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Relay Pagination helper

The Paginator can be used in resolvers to get a sliced data set when dealing with Relay Connections.

Relay behavior

Relay specification:

Connection implementation in JS:

The connectionFromArraySlice() method:

This method can be used to get a slice of a data set by passing:

  • the sliced data set to calculate the edges from
  • the args, as a ConnectionArguments object
  • the meta, as a ArraySliceMetaInfo object

The sliced data set must contains:

  • the item before the first item you want
  • the item after the slice, so PageInfo->hasNextPage can be calculated


  • full data set is ['A','B','C','D','E']

  • we want 2 items after A, meaning ['B','C']

  • after cursor will be arrayconnection:0

  • offset will be calculated to 0

  • so we need to passed a sliced data with ['A','B','C','D'] to connectionFromArraySlice()


See: Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Paginator

The purpose if this helper is to provide an easy way to paginate in a data set provided by a backend.

When constructing the paginator, you need to pass a callable which will be responsible for providing the sliced data set.


With a first Relay parameter


use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Argument;
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Paginator;

function getData($offset = 0)
    return array_slice(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], $offset);

$paginator = new Paginator(function ($offset, $limit) {
    return getData($offset);

$result = $paginator->forward(new Argument(['first' => 4]));



array(4) {
  object(Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Output\Edge)#24 (2) {
    string(24) "YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjA="
    string(1) "A"
  object(Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Output\Edge)#25 (2) {
    string(24) "YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjE="
    string(1) "B"
  object(Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Output\Edge)#26 (2) {
    string(24) "YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjI="
    string(1) "C"
  object(Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Output\Edge)#27 (2) {
    string(24) "YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjM="
    string(1) "D"

With an after Relay parameter

Note: we want 1 item after C so the decoded cursor is arrayconnection:2


use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Argument;
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Paginator;

function getData($offset = 0)
    return array_slice(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], $offset);

$paginator = new Paginator(function ($offset, $limit) {
    return getData($offset);

$result = $paginator->forward(
    new Argument(
            'first' => 1,
            'after' => base64_encode('arrayconnection:2')



array(1) {
  object(Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Output\Edge)#26 (2) {
    string(24) "YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjM="
    string(1) "D"

Important note:

The callback function will receive:

  • $offset = 2
  • $limit = 3

And it must return at least ['C','D','E']

With a last relay parameter


use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Argument;
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Paginator;

class DataBackend
    public $data = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];

    public function getData($offset = 0)
        return array_slice($this->data, $offset);

    public function count($array)
        return count($array);
    public function countAll()
        return count($this->data);

$backend = new DataBackend();

$paginator = new Paginator(function ($offset, $limit) use ($backend) {
    return $backend->getData($offset);

$result = $paginator->backward(
    new Argument(
            'last' => 4,
    [$backend, 'count'],
    ['array' => $backend->getData]

You should get the 4 last items of the data set.

Within a resolver

resolve: '@=resolver("App\\GraphQL\\Resolver\\Greetings::sayHello", [args])'
sayHello(first: 1, after: "YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjI="){ # after: base64_encode('arrayconnection:2')
    edges {
        cursor # YXJyYXljb25uZWN0aW9uOjM=
        node # D
    pageInfo {
        hasNextPage # true

namespace App\GraphQL\Resolver;

use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Argument;
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\Resolver\ResolverInterface;
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Paginator;

class Greetings implements ResolverInterface
    public function sayHello(Argument $args)
        $backend = new DataBackend();
        $paginator = new Paginator(function ($offset, $limit) use ($backend) {
            return $backend->getData($offset, $limit);
        return $paginator->auto($args, function() use ($backend) {
            return $backend->countAll();

Promise handling

Paginator also supports promises if you use that feature with the bundle. All you have to do is to toggle the MODE_PROMISE flag on and update your callback to return a Executor/Promise/Promise instance.

// Let's pretend we use dataloader ( )
public function resolveList($args)
    $pagination = new Paginator(function ($offset, $limit) {
        return $this->dataLoader->loadMany($this->elasticsearch->getIds($offset, $limit));
    }, Paginator::MODE_PROMISE); // This flag indicates that we will return a promise instead of an array of instances

    return $pagination->forward($args);

Customize the way the connection & edges are built

Sometimes, you want to add fields to your Connection or Edges. In order to do so, you'll have to pass a custom instance of ConnectionBuilder to your Paginator as follow:

use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\ConnectionBuilder;

public function resolveSomething(Argument $args)
    $connectionBuilder = new ConnectionBuilder( 
        function(iterable $edges, PageInfo $pageInfo) : FriendsConnection {
            $connection = new FriendsConnection($edges, $pageInfo)
            return $connection;
        function(string $cursor, UserFriend $entity, int $index):FriendEdge {
            $edge = new FriendEdge($cursor, $entity->getUser());
            return $edge;

    $paginator = new Paginator(function ($offset, $limit) use ($backend) {
        return $backend->getData($offset);
    }, true, $connectionBuilder);

The ConnectionBuilder constructor accepts two parameters. The first one is a callback to build the Connection object, and the second one is a callback to build an Edge object.

The connection callback will be call with the following parameters :

  • edges An array of edges object implementing Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\EdgeInterface
  • pageInfo a PageInfo object Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Output\PageInfo

This callback MUST return an instance of Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\ConnectionInterface

The edge callback will be call with the following parameters :

  • cursor The cursor
  • value A value returned by the paginator data fetcher
  • index The index of the value

This callback MUST return an instance of Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\EdgeInterface

If no callback are specified for the ConnectionBuilder, it'll generate instance of Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Output\Connection and Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Relay\Connection\Output\Edge