The common share component for Pulumi projects
- Clone me from into a folder named "_Shared".
- Create a pulumi account and link to the environment.
- Create a "_Config" folder to store your custom configuration.
You should add the Organization code to the name of some resources and resource groups to ensure that their name is identical and dedicated to your projects. There are two ways to config your organization code.
- Name your project with the following convention: "ProjectName-OrgCode".
- The organization will be retrieved directly from the Pulumi portal.
Azure AD Application: pulumi/pulumi-azuread#185 (comment)
- Set Organization pulumi org set-default
$ pulumi config set azure-native:clientId $ pulumi config set azure-native:clientSecret --secret $ pulumi config set azure-native:tenantId $ pulumi config set azure-native:subscriptionId
$ pulumi config set azure-native:location SoutheastAsia