ this.width() +
+ this.scrollBarSize;
+ this.hBar.size =
+ this.width() / this.contents.width() * this.hBar.stop;
+ this.hBar.value = this.left() - this.contents.left();
+ this.hBar.fixLayout();
+ } else {
+ this.hBar.hide();
+ }
+ if (this.contents.height() > this.height()) {
+ this.vBar.show();
+ if (this.vBar.height() !== vHeight) {
+ this.vBar.setHeight(vHeight);
+ }
+ this.vBar.setPosition(
+ new Point(
+ this.right() - this.vBar.width(),
+ this.top()
+ )
+ );
+ this.vBar.start = 0;
+ this.vBar.stop = this.contents.height() -
+ this.height() +
+ this.scrollBarSize;
+ this.vBar.size =
+ this.height() / this.contents.height() * this.vBar.stop;
+ this.vBar.value = this.top() - this.contents.top();
+ this.vBar.fixLayout();
+ } else {
+ this.vBar.hide();
+ }
+ this.adjustToolBar();
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.adjustToolBar = function () {
+ var padding = 3;
+ if (this.toolBar) {
+ this.toolBar.setTop(this.top() + padding);
+ this.toolBar.setRight(
+ (this.vBar.isVisible ? this.vBar.left() : this.right()) - padding
+ );
+ }
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.addContents = function (aMorph) {
+ this.contents.add(aMorph);
+ this.contents.adjustBounds();
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.setContents = function (aMorph) {
+ this.contents.children.forEach(m => m.destroy());
+ this.contents.children = [];
+ aMorph.setPosition(this.position().add(this.padding + 2));
+ this.addContents(aMorph);
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.setExtent = function (aPoint) {
+ if (this.isTextLineWrapping) {
+ this.contents.setPosition(this.position().copy());
+ }
+ ScrollFrameMorph.uber.setExtent.call(this, aPoint);
+ this.contents.adjustBounds();
+// ScrollFrameMorph scrolling by dragging:
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.scrollX = function (steps) {
+ var cl = this.contents.left(),
+ l = this.left(),
+ cw = this.contents.width(),
+ r = this.right(),
+ newX;
+ if (this.vBar.isVisible) {
+ r -= this.scrollBarSize;
+ }
+ newX = cl + steps;
+ if (newX + cw < r) {
+ newX = r - cw;
+ }
+ if (newX > l) {
+ newX = l;
+ }
+ if (newX !== cl) {
+ this.contents.setLeft(newX);
+ }
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.scrollY = function (steps) {
+ var ct = this.contents.top(),
+ t = this.top(),
+ ch = this.contents.height(),
+ b = this.bottom(),
+ newY;
+ if (this.hBar.isVisible) {
+ b -= this.scrollBarSize;
+ }
+ newY = ct + steps;
+ if (newY + ch < b) {
+ newY = b - ch;
+ }
+ if (newY > t) {
+ newY = t;
+ }
+ if (newY !== ct) {
+ this.contents.setTop(newY);
+ }
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.step = nop;
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) {
+ if (!this.isScrollingByDragging) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var world = this.root(),
+ hand = world.hand,
+ oldPos = pos,
+ deltaX = 0,
+ deltaY = 0,
+ friction = 0.8;
+ this.step = () => {
+ var newPos;
+ if (hand.mouseButton &&
+ (hand.children.length === 0) &&
+ (this.bounds.containsPoint(hand.bounds.origin))) {
+ if (hand.grabPosition &&
+ (hand.grabPosition.distanceTo(hand.position()) <=
+ MorphicPreferences.grabThreshold)) {
+ // still within the grab threshold
+ return null;
+ }
+ newPos = hand.bounds.origin;
+ deltaX = newPos.x - oldPos.x;
+ if (deltaX !== 0) {
+ this.scrollX(deltaX);
+ }
+ deltaY = newPos.y - oldPos.y;
+ if (deltaY !== 0) {
+ this.scrollY(deltaY);
+ }
+ oldPos = newPos;
+ } else {
+ if (!this.hasVelocity) {
+ this.step = nop;
+ } else {
+ if ((Math.abs(deltaX) < 0.5) &&
+ (Math.abs(deltaY) < 0.5)) {
+ this.step = nop;
+ } else {
+ deltaX = deltaX * friction;
+ this.scrollX(Math.round(deltaX));
+ deltaY = deltaY * friction;
+ this.scrollY(Math.round(deltaY));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.adjustScrollBars();
+ };
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.startAutoScrolling = function () {
+ var inset = MorphicPreferences.scrollBarSize * 3,
+ world = this.world(),
+ hand,
+ inner,
+ pos;
+ if (!world) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ hand = world.hand;
+ if (!this.autoScrollTrigger) {
+ this.autoScrollTrigger = Date.now();
+ }
+ this.step = () => {
+ pos = hand.bounds.origin;
+ inner = this.bounds.insetBy(inset);
+ if ((this.bounds.containsPoint(pos)) &&
+ (!(inner.containsPoint(pos))) &&
+ (hand.children.length > 0)) {
+ this.autoScroll(pos);
+ } else {
+ this.step = nop;
+ this.autoScrollTrigger = null;
+ }
+ };
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.autoScroll = function (pos) {
+ var inset, area;
+ if (Date.now() - this.autoScrollTrigger < 500) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ inset = MorphicPreferences.scrollBarSize * 3;
+ area = this.topLeft().extent(new Point(this.width(), inset));
+ if (area.containsPoint(pos)) {
+ this.scrollY(inset - (pos.y - this.top()));
+ }
+ area = this.topLeft().extent(new Point(inset, this.height()));
+ if (area.containsPoint(pos)) {
+ this.scrollX(inset - (pos.x - this.left()));
+ }
+ area = (new Point(this.right() - inset, this.top()))
+ .extent(new Point(inset, this.height()));
+ if (area.containsPoint(pos)) {
+ this.scrollX(-(inset - (this.right() - pos.x)));
+ }
+ area = (new Point(this.left(), this.bottom() - inset))
+ .extent(new Point(this.width(), inset));
+ if (area.containsPoint(pos)) {
+ this.scrollY(-(inset - (this.bottom() - pos.y)));
+ }
+ this.adjustScrollBars();
+// ScrollFrameMorph scrolling by editing text:
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.scrollCursorIntoView = function (morph) {
+ var txt = morph.target,
+ offset = txt.position().subtract(this.contents.position()),
+ ft = this.top() + this.padding,
+ fb = this.bottom() - this.padding;
+ this.contents.setExtent(txt.extent().add(offset).add(this.padding));
+ if (morph.top() < ft) {
+ this.contents.setTop(this.contents.top() + ft - morph.top());
+ morph.setTop(ft);
+ } else if (morph.bottom() > fb) {
+ this.contents.setBottom(this.contents.bottom() + fb - morph.bottom());
+ morph.setBottom(fb);
+ }
+ this.adjustScrollBars();
+// ScrollFrameMorph events:
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.mouseScroll = function (y, x) {
+ if (y) {
+ this.scrollY(y * MorphicPreferences.mouseScrollAmount);
+ }
+ if (x) {
+ this.scrollX(x * MorphicPreferences.mouseScrollAmount);
+ }
+ this.adjustScrollBars();
+// ScrollFrameMorph duplicating:
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.updateReferences = function (map) {
+ ScrollFrameMorph.uber.updateReferences.call(this, map);
+ if (this.hBar) {
+ this.hBar.action = (num) => {
+ this.contents.setPosition(
+ new Point(this.left() - num, this.contents.position().y)
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ if (this.vBar) {
+ this.vBar.action = (num) => {
+ this.contents.setPosition(
+ new Point(this.contents.position().x, this.top() - num)
+ );
+ };
+ }
+// ScrollFrameMorph menu:
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () {
+ var menu = ScrollFrameMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this);
+ if (this.isTextLineWrapping) {
+ menu.addItem(
+ "auto line wrap off...",
+ 'toggleTextLineWrapping',
+ 'turn automatic\nline wrapping\noff'
+ );
+ } else {
+ menu.addItem(
+ "auto line wrap on...",
+ 'toggleTextLineWrapping',
+ 'enable automatic\nline wrapping'
+ );
+ }
+ return menu;
+ScrollFrameMorph.prototype.toggleTextLineWrapping = function () {
+ this.isTextLineWrapping = !this.isTextLineWrapping;
+// ListMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ListMorph.prototype = new ScrollFrameMorph();
+ListMorph.prototype.constructor = ListMorph;
+ListMorph.uber = ScrollFrameMorph.prototype;
+function ListMorph(
+ elements,
+ labelGetter,
+ format,
+ onDoubleClick,
+ separator,
+ verbatim
+) {
+ passing a format is optional. If the format parameter is specified
+ it has to be of the following pattern:
+ [
+ [, ],
+ ['bold', ],
+ ['italic', ],
+ ...
+ ]
+ multiple conditions can be passed in such a format list, the
+ last predicate to evaluate true when given the list element sets
+ the given format category (color, bold, italic).
+ If no condition is met, the default format (color black, non-bold,
+ non-italic) will be assigned.
+ An example of how to use fomats can be found in the InspectorMorph's
+ "markOwnProperties" mechanism.
+ this.init(
+ elements || [],
+ labelGetter || function (element) {
+ if (isString(element)) {
+ return element;
+ }
+ if (element.toSource) {
+ return element.toSource();
+ }
+ return element.toString();
+ },
+ format || [],
+ onDoubleClick, // optional callback
+ separator, // string indicating a horizontal line between items
+ verbatim
+ );
+ListMorph.prototype.init = function (
+ elements,
+ labelGetter,
+ format,
+ onDoubleClick,
+ separator,
+ verbatim
+) {
+ ListMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.contents.acceptsDrops = false;
+ this.color = WHITE;
+ this.hBar.alpha = 0.6;
+ this.vBar.alpha = 0.6;
+ this.elements = elements || [];
+ this.labelGetter = labelGetter;
+ this.format = format;
+ this.listContents = null;
+ this.selected = null; // actual element currently selected
+ this.active = null; // menu item representing the selected element
+ this.action = null;
+ this.doubleClickAction = onDoubleClick || null;
+ this.separator = separator || '';
+ this.verbatim = isNil(verbatim) ? true : verbatim;
+ this.acceptsDrops = false;
+ this.buildListContents();
+ListMorph.prototype.buildListContents = function () {
+ if (this.listContents) {
+ this.listContents.destroy();
+ }
+ this.listContents = new MenuMorph(
+ this.select,
+ null,
+ this
+ );
+ if (this.elements.length === 0) {
+ this.elements = ['(empty)'];
+ }
+ this.elements.forEach(element => {
+ var color = null,
+ bold = false,
+ italic = false,
+ label;
+ this.format.forEach(pair => {
+ if (pair[1].call(null, element)) {
+ if (pair[0] === 'bold') {
+ bold = true;
+ } else if (pair[0] === 'italic') {
+ italic = true;
+ } else { // assume it's a color
+ color = pair[0];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ label = this.labelGetter(element);
+ if (label === this.separator) {
+ this.listContents.addLine();
+ } else {
+ this.listContents.addItem(
+ label, // label string
+ element, // action
+ null, // hint
+ color,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ this.doubleClickAction,
+ null, // shortcut
+ this.verbatim // don't translate
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ this.listContents.isListContents = true;
+ this.listContents.createItems();
+ this.listContents.setPosition(this.contents.position());
+ this.addContents(this.listContents);
+ListMorph.prototype.select = function (item, trigger) {
+ if (isNil(item)) {return; }
+ this.selected = item;
+ this.active = trigger;
+ if (this.action) {
+ this.action.call(null, item);
+ }
+ListMorph.prototype.setExtent = function (aPoint) {
+ var lb = this.listContents.bounds,
+ nb = this.bounds.origin.copy().corner(
+ this.bounds.origin.add(aPoint)
+ );
+ if (nb.right() > lb.right() && nb.width() <= lb.width()) {
+ this.listContents.setRight(nb.right());
+ }
+ if (nb.bottom() > lb.bottom() && nb.height() <= lb.height()) {
+ this.listContents.setBottom(nb.bottom());
+ }
+ ListMorph.uber.setExtent.call(this, aPoint);
+ListMorph.prototype.activeIndex = function () {
+ return this.listContents.children.indexOf(this.active);
+ListMorph.prototype.activateIndex = function (idx) {
+ var item = this.listContents.children[idx];
+ if (!item) {return; }
+ item.userState = 'pressed';
+ item.rerender();
+ item.trigger();
+// StringFieldMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// StringFieldMorph inherit from FrameMorph:
+StringFieldMorph.prototype = new FrameMorph();
+StringFieldMorph.prototype.constructor = StringFieldMorph;
+StringFieldMorph.uber = FrameMorph.prototype;
+function StringFieldMorph(
+ defaultContents,
+ minWidth,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ isNumeric
+) {
+ this.init(
+ defaultContents || '',
+ minWidth || 100,
+ fontSize || 12,
+ fontStyle || 'sans-serif',
+ bold || false,
+ italic || false,
+ isNumeric
+ );
+StringFieldMorph.prototype.init = function (
+ defaultContents,
+ minWidth,
+ fontSize,
+ fontStyle,
+ bold,
+ italic,
+ isNumeric
+) {
+ this.defaultContents = defaultContents;
+ this.minWidth = minWidth;
+ this.fontSize = fontSize;
+ this.fontStyle = fontStyle;
+ this.isBold = bold;
+ this.isItalic = italic;
+ this.isNumeric = isNumeric || false;
+ this.text = null;
+ StringFieldMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.color = WHITE;
+ this.isEditable = true;
+ this.acceptsDrops = false;
+ this.createText();
+StringFieldMorph.prototype.createText = function () {
+ var txt;
+ txt = this.text ? this.string() : this.defaultContents;
+ this.text = null;
+ this.children.forEach(child => child.destroy());
+ this.children = [];
+ this.text = new StringMorph(
+ txt,
+ this.fontSize,
+ this.fontStyle,
+ this.isBold,
+ this.isItalic,
+ this.isNumeric
+ );
+ this.text.isNumeric = this.isNumeric; // for whichever reason...
+ this.text.setPosition(this.bounds.origin.copy());
+ this.text.isEditable = this.isEditable;
+ this.text.isDraggable = false;
+ this.text.enableSelecting();
+ this.setExtent(
+ new Point(
+ Math.max(this.width(), this.minWidth),
+ this.text.height()
+ )
+ );
+ this.add(this.text);
+StringFieldMorph.prototype.string = function () {
+ return this.text.text;
+StringFieldMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function (pos) {
+ if (this.isEditable) {
+ this.text.edit();
+ } else {
+ this.escalateEvent('mouseClickLeft', pos);
+ }
+// BouncerMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I am a Demo of a stepping custom Morph
+var BouncerMorph;
+// Bouncers inherit from Morph:
+BouncerMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+BouncerMorph.prototype.constructor = BouncerMorph;
+BouncerMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// BouncerMorph instance creation:
+function BouncerMorph() {
+ this.init();
+// BouncerMorph initialization:
+BouncerMorph.prototype.init = function (type, speed) {
+ BouncerMorph.uber.init.call(this);
+ this.fps = 50;
+ // additional properties:
+ this.isStopped = false;
+ this.type = type || 'vertical';
+ if (this.type === 'vertical') {
+ this.direction = 'down';
+ } else {
+ this.direction = 'right';
+ }
+ this.speed = speed || 1;
+// BouncerMorph moving:
+BouncerMorph.prototype.moveUp = function () {
+ this.moveBy(new Point(0, -this.speed));
+BouncerMorph.prototype.moveDown = function () {
+ this.moveBy(new Point(0, this.speed));
+BouncerMorph.prototype.moveRight = function () {
+ this.moveBy(new Point(this.speed, 0));
+BouncerMorph.prototype.moveLeft = function () {
+ this.moveBy(new Point(-this.speed, 0));
+// BouncerMorph stepping:
+BouncerMorph.prototype.step = function () {
+ if (!this.isStopped) {
+ if (this.type === 'vertical') {
+ if (this.direction === 'down') {
+ this.moveDown();
+ } else {
+ this.moveUp();
+ }
+ if (this.fullBounds().top() < this.parent.top() &&
+ this.direction === 'up') {
+ this.direction = 'down';
+ }
+ if (this.fullBounds().bottom() > this.parent.bottom() &&
+ this.direction === 'down') {
+ this.direction = 'up';
+ }
+ } else if (this.type === 'horizontal') {
+ if (this.direction === 'right') {
+ this.moveRight();
+ } else {
+ this.moveLeft();
+ }
+ if (this.fullBounds().left() < this.parent.left() &&
+ this.direction === 'left') {
+ this.direction = 'right';
+ }
+ if (this.fullBounds().right() > this.parent.right() &&
+ this.direction === 'right') {
+ this.direction = 'left';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// HandMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I represent the Mouse cursor
+// HandMorph inherits from Morph:
+HandMorph.prototype = new Morph();
+HandMorph.prototype.constructor = HandMorph;
+HandMorph.uber = Morph.prototype;
+// HandMorph instance creation:
+function HandMorph(aWorld) {
+ this.init(aWorld);
+// HandMorph initialization:
+HandMorph.prototype.init = function (aWorld) {
+ HandMorph.uber.init.call(this, true);
+ this.bounds = new Rectangle();
+ // additional properties:
+ this.world = aWorld;
+ this.mouseButton = null;
+ this.mouseOverList = [];
+ this.mouseOverBounds = [];
+ this.morphToGrab = null;
+ this.grabPosition = null;
+ this.grabOrigin = null;
+ this.temporaries = [];
+ this.touchHoldTimeout = null;
+ this.contextMenuEnabled = false;
+ // properties for caching dragged objects:
+ this.cachedFullImage = null;
+ this.cachedFullBounds = null;
+// HandMorph dragging optimizations:
+HandMorph.prototype.changed = function () {
+ var b;
+ if (this.world !== null) {
+ b = this.cachedFullBounds || this.fullBounds();
+ if (!b.extent().eq(ZERO)) {
+ this.world.broken.push(b.spread());
+ }
+ }
+HandMorph.prototype.moveBy = function (delta) {
+ var children = this.children,
+ i = children.length;
+ this.changed();
+ this.bounds = this.bounds.translateBy(delta);
+ if (this.cachedFullBounds) {
+ this.cachedFullBounds = this.cachedFullBounds.translateBy(delta);
+ }
+ this.changed();
+ for (i; i > 0; i -= 1) {
+ children[i - 1].moveBy(delta);
+ }
+HandMorph.prototype.fullChanged = HandMorph.prototype.changed;
+// HandMorph display:
+HandMorph.prototype.fullDrawOn = function (ctx, rect) {
+ if (!this.cachedFullBounds) {
+ HandMorph.uber.fullDrawOn.call(this, ctx, rect);
+ return;
+ }
+ var clipped = rect.intersect(this.cachedFullBounds),
+ pos = this.cachedFullBounds.origin,
+ pic, src, w, h, sl, st;
+ if (!clipped.extent().gt(ZERO)) {return; }
+ ctx.save();
+ ctx.globalAlpha = this.alpha;
+ pic = this.cachedFullImage;
+ src = clipped.translateBy(pos.neg());
+ sl = src.left();
+ st = src.top();
+ w = Math.min(src.width(), pic.width - sl);
+ h = Math.min(src.height(), pic.height - st);
+ if (w < 1 || h < 1) {return; }
+ ctx.drawImage(
+ pic,
+ sl,
+ st,
+ w,
+ h,
+ clipped.left(),
+ clipped.top(),
+ w,
+ h
+ );
+ ctx.restore();
+// HandMorph navigation:
+HandMorph.prototype.morphAtPointer = function () {
+ return this.world.topMorphAt(this.bounds.origin) || this.world;
+HandMorph.prototype.allMorphsAtPointer = function () {
+ return this.world.allChildren().filter(m => m.isVisible &&
+ m.visibleBounds().containsPoint(this.bounds.origin) &&
+ !m.holes.some(any =>
+ any.translateBy(m.position()).containsPoint(this.bounds.origin))
+ );
+// HandMorph dragging and dropping:
+ drag 'n' drop events, method(arg) -> receiver:
+ prepareToBeGrabbed(handMorph) -> grabTarget
+ reactToGrabOf(grabbedMorph) -> oldParent
+ wantsDropOf(morphToDrop) -> newParent
+ justDropped(handMorph) -> droppedMorph
+ reactToDropOf(droppedMorph, handMorph) -> newParent
+HandMorph.prototype.dropTargetFor = function (aMorph) {
+ var target = this.morphAtPointer();
+ while (!target.wantsDropOf(aMorph)) {
+ target = target.parent;
+ }
+ return target;
+HandMorph.prototype.grab = function (aMorph) {
+ var oldParent;
+ if (!aMorph) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ oldParent = aMorph.parent;
+ if (aMorph instanceof WorldMorph) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (this.children.length === 0) {
+ this.world.stopEditing();
+ this.grabOrigin = aMorph.situation();
+ if (aMorph.prepareToBeGrabbed) {
+ aMorph.prepareToBeGrabbed(this);
+ }
+ if (!aMorph.noDropShadow) {
+ aMorph.addShadow();
+ }
+ this.add(aMorph);
+ // cache the dragged object's display resources
+ this.cachedFullImage = aMorph.fullImage();
+ this.cachedFullBounds = aMorph.fullBounds();
+ this.changed();
+ if (oldParent && oldParent.reactToGrabOf) {
+ oldParent.reactToGrabOf(aMorph);
+ }
+ }
+HandMorph.prototype.drop = function () {
+ var target, morphToDrop;
+ this.alpha = 1;
+ if (this.children.length !== 0) {
+ morphToDrop = this.children[0];
+ target = this.dropTargetFor(morphToDrop);
+ target = target.selectForEdit ? target.selectForEdit() : target;
+ this.changed();
+ target.add(morphToDrop);
+ morphToDrop.changed();
+ // invalidate dragging-cache
+ this.cachedFullImage = null;
+ this.cachedFullBounds = null;
+ if (!morphToDrop.noDropShadow) {
+ morphToDrop.removeShadow();
+ }
+ this.children = [];
+ this.setExtent(new Point());
+ if (morphToDrop.justDropped) {
+ morphToDrop.justDropped(this);
+ }
+ if (target.reactToDropOf) {
+ target.reactToDropOf(morphToDrop, this);
+ }
+ }
+// HandMorph event dispatching:
+ mouse events:
+ mouseDownLeft
+ mouseDownRight
+ mouseClickLeft
+ mouseClickRight
+ mouseDoubleClick
+ mouseEnter
+ mouseLeave
+ mouseEnterDragging
+ mouseLeaveDragging
+ mouseEnterBounds
+ mouseLeaveBounds
+ mouseMove
+ mouseScroll
+HandMorph.prototype.processMouseDown = function (event) {
+ var morph, actualClick,
+ posInDocument = getDocumentPositionOf(this.world.worldCanvas);
+ // update my position, in case I've just been initialized
+ if (event.pageX) {
+ this.setPosition(new Point(
+ event.pageX - posInDocument.x,
+ event.pageY - posInDocument.y
+ ));
+ }
+ // process the actual event
+ this.destroyTemporaries();
+ this.contextMenuEnabled = true;
+ this.morphToGrab = null;
+ this.grabPosition = null;
+ if (this.children.length !== 0) {
+ this.drop();
+ this.mouseButton = null;
+ } else {
+ morph = this.morphAtPointer();
+ if (this.world.activeMenu) {
+ if (!contains(
+ morph.allParents(),
+ this.world.activeMenu
+ )) {
+ this.world.activeMenu.destroy();
+ } else {
+ clearInterval(this.touchHoldTimeout);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.world.activeHandle) {
+ if (morph !== this.world.activeHandle) {
+ this.world.activeHandle.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.world.cursor) {
+ if (morph !== this.world.cursor.target) {
+ this.world.stopEditing();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!morph.mouseMove) {
+ this.morphToGrab = morph.rootForGrab();
+ this.grabPosition = this.bounds.origin.copy();
+ }
+ if (event.button === 2 || event.ctrlKey) {
+ this.mouseButton = 'right';
+ actualClick = 'mouseDownRight';
+ } else {
+ this.mouseButton = 'left';
+ actualClick = 'mouseDownLeft';
+ }
+ while (!morph[actualClick]) {
+ morph = morph.parent;
+ }
+ morph[actualClick](this.bounds.origin);
+ }
+HandMorph.prototype.processTouchStart = function (event) {
+ MorphicPreferences.isTouchDevice = true;
+ clearInterval(this.touchHoldTimeout);
+ if (event.touches.length === 1) {
+ this.touchHoldTimeout = setInterval( // simulate mouseRightClick
+ () => {
+ this.processMouseDown({button: 2});
+ this.processMouseUp({button: 2});
+ event.preventDefault();
+ clearInterval(this.touchHoldTimeout);
+ },
+ 400
+ );
+ this.processMouseMove(event.touches[0]); // update my position
+ this.processMouseDown({button: 0});
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+HandMorph.prototype.processTouchMove = function (event) {
+ MorphicPreferences.isTouchDevice = true;
+ if (event.touches.length === 1) {
+ var touch = event.touches[0];
+ this.processMouseMove(touch);
+ clearInterval(this.touchHoldTimeout);
+ }
+HandMorph.prototype.processTouchEnd = function (event) {
+ MorphicPreferences.isTouchDevice = true;
+ clearInterval(this.touchHoldTimeout);
+ nop(event);
+ this.processMouseUp({button: 0});
+HandMorph.prototype.processMouseUp = function () {
+ var morph = this.morphAtPointer(),
+ context,
+ contextMenu,
+ expectedClick;
+ this.destroyTemporaries();
+ if (this.children.length !== 0) {
+ this.drop();
+ } else {
+ if (this.mouseButton === 'left') {
+ expectedClick = 'mouseClickLeft';
+ } else {
+ expectedClick = 'mouseClickRight';
+ if (this.mouseButton && this.contextMenuEnabled) {
+ context = morph;
+ contextMenu = context.contextMenu();
+ while ((!contextMenu) &&
+ context.parent) {
+ context = context.parent;
+ contextMenu = context.contextMenu();
+ }
+ if (contextMenu) {
+ contextMenu.popUpAtHand(this.world);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (!morph[expectedClick]) {
+ morph = morph.parent;
+ }
+ morph[expectedClick](this.bounds.origin);
+ }
+ this.mouseButton = null;
+HandMorph.prototype.processDoubleClick = function () {
+ var morph = this.morphAtPointer();
+ this.destroyTemporaries();
+ if (this.children.length !== 0) {
+ this.drop();
+ } else {
+ while (morph && !morph.mouseDoubleClick) {
+ morph = morph.parent;
+ }
+ if (morph) {
+ morph.mouseDoubleClick(this.bounds.origin);
+ }
+ }
+ this.mouseButton = null;
+HandMorph.prototype.processMouseMove = function (event) {
+ var pos,
+ posInDocument = getDocumentPositionOf(this.world.worldCanvas),
+ mouseOverNew,
+ mouseOverBoundsNew,
+ morph,
+ topMorph;
+ pos = new Point(
+ event.pageX - posInDocument.x,
+ event.pageY - posInDocument.y
+ );
+ this.setPosition(pos);
+ // determine the new mouse-over-list:
+ mouseOverNew = this.morphAtPointer().allParents();
+ mouseOverBoundsNew = mouseOverNew.filter(m => m.isVisible &&
+ m.visibleBounds().containsPoint(this.bounds.origin) &&
+ !m.holes.some(any =>
+ any.translateBy(m.position()).containsPoint(this.bounds.origin))
+ );
+ if (!this.children.length && this.mouseButton) {
+ topMorph = this.morphAtPointer();
+ morph = topMorph.rootForGrab();
+ if (topMorph.mouseMove) {
+ topMorph.mouseMove(pos, this.mouseButton);
+ if (this.mouseButton === 'right') {
+ this.contextMenuEnabled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // if a morph is marked for grabbing, just grab it
+ if (this.mouseButton === 'left' &&
+ this.morphToGrab &&
+ (this.grabPosition.distanceTo(this.bounds.origin) >
+ MorphicPreferences.grabThreshold)) {
+ this.setPosition(this.grabPosition);
+ if (this.morphToGrab.isDraggable) {
+ morph = this.morphToGrab.selectForEdit ?
+ this.morphToGrab.selectForEdit() : this.morphToGrab;
+ this.grab(morph);
+ } else if (this.morphToGrab.isTemplate) {
+ this.world.stopEditing();
+ morph = this.morphToGrab.fullCopy();
+ morph.isTemplate = false;
+ morph.isDraggable = true;
+ if (morph.reactToTemplateCopy) {
+ morph.reactToTemplateCopy();
+ }
+ this.grab(morph);
+ this.grabOrigin = this.morphToGrab.situation();
+ }
+ this.setPosition(pos);
+ }
+ }
+ this.mouseOverBounds.forEach(old => {
+ if (!contains(mouseOverBoundsNew, old)) {
+ if (old.mouseLeaveBounds) {
+ old.mouseLeaveBounds(this.children[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ mouseOverBoundsNew.forEach(newMorph => {
+ if (!contains(this.mouseOverBounds, newMorph)) {
+ if (newMorph.mouseEnterBounds) {
+ newMorph.mouseEnterBounds(this.children[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.mouseOverList.forEach(old => {
+ if (!contains(mouseOverNew, old)) {
+ if (old.mouseLeave) {
+ old.mouseLeave();
+ }
+ if (old.mouseLeaveDragging && this.mouseButton) {
+ old.mouseLeaveDragging(this.children[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ mouseOverNew.forEach(newMorph => {
+ if (!contains(this.mouseOverList, newMorph)) {
+ if (newMorph.mouseEnter) {
+ newMorph.mouseEnter();
+ }
+ if (newMorph.mouseEnterDragging && this.mouseButton) {
+ newMorph.mouseEnterDragging(this.children[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ // autoScrolling support:
+ if (this.children.length > 0) {
+ if (newMorph instanceof ScrollFrameMorph &&
+ newMorph.enableAutoScrolling &&
+ newMorph.contents.allChildren().some(any => {
+ return any.wantsDropOf(this.children[0]);
+ })
+ ) {
+ if (!newMorph.bounds.insetBy(
+ MorphicPreferences.scrollBarSize * 3
+ ).containsPoint(this.bounds.origin)) {
+ newMorph.startAutoScrolling();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.mouseOverList = mouseOverNew;
+ this.mouseOverBounds = mouseOverBoundsNew;
+HandMorph.prototype.processMouseScroll = function (event) {
+ var morph = this.morphAtPointer();
+ while (morph && !morph.mouseScroll) {
+ morph = morph.parent;
+ }
+ if (morph) {
+ morph.mouseScroll(
+ (event.detail / -3) || (
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(
+ event,
+ 'wheelDeltaY'
+ ) ?
+ event.wheelDeltaY / 120 :
+ event.wheelDelta / 120
+ ),
+ event.wheelDeltaX / 120 || 0
+ );
+ }
+ drop event:
+ droppedImage
+ droppedSVG
+ droppedAudio
+ droppedText
+ beginBulkDrop
+ endBulkDrop
+HandMorph.prototype.processDrop = function (event) {
+ find out whether an external image or audio file was dropped
+ onto the world canvas, turn it into an offscreen canvas or audio
+ element and dispatch the
+ droppedImage(canvas, name)
+ droppedSVG(image, name)
+ droppedAudio(audio, name)
+ droppedText(text, name, type)
+ events to interested Morphs at the mouse pointer.
+ In case multiple files are dropped simulateneously also displatch
+ the events
+ beginBulkDrop()
+ endBulkDrop()
+ to Morphs interested in bracketing the bulk operation
+ var files = event instanceof FileList ? event
+ : event.target.files || event.dataTransfer.files,
+ file,
+ fileCount,
+ url = event.dataTransfer ?
+ event.dataTransfer.getData('URL') : null,
+ txt = event.dataTransfer ?
+ event.dataTransfer.getData('Text/HTML') : null,
+ suffix,
+ src,
+ target = this.morphAtPointer(),
+ img = new Image(),
+ canvas,
+ i;
+ function readSVG(aFile) {
+ var pic = new Image(),
+ frd = new FileReader(),
+ trg = target;
+ while (!trg.droppedSVG) {
+ trg = trg.parent;
+ }
+ pic.onload = () => {
+ trg.droppedSVG(pic, aFile.name);
+ bulkDrop();
+ };
+ frd = new FileReader();
+ frd.onloadend = (e) => pic.src = e.target.result;
+ frd.readAsDataURL(aFile);
+ }
+ function readImage(aFile) {
+ var pic = new Image(),
+ frd = new FileReader(),
+ trg = target;
+ while (!trg.droppedImage) {
+ trg = trg.parent;
+ }
+ pic.onload = () => {
+ canvas = newCanvas(new Point(pic.width, pic.height), true);
+ canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(pic, 0, 0);
+ trg.droppedImage(canvas, aFile.name);
+ bulkDrop();
+ };
+ frd = new FileReader();
+ frd.onloadend = (e) => pic.src = e.target.result;
+ frd.readAsDataURL(aFile);
+ }
+ function readAudio(aFile) {
+ var snd = new Audio(),
+ frd = new FileReader(),
+ trg = target;
+ while (!trg.droppedAudio) {
+ trg = trg.parent;
+ }
+ frd.onloadend = (e) => {
+ snd.src = e.target.result;
+ trg.droppedAudio(snd, aFile.name);
+ bulkDrop();
+ };
+ frd.readAsDataURL(aFile);
+ }
+ function readText(aFile) {
+ var frd = new FileReader(),
+ trg = target;
+ while (!trg.droppedText) {
+ trg = trg.parent;
+ }
+ frd.onloadend = (e) => {
+ trg.droppedText(e.target.result, aFile.name, aFile.type);
+ bulkDrop();
+ };
+ frd.readAsText(aFile);
+ }
+ function readBinary(aFile) {
+ var frd = new FileReader(),
+ trg = target;
+ while (!trg.droppedBinary) {
+ trg = trg.parent;
+ }
+ frd.onloadend = (e) => {
+ trg.droppedBinary(e.target.result, aFile.name);
+ bulkDrop();
+ };
+ frd.readAsArrayBuffer(aFile);
+ }
+ function beginBulkDrop() {
+ var trg = target;
+ while (!trg.beginBulkDrop) {
+ trg = trg.parent;
+ }
+ trg.beginBulkDrop();
+ }
+ function bulkDrop() {
+ var trg = target;
+ fileCount -= 1;
+ if (files.length > 1 && fileCount === 0) {
+ while (!trg.endBulkDrop) {
+ trg = trg.parent;
+ }
+ trg.endBulkDrop();
+ }
+ }
+ function readURL(url, callback) {
+ var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ request.open('GET', url);
+ request.onreadystatechange = () => {
+ if (request.readyState === 4) {
+ if (request.responseText) {
+ callback(request.responseText);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('unable to retrieve ' + url);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ request.send();
+ }
+ function parseImgURL(html) {
+ var iurl = '',
+ idx,
+ c,
+ start = html.indexOf(' 0) {
+ fileCount = files.length;
+ if (fileCount > 1) {
+ beginBulkDrop();
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < files.length; i += 1) {
+ file = files[i];
+ suffix = file.name.slice(
+ file.name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1
+ ).toLowerCase();
+ if (file.type.indexOf("svg") !== -1
+ && !MorphicPreferences.rasterizeSVGs) {
+ readSVG(file);
+ } else if (file.type.indexOf("image") === 0) {
+ readImage(file);
+ } else if (file.type.indexOf("audio") === 0 ||
+ file.type.indexOf("ogg") > -1) {
+ // check the file-extension because Firefox
+ // thinks OGGs are videos
+ readAudio(file);
+ } else if ((file.type.indexOf("text") === 0) ||
+ contains(['txt', 'csv', 'json'], suffix)) {
+ // check the file-extension because Windows
+ // doesn't specify CSVs to be text/csv, sigh
+ readText(file);
+ } else { // assume it's meant to be binary
+ readBinary(file);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (url) {
+ suffix = url.slice(url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();
+ if (
+ contains(
+ ['gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp'],
+ suffix
+ )
+ ) {
+ while (!target.droppedImage) {
+ target = target.parent;
+ }
+ img = new Image();
+ img.onload = () => {
+ canvas = newCanvas(new Point(img.width, img.height), true);
+ canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0);
+ target.droppedImage(canvas);
+ };
+ img.src = url;
+ } else if (suffix === 'svg' && !MorphicPreferences.rasterizeSVGs) {
+ while (!target.droppedSVG) {
+ target = target.parent;
+ }
+ readURL(
+ url,
+ txt => {
+ var pic = new Image();
+ pic.onload = () => {
+ target.droppedSVG(
+ pic,
+ url.slice(
+ url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1,
+ url.lastIndexOf('.')
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ pic.src = 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' +
+ encodeURIComponent(txt);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ } else if (txt) {
+ while (!target.droppedImage) {
+ target = target.parent;
+ }
+ img = new Image();
+ img.onload = () => {
+ canvas = newCanvas(new Point(img.width, img.height), true);
+ canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0);
+ target.droppedImage(canvas);
+ };
+ src = parseImgURL(txt);
+ if (src) {img.src = src; }
+ }
+// HandMorph tools
+HandMorph.prototype.destroyTemporaries = function () {
+ temporaries are just an array of morphs which will be deleted upon
+ the next mouse click, or whenever another temporary Morph decides
+ that it needs to remove them. The primary purpose of temporaries is
+ to display tools tips of speech bubble help.
+ this.temporaries.forEach(morph => {
+ if (!(morph.isClickable
+ && morph.bounds.containsPoint(this.position()))) {
+ morph.destroy();
+ this.temporaries.splice(this.temporaries.indexOf(morph), 1);
+ }
+ });
+// WorldMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// I represent the