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Home assistant add-on: addons updater

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This script allows to automatically update addons based on upstream new releases. This is only an helper tool for developers. End users don’t need that to update their addons - they are automatically alerted by HA when an update is available


The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other add-on.

  1. Add my add-ons repository to your instance.
  2. Install this add-on.
  3. Configure the add-on to your preferences, see below
  4. Click the Save button to store your configuration.
  5. Start the add-on.
  6. Check the logs of the add-on to see if everything went well.


No webUI. Configuration is set in 2 ways.


In the addon folder of your repository (where is located you config.json), create a "updater.json" file. This file will be used by the addon to fetch the addon upstream informations. Only addons with an updater.json file will be updated. Here is an example.

You can add the following tags in the file :

  • fulltag: true is for example "v3.0.1-ls67" false is "3.0.1"
  • github_beta: true/false ; should it look only for releases or prereleases ok
  • github_havingasset : true if there is a requirement that a release has binaries and not just source
  • github_tagfilter: filter a text in the release name
  • github_exclude: exclude a text in the release name
  • last_update: automatically populated, date of last upstream update
  • repository: 'name/repo' coming from github
  • paused: true # Pauses the updates
  • slug: the slug name from your addon
  • source: dockerhub/github,gitlab,bitbucket,pip,hg,sf,website-feed,local,helm_chart,wiki,system,wp
  • upstream_repo: name/repo, example is 'linuxserver/docker-emby'
  • upstream_version: automatically populated, corresponds to the current upstream version referenced in the addon
  • dockerhub_by_date: in dockerhub, uses the last_update date instead of the version
  • dockerhub_list_size: in dockerhub, how many containers to consider for latest version

Addon configuration

Here you define the values that will allow the addon to connect to your repository.

repository: 'name/repo' coming from github
gituser: your github username
gitapi: your github api token(classic)
gitmail: your github email
verbose: 'false'


repository: alexbelgium/hassio-addons
gituser: your github username
gitapi: your github api token
gitmail: your github email
verbose: "false"