According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy the λ-calculus is in fact a
family of formal systems, a family of calculi that all stem from the
same root. They may support additional term forms or reduction rules,
such as
The same variability can be found in combinatory logic. There are five or three or two basic operators, which can be combined by application to produce functions without any need for binding. Indeed, it seems that any new model of computation is destined to spawn variants that stem from a common root. For example, pattern calculus is rooted in pattern-matching but there is more than one way to handle mismatches.
Most recently, I developed tree calculus on the principal that computations are unlabelled trees, and the programs and values are the binary trees, but there is some freedom when it comes to choosing the reduction rules. They should maximise expressive power, be compact and be reasonable.
In my book Reflective Programs in Tree
I emphasised expressive power and compactness but reasoning is
hard. That is, there are only three reduction rules, according to
whether the first argument is a leaf, stem or fork, but the second
rule does double duty, to duplicate arguments like the operator
- T {f0, f1, f2}
$\Delta \longrightarrow$ f0 - T {f0, f1, f2}
$(\Delta x)\longrightarrow$ f1$x$ - T {f0, f1, f2}
$(\Delta x y)\longrightarrow$ f2$x$ $y$
Well, everything worked just fine until it came to typing. Each triage is a large term, and the reductions above take many steps, each of which must be well typed. I slogged my way through that, but then the self-interpreters use triply-nested triage, which was overwhelming.
After explaining all this to Johannes Bader in one of our Zoom meetings, he suggested that the triage reductions above should be rules, where triage is introduced by the following mnemonic:
$\Delta \Delta = K$ $\Delta (\Delta x) = S x$ -
$\Delta (\Delta w x) y = T$ {$w,x,y$ }
This is more reasonable, but less compact than the original. There are five reduction rules instead of three, but each rule does a single job, and the typing is more straightfoward. I used this triage calculus in my paper Typed Program Analysis without Encodings and Johannes used it in his exploration of tree calculus.
So now we have the original tree calculus of the book and triage calculus. Who knows what other tree calculi will emerge in the future?