- I18N
- testing (performance, memory leaks)
- attach link to hue(configure)
- pluggable utilities
- generic growl alerts
- system connecting / error modal
- chart result views
- table result views
- single value views
- search result views
- search query builder with suggest
- past dashboards
- blocks /queries
- information (readonly)
- roles
- user management
- roles apply
- define dict of utilities and roles
- memcached monitor
- redis monitor
- hue linking
- add chicken test to shutdown/delete
- add all possible settings and bind them
- manage elastic search configuration
- rivers (custom)
- index schema
- analyzers
- analyzer api dsl
- authentication and authorization
- statistics api
- save views/searches
- report/image generation
- load balance elastic search
- configure via service
- speleo.monitor (percolations)
- sms
- snmp trap
- udp message
- graph view of agents and collectors
- top sources
- index rates
- complete suggest query builder
- all methods and sub methods
- lookup possible namespace values
- link auto update polling
- change search filter dynamically and refresh
- percolate in the future
- custom alert api
- wait for percolate through elastic
- click on chart and chart filter
- sidebar for suggested tag filter
- speed up slow updates
- send to dashboard
- clone splunk
- recent searches
- field suggest with facet matches
- suggest matching terms, current matching count
- save
- apply to new search (generic dash)
- apply in time range (search)
- block builder page (live)
- dynamic options based on block type
- jquery movable to arrange
- time limit
- save these from the river to the service
- ability to query with dsl
- collapse the same events (add a count)
- simplify deployment and management of
- flume agent
- flume collector
- elastic search nodes
- main service
- collect statistics
- bayesian log type detector and parsing
- hot cold log data
- let elastic search expire incoming data
- push data to hadoop