od lists are now made unique before opening
od lists are now made unique before opening
remove completed and abandoned tasks
remove completed and abandoned tasks
more smoke tests added to (joddev)
more smoke tests added to (joddev)
more smoke tests in (joddev) wip
more smoke tests in (joddev) wip
more revised unit tests - history md's edited
more revised unit tests - history md's edited
start 1.1.3 - more tests 17 make added
start 1.1.3 - more tests 17 make added
remove completed tasks from TODO
remove completed tasks from TODO
J 9.6 permanent locale update release candidate
J 9.6 permanent locale update release candidate
adding missing smoke tests (wip)
adding missing smoke tests (wip)
test scripts edit - J 9.6 permanent locales (wip)
test scripts edit - J 9.6 permanent locales (wip)
test script edits - J 9.6 permanent locales (wip)
test script edits - J 9.6 permanent locales (wip)
test script edits - permanent locales j 9.6 (wip)
test script edits - permanent locales j 9.6 (wip)
test script edits for j 9.6 permanent locales (wip)
test script edits for j 9.6 permanent locales (wip)
collected changes for release 1.1.1 of JOD
collected changes for release 1.1.1 of JOD
6 od option and test associated test case
6 od option and test associated test case
JOD 1.1.0 literate source code pdf
JOD 1.1.0 literate source code pdf
remove complete tasks from TODO
remove complete tasks from TODO
set version for alternate install tests
set version for alternate install tests
changes for upcoming 1.1.0 jod release
changes for upcoming 1.1.0 jod release
add new consideration to TODO.jod
add new consideration to TODO.jod