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LAMP stack built with Docker Swarm

Landing Page

A basic LAMP stack environment built witth Docker Swarm. It consists of following libraries:

  • PHP
  • Memcached
  • Apache
  • MySQL


  • Clone this repository into your computer
  • Init swarm mode docker swarm init
  • Copy .env.dist to .env and change variables to suit your needs
  • Use to start and stop the stack (use -h for help)
git clone
cd apache-php-docker/
cp .env.dist .env
// modify .env as needed
// visit localhost

Your LAMP stack is ready now. You can access it via http://localhost:8080.

Note. Port is defined with HOST_PORT variable at .env file

Configuration and Usage

General Information

This Docker Stack is build for local development and not for production usage.


This package comes with default configuration options. You can modify them by creating .env file in your root directory. To make it easy, just copy the content from .env.dist file and update the environment variable values as per your need.

Configuration Variables

There are following configuration variables available and you can customize them by overwritting .env file.

Variable Descriptin
HOST_PORT Host port at which the stack is available at
HOST_PROJECT_DIR Path to your project
PHP_IMAGE PHP image to be used in the stack
MY_IMAGE MySQL image to be used in the stack
APACHE_CONF Path to httpd.conf
PHP_INI Path to php.ini
PHP_FPM Path to php-fpm.conf
MY_CNF Path to my.cnf
MY_CFG Path to root_password
XDEBUG_CONFIG Xdebug configuration
DATABASE Default database name
DATABASE_USER Default database user
DATABASE_PASSWORD Default database user password
DATABASE_PORT Host port at which database is abailable at

XDebug Notes

Default xdebug port is 9001. You can change it in XDEBUG_CONFIG variable.

Note that Docker can connect to the port at following IP addesses only:

  • (IPv4)
  • '' (IPv6)

VSCode could have following configuration in launch.json

    "name": "Start Xdebug",
    "type": "php",
    "request": "launch",
    "port": 9001,
    "hostname": "::",
    "pathMappings": {
        "/var/www/html": "${workspaceRoot}/htdocs"

If you intend debugging code from WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux), you have to do remote port forwarding from WSL to Windows host. VSCode configuration is following in launch.json

    "name": "WSL Xdebug",
    "type": "php",
    "request": "launch",
    "port": 9001,
    "hostname": "::",
    "preLaunchTask": "WSL - Xdebug Start",
    "postDebugTask": "WSL - Xdebug Stop",
    "pathMappings": {
        "/var/www/html": "${workspaceRoot}/htdocs"

Corresponding tasks configuration in tasks.json

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "WSL - Xdebug Start",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "sshpass -p \"PASSWORD\" ssh -f -N -M -S /tmp/ssh-xdebug -R 9001:localhost:9001 [email protected]"
            "label": "WSL - Xdebug Stop",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "ssh -S /tmp/ssh-xdebug -O exit [email protected]"


  • USER is the active Windows User
  • PASSWORD is the User's Password

Read article "Step Debugging" for more details


  • besogon1/php:8.1.9-fpm-alpine-ext
  • besogon1/php:8-fpm-alpine-ext
  • besogon1/php:7-fpm-alpine-ext


  • bcmath
  • gd
  • igbinary
  • intl
  • memcached
  • mysqli
  • opcache
  • pdo
  • pdo_mysql
  • pdo_pgsql
  • redis
  • soap
  • sodium
  • xdebug
  • zip

Note. If you want to install more extensions, you have to create custom PHP image and use it instead of provided ones.


We are happy if you want to create a pull request or help people with their issues. If you want to create a PR, please remember that this stack is not built for production usage, and changes should good for general purpose and not overspecialized.

Thank you!