By default in no debug mode all errors will be logged and replace by a generic error message. Only query parsed error won't be replaced. If you want to send explicit error or warnings messages to your users you can use exceptions:
1- Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Error\UserError to send unique error
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Error\UserError;
class CharacterResolver
public function resolveHuman($args)
$humans = StarWarsData::humans();
if (!isset($humans[$args['id']])) {
throw new UserError(sprintf('Could not find Human#%d', $args['id']));
return $humans[$args['id']];
2- Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Error\UserErrors to send multiple errors
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Error\UserError;
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Error\UserErrors;
class CharacterResolver
public function resolveHumanAndDroid($args)
$humans = StarWarsData::humans();
$errors = [];
if (!isset($humans[$args['human_id']])) {
$errors[] = new UserError(sprintf('Could not find Human#%d', $args['human_id']));
$droids = StarWarsData::droids();
if (!isset($droids[$args['droid_id']])) {
$errors[] = sprintf('Could not find Droid#%d', $args['droid_id']);
if (!empty($errors)) {
throw new UserErrors($errors);
return [
'human' => $humans[$args['human_id']],
'droid' => $droids[$args['droid_id']],
3- Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Error\UserWarning to send unique warning
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Error\UserWarning;
class CharacterResolver
public function resolveHuman($args)
$humans = StarWarsData::humans();
if (!isset($humans[$args['id']])) {
throw new UserWarning(sprintf('Could not find Human#%d', $args['id']));
return $humans[$args['id']];
Warnings can be found in the response under extensions.warnings
If you want to map your own exceptions to warnings and errors you can define a custom exception mapping:
# change to true to try to map an exception to a parent exception if the exact exception is not in
# the mapping
map_exceptions_to_parent: false
- "Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\ResourceNotFoundException"
- "InvalidArgumentException"
You can custom the default errors handler using configuration:
enabled: true # false will totally disabled errors handling
internal_error_message: ~ # custom generic error message
rethrow_internal_exceptions: false # re-throw internal exception
debug: false # will add trace stack and debugMessage to error
log: true # false will disabled the default logging behavior
logger_service: logger # the service to use to log
The message of those exceptions are then shown to the user like other
s or UserWarning
This can also be done by using events.
First totally disabled default errors handler:
overblog_graphql: errors_handler: false
Listen to executor result event
App\EventListener\MyErrorHandler: tags: - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: graphql.post_executor, method: onPostExecutor }
<?php namespace App\EventListener; use GraphQL\Error\Error; use GraphQL\Error\FormattedError; use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Event\ExecutorResultEvent; class MyErrorHandler { public function onPostExecutor(ExecutorResultEvent $event) { $myErrorFormatter = function(Error $error) { return FormattedError::createFromException($error); }; $myErrorHandler = function(array $errors, callable $formatter) { return array_map($formatter, $errors); }; $event->getResult() ->setErrorFormatter($myErrorFormatter) ->setErrorsHandler($myErrorHandler); } }