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573 lines (495 loc) · 18 KB

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573 lines (495 loc) · 18 KB
This contract archetype manages the expiration date of a mile. An expired mile cannot be consumed and may be cleared out by the administrator.

Miles with expiration

A mille owner is identified by an address and possesses some miles. A mile is identified by a string id and has an expiration date. Every mile is possessed by one and only one owner:

basic model

A mile can be added and consumed if its expiration date is in the future.

A storage optimisation is added to the above model. A mile is augmented with a quantity value to gather several miles with the same expiration date. For example, 3 miles with the same expiration date are merged into one mile with the quantity value set to 3:

3 miles with same expiration date ...

... modeled as one mile with a quantity value

This optimisation comes with a cost of algorithmic complexity in the consume action (line 39).

All actions are called by the admin role, which is ensured by security predicate s1 (line 109).

{% tabs %} {% tab title="miles_with_expiration.arl" %}

archetype miles_with_expiration

variable[%transferable%] admin : role = @tz1aazS5ms5cbGkb6FN1wvWmN7yrMTTcr6wB

(* id is a string because it is generated off-chain *)
asset mile identified by id sorted by expiration {
   id         : string;
   amount     : int;
   expiration : date
} with {
  m1 : amount > 0;

(* a partition ensures there is no direct access to mile collection *)
asset owner identified by addr {
  addr  : role;
  miles : mile partition = [] (* injective (owner x mile) *)

action add (ow : address, newmile : mile) {
   called by admin

   require {
     c1 : newmile.amount > 0;

   failif {
     c2 : mile.contains(;

   effect {
     owner.addupdate (ow, { miles += [{id = newmile_id; amount = newmile_amount; expiration = newmile_expiration} ] })

action consume (a : address, quantity : int) {

  specification {

    assert p1 {
      remainder = 0

    postcondition p2 {
      mile.sum(the.amount) = before.mile.sum(the.amount) - quantity
      invariant for loop {
        0 <= remainder <= toiterate.sum(the.amount);
        before.mile.sum(the.amount) = mile.sum(the.amount) + quantity - remainder

    postcondition p3 {
      forall m in mile.removed(), m.expiration >= now
      invariant for loop {

    postcondition p4 {
      invariant for loop {

  called by admin

  require {
    r2 : quantity >= 0;

  effect {
    let ow = owner.get(a) in
    let by_expiration = > now) in
    require (by_expiration.sum(the.amount) >= quantity);
    let remainder = quantity in
    for : loop m in by_expiration do
      if remainder > 0
      then (
        if m.amount > remainder
        then (
          mile.update(, { amount  -= remainder });
          remainder := 0
        else if m.amount = remainder
        then (
          remainder := 0;
        ) else (
          remainder -= m.amount;
    assert p1

action clear_expired () {
  specification {
    postcondition s3 {
      forall m in mile.removed(), m.expiration < now
      invariant for loop2 {
        forall m in mile.removed(), m.expiration < now

  called by admin

  effect {
    for : loop2 o in owner do
      o.miles.removeif (the.expiration < now)

security {
  (*  this ensures that any mile was added with the 'add' action *)
  g1 : only_by_role (anyaction, admin);
  g2 : only_in_action (remove (mile), [consume or clear_expired]);
  g3 : not_in_action (add (mile), consume);
  g4 : no_storage_fail (add)

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="miles_with_expiration.mlw" %}

module Miles

  use archetype.Lib

(* TRACES *)

  type asset =
  | Mile
  | Owner

  type entry =
  | Add
  | Consume
  | ClearExpired

  type field =
  | Amount
  | Expiration
  | Miles

  clone archetype.Trace as Tr with type asset = asset,
                                   type entry = entry,
                                   type field = field

  (* for storage invariant initialisation *)
  val function empty_mile_amounts     : map int
  val function empty_mile_expirations : map date
  val function empty_owner_miles      : map acol
  axiom def_mile_amounts : forall m : key. empty_mile_amounts m > 0

  type storage = {
    mutable admin            : role;
    mutable miles            : acol;
    mutable mile_amounts     : map int;
    mutable mile_expirations : map date;
    mutable owners           : acol;
    mutable owner_miles      : map acol;
    (* contract *)
    mutable ops              : transfers;
    (* diff sets *)
    mutable miles_added      : acol;
    mutable miles_removed    : acol;
    mutable owner_added      : acol;
    mutable owner_removed    : acol;
    (* traces *)
    mutable tr               : Tr.log;
    mutable ename            : option entry;
  } invariant { 
    forall m : key. get mile_amounts m > 0
  } by {
    admin            = 0;
    miles            = Nil;
    mile_amounts     = empty_mile_amounts;
    mile_expirations = empty_mile_expirations;
    owners           = Nil;
    owner_miles      = empty_owner_miles;
    ops              = Nil;
    miles_added      = Nil;
    miles_removed    = Nil;
    owner_added      = Nil;
    owner_removed    = Nil;
    tr               = Nil;
    ename            = None;

  (* getters *)
  let get_mile       (s : storage) (k : key) : key
  raises { NotFound }
  ensures { mem result s.miles }
  = if not (mem k s.miles) then raise NotFound else k

  let function get_amount     (s : storage) (k : key) : int = get s.mile_amounts k

  let function get_expiration (s : storage) (k : key) : date = get s.mile_expirations k

  let get_owner (s : storage) (o : key) : key
  raises { NotFound }
  ensures { mem result s.owners }
  = if not (mem o s.owners) then raise NotFound else o

  (* Owner.miles is a partition of s.miles *)
  axiom subset_miles : forall s : storage, o : key.
    subset (get s.owner_miles o) s.miles

  let function get_miles (s : storage) (o : key) : acol
  ensures { subset result s.miles }
  = get s.owner_miles o

  clone archetype.Sum as Amounts with type     storage = storage,
                                      val      f       = get_amount

  let remove_miles (o : key) (m : key) (s:storage) : unit
  raises { NotFound }
  requires { mem m s.miles }
  requires { mem o s.owners }
  ensures  { forall x:key. mem x s.miles <-> (mem x (old s).miles /\ x <> m) }
  ensures  { forall x:key. mem x s.miles_removed <-> (mem x (old s).miles_removed \/ x = m) }
  ensures  { forall x:key. mem x (get_miles s o) <-> (mem x (get_miles (old s) o) /\ x <> m) }
  ensures  { Amounts.sum (old s) (old s).miles = Amounts.sum s s.miles + get_amount (old s) m }
    s.miles <- remove m s.miles;
    s.miles_removed <- add m s.miles_removed;
    let miles = get_miles s o in
    let new_owner_miles = remove m miles in
    s.owner_miles <- set s.owner_miles o new_owner_miles

  let add_miles (o : key) (m : key) (a : int) (e : date) (s : storage) : unit
  raises { NotFound }
  requires { mem o s.owners }
  requires { not (mem m s.miles) }
  requires { a > 0 }
  ensures  { forall x:key. mem x s.miles <-> (mem x (old s).miles \/ x = m) }
  ensures  { forall x:key. mem x s.miles_added <-> (mem x (old s).miles_added \/ x = m) }
  ensures  { Amounts.sum (old s) (old s).miles + a = Amounts.sum s s.miles }
    s.miles <- add m s.miles;
    s.miles_added <- add m s.miles_added;
    s.mile_amounts <- set s.mile_amounts m a;
    s.mile_expirations <- set s.mile_expirations m e;
    let miles = get_miles s o in
    let new_owner_miles = add m miles in
    s.owner_miles <- set s.owner_miles o new_owner_miles

  let set_amount (m : key) (a : int) (s : storage) : unit
  requires { mem m s.miles }
  requires { a > 0 }
  ensures  { Amounts.sum (old s) (old s).miles = Amounts.sum s s.miles - a + get_amount (old s) m }
  ensures { (old s).miles = s.miles }
  = s.mile_amounts <- set s.mile_amounts m a

  let update_owner (o : key) (new_miles : acol) (s : storage) : unit
  raises { NotFound }
  if not (mem o s.owners) then raise NotFound;
  s.owner_miles <- set s.owner_miles o new_miles

  let addifnotexist (o : key) (new_miles : acol) (s : storage) : unit
  raises { NotFound }
  ensures { mem o s.owners }
  if not (mem o s.owners)
  then (
    s.owners <- add o s.owners;
    update_owner o new_miles s

  (* Actions  *****************************************************************)

  let add (e : env) (s : storage) (ow : key) (m : key) (a : int) (ex : date) : transfers
  raises { InvalidCaller, InvalidCondition, NotFound }
  requires { not (mem m s.miles) }
    if caller e <> s.admin then raise InvalidCaller;
    if not (a > 0) then raise InvalidCondition;
    addifnotexist ow Nil s;
    add_miles ow m a ex s;

  (*let function test_consume (e : env) (s : storage) (a : key) : bool = get_expiration s a > now e
  meta "rewrite_def" function test_consume
  axiom tauto_test_consume: forall e : env, s : storage, a : key.
    now e < get_expiration s a <-> test_consume e s a = true

  clone archetype.Filter as FConsume with type storage = storage,
                                          val  test    = test_consume*)

  let rec function filter_consume (e : env) (s : storage) (c : acol) : acol
  variant { c }
  ensures { forall a : key. mem a result -> get_expiration s a > now e }
  ensures { subset result c }
  match c with
  | Nil -> Nil
  | Cons a tl ->
    if get_expiration s a > now e
    then Cons a (filter_consume e s tl)
    else filter_consume e s tl

  let consume (e : env) (s : storage) (owner : address) (nbmiles : int) : transfers
  raises { NotFound, InvalidCaller, InvalidCondition }
  requires { is_empty s.miles_removed }
  requires { is_empty s.miles_added }
  (* forall m : removed miles, m.expiration > now *)
  ensures { forall m : key.
     (*mem m (diff (old s).miles s.miles) ->  get_expiration s m > (now e)*)
     mem m s.miles_removed ->  get_expiration s m > (now e)
  (* mile.sum(quantity) = before miles.sum(quantity) - nbmiles *)
  ensures { Amounts.sum (old s) (old s).miles = Amounts.sum s s.miles + nbmiles }
  (* is_emtpy add.miles *)
  ensures { is_empty s.miles_added }
  = if caller e <> s.admin then raise InvalidCaller;
    if nbmiles <= 0 then raise InvalidCondition;
    let o = get_owner s owner in
    let miles = get_miles s o in
    let l = filter_consume e s miles in
    (*let l = FConsume.filter e s miles in*)
    if not (nbmiles <= Amounts.sum s l) then raise InvalidCondition;
    let remainder = ref nbmiles in
      for i = 0 to (length l) - 1 do
      (* helps for the membership precondition of set_amount: *)
      invariant { forall k : int. i <= k < length l ->  mem (nth k l) s.miles }
      (* removed miles are in l: *)
      (*invariant { subset (diff (old s).miles s.miles) l }*)
      invariant { subset s.miles_removed l }
      (* remainder bounds: *)
      invariant { 0 <= !remainder <= Amounts.part_sum s l i (length l) }
      (* right amount spent invariant *)
      invariant { Amounts.sum (old s) (old s).miles = Amounts.sum s s.miles + nbmiles - !remainder }
        let m = nth i l in
        if get_amount s m > !remainder
          (set_amount m (get_amount s m - !remainder) s;
           remainder := 0;
           raise Break)
        else if get_amount s m = !remainder
          (remainder := 0;
           remove_miles o m s;
           raise Break)
          (remainder := !remainder - get_amount s m;
           remove_miles o m s)
    with Break -> assert { !remainder = 0 }; ()
    assert { !remainder = 0 };

(*    let function test_clear_expired (e : env) (s : storage) (a : key) : bool = get_expiration s a < now e

    clone archetype.Filter as FClearexpired with type storage = storage,
                                                 val  test    = test_clear_expired*)

    let rec function filter_clear_expired (e : env) (s : storage) (c : acol) : acol
    variant { c }
    ensures { forall a : key. mem a result -> get_expiration s a < now e }
    ensures { subset result c }
    match c with
    | Nil -> Nil
    | Cons a tl ->
      if get_expiration s a < now e
      then Cons a (filter_clear_expired e s tl)
      else filter_clear_expired e s tl

    let clear_expired (e : env) (s : storage) : transfers
    raises { NotFound, InvalidCaller }
    requires { is_empty s.miles_added }
    requires { is_empty s.miles_removed }
    ensures { forall m : key. mem m s.miles_removed -> get_expiration s m < now e }
    = if caller e <> s.admin then raise InvalidCaller;
      for i = 0 to (length s.owners)-1 do
      invariant { forall m : key. mem m s.miles_removed -> get_expiration s m < now e }
        let o = nth i s.owners in
        let miles = get_miles s o in
        let l = filter_clear_expired e s miles in
        label Internal_loop in
        for j = 0 to (length l) - 1 do
        invariant { forall k : int. j <= k < length l -> mem (nth k l) s.miles }
        invariant { forall m : key. mem m s.miles_removed <-> 
          (mem m (s at Internal_loop).miles_removed \/ (exists k : int. 0 <= k < j /\ m = nth k l)) }
          let m = nth j l in
          remove_miles o m s;


  let all_entries (e : env) (s : storage)
                  (* add *)
                  (ow : key) (m : key) (a : int) (ex : date)
                  (* consume *)
                  (owner : address) (nbmiles : int)
                  (* clear expired *)
  raises { NotFound, InvalidCaller, InvalidCondition }   
  requires { = Nil }
  requires { s.ops = Nil }             
  (* any action is performed only by rome admin *)
  ensures { forall ac : Tr.action, a : asset. Tr.performed_only_by_role e (Cons ac Nil) (Cons a Nil) (Cons s.admin Nil) }
  (* remove miles is performed only by action (consome or clear_expired)*)
  ensures { Tr.performed_only_by_action e (Cons Tr.Rm Nil) (Cons Mile Nil) (Cons Consume (Cons ClearExpired Nil)) }
  (* add is not permformed by consume *)
  match s.ename with
   | Some Add -> 
    if caller e <> s.admin then raise InvalidCaller;
    if not (a > 0) then raise InvalidCondition; <- ++ Tr.mk_trace Add Owner Tr.Add; <- ++ Tr.mk_trace Add Mile Tr.Add;
   | Some Consume -> 
    if caller e <> s.admin then raise InvalidCaller;
    if nbmiles <= 0 then raise InvalidCondition;
    let o = get_owner s owner in
    let miles = get_miles s o in
    let l = filter_consume e s miles in
    if not (nbmiles <= Amounts.sum s l) then raise InvalidCondition;
    let remainder = ref nbmiles in
      for i = 0 to (length l) - 1 do
      invariant { forall ac : Tr.action, a : asset. Tr.performed_only_by_role e (Cons ac Nil) (Cons a Nil) (Cons s.admin Nil) }
      invariant { Tr.performed_only_by_action e (Cons Tr.Rm Nil) (Cons Mile Nil) (Cons Consume (Cons ClearExpired Nil)) }
        let m = nth i l in
        if get_amount s m > !remainder
          ( <- ++ Tr.mk_trace Consume Mile (Tr.Update Amount);
           remainder := 0;
           raise Break)
        else if get_amount s m = !remainder
          (remainder := 0;
  <- ++ Tr.mk_trace Consume Mile Tr.Rm;
           raise Break)
          (remainder := !remainder - get_amount s m;
  <- ++ Tr.mk_trace Consume Mile Tr.Rm)
    with Break -> ()
   | Some ClearExpired ->
      if caller e <> s.admin then raise InvalidCaller;
      for i = 0 to (length s.owners)-1 do
      invariant { forall ac : Tr.action, a : asset. Tr.performed_only_by_role e (Cons ac Nil) (Cons a Nil) (Cons s.admin Nil) }
      invariant { Tr.performed_only_by_action e (Cons Tr.Rm Nil) (Cons Mile Nil) (Cons Consume (Cons ClearExpired Nil)) }
        let o = nth i s.owners in
        let miles = get_miles s o in
        let l = filter_clear_expired e s miles in
        for j = 0 to (length l) - 1 do
        invariant { forall ac : Tr.action, a : asset. Tr.performed_only_by_role e (Cons ac Nil) (Cons a Nil) (Cons s.admin Nil) }
        invariant { Tr.performed_only_by_action e (Cons Tr.Rm Nil) (Cons Mile Nil) (Cons Consume (Cons ClearExpired Nil)) }
          let m = nth j l in
 <- ++ Tr.mk_trace Consume Mile Tr.Rm

   | None -> Contract.empty

{% endtab %}

{% tab title="" %}

# Miles with Expiration
> Genrated with [Archetype]( v0.1 (2019-04-09)
## Roles

### Admin

|                |   |
|Address         |   |
|Extension       |   |

## Assets
### Mile

| Field | Desc | Type | Attribute |
| id |  | string | __key__, order
| quantity |  | integer |
| expiration |  | date | 
### Owner

| Field | Desc | Type | Attribute |
| addr |  | string | __key__, order
| miles |  | partition | 

## Actions

### add
`called by` admin
| Name | Desc | Type |  
|newmile||mile asset

### consume
`called by` admin
| Name | Desc | Type |  
#### Formal Specification
##### p1
`let o = owner.get owner in o.miles.sum(quantity) = before o.miles.sum(quantity) - val`
##### p2
`forall m : removed miles, m.expiration >= now`
##### p3
`is_empty (added miles)`
### clear
`called by` admin

## Formal properties

##### m1
`forall m : mile, m.amount > 0`
##### s1
`anyaction  may be performed only by role admin`
##### s2
`(remove mile) may be performed only by tx consume`
##### s3
`transfers_by_tx  anytx = 0`

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