Beaker maintains yard documentation, which covers the Beaker DSL.
To be used for confirming the result of a test is as expected. Beaker include all Minitest assertions, plus some custom built assertions.
DSL methods designed to help you interact with installed projects (like facter and puppet), with hosts (like running arbitrary commands on hosts) or interacting with the web (checking is a given URL is alive or not).
DSL methods for interacting with facter.
DSL methods for host manipulation.
- on
- shell
- stdout
- stderr
- exit_code
- scp_from
- scp_to
- rsync_to
- deploy_package_repo
- create_remote_file
- run_script_on
- run_script
- install_package
- check_for_package
- upgrade_package
- add_system32_hosts_entry
- backup_the_file
- curl_on
- curl_with_retries
- retry_on
- run_cron_on
- create_tmpdir_on
- echo_on
DSL methods for interacting with puppet.
- puppet_user
- puppet_group
- with_puppet_running_on
- with_puppet_running
- restore_puppet_conf_from_backup
- start_puppet_from_source_on!
- stop_puppet_from_source_on
- dump_puppet_log
- lay_down_new_puppet_conf
- puppet_conf_for
- bounce_service
- apply_manifest_on
- apply_manifest
- run_agent_on
- stub_hosts_on
- with_host_stubbed_on
- stub_hosts
- stub_forge_on
- with_forge_stubbed_on
- with_forge_stubbed
- stub_forge
- sleep_until_puppetdb_started
- sleep_until_puppetserver_started
- sleep_until_nc_started
- stop_agent_on
- stop_agent
- wait_for_host_in_dashboard
- sign_certificate_for
- sign_certificate
- create_tmpdir_for_user
Convenience methods for TrapperKeeper configuration.
Helpers for web actions.
DSL methods for setting information about the current test.
- current_test_name
- current_test_filename
- current_step_name
- set_current_test_name
- set_current_test_filename
- set_current_step_name
DSL methods for installing PuppetLabs projects.
EZBake convenience methods.
- install_from_ezbake
- install_termini_from_ezbake
- ezbake_dev_build
- ezbake_validate_support
- install_ezbake_tarball_on_host
- ezbake_tools_available?
- ezbake_config
- ezbake_lein_prefix
- ezbake_stage
- ezbake_local_cmd
- ezbake_install_name
- ezbake_install_dir
- ezbake_installsh
- conditionally_clone
Agent-only installation utilities.
DSL methods for installing FOSS PuppetLabs projects.
- add_platform_foss_defaults
- add_foss_defaults_on
- remove_platform_foss_defaults
- remove_foss_defaults_on
- lookup_in_env
- build_git_url
- extract_repo_info_from
- order_packages
- find_git_repo_versions
- clone_git_repo_on
- install_from_git_on
- install_puppet
- install_puppet_on
- install_puppet_agent_on
- configure_puppet
- configure_puppet_on
- install_puppet_from_rpm_on
- install_puppet_from_deb_on
- install_puppet_from_msi_on
- compute_puppet_msi_name
- install_puppet_agent_from_msi_on
- install_a_puppet_msi_on
- install_puppet_from_freebsd_ports_on
- install_puppet_from_dmg_on
- install_puppet_agent_from_dmg_on
- install_puppet_from_openbsd_packages_on
- install_puppet_from_gem_on
- install_puppetlabs_release_repo_on
- install_puppetlabs_dev_repo
- install_packages_from_local_dev_repo
- install_puppet_agent_dev_repo_on
- install_puppet_agent_pe_promoted_repo_on
- install_cert_on_windows
DSL methods for installing Puppet Enterprise.
- add_platform_pe_defaults
- add_pe_defaults_on
- remove_platform_pe_defaults
- remove_pe_defaults_on
- sorted_hosts
- installer_cmd
- fetch_pe_on_mac
- fetch_pe_on_windows
- fetch_pe_on_unix
- fetch_pe
- deploy_frictionless_to_master
- do_install
- create_agent_specified_arrays
- setup_defaults_and_config_helper_on
- install_pe
- install_pe_on
- upgrade_pe
- upgrade_pe_on
- higgs_installer_cmd
- do_higgs_install
- install_higgs
- fetch_and_push_pe
DSL methods that can be used for both FOSS/PE puppet installations.
- normalize_type
- construct_puppet_path
- add_puppet_paths_on
- remove_puppet_paths_on
- configure_defaults_on
- configure_type_defaults_on
- remove_defaults_on
DSL convenience methods for installing packages on Windows SUTs.
DSL methods for installing puppet modules.
- install_dev_puppet_module_on
- install_dev_puppet_module
- install_puppet_module_via_pmt_on
- install_puppet_module_via_pmt
- copy_module_to
- parse_for_moduleroot
- parse_for_modulename
- get_module_name
- split_author_modulename
- build_ignore_list
Methods that indicate how the given test completed (fail, pass, skip or pending).
Shared methods used as building blocks of other DSL methods.
DSL methods for accessing hosts of various roles.
- agents
- master
- database
- dashboard
- default
- not_controller
- agent_only
- aio_version?
- aio_agent?
- add_role
- add_role_def
- any_hosts_as?
- hosts_as
- find_host_with_role
- find_only_one
- find_at_most_one
DSL methods that describe and define how a test is executed.
Wrappers around commonly used commands.