release(2.2.2): added get to dux#Store
release(2.2.2): added get to dux#Store
feat: add get state function to Store in ideas/dux.ts
feat: add get state function to Store in ideas/dux.ts
fix: small change to ActionFactory in dux.ts to make actions better
fix: small change to ActionFactory in dux.ts to make actions better
feat: reorganize contrib, implement stream, simplify optic
feat: reorganize contrib, implement stream, simplify optic
feat: add some sink utils to contrib/most
feat: add some sink utils to contrib/most
feat: add datum_either and contrib/dux
feat: add datum_either and contrib/dux
chore: update readme to refer to
chore: update readme to refer to
chore: add module header to fast-check and bump version
chore: add module header to fast-check and bump version
chore: add jsr publish workflow to gh actions
chore: add jsr publish workflow to gh actions
chore: more documentation changes
chore: more documentation changes
chore: update docs and github runner
chore: update docs and github runner
fix: update some types in array.ts and add deno.json
fix: update some types in array.ts and add deno.json
Force push
fix: update some types in array.ts and add deno.json
fix: update some types in array.ts and add deno.json
feat: modify Newtype and add Nest
feat: modify Newtype and add Nest
feat: initial implementation of contrib/most.ts
feat: initial implementation of contrib/most.ts
feat: finish fast-check schemable integration
feat: finish fast-check schemable integration
feat: add Schemable implementation for fast-check in contrib
feat: add Schemable implementation for fast-check in contrib
feat: add array.first, edit readme, update flake
feat: add array.first, edit readme, update flake