Several screenshots of Android layout are presented below.
Dashboard workspace (view mode) on which you can see the following plugins used:
- URL plugin
- TinyMCE Memo plugin
- Memo plugin
- Video plugin
Dashboard workspace (edit mode), which is a edit mode of the above mentioned dashboard workspace.
Dashboard workspace (view mode) on which you can see the following plugins used:
- News plugin
- RSS feed plugin
- Dummy plugin
- URL plugin
Dashboard workspace (edit mode), which is a edit mode of the above mentioned dashboard workspace.
Dashboard workspace (edit mode) is an empty dashboard workspace in edit mode.
Choose widget to added to the dashboard workspace.
TinyMCE plugin widget form
Dashboard workspace (edit mode) on which the TinyMCE plugin widget has been just added. Menu is unfolded.
A form to edit global dashboard settings.
A form to edit settings of current dashboard workspace.
Several screenshots of Bootstrap 2 Fluid layout are presented below.
Dashboard workspace (edit mode) is an empty dashboard workspace in edit mode.
Dashboard workspace (edit mode) - a dashboard workspace filled.
Dashboard workspace (view mode) of the above mentioned dashboard workspace.
Public dashboard of above mentioned dashboard workspace.
Edit dashboard settings dialogue.
Bubble Chart, Stacked-to-Grouped Bars and Sunburst Partition (view dashboard mode).
Bubble Chart, Stacked-to-Grouped Bars and Sunburst Partition (edit dashboard mode).
Several screenshots of Example layout are presented below.
Dashboard workspace (edit mode) is an empty dashboard workspace in edit mode.
Dashboard workspace (edit mode) - above mentioned dashboard workspace was filled with images.
Dashboard workspace (view mode) of the above mentioned dashboard workspace