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105.95999999999998 L15 105.95999999999998 L16 105.95999999999998 L17 67.95999999999998 L18 67.95999999999998 L19 67.95999999999998 L20 67.95999999999998 L21 67.95999999999998 L22 66.95999999999998 L23 66.95999999999998 L24 66.95999999999998 L25 66.95999999999998 L26 75.95999999999998 L27 75.95999999999998 L28 74.95999999999998 L29 81.95999999999998 L30 19.95999999999998 L31 18.95999999999998 L32 14.95999999999998 L33 9.95999999999998 L34 9.95999999999998 L35 12.95999999999998 L36 12.95999999999998 L37 13.95999999999998 L38 15.95999999999998 L39 13.95999999999998 L40 13.95999999999998 L41 13.95999999999998 L42 10.95999999999998 L43 6.9599999999999795 L44 6.9599999999999795 L45 6.9599999999999795 L46 72.95999999999998 L47 72.95999999999998 L48 72.95999999999998 L49 72.95999999999998 L50 89.95999999999998 L51 72.95999999999998 L52 72.95999999999998 L53 72.95999999999998 L54 89.95999999999998 L55 72.95999999999998 L 55 354.96 L0 354.96 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 354.96 M0 292.96 L1 189.95999999999998 L2 116.95999999999998 L3 116.95999999999998 L4 116.95999999999998 L5 139.95999999999998 L6 140.95999999999998 L7 140.95999999999998 L8 132.95999999999998 L9 132.95999999999998 L10 132.95999999999998 L11 132.95999999999998 L12 121.95999999999998 L13 105.95999999999998 L14 105.95999999999998 L15 105.95999999999998 L16 105.95999999999998 L17 67.95999999999998 L18 67.95999999999998 L19 67.95999999999998 L20 67.95999999999998 L21 67.95999999999998 L22 66.95999999999998 L23 66.95999999999998 L24 66.95999999999998 L25 66.95999999999998 L26 75.95999999999998 L27 75.95999999999998 L28 74.95999999999998 L29 81.95999999999998 L30 19.95999999999998 L31 18.95999999999998 L32 14.95999999999998 L33 9.95999999999998 L34 9.95999999999998 L35 12.95999999999998 L36 12.95999999999998 L37 13.95999999999998 L38 15.95999999999998 L39 13.95999999999998 L40 13.95999999999998 L41 13.95999999999998 L42 10.95999999999998 L43 6.9599999999999795 L44 6.9599999999999795 L45 6.9599999999999795 L46 72.95999999999998 L47 72.95999999999998 L48 72.95999999999998 L49 72.95999999999998 L50 89.95999999999998 L51 72.95999999999998 L52 72.95999999999998 L53 72.95999999999998 L54 89.95999999999998 L55 72.95999999999998" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 mb2 col col-6 sm-col-4 md-col-3"><div><div class="h1 h1-responsive bold" style="line-height:1;">324</div><div class="h5 bold" style="line-height:1;">Selectors</div></div><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 453.9" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 453.9 M0 337.9 L1 231.89999999999998 L2 129.89999999999998 L3 129.89999999999998 L4 129.89999999999998 L5 191.89999999999998 L6 179.89999999999998 L7 179.89999999999998 L8 171.89999999999998 L9 171.89999999999998 L10 171.89999999999998 L11 171.89999999999998 L12 157.89999999999998 L13 141.89999999999998 L14 141.89999999999998 L15 153.89999999999998 L16 153.89999999999998 L17 106.89999999999998 L18 106.89999999999998 L19 106.89999999999998 L20 106.89999999999998 L21 106.89999999999998 L22 105.89999999999998 L23 105.89999999999998 L24 105.89999999999998 L25 105.89999999999998 L26 115.89999999999998 L27 115.89999999999998 L28 114.89999999999998 L29 123.89999999999998 L30 60.89999999999998 L31 59.89999999999998 L32 55.89999999999998 L33 12.899999999999977 L34 8.899999999999977 L35 8.899999999999977 L36 8.899999999999977 L37 12.899999999999977 L38 54.89999999999998 L39 55.89999999999998 L40 55.89999999999998 L41 55.89999999999998 L42 52.89999999999998 L43 46.89999999999998 L44 40.89999999999998 L45 40.89999999999998 L46 129.89999999999998 L47 129.89999999999998 L48 129.89999999999998 L49 129.89999999999998 L50 148.89999999999998 L51 129.89999999999998 L52 129.89999999999998 L53 129.89999999999998 L54 148.89999999999998 L55 129.89999999999998 L 55 453.9 L0 453.9 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 453.9 M0 337.9 L1 231.89999999999998 L2 129.89999999999998 L3 129.89999999999998 L4 129.89999999999998 L5 191.89999999999998 L6 179.89999999999998 L7 179.89999999999998 L8 171.89999999999998 L9 171.89999999999998 L10 171.89999999999998 L11 171.89999999999998 L12 157.89999999999998 L13 141.89999999999998 L14 141.89999999999998 L15 153.89999999999998 L16 153.89999999999998 L17 106.89999999999998 L18 106.89999999999998 L19 106.89999999999998 L20 106.89999999999998 L21 106.89999999999998 L22 105.89999999999998 L23 105.89999999999998 L24 105.89999999999998 L25 105.89999999999998 L26 115.89999999999998 L27 115.89999999999998 L28 114.89999999999998 L29 123.89999999999998 L30 60.89999999999998 L31 59.89999999999998 L32 55.89999999999998 L33 12.899999999999977 L34 8.899999999999977 L35 8.899999999999977 L36 8.899999999999977 L37 12.899999999999977 L38 54.89999999999998 L39 55.89999999999998 L40 55.89999999999998 L41 55.89999999999998 L42 52.89999999999998 L43 46.89999999999998 L44 40.89999999999998 L45 40.89999999999998 L46 129.89999999999998 L47 129.89999999999998 L48 129.89999999999998 L49 129.89999999999998 L50 148.89999999999998 L51 129.89999999999998 L52 129.89999999999998 L53 129.89999999999998 L54 148.89999999999998 L55 129.89999999999998" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 mb2 col col-6 sm-col-4 md-col-3"><div><div class="h1 h1-responsive bold" style="line-height:1;">435</div><div class="h5 bold" style="line-height:1;">Declarations</div></div><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 633.42" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 633.42 M0 556.42 L1 386.41999999999996 L2 271.41999999999996 L3 271.41999999999996 L4 271.41999999999996 L5 269.41999999999996 L6 269.41999999999996 L7 269.41999999999996 L8 253.41999999999996 L9 253.41999999999996 L10 253.41999999999996 L11 252.41999999999996 L12 239.41999999999996 L13 215.41999999999996 L14 217.41999999999996 L15 218.41999999999996 L16 217.41999999999996 L17 165.41999999999996 L18 165.41999999999996 L19 163.41999999999996 L20 163.41999999999996 L21 164.41999999999996 L22 163.41999999999996 L23 163.41999999999996 L24 163.41999999999996 L25 175.41999999999996 L26 173.41999999999996 L27 173.41999999999996 L28 172.41999999999996 L29 193.41999999999996 L30 36.41999999999996 L31 27.41999999999996 L32 12.419999999999959 L33 59.41999999999996 L34 59.41999999999996 L35 68.41999999999996 L36 68.41999999999996 L37 83.41999999999996 L38 41.41999999999996 L39 41.41999999999996 L40 41.41999999999996 L41 41.41999999999996 L42 41.41999999999996 L43 37.41999999999996 L44 37.41999999999996 L45 37.41999999999996 L46 198.41999999999996 L47 198.41999999999996 L48 195.41999999999996 L49 198.41999999999996 L50 214.41999999999996 L51 198.41999999999996 L52 194.41999999999996 L53 198.41999999999996 L54 214.41999999999996 L55 198.41999999999996 L 55 633.42 L0 633.42 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 633.42 M0 556.42 L1 386.41999999999996 L2 271.41999999999996 L3 271.41999999999996 L4 271.41999999999996 L5 269.41999999999996 L6 269.41999999999996 L7 269.41999999999996 L8 253.41999999999996 L9 253.41999999999996 L10 253.41999999999996 L11 252.41999999999996 L12 239.41999999999996 L13 215.41999999999996 L14 217.41999999999996 L15 218.41999999999996 L16 217.41999999999996 L17 165.41999999999996 L18 165.41999999999996 L19 163.41999999999996 L20 163.41999999999996 L21 164.41999999999996 L22 163.41999999999996 L23 163.41999999999996 L24 163.41999999999996 L25 175.41999999999996 L26 173.41999999999996 L27 173.41999999999996 L28 172.41999999999996 L29 193.41999999999996 L30 36.41999999999996 L31 27.41999999999996 L32 12.419999999999959 L33 59.41999999999996 L34 59.41999999999996 L35 68.41999999999996 L36 68.41999999999996 L37 83.41999999999996 L38 41.41999999999996 L39 41.41999999999996 L40 41.41999999999996 L41 41.41999999999996 L42 41.41999999999996 L43 37.41999999999996 L44 37.41999999999996 L45 37.41999999999996 L46 198.41999999999996 L47 198.41999999999996 L48 195.41999999999996 L49 198.41999999999996 L50 214.41999999999996 L51 198.41999999999996 L52 194.41999999999996 L53 198.41999999999996 L54 214.41999999999996 L55 198.41999999999996" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 mb2 col col-6 sm-col-4 md-col-3"><div><div class="h1 h1-responsive bold" style="line-height:1;">93</div><div class="h5 bold" style="line-height:1;">Properties</div></div><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 103.02" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 103.02 M0 82.02 L1 49.019999999999996 L2 30.019999999999996 L3 30.019999999999996 L4 30.019999999999996 L5 27.019999999999996 L6 27.019999999999996 L7 27.019999999999996 L8 27.019999999999996 L9 27.019999999999996 L10 27.019999999999996 L11 27.019999999999996 L12 26.019999999999996 L13 26.019999999999996 L14 27.019999999999996 L15 28.019999999999996 L16 28.019999999999996 L17 23.019999999999996 L18 23.019999999999996 L19 23.019999999999996 L20 23.019999999999996 L21 23.019999999999996 L22 23.019999999999996 L23 23.019999999999996 L24 23.019999999999996 L25 24.019999999999996 L26 24.019999999999996 L27 24.019999999999996 L28 24.019999999999996 L29 27.019999999999996 L30 6.019999999999996 L31 6.019999999999996 L32 6.019999999999996 L33 6.019999999999996 L34 6.019999999999996 L35 2.019999999999996 L36 2.019999999999996 L37 2.019999999999996 L38 2.019999999999996 L39 2.019999999999996 L40 2.019999999999996 L41 2.019999999999996 L42 6.019999999999996 L43 6.019999999999996 L44 6.019999999999996 L45 6.019999999999996 L46 10.019999999999996 L47 10.019999999999996 L48 10.019999999999996 L49 10.019999999999996 L50 19.019999999999996 L51 10.019999999999996 L52 10.019999999999996 L53 10.019999999999996 L54 19.019999999999996 L55 10.019999999999996 L 55 103.02 L0 103.02 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 103.02 M0 82.02 L1 49.019999999999996 L2 30.019999999999996 L3 30.019999999999996 L4 30.019999999999996 L5 27.019999999999996 L6 27.019999999999996 L7 27.019999999999996 L8 27.019999999999996 L9 27.019999999999996 L10 27.019999999999996 L11 27.019999999999996 L12 26.019999999999996 L13 26.019999999999996 L14 27.019999999999996 L15 28.019999999999996 L16 28.019999999999996 L17 23.019999999999996 L18 23.019999999999996 L19 23.019999999999996 L20 23.019999999999996 L21 23.019999999999996 L22 23.019999999999996 L23 23.019999999999996 L24 23.019999999999996 L25 24.019999999999996 L26 24.019999999999996 L27 24.019999999999996 L28 24.019999999999996 L29 27.019999999999996 L30 6.019999999999996 L31 6.019999999999996 L32 6.019999999999996 L33 6.019999999999996 L34 6.019999999999996 L35 2.019999999999996 L36 2.019999999999996 L37 2.019999999999996 L38 2.019999999999996 L39 2.019999999999996 L40 2.019999999999996 L41 2.019999999999996 L42 6.019999999999996 L43 6.019999999999996 L44 6.019999999999996 L45 6.019999999999996 L46 10.019999999999996 L47 10.019999999999996 L48 10.019999999999996 L49 10.019999999999996 L50 19.019999999999996 L51 10.019999999999996 L52 10.019999999999996 L53 10.019999999999996 L54 19.019999999999996 L55 10.019999999999996" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><hr><h2 class="h5 caps">Versions 1 to 7.0.0</h2><div class="mb2"><h3>File Size</h3><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:256px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 17955.06" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:256px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 17955.06 M0 15688.060000000001 L1 11352.060000000001 L2 7293.060000000001 L3 7275.060000000001 L4 7275.060000000001 L5 7963.060000000001 L6 7829.060000000001 L7 7829.060000000001 L8 7449.060000000001 L9 7449.060000000001 L10 7449.060000000001 L11 7430.060000000001 L12 6947.060000000001 L13 5934.060000000001 L14 5937.060000000001 L15 6059.060000000001 L16 6035.060000000001 L17 3756.0600000000013 L18 3756.0600000000013 L19 3702.0600000000013 L20 3702.0600000000013 L21 3719.0600000000013 L22 3690.0600000000013 L23 3690.0600000000013 L24 3735.0600000000013 L25 4059.0600000000013 L26 3933.0600000000013 L27 3933.0600000000013 L28 3887.0600000000013 L29 4722.060000000001 L30 942.0600000000013 L31 775.0600000000013 L32 352.0600000000013 L33 1396.0600000000013 L34 1340.0600000000013 L35 1337.0600000000013 L36 1337.0600000000013 L37 1919.0600000000013 L38 1386.0600000000013 L39 1404.0600000000013 L40 1404.0600000000013 L41 1404.0600000000013 L42 1501.0600000000013 L43 1130.0600000000013 L44 952.0600000000013 L45 952.0600000000013 L46 5999.060000000001 L47 5999.060000000001 L48 5934.060000000001 L49 5999.060000000001 L50 6597.060000000001 L51 5997.060000000001 L52 5899.060000000001 L53 5997.060000000001 L54 6597.060000000001 L55 5997.060000000001 L 55 17955.06 L0 17955.06 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 17955.06 M0 15688.060000000001 L1 11352.060000000001 L2 7293.060000000001 L3 7275.060000000001 L4 7275.060000000001 L5 7963.060000000001 L6 7829.060000000001 L7 7829.060000000001 L8 7449.060000000001 L9 7449.060000000001 L10 7449.060000000001 L11 7430.060000000001 L12 6947.060000000001 L13 5934.060000000001 L14 5937.060000000001 L15 6059.060000000001 L16 6035.060000000001 L17 3756.0600000000013 L18 3756.0600000000013 L19 3702.0600000000013 L20 3702.0600000000013 L21 3719.0600000000013 L22 3690.0600000000013 L23 3690.0600000000013 L24 3735.0600000000013 L25 4059.0600000000013 L26 3933.0600000000013 L27 3933.0600000000013 L28 3887.0600000000013 L29 4722.060000000001 L30 942.0600000000013 L31 775.0600000000013 L32 352.0600000000013 L33 1396.0600000000013 L34 1340.0600000000013 L35 1337.0600000000013 L36 1337.0600000000013 L37 1919.0600000000013 L38 1386.0600000000013 L39 1404.0600000000013 L40 1404.0600000000013 L41 1404.0600000000013 L42 1501.0600000000013 L43 1130.0600000000013 L44 952.0600000000013 L45 952.0600000000013 L46 5999.060000000001 L47 5999.060000000001 L48 5934.060000000001 L49 5999.060000000001 L50 6597.060000000001 L51 5997.060000000001 L52 5899.060000000001 L53 5997.060000000001 L54 6597.060000000001 L55 5997.060000000001" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 17955.06" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:256px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 17955.06 M0 17199.06 L1 16114.060000000001 L2 15290.060000000001 L3 15280.060000000001 L4 15280.060000000001 L5 15588.060000000001 L6 15554.060000000001 L7 15554.060000000001 L8 15516.060000000001 L9 15516.060000000001 L10 15516.060000000001 L11 15510.060000000001 L12 15416.060000000001 L13 15252.060000000001 L14 15257.060000000001 L15 15315.060000000001 L16 15314.060000000001 L17 14919.060000000001 L18 14919.060000000001 L19 14909.060000000001 L20 14909.060000000001 L21 14913.060000000001 L22 14906.060000000001 L23 14906.060000000001 L24 14912.060000000001 L25 14923.060000000001 L26 15013.060000000001 L27 15013.060000000001 L28 14995.060000000001 L29 15072.060000000001 L30 14196.060000000001 L31 14167.060000000001 L32 14088.060000000001 L33 14005.060000000001 L34 13997.060000000001 L35 14011.060000000001 L36 14011.060000000001 L37 14054.060000000001 L38 14139.060000000001 L39 14128.060000000001 L40 14128.060000000001 L41 14128.060000000001 L42 14133.060000000001 L43 14080.060000000001 L44 14052.060000000001 L45 14055.060000000001 L46 14920.060000000001 L47 14920.060000000001 L48 14916.060000000001 L49 14920.060000000001 L50 15051.060000000001 L51 14920.060000000001 L52 14916.060000000001 L53 14920.060000000001 L54 15051.060000000001 L55 14920.060000000001 L 55 17955.06 L0 17955.06 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 17955.06 M0 17199.06 L1 16114.060000000001 L2 15290.060000000001 L3 15280.060000000001 L4 15280.060000000001 L5 15588.060000000001 L6 15554.060000000001 L7 15554.060000000001 L8 15516.060000000001 L9 15516.060000000001 L10 15516.060000000001 L11 15510.060000000001 L12 15416.060000000001 L13 15252.060000000001 L14 15257.060000000001 L15 15315.060000000001 L16 15314.060000000001 L17 14919.060000000001 L18 14919.060000000001 L19 14909.060000000001 L20 14909.060000000001 L21 14913.060000000001 L22 14906.060000000001 L23 14906.060000000001 L24 14912.060000000001 L25 14923.060000000001 L26 15013.060000000001 L27 15013.060000000001 L28 14995.060000000001 L29 15072.060000000001 L30 14196.060000000001 L31 14167.060000000001 L32 14088.060000000001 L33 14005.060000000001 L34 13997.060000000001 L35 14011.060000000001 L36 14011.060000000001 L37 14054.060000000001 L38 14139.060000000001 L39 14128.060000000001 L40 14128.060000000001 L41 14128.060000000001 L42 14133.060000000001 L43 14080.060000000001 L44 14052.060000000001 L45 14055.060000000001 L46 14920.060000000001 L47 14920.060000000001 L48 14916.060000000001 L49 14920.060000000001 L50 15051.060000000001 L51 14920.060000000001 L52 14916.060000000001 L53 14920.060000000001 L54 15051.060000000001 L55 14920.060000000001" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:25%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:50%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:75%;" class="border-top"></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0%;font-size:12px;">17.19 kB</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:25%;font-size:12px;">12.89 kB</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:50%;font-size:12px;">8.6 kB</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:75%;font-size:12px;">4.3 kB</div></div></div></div><div style="font-size:12px;" class="py1"><span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="inline-block mr2"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#3288bd;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">Minified</span></span><span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="inline-block mr2"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#66c2a5;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">Gzipped</span></span></div></div></div><div class="clearfix mxn2"><div class="px2 mb2 sm-col sm-col-6"><div class="mb2"><h3>Specificity</h3><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:256px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 31.62" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:256px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 31.62 M0 23.663103448275862 L1 22.30918918918919 L2 20.280493827160495 L3 20.280493827160495 L4 20.280493827160495 L5 23.14671755725191 L6 23.145547445255474 L7 23.145547445255474 L8 23.1022695035461 L9 23.1022695035461 L10 23.1022695035461 L11 23.1022695035461 L12 22.66054054054054 L13 22.42448717948718 L14 22.42448717948718 L15 22.133333333333333 L16 22.133333333333333 L17 21.216541786743516 L18 21.216541786743516 L19 21.216541786743516 L20 21.216541786743516 L21 21.216541786743516 L22 21.217701149425288 L23 21.217701149425288 L24 21.275172413793104 L25 21.275172413793104 L26 21.353727810650888 L27 21.353727810650888 L28 21.319115044247788 L29 21.553333333333335 L30 21.698880407124683 L31 21.693604060913707 L32 21.68532663316583 L33 21.97374149659864 L34 22.002022471910113 L35 21.95258426966292 L36 21.95258426966292 L37 21.96013605442177 L38 21.62 L39 21.529547738693466 L40 21.529547738693466 L41 21.529547738693466 L42 21.530224438902742 L43 21.23670761670762 L44 21.000145278450365 L45 21.024358353510898 L46 21.570617283950618 L47 21.570617283950618 L48 21.570617283950618 L49 21.570617283950618 L50 21.888852459016395 L51 21.570617283950618 L52 21.570617283950618 L53 21.570617283950618 L54 21.888852459016395 L55 21.570617283950618 L 55 31.62 L0 31.62 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 31.62 M0 23.663103448275862 L1 22.30918918918919 L2 20.280493827160495 L3 20.280493827160495 L4 20.280493827160495 L5 23.14671755725191 L6 23.145547445255474 L7 23.145547445255474 L8 23.1022695035461 L9 23.1022695035461 L10 23.1022695035461 L11 23.1022695035461 L12 22.66054054054054 L13 22.42448717948718 L14 22.42448717948718 L15 22.133333333333333 L16 22.133333333333333 L17 21.216541786743516 L18 21.216541786743516 L19 21.216541786743516 L20 21.216541786743516 L21 21.216541786743516 L22 21.217701149425288 L23 21.217701149425288 L24 21.275172413793104 L25 21.275172413793104 L26 21.353727810650888 L27 21.353727810650888 L28 21.319115044247788 L29 21.553333333333335 L30 21.698880407124683 L31 21.693604060913707 L32 21.68532663316583 L33 21.97374149659864 L34 22.002022471910113 L35 21.95258426966292 L36 21.95258426966292 L37 21.96013605442177 L38 21.62 L39 21.529547738693466 L40 21.529547738693466 L41 21.529547738693466 L42 21.530224438902742 L43 21.23670761670762 L44 21.000145278450365 L45 21.024358353510898 L46 21.570617283950618 L47 21.570617283950618 L48 21.570617283950618 L49 21.570617283950618 L50 21.888852459016395 L51 21.570617283950618 L52 21.570617283950618 L53 21.570617283950618 L54 21.888852459016395 L55 21.570617283950618" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 31.62" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:256px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 31.62 M0 30.62 L1 30.62 L2 30.62 L3 30.62 L4 30.62 L5 30.62 L6 30.62 L7 30.62 L8 30.62 L9 30.62 L10 30.62 L11 30.62 L12 30.62 L13 30.62 L14 30.62 L15 30.62 L16 30.62 L17 30.62 L18 30.62 L19 30.62 L20 30.62 L21 30.62 L22 30.62 L23 30.62 L24 30.62 L25 30.62 L26 30.62 L27 30.62 L28 30.62 L29 30.62 L30 30.62 L31 30.62 L32 30.62 L33 30.62 L34 30.62 L35 30.62 L36 30.62 L37 30.62 L38 30.62 L39 30.62 L40 30.62 L41 30.62 L42 30.62 L43 30.62 L44 30.62 L45 30.62 L46 30.62 L47 30.62 L48 30.62 L49 30.62 L50 30.62 L51 30.62 L52 30.62 L53 30.62 L54 30.62 L55 30.62 L 55 31.62 L0 31.62 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 31.62 M0 30.62 L1 30.62 L2 30.62 L3 30.62 L4 30.62 L5 30.62 L6 30.62 L7 30.62 L8 30.62 L9 30.62 L10 30.62 L11 30.62 L12 30.62 L13 30.62 L14 30.62 L15 30.62 L16 30.62 L17 30.62 L18 30.62 L19 30.62 L20 30.62 L21 30.62 L22 30.62 L23 30.62 L24 30.62 L25 30.62 L26 30.62 L27 30.62 L28 30.62 L29 30.62 L30 30.62 L31 30.62 L32 30.62 L33 30.62 L34 30.62 L35 30.62 L36 30.62 L37 30.62 L38 30.62 L39 30.62 L40 30.62 L41 30.62 L42 30.62 L43 30.62 L44 30.62 L45 30.62 L46 30.62 L47 30.62 L48 30.62 L49 30.62 L50 30.62 L51 30.62 L52 30.62 L53 30.62 L54 30.62 L55 30.62" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 31.62" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:256px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 31.62 M0 11.620000000000001 L1 0.620000000000001 L2 0.620000000000001 L3 0.620000000000001 L4 0.620000000000001 L5 0.620000000000001 L6 11.620000000000001 L7 11.620000000000001 L8 11.620000000000001 L9 11.620000000000001 L10 11.620000000000001 L11 11.620000000000001 L12 11.620000000000001 L13 10.620000000000001 L14 10.620000000000001 L15 10.620000000000001 L16 10.620000000000001 L17 1.620000000000001 L18 1.620000000000001 L19 1.620000000000001 L20 1.620000000000001 L21 1.620000000000001 L22 1.620000000000001 L23 1.620000000000001 L24 10.620000000000001 L25 10.620000000000001 L26 10.620000000000001 L27 10.620000000000001 L28 9.620000000000001 L29 9.620000000000001 L30 9.620000000000001 L31 9.620000000000001 L32 9.620000000000001 L33 9.620000000000001 L34 9.620000000000001 L35 9.620000000000001 L36 9.620000000000001 L37 9.620000000000001 L38 9.620000000000001 L39 9.620000000000001 L40 9.620000000000001 L41 9.620000000000001 L42 9.620000000000001 L43 1.620000000000001 L44 1.620000000000001 L45 1.620000000000001 L46 1.620000000000001 L47 1.620000000000001 L48 1.620000000000001 L49 1.620000000000001 L50 1.620000000000001 L51 1.620000000000001 L52 1.620000000000001 L53 1.620000000000001 L54 1.620000000000001 L55 1.620000000000001 L 55 31.62 L0 31.62 z" style="fill:#abdda4;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 31.62 M0 11.620000000000001 L1 0.620000000000001 L2 0.620000000000001 L3 0.620000000000001 L4 0.620000000000001 L5 0.620000000000001 L6 11.620000000000001 L7 11.620000000000001 L8 11.620000000000001 L9 11.620000000000001 L10 11.620000000000001 L11 11.620000000000001 L12 11.620000000000001 L13 10.620000000000001 L14 10.620000000000001 L15 10.620000000000001 L16 10.620000000000001 L17 1.620000000000001 L18 1.620000000000001 L19 1.620000000000001 L20 1.620000000000001 L21 1.620000000000001 L22 1.620000000000001 L23 1.620000000000001 L24 10.620000000000001 L25 10.620000000000001 L26 10.620000000000001 L27 10.620000000000001 L28 9.620000000000001 L29 9.620000000000001 L30 9.620000000000001 L31 9.620000000000001 L32 9.620000000000001 L33 9.620000000000001 L34 9.620000000000001 L35 9.620000000000001 L36 9.620000000000001 L37 9.620000000000001 L38 9.620000000000001 L39 9.620000000000001 L40 9.620000000000001 L41 9.620000000000001 L42 9.620000000000001 L43 1.620000000000001 L44 1.620000000000001 L45 1.620000000000001 L46 1.620000000000001 L47 1.620000000000001 L48 1.620000000000001 L49 1.620000000000001 L50 1.620000000000001 L51 1.620000000000001 L52 1.620000000000001 L53 1.620000000000001 L54 1.620000000000001 L55 1.620000000000001" style="fill:none;stroke:#abdda4;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:25%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:50%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:75%;" class="border-top"></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0%;font-size:12px;">31</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:25%;font-size:12px;">23.25</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:50%;font-size:12px;">15.5</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:75%;font-size:12px;">7.75</div></div></div></div><div style="font-size:12px;" class="py1"><span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="inline-block mr2"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#3288bd;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">Average</span></span><span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="inline-block mr2"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#66c2a5;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">Min</span></span><span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="inline-block mr2"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#abdda4;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">Max</span></span></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 mb2 sm-col sm-col-6"><div class="mb2"><h3>Ruleset Size</h3><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:256px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 18.36" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:256px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 18.36 M0 17.11806451612903 L1 16.863030303030303 L2 16.838991596638657 L3 16.838991596638657 L4 16.838991596638657 L5 16.666976744186044 L6 16.659065420560747 L7 16.659065420560747 L8 16.64828828828829 L9 16.64828828828829 L10 16.64828828828829 L11 16.643783783783782 L12 16.66901287553648 L13 16.68128514056225 L14 16.689317269076305 L15 16.69333333333333 L16 16.689317269076305 L17 16.729337979094076 L18 16.729337979094076 L19 16.722369337979092 L20 16.722369337979092 L21 16.725853658536586 L22 16.728055555555557 L23 16.728055555555557 L24 16.728055555555557 L25 16.76972222222222 L26 16.711254480286737 L27 16.711254480286737 L28 16.713571428571427 L29 16.748278388278386 L30 16.577910447761194 L31 16.556428571428572 L32 16.533529411764704 L33 16.69623188405797 L34 16.69623188405797 L35 16.707953216374268 L36 16.707953216374268 L37 16.747096774193547 L38 16.613687315634216 L39 16.62392961876833 L40 16.62392961876833 L41 16.62392961876833 L42 16.63906976744186 L43 16.64735632183908 L44 16.64735632183908 L45 16.64735632183908 L46 16.81744680851064 L47 16.81744680851064 L48 16.806808510638298 L49 16.81744680851064 L50 16.778867924528303 L51 16.81744680851064 L52 16.803262411347518 L53 16.81744680851064 L54 16.778867924528303 L55 16.81744680851064 L 55 18.36 L0 18.36 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 18.36 M0 17.11806451612903 L1 16.863030303030303 L2 16.838991596638657 L3 16.838991596638657 L4 16.838991596638657 L5 16.666976744186044 L6 16.659065420560747 L7 16.659065420560747 L8 16.64828828828829 L9 16.64828828828829 L10 16.64828828828829 L11 16.643783783783782 L12 16.66901287553648 L13 16.68128514056225 L14 16.689317269076305 L15 16.69333333333333 L16 16.689317269076305 L17 16.729337979094076 L18 16.729337979094076 L19 16.722369337979092 L20 16.722369337979092 L21 16.725853658536586 L22 16.728055555555557 L23 16.728055555555557 L24 16.728055555555557 L25 16.76972222222222 L26 16.711254480286737 L27 16.711254480286737 L28 16.713571428571427 L29 16.748278388278386 L30 16.577910447761194 L31 16.556428571428572 L32 16.533529411764704 L33 16.69623188405797 L34 16.69623188405797 L35 16.707953216374268 L36 16.707953216374268 L37 16.747096774193547 L38 16.613687315634216 L39 16.62392961876833 L40 16.62392961876833 L41 16.62392961876833 L42 16.63906976744186 L43 16.64735632183908 L44 16.64735632183908 L45 16.64735632183908 L46 16.81744680851064 L47 16.81744680851064 L48 16.806808510638298 L49 16.81744680851064 L50 16.778867924528303 L51 16.81744680851064 L52 16.803262411347518 L53 16.81744680851064 L54 16.778867924528303 L55 16.81744680851064" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 18.36" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:256px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 18.36 M0 17.36 L1 17.36 L2 17.36 L3 17.36 L4 17.36 L5 17.36 L6 17.36 L7 17.36 L8 17.36 L9 17.36 L10 17.36 L11 17.36 L12 17.36 L13 17.36 L14 17.36 L15 17.36 L16 17.36 L17 17.36 L18 17.36 L19 17.36 L20 17.36 L21 17.36 L22 17.36 L23 17.36 L24 17.36 L25 17.36 L26 17.36 L27 17.36 L28 17.36 L29 17.36 L30 17.36 L31 17.36 L32 17.36 L33 17.36 L34 17.36 L35 17.36 L36 17.36 L37 17.36 L38 17.36 L39 17.36 L40 17.36 L41 17.36 L42 17.36 L43 17.36 L44 17.36 L45 17.36 L46 17.36 L47 17.36 L48 17.36 L49 17.36 L50 17.36 L51 17.36 L52 17.36 L53 17.36 L54 17.36 L55 17.36 L 55 18.36 L0 18.36 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 18.36 M0 17.36 L1 17.36 L2 17.36 L3 17.36 L4 17.36 L5 17.36 L6 17.36 L7 17.36 L8 17.36 L9 17.36 L10 17.36 L11 17.36 L12 17.36 L13 17.36 L14 17.36 L15 17.36 L16 17.36 L17 17.36 L18 17.36 L19 17.36 L20 17.36 L21 17.36 L22 17.36 L23 17.36 L24 17.36 L25 17.36 L26 17.36 L27 17.36 L28 17.36 L29 17.36 L30 17.36 L31 17.36 L32 17.36 L33 17.36 L34 17.36 L35 17.36 L36 17.36 L37 17.36 L38 17.36 L39 17.36 L40 17.36 L41 17.36 L42 17.36 L43 17.36 L44 17.36 L45 17.36 L46 17.36 L47 17.36 L48 17.36 L49 17.36 L50 17.36 L51 17.36 L52 17.36 L53 17.36 L54 17.36 L55 17.36" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 18.36" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:256px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 18.36 M0 15.36 L1 6.359999999999999 L2 5.359999999999999 L3 5.359999999999999 L4 5.359999999999999 L5 4.359999999999999 L6 4.359999999999999 L7 4.359999999999999 L8 4.359999999999999 L9 4.359999999999999 L10 4.359999999999999 L11 4.359999999999999 L12 4.359999999999999 L13 4.359999999999999 L14 4.359999999999999 L15 7.359999999999999 L16 6.359999999999999 L17 6.359999999999999 L18 6.359999999999999 L19 6.359999999999999 L20 6.359999999999999 L21 6.359999999999999 L22 6.359999999999999 L23 6.359999999999999 L24 6.359999999999999 L25 7.359999999999999 L26 5.359999999999999 L27 5.359999999999999 L28 5.359999999999999 L29 5.359999999999999 L30 0.35999999999999943 L31 0.35999999999999943 L32 0.35999999999999943 L33 8.36 L34 8.36 L35 8.36 L36 8.36 L37 9.36 L38 5.359999999999999 L39 5.359999999999999 L40 5.359999999999999 L41 5.359999999999999 L42 5.359999999999999 L43 5.359999999999999 L44 5.359999999999999 L45 5.359999999999999 L46 3.3599999999999994 L47 3.3599999999999994 L48 3.3599999999999994 L49 3.3599999999999994 L50 3.3599999999999994 L51 3.3599999999999994 L52 3.3599999999999994 L53 3.3599999999999994 L54 3.3599999999999994 L55 3.3599999999999994 L 55 18.36 L0 18.36 z" style="fill:#abdda4;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 18.36 M0 15.36 L1 6.359999999999999 L2 5.359999999999999 L3 5.359999999999999 L4 5.359999999999999 L5 4.359999999999999 L6 4.359999999999999 L7 4.359999999999999 L8 4.359999999999999 L9 4.359999999999999 L10 4.359999999999999 L11 4.359999999999999 L12 4.359999999999999 L13 4.359999999999999 L14 4.359999999999999 L15 7.359999999999999 L16 6.359999999999999 L17 6.359999999999999 L18 6.359999999999999 L19 6.359999999999999 L20 6.359999999999999 L21 6.359999999999999 L22 6.359999999999999 L23 6.359999999999999 L24 6.359999999999999 L25 7.359999999999999 L26 5.359999999999999 L27 5.359999999999999 L28 5.359999999999999 L29 5.359999999999999 L30 0.35999999999999943 L31 0.35999999999999943 L32 0.35999999999999943 L33 8.36 L34 8.36 L35 8.36 L36 8.36 L37 9.36 L38 5.359999999999999 L39 5.359999999999999 L40 5.359999999999999 L41 5.359999999999999 L42 5.359999999999999 L43 5.359999999999999 L44 5.359999999999999 L45 5.359999999999999 L46 3.3599999999999994 L47 3.3599999999999994 L48 3.3599999999999994 L49 3.3599999999999994 L50 3.3599999999999994 L51 3.3599999999999994 L52 3.3599999999999994 L53 3.3599999999999994 L54 3.3599999999999994 L55 3.3599999999999994" style="fill:none;stroke:#abdda4;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:25%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:50%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:75%;" class="border-top"></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0%;font-size:12px;">18</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:25%;font-size:12px;">13.5</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:50%;font-size:12px;">9</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:75%;font-size:12px;">4.5</div></div></div></div><div style="font-size:12px;" class="py1"><span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="inline-block mr2"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#3288bd;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">Average</span></span><span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="inline-block mr2"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#66c2a5;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">Min</span></span><span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="inline-block mr2"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#abdda4;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">Max</span></span></div></div></div></div></div><hr><div class="mb2"><h3>Mixed Properties Score</h3><p>Score based on mixing structure and skin properties in a single ruleset. Calculated as the ratio of structure to skin properties multiplied by the total number of properties in a ruleset. Lower is better. <a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a></p><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:256px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.491428571428571" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:256px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.491428571428571 M0 10.491428571428571 L1 10.436984126984127 L2 10.480504201680672 L3 10.480504201680672 L4 10.480504201680672 L5 10.48328903654485 L6 10.483251001335113 L7 10.483251001335113 L8 10.483545688545687 L9 10.483545688545687 L10 10.483545688545687 L11 10.483545688545687 L12 10.483917841814836 L13 10.479045706636068 L14 10.479045706636068 L15 10.459634729393764 L16 10.458965385350927 L17 10.463263646922183 L18 10.463263646922183 L19 10.458037166085946 L20 10.458037166085946 L21 10.458037166085946 L22 10.458153108465607 L23 10.458153108465607 L24 10.458153108465607 L25 10.458731812169312 L26 10.45842379245605 L27 10.45842379245605 L28 10.458541666666667 L29 10.473266178266178 L30 10.336613361762614 L31 10.335089994331065 L32 10.31487044817927 L33 10.33704623878537 L34 10.33704623878537 L35 10.338302701197438 L36 10.338302701197438 L37 10.356915235302331 L38 10.351960247225733 L39 10.352097472420052 L40 10.352097472420052 L41 10.352097472420052 L42 10.353312569213731 L43 10.354900109469074 L44 10.354900109469074 L45 10.354900109469074 L46 10.461540020263424 L47 10.461540020263424 L48 10.461540020263424 L49 10.461540020263424 L50 10.454591194968554 L51 10.461540020263424 L52 10.461540020263424 L53 10.461540020263424 L54 10.454591194968554 L55 10.461540020263424 L 55 10.491428571428571 L0 10.491428571428571 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.491428571428571 M0 10.491428571428571 L1 10.436984126984127 L2 10.480504201680672 L3 10.480504201680672 L4 10.480504201680672 L5 10.48328903654485 L6 10.483251001335113 L7 10.483251001335113 L8 10.483545688545687 L9 10.483545688545687 L10 10.483545688545687 L11 10.483545688545687 L12 10.483917841814836 L13 10.479045706636068 L14 10.479045706636068 L15 10.459634729393764 L16 10.458965385350927 L17 10.463263646922183 L18 10.463263646922183 L19 10.458037166085946 L20 10.458037166085946 L21 10.458037166085946 L22 10.458153108465607 L23 10.458153108465607 L24 10.458153108465607 L25 10.458731812169312 L26 10.45842379245605 L27 10.45842379245605 L28 10.458541666666667 L29 10.473266178266178 L30 10.336613361762614 L31 10.335089994331065 L32 10.31487044817927 L33 10.33704623878537 L34 10.33704623878537 L35 10.338302701197438 L36 10.338302701197438 L37 10.356915235302331 L38 10.351960247225733 L39 10.352097472420052 L40 10.352097472420052 L41 10.352097472420052 L42 10.353312569213731 L43 10.354900109469074 L44 10.354900109469074 L45 10.354900109469074 L46 10.461540020263424 L47 10.461540020263424 L48 10.461540020263424 L49 10.461540020263424 L50 10.454591194968554 L51 10.461540020263424 L52 10.461540020263424 L53 10.461540020263424 L54 10.454591194968554 L55 10.461540020263424" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.491428571428571" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:256px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.491428571428571 M0 10.491428571428571 L1 6.491428571428571 L2 7.8914285714285715 L3 7.8914285714285715 L4 7.8914285714285715 L5 8.741428571428571 L6 8.741428571428571 L7 8.741428571428571 L8 8.741428571428571 L9 8.741428571428571 L10 8.741428571428571 L11 8.741428571428571 L12 8.741428571428571 L13 8.741428571428571 L14 8.741428571428571 L15 7.741428571428571 L16 7.741428571428571 L17 7.741428571428571 L18 7.741428571428571 L19 7.741428571428571 L20 7.741428571428571 L21 7.741428571428571 L22 7.741428571428571 L23 7.741428571428571 L24 7.741428571428571 L25 7.741428571428571 L26 7.741428571428571 L27 7.741428571428571 L28 7.741428571428571 L29 8.491428571428571 L30 0.2057142857142864 L31 0.2057142857142864 L32 0.2057142857142864 L33 4.491428571428571 L34 4.491428571428571 L35 4.491428571428571 L36 4.491428571428571 L37 5.241428571428571 L38 3.6342857142857143 L39 3.6342857142857143 L40 3.6342857142857143 L41 3.6342857142857143 L42 3.6342857142857143 L43 3.6342857142857143 L44 3.6342857142857143 L45 3.6342857142857143 L46 4.062857142857143 L47 4.062857142857143 L48 4.062857142857143 L49 4.062857142857143 L50 4.062857142857143 L51 4.062857142857143 L52 4.062857142857143 L53 4.062857142857143 L54 4.062857142857143 L55 4.062857142857143 L 55 10.491428571428571 L0 10.491428571428571 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.491428571428571 M0 10.491428571428571 L1 6.491428571428571 L2 7.8914285714285715 L3 7.8914285714285715 L4 7.8914285714285715 L5 8.741428571428571 L6 8.741428571428571 L7 8.741428571428571 L8 8.741428571428571 L9 8.741428571428571 L10 8.741428571428571 L11 8.741428571428571 L12 8.741428571428571 L13 8.741428571428571 L14 8.741428571428571 L15 7.741428571428571 L16 7.741428571428571 L17 7.741428571428571 L18 7.741428571428571 L19 7.741428571428571 L20 7.741428571428571 L21 7.741428571428571 L22 7.741428571428571 L23 7.741428571428571 L24 7.741428571428571 L25 7.741428571428571 L26 7.741428571428571 L27 7.741428571428571 L28 7.741428571428571 L29 8.491428571428571 L30 0.2057142857142864 L31 0.2057142857142864 L32 0.2057142857142864 L33 4.491428571428571 L34 4.491428571428571 L35 4.491428571428571 L36 4.491428571428571 L37 5.241428571428571 L38 3.6342857142857143 L39 3.6342857142857143 L40 3.6342857142857143 L41 3.6342857142857143 L42 3.6342857142857143 L43 3.6342857142857143 L44 3.6342857142857143 L45 3.6342857142857143 L46 4.062857142857143 L47 4.062857142857143 L48 4.062857142857143 L49 4.062857142857143 L50 4.062857142857143 L51 4.062857142857143 L52 4.062857142857143 L53 4.062857142857143 L54 4.062857142857143 L55 4.062857142857143" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:25%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:50%;" class="border-top"></div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:75%;" class="border-top"></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0%;font-size:12px;">10.29</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:25%;font-size:12px;">7.71</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:50%;font-size:12px;">5.14</div><div style="position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:75%;font-size:12px;">2.57</div></div></div></div><div style="font-size:12px;" class="py1"><span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="inline-block mr2"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#3288bd;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">Average</span></span><span style="vertical-align:middle;" class="inline-block mr2"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#66c2a5;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">Max</span></span></div></div></div><hr><div><h2>Total vs Unique Properties</h2><div class="clearfix mxn2"><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">width</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">50/13</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 59.16" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 59.16 M0 59.16 L1 55.16 L2 30.159999999999997 L3 30.159999999999997 L4 30.159999999999997 L5 6.159999999999997 L6 6.159999999999997 L7 6.159999999999997 L8 2.1599999999999966 L9 2.1599999999999966 L10 2.1599999999999966 L11 2.1599999999999966 L12 2.1599999999999966 L13 3.1599999999999966 L14 3.1599999999999966 L15 4.159999999999997 L16 4.159999999999997 L17 3.1599999999999966 L18 3.1599999999999966 L19 3.1599999999999966 L20 3.1599999999999966 L21 3.1599999999999966 L22 3.1599999999999966 L23 3.1599999999999966 L24 3.1599999999999966 L25 3.1599999999999966 L26 3.1599999999999966 L27 3.1599999999999966 L28 3.1599999999999966 L29 3.1599999999999966 L30 3.1599999999999966 L31 2.1599999999999966 L32 1.1599999999999966 L33 2.1599999999999966 L34 2.1599999999999966 L35 3.1599999999999966 L36 3.1599999999999966 L37 3.1599999999999966 L38 3.1599999999999966 L39 3.1599999999999966 L40 3.1599999999999966 L41 3.1599999999999966 L42 3.1599999999999966 L43 3.1599999999999966 L44 3.1599999999999966 L45 3.1599999999999966 L46 9.159999999999997 L47 9.159999999999997 L48 9.159999999999997 L49 9.159999999999997 L50 9.159999999999997 L51 9.159999999999997 L52 9.159999999999997 L53 9.159999999999997 L54 9.159999999999997 L55 9.159999999999997 L 55 59.16 L0 59.16 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 59.16 M0 59.16 L1 55.16 L2 30.159999999999997 L3 30.159999999999997 L4 30.159999999999997 L5 6.159999999999997 L6 6.159999999999997 L7 6.159999999999997 L8 2.1599999999999966 L9 2.1599999999999966 L10 2.1599999999999966 L11 2.1599999999999966 L12 2.1599999999999966 L13 3.1599999999999966 L14 3.1599999999999966 L15 4.159999999999997 L16 4.159999999999997 L17 3.1599999999999966 L18 3.1599999999999966 L19 3.1599999999999966 L20 3.1599999999999966 L21 3.1599999999999966 L22 3.1599999999999966 L23 3.1599999999999966 L24 3.1599999999999966 L25 3.1599999999999966 L26 3.1599999999999966 L27 3.1599999999999966 L28 3.1599999999999966 L29 3.1599999999999966 L30 3.1599999999999966 L31 2.1599999999999966 L32 1.1599999999999966 L33 2.1599999999999966 L34 2.1599999999999966 L35 3.1599999999999966 L36 3.1599999999999966 L37 3.1599999999999966 L38 3.1599999999999966 L39 3.1599999999999966 L40 3.1599999999999966 L41 3.1599999999999966 L42 3.1599999999999966 L43 3.1599999999999966 L44 3.1599999999999966 L45 3.1599999999999966 L46 9.159999999999997 L47 9.159999999999997 L48 9.159999999999997 L49 9.159999999999997 L50 9.159999999999997 L51 9.159999999999997 L52 9.159999999999997 L53 9.159999999999997 L54 9.159999999999997 L55 9.159999999999997" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 59.16" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 59.16 M0 59.16 L1 57.16 L2 47.16 L3 47.16 L4 47.16 L5 46.16 L6 46.16 L7 46.16 L8 46.16 L9 46.16 L10 46.16 L11 46.16 L12 46.16 L13 46.16 L14 46.16 L15 47.16 L16 47.16 L17 46.16 L18 46.16 L19 46.16 L20 46.16 L21 46.16 L22 46.16 L23 46.16 L24 46.16 L25 46.16 L26 46.16 L27 46.16 L28 46.16 L29 46.16 L30 45.16 L31 44.16 L32 44.16 L33 44.16 L34 44.16 L35 44.16 L36 44.16 L37 44.16 L38 44.16 L39 44.16 L40 44.16 L41 44.16 L42 44.16 L43 44.16 L44 44.16 L45 44.16 L46 46.16 L47 46.16 L48 46.16 L49 46.16 L50 46.16 L51 46.16 L52 46.16 L53 46.16 L54 46.16 L55 46.16 L 55 59.16 L0 59.16 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 59.16 M0 59.16 L1 57.16 L2 47.16 L3 47.16 L4 47.16 L5 46.16 L6 46.16 L7 46.16 L8 46.16 L9 46.16 L10 46.16 L11 46.16 L12 46.16 L13 46.16 L14 46.16 L15 47.16 L16 47.16 L17 46.16 L18 46.16 L19 46.16 L20 46.16 L21 46.16 L22 46.16 L23 46.16 L24 46.16 L25 46.16 L26 46.16 L27 46.16 L28 46.16 L29 46.16 L30 45.16 L31 44.16 L32 44.16 L33 44.16 L34 44.16 L35 44.16 L36 44.16 L37 44.16 L38 44.16 L39 44.16 L40 44.16 L41 44.16 L42 44.16 L43 44.16 L44 44.16 L45 44.16 L46 46.16 L47 46.16 L48 46.16 L49 46.16 L50 46.16 L51 46.16 L52 46.16 L53 46.16 L54 46.16 L55 46.16" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">display</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">31/10</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 35.7" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 35.7 M0 31.700000000000003 L1 23.700000000000003 L2 14.700000000000003 L3 14.700000000000003 L4 14.700000000000003 L5 12.700000000000003 L6 12.700000000000003 L7 12.700000000000003 L8 12.700000000000003 L9 12.700000000000003 L10 12.700000000000003 L11 12.700000000000003 L12 12.700000000000003 L13 13.700000000000003 L14 13.700000000000003 L15 14.700000000000003 L16 14.700000000000003 L17 12.700000000000003 L18 12.700000000000003 L19 12.700000000000003 L20 12.700000000000003 L21 12.700000000000003 L22 12.700000000000003 L23 12.700000000000003 L24 12.700000000000003 L25 12.700000000000003 L26 14.700000000000003 L27 14.700000000000003 L28 14.700000000000003 L29 14.700000000000003 L30 4.700000000000003 L31 3.700000000000003 L32 2.700000000000003 L33 2.700000000000003 L34 2.700000000000003 L35 3.700000000000003 L36 3.700000000000003 L37 3.700000000000003 L38 2.700000000000003 L39 0.7000000000000028 L40 0.7000000000000028 L41 0.7000000000000028 L42 0.7000000000000028 L43 0.7000000000000028 L44 0.7000000000000028 L45 0.7000000000000028 L46 4.700000000000003 L47 4.700000000000003 L48 4.700000000000003 L49 4.700000000000003 L50 4.700000000000003 L51 4.700000000000003 L52 4.700000000000003 L53 4.700000000000003 L54 4.700000000000003 L55 4.700000000000003 L 55 35.7 L0 35.7 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 35.7 M0 31.700000000000003 L1 23.700000000000003 L2 14.700000000000003 L3 14.700000000000003 L4 14.700000000000003 L5 12.700000000000003 L6 12.700000000000003 L7 12.700000000000003 L8 12.700000000000003 L9 12.700000000000003 L10 12.700000000000003 L11 12.700000000000003 L12 12.700000000000003 L13 13.700000000000003 L14 13.700000000000003 L15 14.700000000000003 L16 14.700000000000003 L17 12.700000000000003 L18 12.700000000000003 L19 12.700000000000003 L20 12.700000000000003 L21 12.700000000000003 L22 12.700000000000003 L23 12.700000000000003 L24 12.700000000000003 L25 12.700000000000003 L26 14.700000000000003 L27 14.700000000000003 L28 14.700000000000003 L29 14.700000000000003 L30 4.700000000000003 L31 3.700000000000003 L32 2.700000000000003 L33 2.700000000000003 L34 2.700000000000003 L35 3.700000000000003 L36 3.700000000000003 L37 3.700000000000003 L38 2.700000000000003 L39 0.7000000000000028 L40 0.7000000000000028 L41 0.7000000000000028 L42 0.7000000000000028 L43 0.7000000000000028 L44 0.7000000000000028 L45 0.7000000000000028 L46 4.700000000000003 L47 4.700000000000003 L48 4.700000000000003 L49 4.700000000000003 L50 4.700000000000003 L51 4.700000000000003 L52 4.700000000000003 L53 4.700000000000003 L54 4.700000000000003 L55 4.700000000000003" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 35.7" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 35.7 M0 32.7 L1 30.700000000000003 L2 29.700000000000003 L3 29.700000000000003 L4 29.700000000000003 L5 29.700000000000003 L6 29.700000000000003 L7 29.700000000000003 L8 29.700000000000003 L9 29.700000000000003 L10 29.700000000000003 L11 29.700000000000003 L12 29.700000000000003 L13 29.700000000000003 L14 29.700000000000003 L15 29.700000000000003 L16 29.700000000000003 L17 29.700000000000003 L18 29.700000000000003 L19 29.700000000000003 L20 29.700000000000003 L21 29.700000000000003 L22 29.700000000000003 L23 29.700000000000003 L24 29.700000000000003 L25 29.700000000000003 L26 29.700000000000003 L27 29.700000000000003 L28 29.700000000000003 L29 29.700000000000003 L30 26.700000000000003 L31 26.700000000000003 L32 26.700000000000003 L33 26.700000000000003 L34 26.700000000000003 L35 26.700000000000003 L36 26.700000000000003 L37 26.700000000000003 L38 26.700000000000003 L39 25.700000000000003 L40 25.700000000000003 L41 25.700000000000003 L42 25.700000000000003 L43 25.700000000000003 L44 25.700000000000003 L45 25.700000000000003 L46 25.700000000000003 L47 25.700000000000003 L48 25.700000000000003 L49 25.700000000000003 L50 25.700000000000003 L51 25.700000000000003 L52 25.700000000000003 L53 25.700000000000003 L54 25.700000000000003 L55 25.700000000000003 L 55 35.7 L0 35.7 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 35.7 M0 32.7 L1 30.700000000000003 L2 29.700000000000003 L3 29.700000000000003 L4 29.700000000000003 L5 29.700000000000003 L6 29.700000000000003 L7 29.700000000000003 L8 29.700000000000003 L9 29.700000000000003 L10 29.700000000000003 L11 29.700000000000003 L12 29.700000000000003 L13 29.700000000000003 L14 29.700000000000003 L15 29.700000000000003 L16 29.700000000000003 L17 29.700000000000003 L18 29.700000000000003 L19 29.700000000000003 L20 29.700000000000003 L21 29.700000000000003 L22 29.700000000000003 L23 29.700000000000003 L24 29.700000000000003 L25 29.700000000000003 L26 29.700000000000003 L27 29.700000000000003 L28 29.700000000000003 L29 29.700000000000003 L30 26.700000000000003 L31 26.700000000000003 L32 26.700000000000003 L33 26.700000000000003 L34 26.700000000000003 L35 26.700000000000003 L36 26.700000000000003 L37 26.700000000000003 L38 26.700000000000003 L39 25.700000000000003 L40 25.700000000000003 L41 25.700000000000003 L42 25.700000000000003 L43 25.700000000000003 L44 25.700000000000003 L45 25.700000000000003 L46 25.700000000000003 L47 25.700000000000003 L48 25.700000000000003 L49 25.700000000000003 L50 25.700000000000003 L51 25.700000000000003 L52 25.700000000000003 L53 25.700000000000003 L54 25.700000000000003 L55 25.700000000000003" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">background color</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">27/22</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 42.84" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 42.84 M0 42.84 L1 29.840000000000003 L2 15.840000000000003 L3 15.840000000000003 L4 15.840000000000003 L5 24.840000000000003 L6 24.840000000000003 L7 24.840000000000003 L8 24.840000000000003 L9 24.840000000000003 L10 24.840000000000003 L11 24.840000000000003 L12 21.840000000000003 L13 18.840000000000003 L14 18.840000000000003 L15 18.840000000000003 L16 18.840000000000003 L17 13.840000000000003 L18 13.840000000000003 L19 12.840000000000003 L20 12.840000000000003 L21 12.840000000000003 L22 12.840000000000003 L23 12.840000000000003 L24 12.840000000000003 L25 12.840000000000003 L26 11.840000000000003 L27 11.840000000000003 L28 11.840000000000003 L29 12.840000000000003 L30 4.840000000000003 L31 4.840000000000003 L32 0.8400000000000034 L33 0.8400000000000034 L34 0.8400000000000034 L35 0.8400000000000034 L36 0.8400000000000034 L37 0.8400000000000034 L38 0.8400000000000034 L39 0.8400000000000034 L40 0.8400000000000034 L41 0.8400000000000034 L42 0.8400000000000034 L43 0.8400000000000034 L44 0.8400000000000034 L45 0.8400000000000034 L46 15.840000000000003 L47 15.840000000000003 L48 15.840000000000003 L49 15.840000000000003 L50 15.840000000000003 L51 15.840000000000003 L52 15.840000000000003 L53 15.840000000000003 L54 15.840000000000003 L55 15.840000000000003 L 55 42.84 L0 42.84 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 42.84 M0 42.84 L1 29.840000000000003 L2 15.840000000000003 L3 15.840000000000003 L4 15.840000000000003 L5 24.840000000000003 L6 24.840000000000003 L7 24.840000000000003 L8 24.840000000000003 L9 24.840000000000003 L10 24.840000000000003 L11 24.840000000000003 L12 21.840000000000003 L13 18.840000000000003 L14 18.840000000000003 L15 18.840000000000003 L16 18.840000000000003 L17 13.840000000000003 L18 13.840000000000003 L19 12.840000000000003 L20 12.840000000000003 L21 12.840000000000003 L22 12.840000000000003 L23 12.840000000000003 L24 12.840000000000003 L25 12.840000000000003 L26 11.840000000000003 L27 11.840000000000003 L28 11.840000000000003 L29 12.840000000000003 L30 4.840000000000003 L31 4.840000000000003 L32 0.8400000000000034 L33 0.8400000000000034 L34 0.8400000000000034 L35 0.8400000000000034 L36 0.8400000000000034 L37 0.8400000000000034 L38 0.8400000000000034 L39 0.8400000000000034 L40 0.8400000000000034 L41 0.8400000000000034 L42 0.8400000000000034 L43 0.8400000000000034 L44 0.8400000000000034 L45 0.8400000000000034 L46 15.840000000000003 L47 15.840000000000003 L48 15.840000000000003 L49 15.840000000000003 L50 15.840000000000003 L51 15.840000000000003 L52 15.840000000000003 L53 15.840000000000003 L54 15.840000000000003 L55 15.840000000000003" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 42.84" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 42.84 M0 42.84 L1 32.84 L2 25.840000000000003 L3 25.840000000000003 L4 25.840000000000003 L5 30.840000000000003 L6 30.840000000000003 L7 30.840000000000003 L8 30.840000000000003 L9 30.840000000000003 L10 30.840000000000003 L11 30.840000000000003 L12 28.840000000000003 L13 28.840000000000003 L14 28.840000000000003 L15 28.840000000000003 L16 28.840000000000003 L17 27.840000000000003 L18 27.840000000000003 L19 27.840000000000003 L20 27.840000000000003 L21 27.840000000000003 L22 27.840000000000003 L23 27.840000000000003 L24 27.840000000000003 L25 27.840000000000003 L26 27.840000000000003 L27 27.840000000000003 L28 27.840000000000003 L29 27.840000000000003 L30 18.840000000000003 L31 18.840000000000003 L32 17.840000000000003 L33 17.840000000000003 L34 17.840000000000003 L35 17.840000000000003 L36 17.840000000000003 L37 17.840000000000003 L38 17.840000000000003 L39 17.840000000000003 L40 17.840000000000003 L41 17.840000000000003 L42 17.840000000000003 L43 17.840000000000003 L44 17.840000000000003 L45 17.840000000000003 L46 20.840000000000003 L47 20.840000000000003 L48 20.840000000000003 L49 20.840000000000003 L50 20.840000000000003 L51 20.840000000000003 L52 20.840000000000003 L53 20.840000000000003 L54 20.840000000000003 L55 20.840000000000003 L 55 42.84 L0 42.84 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 42.84 M0 42.84 L1 32.84 L2 25.840000000000003 L3 25.840000000000003 L4 25.840000000000003 L5 30.840000000000003 L6 30.840000000000003 L7 30.840000000000003 L8 30.840000000000003 L9 30.840000000000003 L10 30.840000000000003 L11 30.840000000000003 L12 28.840000000000003 L13 28.840000000000003 L14 28.840000000000003 L15 28.840000000000003 L16 28.840000000000003 L17 27.840000000000003 L18 27.840000000000003 L19 27.840000000000003 L20 27.840000000000003 L21 27.840000000000003 L22 27.840000000000003 L23 27.840000000000003 L24 27.840000000000003 L25 27.840000000000003 L26 27.840000000000003 L27 27.840000000000003 L28 27.840000000000003 L29 27.840000000000003 L30 18.840000000000003 L31 18.840000000000003 L32 17.840000000000003 L33 17.840000000000003 L34 17.840000000000003 L35 17.840000000000003 L36 17.840000000000003 L37 17.840000000000003 L38 17.840000000000003 L39 17.840000000000003 L40 17.840000000000003 L41 17.840000000000003 L42 17.840000000000003 L43 17.840000000000003 L44 17.840000000000003 L45 17.840000000000003 L46 20.840000000000003 L47 20.840000000000003 L48 20.840000000000003 L49 20.840000000000003 L50 20.840000000000003 L51 20.840000000000003 L52 20.840000000000003 L53 20.840000000000003 L54 20.840000000000003 L55 20.840000000000003" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">color</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">22/18</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 29.58" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 29.58 M0 29.58 L1 16.58 L2 5.579999999999998 L3 5.579999999999998 L4 5.579999999999998 L5 15.579999999999998 L6 15.579999999999998 L7 15.579999999999998 L8 15.579999999999998 L9 15.579999999999998 L10 15.579999999999998 L11 15.579999999999998 L12 13.579999999999998 L13 11.579999999999998 L14 11.579999999999998 L15 11.579999999999998 L16 11.579999999999998 L17 4.579999999999998 L18 4.579999999999998 L19 4.579999999999998 L20 4.579999999999998 L21 4.579999999999998 L22 4.579999999999998 L23 4.579999999999998 L24 4.579999999999998 L25 4.579999999999998 L26 3.5799999999999983 L27 3.5799999999999983 L28 3.5799999999999983 L29 3.5799999999999983 L30 0.5799999999999983 L31 0.5799999999999983 L32 0.5799999999999983 L33 0.5799999999999983 L34 0.5799999999999983 L35 1.5799999999999983 L36 1.5799999999999983 L37 1.5799999999999983 L38 1.5799999999999983 L39 1.5799999999999983 L40 1.5799999999999983 L41 1.5799999999999983 L42 0.5799999999999983 L43 0.5799999999999983 L44 0.5799999999999983 L45 0.5799999999999983 L46 7.579999999999998 L47 7.579999999999998 L48 7.579999999999998 L49 7.579999999999998 L50 7.579999999999998 L51 7.579999999999998 L52 7.579999999999998 L53 7.579999999999998 L54 7.579999999999998 L55 7.579999999999998 L 55 29.58 L0 29.58 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 29.58 M0 29.58 L1 16.58 L2 5.579999999999998 L3 5.579999999999998 L4 5.579999999999998 L5 15.579999999999998 L6 15.579999999999998 L7 15.579999999999998 L8 15.579999999999998 L9 15.579999999999998 L10 15.579999999999998 L11 15.579999999999998 L12 13.579999999999998 L13 11.579999999999998 L14 11.579999999999998 L15 11.579999999999998 L16 11.579999999999998 L17 4.579999999999998 L18 4.579999999999998 L19 4.579999999999998 L20 4.579999999999998 L21 4.579999999999998 L22 4.579999999999998 L23 4.579999999999998 L24 4.579999999999998 L25 4.579999999999998 L26 3.5799999999999983 L27 3.5799999999999983 L28 3.5799999999999983 L29 3.5799999999999983 L30 0.5799999999999983 L31 0.5799999999999983 L32 0.5799999999999983 L33 0.5799999999999983 L34 0.5799999999999983 L35 1.5799999999999983 L36 1.5799999999999983 L37 1.5799999999999983 L38 1.5799999999999983 L39 1.5799999999999983 L40 1.5799999999999983 L41 1.5799999999999983 L42 0.5799999999999983 L43 0.5799999999999983 L44 0.5799999999999983 L45 0.5799999999999983 L46 7.579999999999998 L47 7.579999999999998 L48 7.579999999999998 L49 7.579999999999998 L50 7.579999999999998 L51 7.579999999999998 L52 7.579999999999998 L53 7.579999999999998 L54 7.579999999999998 L55 7.579999999999998" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 29.58" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 29.58 M0 29.58 L1 20.58 L2 18.58 L3 18.58 L4 18.58 L5 21.58 L6 21.58 L7 21.58 L8 21.58 L9 21.58 L10 21.58 L11 21.58 L12 20.58 L13 20.58 L14 20.58 L15 20.58 L16 20.58 L17 19.58 L18 19.58 L19 19.58 L20 19.58 L21 19.58 L22 19.58 L23 19.58 L24 19.58 L25 19.58 L26 19.58 L27 19.58 L28 19.58 L29 19.58 L30 10.579999999999998 L31 10.579999999999998 L32 10.579999999999998 L33 10.579999999999998 L34 10.579999999999998 L35 10.579999999999998 L36 10.579999999999998 L37 10.579999999999998 L38 10.579999999999998 L39 10.579999999999998 L40 10.579999999999998 L41 10.579999999999998 L42 10.579999999999998 L43 10.579999999999998 L44 10.579999999999998 L45 10.579999999999998 L46 11.579999999999998 L47 11.579999999999998 L48 11.579999999999998 L49 11.579999999999998 L50 11.579999999999998 L51 11.579999999999998 L52 11.579999999999998 L53 11.579999999999998 L54 11.579999999999998 L55 11.579999999999998 L 55 29.58 L0 29.58 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 29.58 M0 29.58 L1 20.58 L2 18.58 L3 18.58 L4 18.58 L5 21.58 L6 21.58 L7 21.58 L8 21.58 L9 21.58 L10 21.58 L11 21.58 L12 20.58 L13 20.58 L14 20.58 L15 20.58 L16 20.58 L17 19.58 L18 19.58 L19 19.58 L20 19.58 L21 19.58 L22 19.58 L23 19.58 L24 19.58 L25 19.58 L26 19.58 L27 19.58 L28 19.58 L29 19.58 L30 10.579999999999998 L31 10.579999999999998 L32 10.579999999999998 L33 10.579999999999998 L34 10.579999999999998 L35 10.579999999999998 L36 10.579999999999998 L37 10.579999999999998 L38 10.579999999999998 L39 10.579999999999998 L40 10.579999999999998 L41 10.579999999999998 L42 10.579999999999998 L43 10.579999999999998 L44 10.579999999999998 L45 10.579999999999998 L46 11.579999999999998 L47 11.579999999999998 L48 11.579999999999998 L49 11.579999999999998 L50 11.579999999999998 L51 11.579999999999998 L52 11.579999999999998 L53 11.579999999999998 L54 11.579999999999998 L55 11.579999999999998" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">font size</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">16/8</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 18.36" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 18.36 M0 7.359999999999999 L1 4.359999999999999 L2 4.359999999999999 L3 4.359999999999999 L4 4.359999999999999 L5 7.359999999999999 L6 7.359999999999999 L7 7.359999999999999 L8 7.359999999999999 L9 7.359999999999999 L10 7.359999999999999 L11 7.359999999999999 L12 7.359999999999999 L13 7.359999999999999 L14 7.359999999999999 L15 7.359999999999999 L16 7.359999999999999 L17 7.359999999999999 L18 7.359999999999999 L19 7.359999999999999 L20 7.359999999999999 L21 7.359999999999999 L22 7.359999999999999 L23 7.359999999999999 L24 7.359999999999999 L25 7.359999999999999 L26 6.359999999999999 L27 6.359999999999999 L28 6.359999999999999 L29 6.359999999999999 L30 6.359999999999999 L31 6.359999999999999 L32 6.359999999999999 L33 6.359999999999999 L34 6.359999999999999 L35 6.359999999999999 L36 6.359999999999999 L37 6.359999999999999 L38 5.359999999999999 L39 5.359999999999999 L40 5.359999999999999 L41 5.359999999999999 L42 5.359999999999999 L43 5.359999999999999 L44 5.359999999999999 L45 5.359999999999999 L46 2.3599999999999994 L47 2.3599999999999994 L48 0.35999999999999943 L49 2.3599999999999994 L50 0.35999999999999943 L51 2.3599999999999994 L52 0.35999999999999943 L53 2.3599999999999994 L54 0.35999999999999943 L55 2.3599999999999994 L 55 18.36 L0 18.36 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 18.36 M0 7.359999999999999 L1 4.359999999999999 L2 4.359999999999999 L3 4.359999999999999 L4 4.359999999999999 L5 7.359999999999999 L6 7.359999999999999 L7 7.359999999999999 L8 7.359999999999999 L9 7.359999999999999 L10 7.359999999999999 L11 7.359999999999999 L12 7.359999999999999 L13 7.359999999999999 L14 7.359999999999999 L15 7.359999999999999 L16 7.359999999999999 L17 7.359999999999999 L18 7.359999999999999 L19 7.359999999999999 L20 7.359999999999999 L21 7.359999999999999 L22 7.359999999999999 L23 7.359999999999999 L24 7.359999999999999 L25 7.359999999999999 L26 6.359999999999999 L27 6.359999999999999 L28 6.359999999999999 L29 6.359999999999999 L30 6.359999999999999 L31 6.359999999999999 L32 6.359999999999999 L33 6.359999999999999 L34 6.359999999999999 L35 6.359999999999999 L36 6.359999999999999 L37 6.359999999999999 L38 5.359999999999999 L39 5.359999999999999 L40 5.359999999999999 L41 5.359999999999999 L42 5.359999999999999 L43 5.359999999999999 L44 5.359999999999999 L45 5.359999999999999 L46 2.3599999999999994 L47 2.3599999999999994 L48 0.35999999999999943 L49 2.3599999999999994 L50 0.35999999999999943 L51 2.3599999999999994 L52 0.35999999999999943 L53 2.3599999999999994 L54 0.35999999999999943 L55 2.3599999999999994" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 18.36" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 18.36 M0 8.36 L1 8.36 L2 9.36 L3 9.36 L4 9.36 L5 10.36 L6 10.36 L7 10.36 L8 10.36 L9 10.36 L10 10.36 L11 10.36 L12 10.36 L13 10.36 L14 10.36 L15 10.36 L16 10.36 L17 10.36 L18 10.36 L19 10.36 L20 10.36 L21 10.36 L22 10.36 L23 10.36 L24 10.36 L25 10.36 L26 10.36 L27 10.36 L28 10.36 L29 10.36 L30 10.36 L31 10.36 L32 10.36 L33 10.36 L34 10.36 L35 10.36 L36 10.36 L37 10.36 L38 10.36 L39 10.36 L40 10.36 L41 10.36 L42 10.36 L43 10.36 L44 10.36 L45 10.36 L46 10.36 L47 10.36 L48 10.36 L49 10.36 L50 10.36 L51 10.36 L52 10.36 L53 10.36 L54 10.36 L55 10.36 L 55 18.36 L0 18.36 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 18.36 M0 8.36 L1 8.36 L2 9.36 L3 9.36 L4 9.36 L5 10.36 L6 10.36 L7 10.36 L8 10.36 L9 10.36 L10 10.36 L11 10.36 L12 10.36 L13 10.36 L14 10.36 L15 10.36 L16 10.36 L17 10.36 L18 10.36 L19 10.36 L20 10.36 L21 10.36 L22 10.36 L23 10.36 L24 10.36 L25 10.36 L26 10.36 L27 10.36 L28 10.36 L29 10.36 L30 10.36 L31 10.36 L32 10.36 L33 10.36 L34 10.36 L35 10.36 L36 10.36 L37 10.36 L38 10.36 L39 10.36 L40 10.36 L41 10.36 L42 10.36 L43 10.36 L44 10.36 L45 10.36 L46 10.36 L47 10.36 L48 10.36 L49 10.36 L50 10.36 L51 10.36 L52 10.36 L53 10.36 L54 10.36 L55 10.36" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">margin right</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">11/10</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 13.26" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 13.26 M0 8.26 L1 4.26 L2 0.2599999999999998 L3 0.2599999999999998 L4 0.2599999999999998 L5 2.26 L6 2.26 L7 2.26 L8 2.26 L9 2.26 L10 2.26 L11 2.26 L12 2.26 L13 1.2599999999999998 L14 1.2599999999999998 L15 1.2599999999999998 L16 1.2599999999999998 L17 1.2599999999999998 L18 1.2599999999999998 L19 1.2599999999999998 L20 1.2599999999999998 L21 1.2599999999999998 L22 1.2599999999999998 L23 1.2599999999999998 L24 1.2599999999999998 L25 1.2599999999999998 L26 1.2599999999999998 L27 1.2599999999999998 L28 1.2599999999999998 L29 1.2599999999999998 L30 1.2599999999999998 L31 1.2599999999999998 L32 1.2599999999999998 L33 2.26 L34 2.26 L35 2.26 L36 2.26 L37 2.26 L38 1.2599999999999998 L39 1.2599999999999998 L40 1.2599999999999998 L41 1.2599999999999998 L42 1.2599999999999998 L43 1.2599999999999998 L44 1.2599999999999998 L45 1.2599999999999998 L46 2.26 L47 2.26 L48 2.26 L49 2.26 L50 1.2599999999999998 L51 2.26 L52 2.26 L53 2.26 L54 1.2599999999999998 L55 2.26 L 55 13.26 L0 13.26 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 13.26 M0 8.26 L1 4.26 L2 0.2599999999999998 L3 0.2599999999999998 L4 0.2599999999999998 L5 2.26 L6 2.26 L7 2.26 L8 2.26 L9 2.26 L10 2.26 L11 2.26 L12 2.26 L13 1.2599999999999998 L14 1.2599999999999998 L15 1.2599999999999998 L16 1.2599999999999998 L17 1.2599999999999998 L18 1.2599999999999998 L19 1.2599999999999998 L20 1.2599999999999998 L21 1.2599999999999998 L22 1.2599999999999998 L23 1.2599999999999998 L24 1.2599999999999998 L25 1.2599999999999998 L26 1.2599999999999998 L27 1.2599999999999998 L28 1.2599999999999998 L29 1.2599999999999998 L30 1.2599999999999998 L31 1.2599999999999998 L32 1.2599999999999998 L33 2.26 L34 2.26 L35 2.26 L36 2.26 L37 2.26 L38 1.2599999999999998 L39 1.2599999999999998 L40 1.2599999999999998 L41 1.2599999999999998 L42 1.2599999999999998 L43 1.2599999999999998 L44 1.2599999999999998 L45 1.2599999999999998 L46 2.26 L47 2.26 L48 2.26 L49 2.26 L50 1.2599999999999998 L51 2.26 L52 2.26 L53 2.26 L54 1.2599999999999998 L55 2.26" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 13.26" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 13.26 M0 8.26 L1 7.26 L2 5.26 L3 5.26 L4 5.26 L5 3.26 L6 3.26 L7 3.26 L8 3.26 L9 3.26 L10 3.26 L11 3.26 L12 3.26 L13 3.26 L14 3.26 L15 3.26 L16 3.26 L17 3.26 L18 3.26 L19 3.26 L20 3.26 L21 3.26 L22 3.26 L23 3.26 L24 3.26 L25 3.26 L26 3.26 L27 3.26 L28 3.26 L29 3.26 L30 3.26 L31 3.26 L32 3.26 L33 3.26 L34 3.26 L35 3.26 L36 3.26 L37 3.26 L38 3.26 L39 3.26 L40 3.26 L41 3.26 L42 3.26 L43 3.26 L44 3.26 L45 3.26 L46 3.26 L47 3.26 L48 3.26 L49 3.26 L50 3.26 L51 3.26 L52 3.26 L53 3.26 L54 3.26 L55 3.26 L 55 13.26 L0 13.26 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 13.26 M0 8.26 L1 7.26 L2 5.26 L3 5.26 L4 5.26 L5 3.26 L6 3.26 L7 3.26 L8 3.26 L9 3.26 L10 3.26 L11 3.26 L12 3.26 L13 3.26 L14 3.26 L15 3.26 L16 3.26 L17 3.26 L18 3.26 L19 3.26 L20 3.26 L21 3.26 L22 3.26 L23 3.26 L24 3.26 L25 3.26 L26 3.26 L27 3.26 L28 3.26 L29 3.26 L30 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style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 24.48 M0 19.48 L1 15.48 L2 0.4800000000000004 L3 0.4800000000000004 L4 0.4800000000000004 L5 12.48 L6 12.48 L7 12.48 L8 12.48 L9 12.48 L10 12.48 L11 12.48 L12 12.48 L13 11.48 L14 11.48 L15 11.48 L16 11.48 L17 7.48 L18 7.48 L19 7.48 L20 7.48 L21 7.48 L22 7.48 L23 7.48 L24 7.48 L25 7.48 L26 11.48 L27 11.48 L28 11.48 L29 11.48 L30 11.48 L31 11.48 L32 11.48 L33 13.48 L34 13.48 L35 13.48 L36 13.48 L37 13.48 L38 11.48 L39 12.48 L40 12.48 L41 12.48 L42 12.48 L43 12.48 L44 12.48 L45 12.48 L46 13.48 L47 13.48 L48 13.48 L49 13.48 L50 12.48 L51 13.48 L52 13.48 L53 13.48 L54 12.48 L55 13.48 L 55 24.48 L0 24.48 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 24.48 M0 19.48 L1 15.48 L2 0.4800000000000004 L3 0.4800000000000004 L4 0.4800000000000004 L5 12.48 L6 12.48 L7 12.48 L8 12.48 L9 12.48 L10 12.48 L11 12.48 L12 12.48 L13 11.48 L14 11.48 L15 11.48 L16 11.48 L17 7.48 L18 7.48 L19 7.48 L20 7.48 L21 7.48 L22 7.48 L23 7.48 L24 7.48 L25 7.48 L26 11.48 L27 11.48 L28 11.48 L29 11.48 L30 11.48 L31 11.48 L32 11.48 L33 13.48 L34 13.48 L35 13.48 L36 13.48 L37 13.48 L38 11.48 L39 12.48 L40 12.48 L41 12.48 L42 12.48 L43 12.48 L44 12.48 L45 12.48 L46 13.48 L47 13.48 L48 13.48 L49 13.48 L50 12.48 L51 13.48 L52 13.48 L53 13.48 L54 12.48 L55 13.48" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 24.48" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 24.48 M0 19.48 L1 18.48 L2 5.48 L3 5.48 L4 5.48 L5 14.48 L6 14.48 L7 14.48 L8 14.48 L9 14.48 L10 14.48 L11 14.48 L12 14.48 L13 14.48 L14 14.48 L15 14.48 L16 14.48 L17 12.48 L18 12.48 L19 12.48 L20 12.48 L21 12.48 L22 12.48 L23 12.48 L24 12.48 L25 12.48 L26 14.48 L27 14.48 L28 14.48 L29 14.48 L30 14.48 L31 14.48 L32 14.48 L33 14.48 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style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">padding</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">11/8</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 15.3" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 15.3 M0 11.3 L1 3.3000000000000007 L2 5.300000000000001 L3 5.300000000000001 L4 5.300000000000001 L5 8.3 L6 8.3 L7 8.3 L8 8.3 L9 8.3 L10 8.3 L11 8.3 L12 8.3 L13 4.300000000000001 L14 4.300000000000001 L15 3.3000000000000007 L16 3.3000000000000007 L17 2.3000000000000007 L18 2.3000000000000007 L19 2.3000000000000007 L20 2.3000000000000007 L21 2.3000000000000007 L22 2.3000000000000007 L23 2.3000000000000007 L24 2.3000000000000007 L25 2.3000000000000007 L26 3.3000000000000007 L27 3.3000000000000007 L28 3.3000000000000007 L29 3.3000000000000007 L30 1.3000000000000007 L31 1.3000000000000007 L32 1.3000000000000007 L33 2.3000000000000007 L34 2.3000000000000007 L35 2.3000000000000007 L36 2.3000000000000007 L37 2.3000000000000007 L38 1.3000000000000007 L39 0.3000000000000007 L40 0.3000000000000007 L41 0.3000000000000007 L42 0.3000000000000007 L43 0.3000000000000007 L44 0.3000000000000007 L45 0.3000000000000007 L46 4.300000000000001 L47 4.300000000000001 L48 4.300000000000001 L49 4.300000000000001 L50 3.3000000000000007 L51 4.300000000000001 L52 4.300000000000001 L53 4.300000000000001 L54 3.3000000000000007 L55 4.300000000000001 L 55 15.3 L0 15.3 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 15.3 M0 11.3 L1 3.3000000000000007 L2 5.300000000000001 L3 5.300000000000001 L4 5.300000000000001 L5 8.3 L6 8.3 L7 8.3 L8 8.3 L9 8.3 L10 8.3 L11 8.3 L12 8.3 L13 4.300000000000001 L14 4.300000000000001 L15 3.3000000000000007 L16 3.3000000000000007 L17 2.3000000000000007 L18 2.3000000000000007 L19 2.3000000000000007 L20 2.3000000000000007 L21 2.3000000000000007 L22 2.3000000000000007 L23 2.3000000000000007 L24 2.3000000000000007 L25 2.3000000000000007 L26 3.3000000000000007 L27 3.3000000000000007 L28 3.3000000000000007 L29 3.3000000000000007 L30 1.3000000000000007 L31 1.3000000000000007 L32 1.3000000000000007 L33 2.3000000000000007 L34 2.3000000000000007 L35 2.3000000000000007 L36 2.3000000000000007 L37 2.3000000000000007 L38 1.3000000000000007 L39 0.3000000000000007 L40 0.3000000000000007 L41 0.3000000000000007 L42 0.3000000000000007 L43 0.3000000000000007 L44 0.3000000000000007 L45 0.3000000000000007 L46 4.300000000000001 L47 4.300000000000001 L48 4.300000000000001 L49 4.300000000000001 L50 3.3000000000000007 L51 4.300000000000001 L52 4.300000000000001 L53 4.300000000000001 L54 3.3000000000000007 L55 4.300000000000001" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 15.3" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 15.3 M0 11.3 L1 6.300000000000001 L2 6.300000000000001 L3 6.300000000000001 L4 6.300000000000001 L5 9.3 L6 9.3 L7 9.3 L8 9.3 L9 9.3 L10 9.3 L11 9.3 L12 9.3 L13 8.3 L14 8.3 L15 8.3 L16 8.3 L17 7.300000000000001 L18 7.300000000000001 L19 7.300000000000001 L20 7.300000000000001 L21 7.300000000000001 L22 7.300000000000001 L23 7.300000000000001 L24 7.300000000000001 L25 7.300000000000001 L26 8.3 L27 8.3 L28 8.3 L29 8.3 L30 6.300000000000001 L31 6.300000000000001 L32 6.300000000000001 L33 6.300000000000001 L34 6.300000000000001 L35 6.300000000000001 L36 6.300000000000001 L37 6.300000000000001 L38 5.300000000000001 L39 4.300000000000001 L40 4.300000000000001 L41 4.300000000000001 L42 4.300000000000001 L43 4.300000000000001 L44 4.300000000000001 L45 4.300000000000001 L46 7.300000000000001 L47 7.300000000000001 L48 7.300000000000001 L49 7.300000000000001 L50 7.300000000000001 L51 7.300000000000001 L52 7.300000000000001 L53 7.300000000000001 L54 7.300000000000001 L55 7.300000000000001 L 55 15.3 L0 15.3 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 15.3 M0 11.3 L1 6.300000000000001 L2 6.300000000000001 L3 6.300000000000001 L4 6.300000000000001 L5 9.3 L6 9.3 L7 9.3 L8 9.3 L9 9.3 L10 9.3 L11 9.3 L12 9.3 L13 8.3 L14 8.3 L15 8.3 L16 8.3 L17 7.300000000000001 L18 7.300000000000001 L19 7.300000000000001 L20 7.300000000000001 L21 7.300000000000001 L22 7.300000000000001 L23 7.300000000000001 L24 7.300000000000001 L25 7.300000000000001 L26 8.3 L27 8.3 L28 8.3 L29 8.3 L30 6.300000000000001 L31 6.300000000000001 L32 6.300000000000001 L33 6.300000000000001 L34 6.300000000000001 L35 6.300000000000001 L36 6.300000000000001 L37 6.300000000000001 L38 5.300000000000001 L39 4.300000000000001 L40 4.300000000000001 L41 4.300000000000001 L42 4.300000000000001 L43 4.300000000000001 L44 4.300000000000001 L45 4.300000000000001 L46 7.300000000000001 L47 7.300000000000001 L48 7.300000000000001 L49 7.300000000000001 L50 7.300000000000001 L51 7.300000000000001 L52 7.300000000000001 L53 7.300000000000001 L54 7.300000000000001 L55 7.300000000000001" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">border radius</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">11/7</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 20.4" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 20.4 M0 20.4 L1 14.399999999999999 L2 9.399999999999999 L3 9.399999999999999 L4 9.399999999999999 L5 12.399999999999999 L6 12.399999999999999 L7 12.399999999999999 L8 12.399999999999999 L9 12.399999999999999 L10 12.399999999999999 L11 12.399999999999999 L12 12.399999999999999 L13 11.399999999999999 L14 11.399999999999999 L15 11.399999999999999 L16 11.399999999999999 L17 4.399999999999999 L18 4.399999999999999 L19 4.399999999999999 L20 4.399999999999999 L21 4.399999999999999 L22 4.399999999999999 L23 4.399999999999999 L24 4.399999999999999 L25 4.399999999999999 L26 3.3999999999999986 L27 3.3999999999999986 L28 3.3999999999999986 L29 5.399999999999999 L30 1.3999999999999986 L31 1.3999999999999986 L32 0.3999999999999986 L33 2.3999999999999986 L34 2.3999999999999986 L35 4.399999999999999 L36 4.399999999999999 L37 4.399999999999999 L38 1.3999999999999986 L39 1.3999999999999986 L40 1.3999999999999986 L41 1.3999999999999986 L42 1.3999999999999986 L43 1.3999999999999986 L44 1.3999999999999986 L45 1.3999999999999986 L46 9.399999999999999 L47 9.399999999999999 L48 9.399999999999999 L49 9.399999999999999 L50 9.399999999999999 L51 9.399999999999999 L52 9.399999999999999 L53 9.399999999999999 L54 9.399999999999999 L55 9.399999999999999 L 55 20.4 L0 20.4 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 20.4 M0 20.4 L1 14.399999999999999 L2 9.399999999999999 L3 9.399999999999999 L4 9.399999999999999 L5 12.399999999999999 L6 12.399999999999999 L7 12.399999999999999 L8 12.399999999999999 L9 12.399999999999999 L10 12.399999999999999 L11 12.399999999999999 L12 12.399999999999999 L13 11.399999999999999 L14 11.399999999999999 L15 11.399999999999999 L16 11.399999999999999 L17 4.399999999999999 L18 4.399999999999999 L19 4.399999999999999 L20 4.399999999999999 L21 4.399999999999999 L22 4.399999999999999 L23 4.399999999999999 L24 4.399999999999999 L25 4.399999999999999 L26 3.3999999999999986 L27 3.3999999999999986 L28 3.3999999999999986 L29 5.399999999999999 L30 1.3999999999999986 L31 1.3999999999999986 L32 0.3999999999999986 L33 2.3999999999999986 L34 2.3999999999999986 L35 4.399999999999999 L36 4.399999999999999 L37 4.399999999999999 L38 1.3999999999999986 L39 1.3999999999999986 L40 1.3999999999999986 L41 1.3999999999999986 L42 1.3999999999999986 L43 1.3999999999999986 L44 1.3999999999999986 L45 1.3999999999999986 L46 9.399999999999999 L47 9.399999999999999 L48 9.399999999999999 L49 9.399999999999999 L50 9.399999999999999 L51 9.399999999999999 L52 9.399999999999999 L53 9.399999999999999 L54 9.399999999999999 L55 9.399999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 20.4" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 20.4 M0 20.4 L1 18.4 L2 15.399999999999999 L3 15.399999999999999 L4 15.399999999999999 L5 18.4 L6 18.4 L7 18.4 L8 18.4 L9 18.4 L10 18.4 L11 18.4 L12 18.4 L13 18.4 L14 18.4 L15 18.4 L16 18.4 L17 13.399999999999999 L18 13.399999999999999 L19 13.399999999999999 L20 13.399999999999999 L21 13.399999999999999 L22 13.399999999999999 L23 13.399999999999999 L24 13.399999999999999 L25 13.399999999999999 L26 13.399999999999999 L27 13.399999999999999 L28 13.399999999999999 L29 13.399999999999999 L30 13.399999999999999 L31 13.399999999999999 L32 12.399999999999999 L33 12.399999999999999 L34 12.399999999999999 L35 12.399999999999999 L36 12.399999999999999 L37 12.399999999999999 L38 12.399999999999999 L39 12.399999999999999 L40 12.399999999999999 L41 12.399999999999999 L42 12.399999999999999 L43 12.399999999999999 L44 12.399999999999999 L45 12.399999999999999 L46 13.399999999999999 L47 13.399999999999999 L48 13.399999999999999 L49 13.399999999999999 L50 13.399999999999999 L51 13.399999999999999 L52 13.399999999999999 L53 13.399999999999999 L54 13.399999999999999 L55 13.399999999999999 L 55 20.4 L0 20.4 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 20.4 M0 20.4 L1 18.4 L2 15.399999999999999 L3 15.399999999999999 L4 15.399999999999999 L5 18.4 L6 18.4 L7 18.4 L8 18.4 L9 18.4 L10 18.4 L11 18.4 L12 18.4 L13 18.4 L14 18.4 L15 18.4 L16 18.4 L17 13.399999999999999 L18 13.399999999999999 L19 13.399999999999999 L20 13.399999999999999 L21 13.399999999999999 L22 13.399999999999999 L23 13.399999999999999 L24 13.399999999999999 L25 13.399999999999999 L26 13.399999999999999 L27 13.399999999999999 L28 13.399999999999999 L29 13.399999999999999 L30 13.399999999999999 L31 13.399999999999999 L32 12.399999999999999 L33 12.399999999999999 L34 12.399999999999999 L35 12.399999999999999 L36 12.399999999999999 L37 12.399999999999999 L38 12.399999999999999 L39 12.399999999999999 L40 12.399999999999999 L41 12.399999999999999 L42 12.399999999999999 L43 12.399999999999999 L44 12.399999999999999 L45 12.399999999999999 L46 13.399999999999999 L47 13.399999999999999 L48 13.399999999999999 L49 13.399999999999999 L50 13.399999999999999 L51 13.399999999999999 L52 13.399999999999999 L53 13.399999999999999 L54 13.399999999999999 L55 13.399999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">float</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">10/2</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.2" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.2 M0 8.2 L1 8.2 L2 5.199999999999999 L3 5.199999999999999 L4 5.199999999999999 L5 4.199999999999999 L6 4.199999999999999 L7 4.199999999999999 L8 0.1999999999999993 L9 0.1999999999999993 L10 0.1999999999999993 L11 0.1999999999999993 L12 0.1999999999999993 L13 0.1999999999999993 L14 0.1999999999999993 L15 0.1999999999999993 L16 0.1999999999999993 L17 0.1999999999999993 L18 0.1999999999999993 L19 0.1999999999999993 L20 0.1999999999999993 L21 0.1999999999999993 L22 0.1999999999999993 L23 0.1999999999999993 L24 0.1999999999999993 L25 0.1999999999999993 L26 0.1999999999999993 L27 0.1999999999999993 L28 0.1999999999999993 L29 0.1999999999999993 L30 0.1999999999999993 L31 0.1999999999999993 L32 0.1999999999999993 L33 0.1999999999999993 L34 0.1999999999999993 L35 0.1999999999999993 L36 0.1999999999999993 L37 0.1999999999999993 L38 0.1999999999999993 L39 0.1999999999999993 L40 0.1999999999999993 L41 0.1999999999999993 L42 0.1999999999999993 L43 0.1999999999999993 L44 0.1999999999999993 L45 0.1999999999999993 L46 0.1999999999999993 L47 0.1999999999999993 L48 0.1999999999999993 L49 0.1999999999999993 L50 0.1999999999999993 L51 0.1999999999999993 L52 0.1999999999999993 L53 0.1999999999999993 L54 0.1999999999999993 L55 0.1999999999999993 L 55 10.2 L0 10.2 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.2 M0 8.2 L1 8.2 L2 5.199999999999999 L3 5.199999999999999 L4 5.199999999999999 L5 4.199999999999999 L6 4.199999999999999 L7 4.199999999999999 L8 0.1999999999999993 L9 0.1999999999999993 L10 0.1999999999999993 L11 0.1999999999999993 L12 0.1999999999999993 L13 0.1999999999999993 L14 0.1999999999999993 L15 0.1999999999999993 L16 0.1999999999999993 L17 0.1999999999999993 L18 0.1999999999999993 L19 0.1999999999999993 L20 0.1999999999999993 L21 0.1999999999999993 L22 0.1999999999999993 L23 0.1999999999999993 L24 0.1999999999999993 L25 0.1999999999999993 L26 0.1999999999999993 L27 0.1999999999999993 L28 0.1999999999999993 L29 0.1999999999999993 L30 0.1999999999999993 L31 0.1999999999999993 L32 0.1999999999999993 L33 0.1999999999999993 L34 0.1999999999999993 L35 0.1999999999999993 L36 0.1999999999999993 L37 0.1999999999999993 L38 0.1999999999999993 L39 0.1999999999999993 L40 0.1999999999999993 L41 0.1999999999999993 L42 0.1999999999999993 L43 0.1999999999999993 L44 0.1999999999999993 L45 0.1999999999999993 L46 0.1999999999999993 L47 0.1999999999999993 L48 0.1999999999999993 L49 0.1999999999999993 L50 0.1999999999999993 L51 0.1999999999999993 L52 0.1999999999999993 L53 0.1999999999999993 L54 0.1999999999999993 L55 0.1999999999999993" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.2" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.2 M0 8.2 L1 8.2 L2 8.2 L3 8.2 L4 8.2 L5 8.2 L6 8.2 L7 8.2 L8 8.2 L9 8.2 L10 8.2 L11 8.2 L12 8.2 L13 8.2 L14 8.2 L15 8.2 L16 8.2 L17 8.2 L18 8.2 L19 8.2 L20 8.2 L21 8.2 L22 8.2 L23 8.2 L24 8.2 L25 8.2 L26 8.2 L27 8.2 L28 8.2 L29 8.2 L30 8.2 L31 8.2 L32 8.2 L33 8.2 L34 8.2 L35 8.2 L36 8.2 L37 8.2 L38 8.2 L39 8.2 L40 8.2 L41 8.2 L42 8.2 L43 8.2 L44 8.2 L45 8.2 L46 8.2 L47 8.2 L48 8.2 L49 8.2 L50 8.2 L51 8.2 L52 8.2 L53 8.2 L54 8.2 L55 8.2 L 55 10.2 L0 10.2 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.2 M0 8.2 L1 8.2 L2 8.2 L3 8.2 L4 8.2 L5 8.2 L6 8.2 L7 8.2 L8 8.2 L9 8.2 L10 8.2 L11 8.2 L12 8.2 L13 8.2 L14 8.2 L15 8.2 L16 8.2 L17 8.2 L18 8.2 L19 8.2 L20 8.2 L21 8.2 L22 8.2 L23 8.2 L24 8.2 L25 8.2 L26 8.2 L27 8.2 L28 8.2 L29 8.2 L30 8.2 L31 8.2 L32 8.2 L33 8.2 L34 8.2 L35 8.2 L36 8.2 L37 8.2 L38 8.2 L39 8.2 L40 8.2 L41 8.2 L42 8.2 L43 8.2 L44 8.2 L45 8.2 L46 8.2 L47 8.2 L48 8.2 L49 8.2 L50 8.2 L51 8.2 L52 8.2 L53 8.2 L54 8.2 L55 8.2" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">vertical align</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">10/4</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.2" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.2 M0 10.2 L1 10.2 L2 4.199999999999999 L3 4.199999999999999 L4 4.199999999999999 L5 4.199999999999999 L6 4.199999999999999 L7 4.199999999999999 L8 4.199999999999999 L9 4.199999999999999 L10 4.199999999999999 L11 4.199999999999999 L12 4.199999999999999 L13 4.199999999999999 L14 4.199999999999999 L15 4.199999999999999 L16 4.199999999999999 L17 4.199999999999999 L18 4.199999999999999 L19 4.199999999999999 L20 4.199999999999999 L21 4.199999999999999 L22 4.199999999999999 L23 4.199999999999999 L24 4.199999999999999 L25 4.199999999999999 L26 1.1999999999999993 L27 1.1999999999999993 L28 1.1999999999999993 L29 1.1999999999999993 L30 4.199999999999999 L31 4.199999999999999 L32 4.199999999999999 L33 4.199999999999999 L34 4.199999999999999 L35 4.199999999999999 L36 4.199999999999999 L37 4.199999999999999 L38 4.199999999999999 L39 4.199999999999999 L40 4.199999999999999 L41 4.199999999999999 L42 4.199999999999999 L43 4.199999999999999 L44 4.199999999999999 L45 4.199999999999999 L46 0.1999999999999993 L47 0.1999999999999993 L48 0.1999999999999993 L49 0.1999999999999993 L50 0.1999999999999993 L51 0.1999999999999993 L52 0.1999999999999993 L53 0.1999999999999993 L54 0.1999999999999993 L55 0.1999999999999993 L 55 10.2 L0 10.2 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.2 M0 10.2 L1 10.2 L2 4.199999999999999 L3 4.199999999999999 L4 4.199999999999999 L5 4.199999999999999 L6 4.199999999999999 L7 4.199999999999999 L8 4.199999999999999 L9 4.199999999999999 L10 4.199999999999999 L11 4.199999999999999 L12 4.199999999999999 L13 4.199999999999999 L14 4.199999999999999 L15 4.199999999999999 L16 4.199999999999999 L17 4.199999999999999 L18 4.199999999999999 L19 4.199999999999999 L20 4.199999999999999 L21 4.199999999999999 L22 4.199999999999999 L23 4.199999999999999 L24 4.199999999999999 L25 4.199999999999999 L26 1.1999999999999993 L27 1.1999999999999993 L28 1.1999999999999993 L29 1.1999999999999993 L30 4.199999999999999 L31 4.199999999999999 L32 4.199999999999999 L33 4.199999999999999 L34 4.199999999999999 L35 4.199999999999999 L36 4.199999999999999 L37 4.199999999999999 L38 4.199999999999999 L39 4.199999999999999 L40 4.199999999999999 L41 4.199999999999999 L42 4.199999999999999 L43 4.199999999999999 L44 4.199999999999999 L45 4.199999999999999 L46 0.1999999999999993 L47 0.1999999999999993 L48 0.1999999999999993 L49 0.1999999999999993 L50 0.1999999999999993 L51 0.1999999999999993 L52 0.1999999999999993 L53 0.1999999999999993 L54 0.1999999999999993 L55 0.1999999999999993" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.2" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.2 M0 10.2 L1 10.2 L2 7.199999999999999 L3 7.199999999999999 L4 7.199999999999999 L5 7.199999999999999 L6 7.199999999999999 L7 7.199999999999999 L8 7.199999999999999 L9 7.199999999999999 L10 7.199999999999999 L11 7.199999999999999 L12 7.199999999999999 L13 7.199999999999999 L14 7.199999999999999 L15 7.199999999999999 L16 7.199999999999999 L17 7.199999999999999 L18 7.199999999999999 L19 7.199999999999999 L20 7.199999999999999 L21 7.199999999999999 L22 7.199999999999999 L23 7.199999999999999 L24 7.199999999999999 L25 7.199999999999999 L26 7.199999999999999 L27 7.199999999999999 L28 7.199999999999999 L29 7.199999999999999 L30 7.199999999999999 L31 7.199999999999999 L32 7.199999999999999 L33 7.199999999999999 L34 7.199999999999999 L35 7.199999999999999 L36 7.199999999999999 L37 7.199999999999999 L38 7.199999999999999 L39 7.199999999999999 L40 7.199999999999999 L41 7.199999999999999 L42 7.199999999999999 L43 7.199999999999999 L44 7.199999999999999 L45 7.199999999999999 L46 6.199999999999999 L47 6.199999999999999 L48 6.199999999999999 L49 6.199999999999999 L50 6.199999999999999 L51 6.199999999999999 L52 6.199999999999999 L53 6.199999999999999 L54 6.199999999999999 L55 6.199999999999999 L 55 10.2 L0 10.2 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.2 M0 10.2 L1 10.2 L2 7.199999999999999 L3 7.199999999999999 L4 7.199999999999999 L5 7.199999999999999 L6 7.199999999999999 L7 7.199999999999999 L8 7.199999999999999 L9 7.199999999999999 L10 7.199999999999999 L11 7.199999999999999 L12 7.199999999999999 L13 7.199999999999999 L14 7.199999999999999 L15 7.199999999999999 L16 7.199999999999999 L17 7.199999999999999 L18 7.199999999999999 L19 7.199999999999999 L20 7.199999999999999 L21 7.199999999999999 L22 7.199999999999999 L23 7.199999999999999 L24 7.199999999999999 L25 7.199999999999999 L26 7.199999999999999 L27 7.199999999999999 L28 7.199999999999999 L29 7.199999999999999 L30 7.199999999999999 L31 7.199999999999999 L32 7.199999999999999 L33 7.199999999999999 L34 7.199999999999999 L35 7.199999999999999 L36 7.199999999999999 L37 7.199999999999999 L38 7.199999999999999 L39 7.199999999999999 L40 7.199999999999999 L41 7.199999999999999 L42 7.199999999999999 L43 7.199999999999999 L44 7.199999999999999 L45 7.199999999999999 L46 6.199999999999999 L47 6.199999999999999 L48 6.199999999999999 L49 6.199999999999999 L50 6.199999999999999 L51 6.199999999999999 L52 6.199999999999999 L53 6.199999999999999 L54 6.199999999999999 L55 6.199999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">margin bottom</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">10/6</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 13.26" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 13.26 M0 6.26 L1 3.26 L2 6.26 L3 6.26 L4 6.26 L5 0.2599999999999998 L6 0.2599999999999998 L7 0.2599999999999998 L8 0.2599999999999998 L9 0.2599999999999998 L10 0.2599999999999998 L11 0.2599999999999998 L12 0.2599999999999998 L13 2.26 L14 2.26 L15 2.26 L16 2.26 L17 2.26 L18 2.26 L19 1.2599999999999998 L20 1.2599999999999998 L21 1.2599999999999998 L22 1.2599999999999998 L23 1.2599999999999998 L24 1.2599999999999998 L25 1.2599999999999998 L26 1.2599999999999998 L27 1.2599999999999998 L28 1.2599999999999998 L29 2.26 L30 2.26 L31 2.26 L32 2.26 L33 4.26 L34 4.26 L35 4.26 L36 4.26 L37 4.26 L38 2.26 L39 2.26 L40 2.26 L41 2.26 L42 2.26 L43 2.26 L44 2.26 L45 2.26 L46 3.26 L47 3.26 L48 3.26 L49 3.26 L50 3.26 L51 3.26 L52 3.26 L53 3.26 L54 3.26 L55 3.26 L 55 13.26 L0 13.26 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 13.26 M0 6.26 L1 3.26 L2 6.26 L3 6.26 L4 6.26 L5 0.2599999999999998 L6 0.2599999999999998 L7 0.2599999999999998 L8 0.2599999999999998 L9 0.2599999999999998 L10 0.2599999999999998 L11 0.2599999999999998 L12 0.2599999999999998 L13 2.26 L14 2.26 L15 2.26 L16 2.26 L17 2.26 L18 2.26 L19 1.2599999999999998 L20 1.2599999999999998 L21 1.2599999999999998 L22 1.2599999999999998 L23 1.2599999999999998 L24 1.2599999999999998 L25 1.2599999999999998 L26 1.2599999999999998 L27 1.2599999999999998 L28 1.2599999999999998 L29 2.26 L30 2.26 L31 2.26 L32 2.26 L33 4.26 L34 4.26 L35 4.26 L36 4.26 L37 4.26 L38 2.26 L39 2.26 L40 2.26 L41 2.26 L42 2.26 L43 2.26 L44 2.26 L45 2.26 L46 3.26 L47 3.26 L48 3.26 L49 3.26 L50 3.26 L51 3.26 L52 3.26 L53 3.26 L54 3.26 L55 3.26" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 13.26" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 13.26 M0 9.26 L1 8.26 L2 8.26 L3 8.26 L4 8.26 L5 7.26 L6 7.26 L7 7.26 L8 7.26 L9 7.26 L10 7.26 L11 7.26 L12 7.26 L13 7.26 L14 7.26 L15 7.26 L16 7.26 L17 7.26 L18 7.26 L19 6.26 L20 6.26 L21 6.26 L22 6.26 L23 6.26 L24 6.26 L25 6.26 L26 6.26 L27 6.26 L28 6.26 L29 7.26 L30 7.26 L31 7.26 L32 7.26 L33 7.26 L34 7.26 L35 7.26 L36 7.26 L37 7.26 L38 7.26 L39 7.26 L40 7.26 L41 7.26 L42 7.26 L43 7.26 L44 7.26 L45 7.26 L46 7.26 L47 7.26 L48 7.26 L49 7.26 L50 7.26 L51 7.26 L52 7.26 L53 7.26 L54 7.26 L55 7.26 L 55 13.26 L0 13.26 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 13.26 M0 9.26 L1 8.26 L2 8.26 L3 8.26 L4 8.26 L5 7.26 L6 7.26 L7 7.26 L8 7.26 L9 7.26 L10 7.26 L11 7.26 L12 7.26 L13 7.26 L14 7.26 L15 7.26 L16 7.26 L17 7.26 L18 7.26 L19 6.26 L20 6.26 L21 6.26 L22 6.26 L23 6.26 L24 6.26 L25 6.26 L26 6.26 L27 6.26 L28 6.26 L29 7.26 L30 7.26 L31 7.26 L32 7.26 L33 7.26 L34 7.26 L35 7.26 L36 7.26 L37 7.26 L38 7.26 L39 7.26 L40 7.26 L41 7.26 L42 7.26 L43 7.26 L44 7.26 L45 7.26 L46 7.26 L47 7.26 L48 7.26 L49 7.26 L50 7.26 L51 7.26 L52 7.26 L53 7.26 L54 7.26 L55 7.26" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">margin top</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">10/6</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 15.3" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 15.3 M0 11.3 L1 7.300000000000001 L2 10.3 L3 10.3 L4 10.3 L5 2.3000000000000007 L6 2.3000000000000007 L7 2.3000000000000007 L8 2.3000000000000007 L9 2.3000000000000007 L10 2.3000000000000007 L11 2.3000000000000007 L12 2.3000000000000007 L13 4.300000000000001 L14 4.300000000000001 L15 4.300000000000001 L16 4.300000000000001 L17 0.3000000000000007 L18 0.3000000000000007 L19 0.3000000000000007 L20 0.3000000000000007 L21 0.3000000000000007 L22 0.3000000000000007 L23 0.3000000000000007 L24 0.3000000000000007 L25 0.3000000000000007 L26 4.300000000000001 L27 4.300000000000001 L28 4.300000000000001 L29 4.300000000000001 L30 3.3000000000000007 L31 3.3000000000000007 L32 3.3000000000000007 L33 4.300000000000001 L34 4.300000000000001 L35 4.300000000000001 L36 4.300000000000001 L37 4.300000000000001 L38 3.3000000000000007 L39 3.3000000000000007 L40 3.3000000000000007 L41 3.3000000000000007 L42 3.3000000000000007 L43 3.3000000000000007 L44 3.3000000000000007 L45 3.3000000000000007 L46 5.300000000000001 L47 5.300000000000001 L48 5.300000000000001 L49 5.300000000000001 L50 5.300000000000001 L51 5.300000000000001 L52 5.300000000000001 L53 5.300000000000001 L54 5.300000000000001 L55 5.300000000000001 L 55 15.3 L0 15.3 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 15.3 M0 11.3 L1 7.300000000000001 L2 10.3 L3 10.3 L4 10.3 L5 2.3000000000000007 L6 2.3000000000000007 L7 2.3000000000000007 L8 2.3000000000000007 L9 2.3000000000000007 L10 2.3000000000000007 L11 2.3000000000000007 L12 2.3000000000000007 L13 4.300000000000001 L14 4.300000000000001 L15 4.300000000000001 L16 4.300000000000001 L17 0.3000000000000007 L18 0.3000000000000007 L19 0.3000000000000007 L20 0.3000000000000007 L21 0.3000000000000007 L22 0.3000000000000007 L23 0.3000000000000007 L24 0.3000000000000007 L25 0.3000000000000007 L26 4.300000000000001 L27 4.300000000000001 L28 4.300000000000001 L29 4.300000000000001 L30 3.3000000000000007 L31 3.3000000000000007 L32 3.3000000000000007 L33 4.300000000000001 L34 4.300000000000001 L35 4.300000000000001 L36 4.300000000000001 L37 4.300000000000001 L38 3.3000000000000007 L39 3.3000000000000007 L40 3.3000000000000007 L41 3.3000000000000007 L42 3.3000000000000007 L43 3.3000000000000007 L44 3.3000000000000007 L45 3.3000000000000007 L46 5.300000000000001 L47 5.300000000000001 L48 5.300000000000001 L49 5.300000000000001 L50 5.300000000000001 L51 5.300000000000001 L52 5.300000000000001 L53 5.300000000000001 L54 5.300000000000001 L55 5.300000000000001" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 15.3" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 15.3 M0 11.3 L1 10.3 L2 10.3 L3 10.3 L4 10.3 L5 9.3 L6 9.3 L7 9.3 L8 9.3 L9 9.3 L10 9.3 L11 9.3 L12 9.3 L13 9.3 L14 9.3 L15 9.3 L16 9.3 L17 7.300000000000001 L18 7.300000000000001 L19 7.300000000000001 L20 7.300000000000001 L21 7.300000000000001 L22 7.300000000000001 L23 7.300000000000001 L24 7.300000000000001 L25 7.300000000000001 L26 9.3 L27 9.3 L28 9.3 L29 9.3 L30 8.3 L31 8.3 L32 8.3 L33 8.3 L34 8.3 L35 8.3 L36 8.3 L37 8.3 L38 8.3 L39 8.3 L40 8.3 L41 8.3 L42 8.3 L43 8.3 L44 8.3 L45 8.3 L46 9.3 L47 9.3 L48 9.3 L49 9.3 L50 9.3 L51 9.3 L52 9.3 L53 9.3 L54 9.3 L55 9.3 L 55 15.3 L0 15.3 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 15.3 M0 11.3 L1 10.3 L2 10.3 L3 10.3 L4 10.3 L5 9.3 L6 9.3 L7 9.3 L8 9.3 L9 9.3 L10 9.3 L11 9.3 L12 9.3 L13 9.3 L14 9.3 L15 9.3 L16 9.3 L17 7.300000000000001 L18 7.300000000000001 L19 7.300000000000001 L20 7.300000000000001 L21 7.300000000000001 L22 7.300000000000001 L23 7.300000000000001 L24 7.300000000000001 L25 7.300000000000001 L26 9.3 L27 9.3 L28 9.3 L29 9.3 L30 8.3 L31 8.3 L32 8.3 L33 8.3 L34 8.3 L35 8.3 L36 8.3 L37 8.3 L38 8.3 L39 8.3 L40 8.3 L41 8.3 L42 8.3 L43 8.3 L44 8.3 L45 8.3 L46 9.3 L47 9.3 L48 9.3 L49 9.3 L50 9.3 L51 9.3 L52 9.3 L53 9.3 L54 9.3 L55 9.3" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">box sizing</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">10/1</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 17.34" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 17.34 M0 17.34 L1 14.34 L2 14.34 L3 14.34 L4 14.34 L5 9.34 L6 9.34 L7 9.34 L8 5.34 L9 5.34 L10 5.34 L11 5.34 L12 5.34 L13 5.34 L14 5.34 L15 5.34 L16 5.34 L17 5.34 L18 5.34 L19 5.34 L20 5.34 L21 5.34 L22 5.34 L23 5.34 L24 5.34 L25 5.34 L26 5.34 L27 5.34 L28 5.34 L29 5.34 L30 1.3399999999999999 L31 1.3399999999999999 L32 1.3399999999999999 L33 9.34 L34 9.34 L35 9.34 L36 9.34 L37 9.34 L38 0.33999999999999986 L39 2.34 L40 2.34 L41 2.34 L42 2.34 L43 2.34 L44 2.34 L45 2.34 L46 7.34 L47 7.34 L48 7.34 L49 7.34 L50 7.34 L51 7.34 L52 7.34 L53 7.34 L54 7.34 L55 7.34 L 55 17.34 L0 17.34 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 17.34 M0 17.34 L1 14.34 L2 14.34 L3 14.34 L4 14.34 L5 9.34 L6 9.34 L7 9.34 L8 5.34 L9 5.34 L10 5.34 L11 5.34 L12 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style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">box shadow</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">9/7</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 19.38" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 19.38 M0 19.38 L1 16.38 L2 15.379999999999999 L3 15.379999999999999 L4 15.379999999999999 L5 13.379999999999999 L6 13.379999999999999 L7 13.379999999999999 L8 13.379999999999999 L9 13.379999999999999 L10 13.379999999999999 L11 13.379999999999999 L12 10.379999999999999 L13 8.379999999999999 L14 8.379999999999999 L15 9.379999999999999 L16 9.379999999999999 L17 9.379999999999999 L18 9.379999999999999 L19 9.379999999999999 L20 9.379999999999999 L21 9.379999999999999 L22 9.379999999999999 L23 9.379999999999999 L24 9.379999999999999 L25 9.379999999999999 L26 7.379999999999999 L27 7.379999999999999 L28 7.379999999999999 L29 9.379999999999999 L30 7.379999999999999 L31 7.379999999999999 L32 7.379999999999999 L33 7.379999999999999 L34 7.379999999999999 L35 6.379999999999999 L36 6.379999999999999 L37 6.379999999999999 L38 6.379999999999999 L39 6.379999999999999 L40 6.379999999999999 L41 6.379999999999999 L42 6.379999999999999 L43 0.379999999999999 L44 0.379999999999999 L45 0.379999999999999 L46 10.379999999999999 L47 10.379999999999999 L48 10.379999999999999 L49 10.379999999999999 L50 12.379999999999999 L51 10.379999999999999 L52 10.379999999999999 L53 10.379999999999999 L54 12.379999999999999 L55 10.379999999999999 L 55 19.38 L0 19.38 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 19.38 M0 19.38 L1 16.38 L2 15.379999999999999 L3 15.379999999999999 L4 15.379999999999999 L5 13.379999999999999 L6 13.379999999999999 L7 13.379999999999999 L8 13.379999999999999 L9 13.379999999999999 L10 13.379999999999999 L11 13.379999999999999 L12 10.379999999999999 L13 8.379999999999999 L14 8.379999999999999 L15 9.379999999999999 L16 9.379999999999999 L17 9.379999999999999 L18 9.379999999999999 L19 9.379999999999999 L20 9.379999999999999 L21 9.379999999999999 L22 9.379999999999999 L23 9.379999999999999 L24 9.379999999999999 L25 9.379999999999999 L26 7.379999999999999 L27 7.379999999999999 L28 7.379999999999999 L29 9.379999999999999 L30 7.379999999999999 L31 7.379999999999999 L32 7.379999999999999 L33 7.379999999999999 L34 7.379999999999999 L35 6.379999999999999 L36 6.379999999999999 L37 6.379999999999999 L38 6.379999999999999 L39 6.379999999999999 L40 6.379999999999999 L41 6.379999999999999 L42 6.379999999999999 L43 0.379999999999999 L44 0.379999999999999 L45 0.379999999999999 L46 10.379999999999999 L47 10.379999999999999 L48 10.379999999999999 L49 10.379999999999999 L50 12.379999999999999 L51 10.379999999999999 L52 10.379999999999999 L53 10.379999999999999 L54 12.379999999999999 L55 10.379999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 19.38" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 19.38 M0 19.38 L1 17.38 L2 16.38 L3 16.38 L4 16.38 L5 15.379999999999999 L6 15.379999999999999 L7 15.379999999999999 L8 15.379999999999999 L9 15.379999999999999 L10 15.379999999999999 L11 15.379999999999999 L12 13.379999999999999 L13 12.379999999999999 L14 12.379999999999999 L15 14.379999999999999 L16 14.379999999999999 L17 13.379999999999999 L18 13.379999999999999 L19 13.379999999999999 L20 13.379999999999999 L21 13.379999999999999 L22 13.379999999999999 L23 13.379999999999999 L24 13.379999999999999 L25 13.379999999999999 L26 13.379999999999999 L27 13.379999999999999 L28 13.379999999999999 L29 13.379999999999999 L30 10.379999999999999 L31 10.379999999999999 L32 10.379999999999999 L33 10.379999999999999 L34 10.379999999999999 L35 10.379999999999999 L36 10.379999999999999 L37 10.379999999999999 L38 10.379999999999999 L39 10.379999999999999 L40 10.379999999999999 L41 10.379999999999999 L42 10.379999999999999 L43 7.379999999999999 L44 7.379999999999999 L45 7.379999999999999 L46 12.379999999999999 L47 12.379999999999999 L48 12.379999999999999 L49 12.379999999999999 L50 12.379999999999999 L51 12.379999999999999 L52 12.379999999999999 L53 12.379999999999999 L54 12.379999999999999 L55 12.379999999999999 L 55 19.38 L0 19.38 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 19.38 M0 19.38 L1 17.38 L2 16.38 L3 16.38 L4 16.38 L5 15.379999999999999 L6 15.379999999999999 L7 15.379999999999999 L8 15.379999999999999 L9 15.379999999999999 L10 15.379999999999999 L11 15.379999999999999 L12 13.379999999999999 L13 12.379999999999999 L14 12.379999999999999 L15 14.379999999999999 L16 14.379999999999999 L17 13.379999999999999 L18 13.379999999999999 L19 13.379999999999999 L20 13.379999999999999 L21 13.379999999999999 L22 13.379999999999999 L23 13.379999999999999 L24 13.379999999999999 L25 13.379999999999999 L26 13.379999999999999 L27 13.379999999999999 L28 13.379999999999999 L29 13.379999999999999 L30 10.379999999999999 L31 10.379999999999999 L32 10.379999999999999 L33 10.379999999999999 L34 10.379999999999999 L35 10.379999999999999 L36 10.379999999999999 L37 10.379999999999999 L38 10.379999999999999 L39 10.379999999999999 L40 10.379999999999999 L41 10.379999999999999 L42 10.379999999999999 L43 7.379999999999999 L44 7.379999999999999 L45 7.379999999999999 L46 12.379999999999999 L47 12.379999999999999 L48 12.379999999999999 L49 12.379999999999999 L50 12.379999999999999 L51 12.379999999999999 L52 12.379999999999999 L53 12.379999999999999 L54 12.379999999999999 L55 12.379999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">border color</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">8/6</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 35.7" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 35.7 M0 35.7 L1 32.7 L2 30.700000000000003 L3 30.700000000000003 L4 30.700000000000003 L5 32.7 L6 32.7 L7 32.7 L8 32.7 L9 32.7 L10 32.7 L11 32.7 L12 32.7 L13 28.700000000000003 L14 28.700000000000003 L15 28.700000000000003 L16 28.700000000000003 L17 24.700000000000003 L18 24.700000000000003 L19 24.700000000000003 L20 24.700000000000003 L21 24.700000000000003 L22 24.700000000000003 L23 24.700000000000003 L24 24.700000000000003 L25 24.700000000000003 L26 24.700000000000003 L27 24.700000000000003 L28 24.700000000000003 L29 24.700000000000003 L30 0.7000000000000028 L31 0.7000000000000028 L32 0.7000000000000028 L33 2.700000000000003 L34 2.700000000000003 L35 2.700000000000003 L36 2.700000000000003 L37 2.700000000000003 L38 0.7000000000000028 L39 0.7000000000000028 L40 0.7000000000000028 L41 0.7000000000000028 L42 0.7000000000000028 L43 2.700000000000003 L44 2.700000000000003 L45 2.700000000000003 L46 27.700000000000003 L47 27.700000000000003 L48 27.700000000000003 L49 27.700000000000003 L50 27.700000000000003 L51 27.700000000000003 L52 27.700000000000003 L53 27.700000000000003 L54 27.700000000000003 L55 27.700000000000003 L 55 35.7 L0 35.7 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 35.7 M0 35.7 L1 32.7 L2 30.700000000000003 L3 30.700000000000003 L4 30.700000000000003 L5 32.7 L6 32.7 L7 32.7 L8 32.7 L9 32.7 L10 32.7 L11 32.7 L12 32.7 L13 28.700000000000003 L14 28.700000000000003 L15 28.700000000000003 L16 28.700000000000003 L17 24.700000000000003 L18 24.700000000000003 L19 24.700000000000003 L20 24.700000000000003 L21 24.700000000000003 L22 24.700000000000003 L23 24.700000000000003 L24 24.700000000000003 L25 24.700000000000003 L26 24.700000000000003 L27 24.700000000000003 L28 24.700000000000003 L29 24.700000000000003 L30 0.7000000000000028 L31 0.7000000000000028 L32 0.7000000000000028 L33 2.700000000000003 L34 2.700000000000003 L35 2.700000000000003 L36 2.700000000000003 L37 2.700000000000003 L38 0.7000000000000028 L39 0.7000000000000028 L40 0.7000000000000028 L41 0.7000000000000028 L42 0.7000000000000028 L43 2.700000000000003 L44 2.700000000000003 L45 2.700000000000003 L46 27.700000000000003 L47 27.700000000000003 L48 27.700000000000003 L49 27.700000000000003 L50 27.700000000000003 L51 27.700000000000003 L52 27.700000000000003 L53 27.700000000000003 L54 27.700000000000003 L55 27.700000000000003" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 35.7" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 35.7 M0 35.7 L1 32.7 L2 33.7 L3 33.7 L4 33.7 L5 33.7 L6 33.7 L7 33.7 L8 33.7 L9 33.7 L10 33.7 L11 33.7 L12 33.7 L13 30.700000000000003 L14 30.700000000000003 L15 30.700000000000003 L16 30.700000000000003 L17 30.700000000000003 L18 30.700000000000003 L19 30.700000000000003 L20 30.700000000000003 L21 30.700000000000003 L22 30.700000000000003 L23 30.700000000000003 L24 30.700000000000003 L25 30.700000000000003 L26 30.700000000000003 L27 30.700000000000003 L28 30.700000000000003 L29 30.700000000000003 L30 13.700000000000003 L31 13.700000000000003 L32 13.700000000000003 L33 13.700000000000003 L34 13.700000000000003 L35 13.700000000000003 L36 13.700000000000003 L37 13.700000000000003 L38 13.700000000000003 L39 13.700000000000003 L40 13.700000000000003 L41 13.700000000000003 L42 13.700000000000003 L43 13.700000000000003 L44 13.700000000000003 L45 13.700000000000003 L46 29.700000000000003 L47 29.700000000000003 L48 29.700000000000003 L49 29.700000000000003 L50 29.700000000000003 L51 29.700000000000003 L52 29.700000000000003 L53 29.700000000000003 L54 29.700000000000003 L55 29.700000000000003 L 55 35.7 L0 35.7 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 35.7 M0 35.7 L1 32.7 L2 33.7 L3 33.7 L4 33.7 L5 33.7 L6 33.7 L7 33.7 L8 33.7 L9 33.7 L10 33.7 L11 33.7 L12 33.7 L13 30.700000000000003 L14 30.700000000000003 L15 30.700000000000003 L16 30.700000000000003 L17 30.700000000000003 L18 30.700000000000003 L19 30.700000000000003 L20 30.700000000000003 L21 30.700000000000003 L22 30.700000000000003 L23 30.700000000000003 L24 30.700000000000003 L25 30.700000000000003 L26 30.700000000000003 L27 30.700000000000003 L28 30.700000000000003 L29 30.700000000000003 L30 13.700000000000003 L31 13.700000000000003 L32 13.700000000000003 L33 13.700000000000003 L34 13.700000000000003 L35 13.700000000000003 L36 13.700000000000003 L37 13.700000000000003 L38 13.700000000000003 L39 13.700000000000003 L40 13.700000000000003 L41 13.700000000000003 L42 13.700000000000003 L43 13.700000000000003 L44 13.700000000000003 L45 13.700000000000003 L46 29.700000000000003 L47 29.700000000000003 L48 29.700000000000003 L49 29.700000000000003 L50 29.700000000000003 L51 29.700000000000003 L52 29.700000000000003 L53 29.700000000000003 L54 29.700000000000003 L55 29.700000000000003" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">margin</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">7/5</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.2" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.2 M0 5.199999999999999 L1 0.1999999999999993 L2 3.1999999999999993 L3 3.1999999999999993 L4 3.1999999999999993 L5 2.1999999999999993 L6 2.1999999999999993 L7 2.1999999999999993 L8 2.1999999999999993 L9 2.1999999999999993 L10 2.1999999999999993 L11 2.1999999999999993 L12 2.1999999999999993 L13 2.1999999999999993 L14 2.1999999999999993 L15 2.1999999999999993 L16 2.1999999999999993 L17 2.1999999999999993 L18 2.1999999999999993 L19 2.1999999999999993 L20 2.1999999999999993 L21 2.1999999999999993 L22 2.1999999999999993 L23 2.1999999999999993 L24 2.1999999999999993 L25 2.1999999999999993 L26 2.1999999999999993 L27 2.1999999999999993 L28 2.1999999999999993 L29 2.1999999999999993 L30 2.1999999999999993 L31 2.1999999999999993 L32 1.1999999999999993 L33 1.1999999999999993 L34 1.1999999999999993 L35 2.1999999999999993 L36 2.1999999999999993 L37 2.1999999999999993 L38 2.1999999999999993 L39 1.1999999999999993 L40 1.1999999999999993 L41 1.1999999999999993 L42 1.1999999999999993 L43 1.1999999999999993 L44 1.1999999999999993 L45 1.1999999999999993 L46 3.1999999999999993 L47 3.1999999999999993 L48 3.1999999999999993 L49 3.1999999999999993 L50 3.1999999999999993 L51 3.1999999999999993 L52 3.1999999999999993 L53 3.1999999999999993 L54 3.1999999999999993 L55 3.1999999999999993 L 55 10.2 L0 10.2 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.2 M0 5.199999999999999 L1 0.1999999999999993 L2 3.1999999999999993 L3 3.1999999999999993 L4 3.1999999999999993 L5 2.1999999999999993 L6 2.1999999999999993 L7 2.1999999999999993 L8 2.1999999999999993 L9 2.1999999999999993 L10 2.1999999999999993 L11 2.1999999999999993 L12 2.1999999999999993 L13 2.1999999999999993 L14 2.1999999999999993 L15 2.1999999999999993 L16 2.1999999999999993 L17 2.1999999999999993 L18 2.1999999999999993 L19 2.1999999999999993 L20 2.1999999999999993 L21 2.1999999999999993 L22 2.1999999999999993 L23 2.1999999999999993 L24 2.1999999999999993 L25 2.1999999999999993 L26 2.1999999999999993 L27 2.1999999999999993 L28 2.1999999999999993 L29 2.1999999999999993 L30 2.1999999999999993 L31 2.1999999999999993 L32 1.1999999999999993 L33 1.1999999999999993 L34 1.1999999999999993 L35 2.1999999999999993 L36 2.1999999999999993 L37 2.1999999999999993 L38 2.1999999999999993 L39 1.1999999999999993 L40 1.1999999999999993 L41 1.1999999999999993 L42 1.1999999999999993 L43 1.1999999999999993 L44 1.1999999999999993 L45 1.1999999999999993 L46 3.1999999999999993 L47 3.1999999999999993 L48 3.1999999999999993 L49 3.1999999999999993 L50 3.1999999999999993 L51 3.1999999999999993 L52 3.1999999999999993 L53 3.1999999999999993 L54 3.1999999999999993 L55 3.1999999999999993" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.2" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.2 M0 5.199999999999999 L1 4.199999999999999 L2 4.199999999999999 L3 4.199999999999999 L4 4.199999999999999 L5 4.199999999999999 L6 4.199999999999999 L7 4.199999999999999 L8 4.199999999999999 L9 4.199999999999999 L10 4.199999999999999 L11 4.199999999999999 L12 4.199999999999999 L13 4.199999999999999 L14 4.199999999999999 L15 4.199999999999999 L16 4.199999999999999 L17 4.199999999999999 L18 4.199999999999999 L19 4.199999999999999 L20 4.199999999999999 L21 4.199999999999999 L22 4.199999999999999 L23 4.199999999999999 L24 4.199999999999999 L25 4.199999999999999 L26 4.199999999999999 L27 4.199999999999999 L28 4.199999999999999 L29 4.199999999999999 L30 4.199999999999999 L31 4.199999999999999 L32 3.1999999999999993 L33 3.1999999999999993 L34 3.1999999999999993 L35 4.199999999999999 L36 4.199999999999999 L37 4.199999999999999 L38 4.199999999999999 L39 3.1999999999999993 L40 3.1999999999999993 L41 3.1999999999999993 L42 3.1999999999999993 L43 3.1999999999999993 L44 3.1999999999999993 L45 3.1999999999999993 L46 5.199999999999999 L47 5.199999999999999 L48 5.199999999999999 L49 5.199999999999999 L50 5.199999999999999 L51 5.199999999999999 L52 5.199999999999999 L53 5.199999999999999 L54 5.199999999999999 L55 5.199999999999999 L 55 10.2 L0 10.2 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.2 M0 5.199999999999999 L1 4.199999999999999 L2 4.199999999999999 L3 4.199999999999999 L4 4.199999999999999 L5 4.199999999999999 L6 4.199999999999999 L7 4.199999999999999 L8 4.199999999999999 L9 4.199999999999999 L10 4.199999999999999 L11 4.199999999999999 L12 4.199999999999999 L13 4.199999999999999 L14 4.199999999999999 L15 4.199999999999999 L16 4.199999999999999 L17 4.199999999999999 L18 4.199999999999999 L19 4.199999999999999 L20 4.199999999999999 L21 4.199999999999999 L22 4.199999999999999 L23 4.199999999999999 L24 4.199999999999999 L25 4.199999999999999 L26 4.199999999999999 L27 4.199999999999999 L28 4.199999999999999 L29 4.199999999999999 L30 4.199999999999999 L31 4.199999999999999 L32 3.1999999999999993 L33 3.1999999999999993 L34 3.1999999999999993 L35 4.199999999999999 L36 4.199999999999999 L37 4.199999999999999 L38 4.199999999999999 L39 3.1999999999999993 L40 3.1999999999999993 L41 3.1999999999999993 L42 3.1999999999999993 L43 3.1999999999999993 L44 3.1999999999999993 L45 3.1999999999999993 L46 5.199999999999999 L47 5.199999999999999 L48 5.199999999999999 L49 5.199999999999999 L50 5.199999999999999 L51 5.199999999999999 L52 5.199999999999999 L53 5.199999999999999 L54 5.199999999999999 L55 5.199999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">line height</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">6/5</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 19.38" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 19.38 M0 16.38 L1 0.379999999999999 L2 5.379999999999999 L3 5.379999999999999 L4 5.379999999999999 L5 13.379999999999999 L6 13.379999999999999 L7 13.379999999999999 L8 13.379999999999999 L9 13.379999999999999 L10 13.379999999999999 L11 13.379999999999999 L12 13.379999999999999 L13 12.379999999999999 L14 12.379999999999999 L15 11.379999999999999 L16 11.379999999999999 L17 10.379999999999999 L18 10.379999999999999 L19 10.379999999999999 L20 10.379999999999999 L21 11.379999999999999 L22 11.379999999999999 L23 11.379999999999999 L24 11.379999999999999 L25 11.379999999999999 L26 12.379999999999999 L27 12.379999999999999 L28 12.379999999999999 L29 13.379999999999999 L30 13.379999999999999 L31 13.379999999999999 L32 13.379999999999999 L33 14.379999999999999 L34 14.379999999999999 L35 14.379999999999999 L36 14.379999999999999 L37 14.379999999999999 L38 13.379999999999999 L39 13.379999999999999 L40 13.379999999999999 L41 13.379999999999999 L42 13.379999999999999 L43 13.379999999999999 L44 13.379999999999999 L45 13.379999999999999 L46 13.379999999999999 L47 13.379999999999999 L48 13.379999999999999 L49 13.379999999999999 L50 13.379999999999999 L51 13.379999999999999 L52 13.379999999999999 L53 13.379999999999999 L54 13.379999999999999 L55 13.379999999999999 L 55 19.38 L0 19.38 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 19.38 M0 16.38 L1 0.379999999999999 L2 5.379999999999999 L3 5.379999999999999 L4 5.379999999999999 L5 13.379999999999999 L6 13.379999999999999 L7 13.379999999999999 L8 13.379999999999999 L9 13.379999999999999 L10 13.379999999999999 L11 13.379999999999999 L12 13.379999999999999 L13 12.379999999999999 L14 12.379999999999999 L15 11.379999999999999 L16 11.379999999999999 L17 10.379999999999999 L18 10.379999999999999 L19 10.379999999999999 L20 10.379999999999999 L21 11.379999999999999 L22 11.379999999999999 L23 11.379999999999999 L24 11.379999999999999 L25 11.379999999999999 L26 12.379999999999999 L27 12.379999999999999 L28 12.379999999999999 L29 13.379999999999999 L30 13.379999999999999 L31 13.379999999999999 L32 13.379999999999999 L33 14.379999999999999 L34 14.379999999999999 L35 14.379999999999999 L36 14.379999999999999 L37 14.379999999999999 L38 13.379999999999999 L39 13.379999999999999 L40 13.379999999999999 L41 13.379999999999999 L42 13.379999999999999 L43 13.379999999999999 L44 13.379999999999999 L45 13.379999999999999 L46 13.379999999999999 L47 13.379999999999999 L48 13.379999999999999 L49 13.379999999999999 L50 13.379999999999999 L51 13.379999999999999 L52 13.379999999999999 L53 13.379999999999999 L54 13.379999999999999 L55 13.379999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 19.38" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 19.38 M0 17.38 L1 13.379999999999999 L2 11.379999999999999 L3 11.379999999999999 L4 11.379999999999999 L5 14.379999999999999 L6 14.379999999999999 L7 14.379999999999999 L8 14.379999999999999 L9 14.379999999999999 L10 14.379999999999999 L11 14.379999999999999 L12 13.379999999999999 L13 13.379999999999999 L14 13.379999999999999 L15 13.379999999999999 L16 13.379999999999999 L17 12.379999999999999 L18 12.379999999999999 L19 12.379999999999999 L20 12.379999999999999 L21 12.379999999999999 L22 12.379999999999999 L23 12.379999999999999 L24 12.379999999999999 L25 12.379999999999999 L26 13.379999999999999 L27 13.379999999999999 L28 13.379999999999999 L29 14.379999999999999 L30 14.379999999999999 L31 14.379999999999999 L32 14.379999999999999 L33 14.379999999999999 L34 14.379999999999999 L35 14.379999999999999 L36 14.379999999999999 L37 14.379999999999999 L38 14.379999999999999 L39 14.379999999999999 L40 14.379999999999999 L41 14.379999999999999 L42 14.379999999999999 L43 14.379999999999999 L44 14.379999999999999 L45 14.379999999999999 L46 14.379999999999999 L47 14.379999999999999 L48 14.379999999999999 L49 14.379999999999999 L50 14.379999999999999 L51 14.379999999999999 L52 14.379999999999999 L53 14.379999999999999 L54 14.379999999999999 L55 14.379999999999999 L 55 19.38 L0 19.38 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 19.38 M0 17.38 L1 13.379999999999999 L2 11.379999999999999 L3 11.379999999999999 L4 11.379999999999999 L5 14.379999999999999 L6 14.379999999999999 L7 14.379999999999999 L8 14.379999999999999 L9 14.379999999999999 L10 14.379999999999999 L11 14.379999999999999 L12 13.379999999999999 L13 13.379999999999999 L14 13.379999999999999 L15 13.379999999999999 L16 13.379999999999999 L17 12.379999999999999 L18 12.379999999999999 L19 12.379999999999999 L20 12.379999999999999 L21 12.379999999999999 L22 12.379999999999999 L23 12.379999999999999 L24 12.379999999999999 L25 12.379999999999999 L26 13.379999999999999 L27 13.379999999999999 L28 13.379999999999999 L29 14.379999999999999 L30 14.379999999999999 L31 14.379999999999999 L32 14.379999999999999 L33 14.379999999999999 L34 14.379999999999999 L35 14.379999999999999 L36 14.379999999999999 L37 14.379999999999999 L38 14.379999999999999 L39 14.379999999999999 L40 14.379999999999999 L41 14.379999999999999 L42 14.379999999999999 L43 14.379999999999999 L44 14.379999999999999 L45 14.379999999999999 L46 14.379999999999999 L47 14.379999999999999 L48 14.379999999999999 L49 14.379999999999999 L50 14.379999999999999 L51 14.379999999999999 L52 14.379999999999999 L53 14.379999999999999 L54 14.379999999999999 L55 14.379999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">font family</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">5/3</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 3.0999999999999996 L1 2.0999999999999996 L2 2.0999999999999996 L3 2.0999999999999996 L4 2.0999999999999996 L5 1.0999999999999996 L6 1.0999999999999996 L7 1.0999999999999996 L8 1.0999999999999996 L9 1.0999999999999996 L10 1.0999999999999996 L11 1.0999999999999996 L12 1.0999999999999996 L13 1.0999999999999996 L14 1.0999999999999996 L15 1.0999999999999996 L16 1.0999999999999996 L17 1.0999999999999996 L18 1.0999999999999996 L19 1.0999999999999996 L20 1.0999999999999996 L21 1.0999999999999996 L22 1.0999999999999996 L23 1.0999999999999996 L24 1.0999999999999996 L25 1.0999999999999996 L26 1.0999999999999996 L27 1.0999999999999996 L28 1.0999999999999996 L29 1.0999999999999996 L30 1.0999999999999996 L31 1.0999999999999996 L32 1.0999999999999996 L33 1.0999999999999996 L34 1.0999999999999996 L35 1.0999999999999996 L36 1.0999999999999996 L37 1.0999999999999996 L38 1.0999999999999996 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 3.0999999999999996 L1 2.0999999999999996 L2 2.0999999999999996 L3 2.0999999999999996 L4 2.0999999999999996 L5 1.0999999999999996 L6 1.0999999999999996 L7 1.0999999999999996 L8 1.0999999999999996 L9 1.0999999999999996 L10 1.0999999999999996 L11 1.0999999999999996 L12 1.0999999999999996 L13 1.0999999999999996 L14 1.0999999999999996 L15 1.0999999999999996 L16 1.0999999999999996 L17 1.0999999999999996 L18 1.0999999999999996 L19 1.0999999999999996 L20 1.0999999999999996 L21 1.0999999999999996 L22 1.0999999999999996 L23 1.0999999999999996 L24 1.0999999999999996 L25 1.0999999999999996 L26 1.0999999999999996 L27 1.0999999999999996 L28 1.0999999999999996 L29 1.0999999999999996 L30 1.0999999999999996 L31 1.0999999999999996 L32 1.0999999999999996 L33 1.0999999999999996 L34 1.0999999999999996 L35 1.0999999999999996 L36 1.0999999999999996 L37 1.0999999999999996 L38 1.0999999999999996 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 3.0999999999999996 L1 3.0999999999999996 L2 3.0999999999999996 L3 3.0999999999999996 L4 3.0999999999999996 L5 2.0999999999999996 L6 2.0999999999999996 L7 2.0999999999999996 L8 2.0999999999999996 L9 2.0999999999999996 L10 2.0999999999999996 L11 2.0999999999999996 L12 2.0999999999999996 L13 2.0999999999999996 L14 2.0999999999999996 L15 2.0999999999999996 L16 2.0999999999999996 L17 2.0999999999999996 L18 2.0999999999999996 L19 2.0999999999999996 L20 2.0999999999999996 L21 2.0999999999999996 L22 2.0999999999999996 L23 2.0999999999999996 L24 2.0999999999999996 L25 2.0999999999999996 L26 2.0999999999999996 L27 2.0999999999999996 L28 2.0999999999999996 L29 2.0999999999999996 L30 2.0999999999999996 L31 2.0999999999999996 L32 2.0999999999999996 L33 2.0999999999999996 L34 2.0999999999999996 L35 2.0999999999999996 L36 2.0999999999999996 L37 2.0999999999999996 L38 2.0999999999999996 L39 2.0999999999999996 L40 2.0999999999999996 L41 2.0999999999999996 L42 2.0999999999999996 L43 2.0999999999999996 L44 2.0999999999999996 L45 2.0999999999999996 L46 2.0999999999999996 L47 2.0999999999999996 L48 2.0999999999999996 L49 2.0999999999999996 L50 2.0999999999999996 L51 2.0999999999999996 L52 2.0999999999999996 L53 2.0999999999999996 L54 2.0999999999999996 L55 2.0999999999999996 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 3.0999999999999996 L1 3.0999999999999996 L2 3.0999999999999996 L3 3.0999999999999996 L4 3.0999999999999996 L5 2.0999999999999996 L6 2.0999999999999996 L7 2.0999999999999996 L8 2.0999999999999996 L9 2.0999999999999996 L10 2.0999999999999996 L11 2.0999999999999996 L12 2.0999999999999996 L13 2.0999999999999996 L14 2.0999999999999996 L15 2.0999999999999996 L16 2.0999999999999996 L17 2.0999999999999996 L18 2.0999999999999996 L19 2.0999999999999996 L20 2.0999999999999996 L21 2.0999999999999996 L22 2.0999999999999996 L23 2.0999999999999996 L24 2.0999999999999996 L25 2.0999999999999996 L26 2.0999999999999996 L27 2.0999999999999996 L28 2.0999999999999996 L29 2.0999999999999996 L30 2.0999999999999996 L31 2.0999999999999996 L32 2.0999999999999996 L33 2.0999999999999996 L34 2.0999999999999996 L35 2.0999999999999996 L36 2.0999999999999996 L37 2.0999999999999996 L38 2.0999999999999996 L39 2.0999999999999996 L40 2.0999999999999996 L41 2.0999999999999996 L42 2.0999999999999996 L43 2.0999999999999996 L44 2.0999999999999996 L45 2.0999999999999996 L46 2.0999999999999996 L47 2.0999999999999996 L48 2.0999999999999996 L49 2.0999999999999996 L50 2.0999999999999996 L51 2.0999999999999996 L52 2.0999999999999996 L53 2.0999999999999996 L54 2.0999999999999996 L55 2.0999999999999996" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">ms flex align</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">5/5</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">webkit align items</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">5/5</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">webkit box align</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">5/5</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">font weight</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">5/2</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 2.0999999999999996 L1 1.0999999999999996 L2 1.0999999999999996 L3 1.0999999999999996 L4 1.0999999999999996 L5 0.09999999999999964 L6 0.09999999999999964 L7 0.09999999999999964 L8 0.09999999999999964 L9 0.09999999999999964 L10 0.09999999999999964 L11 0.09999999999999964 L12 0.09999999999999964 L13 0.09999999999999964 L14 0.09999999999999964 L15 0.09999999999999964 L16 0.09999999999999964 L17 0.09999999999999964 L18 0.09999999999999964 L19 0.09999999999999964 L20 0.09999999999999964 L21 0.09999999999999964 L22 0.09999999999999964 L23 0.09999999999999964 L24 0.09999999999999964 L25 0.09999999999999964 L26 0.09999999999999964 L27 0.09999999999999964 L28 0.09999999999999964 L29 0.09999999999999964 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 2.0999999999999996 L36 2.0999999999999996 L37 2.0999999999999996 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 2.0999999999999996 L1 1.0999999999999996 L2 1.0999999999999996 L3 1.0999999999999996 L4 1.0999999999999996 L5 0.09999999999999964 L6 0.09999999999999964 L7 0.09999999999999964 L8 0.09999999999999964 L9 0.09999999999999964 L10 0.09999999999999964 L11 0.09999999999999964 L12 0.09999999999999964 L13 0.09999999999999964 L14 0.09999999999999964 L15 0.09999999999999964 L16 0.09999999999999964 L17 0.09999999999999964 L18 0.09999999999999964 L19 0.09999999999999964 L20 0.09999999999999964 L21 0.09999999999999964 L22 0.09999999999999964 L23 0.09999999999999964 L24 0.09999999999999964 L25 0.09999999999999964 L26 0.09999999999999964 L27 0.09999999999999964 L28 0.09999999999999964 L29 0.09999999999999964 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 2.0999999999999996 L36 2.0999999999999996 L37 2.0999999999999996 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 2.0999999999999996 L1 2.0999999999999996 L2 2.0999999999999996 L3 2.0999999999999996 L4 2.0999999999999996 L5 3.0999999999999996 L6 3.0999999999999996 L7 3.0999999999999996 L8 3.0999999999999996 L9 3.0999999999999996 L10 3.0999999999999996 L11 3.0999999999999996 L12 3.0999999999999996 L13 3.0999999999999996 L14 3.0999999999999996 L15 3.0999999999999996 L16 3.0999999999999996 L17 3.0999999999999996 L18 3.0999999999999996 L19 3.0999999999999996 L20 3.0999999999999996 L21 3.0999999999999996 L22 3.0999999999999996 L23 3.0999999999999996 L24 3.0999999999999996 L25 3.0999999999999996 L26 3.0999999999999996 L27 3.0999999999999996 L28 3.0999999999999996 L29 3.0999999999999996 L30 3.0999999999999996 L31 3.0999999999999996 L32 3.0999999999999996 L33 3.0999999999999996 L34 3.0999999999999996 L35 3.0999999999999996 L36 3.0999999999999996 L37 3.0999999999999996 L38 3.0999999999999996 L39 3.0999999999999996 L40 3.0999999999999996 L41 3.0999999999999996 L42 3.0999999999999996 L43 3.0999999999999996 L44 3.0999999999999996 L45 3.0999999999999996 L46 3.0999999999999996 L47 3.0999999999999996 L48 3.0999999999999996 L49 3.0999999999999996 L50 3.0999999999999996 L51 3.0999999999999996 L52 3.0999999999999996 L53 3.0999999999999996 L54 3.0999999999999996 L55 3.0999999999999996 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 2.0999999999999996 L1 2.0999999999999996 L2 2.0999999999999996 L3 2.0999999999999996 L4 2.0999999999999996 L5 3.0999999999999996 L6 3.0999999999999996 L7 3.0999999999999996 L8 3.0999999999999996 L9 3.0999999999999996 L10 3.0999999999999996 L11 3.0999999999999996 L12 3.0999999999999996 L13 3.0999999999999996 L14 3.0999999999999996 L15 3.0999999999999996 L16 3.0999999999999996 L17 3.0999999999999996 L18 3.0999999999999996 L19 3.0999999999999996 L20 3.0999999999999996 L21 3.0999999999999996 L22 3.0999999999999996 L23 3.0999999999999996 L24 3.0999999999999996 L25 3.0999999999999996 L26 3.0999999999999996 L27 3.0999999999999996 L28 3.0999999999999996 L29 3.0999999999999996 L30 3.0999999999999996 L31 3.0999999999999996 L32 3.0999999999999996 L33 3.0999999999999996 L34 3.0999999999999996 L35 3.0999999999999996 L36 3.0999999999999996 L37 3.0999999999999996 L38 3.0999999999999996 L39 3.0999999999999996 L40 3.0999999999999996 L41 3.0999999999999996 L42 3.0999999999999996 L43 3.0999999999999996 L44 3.0999999999999996 L45 3.0999999999999996 L46 3.0999999999999996 L47 3.0999999999999996 L48 3.0999999999999996 L49 3.0999999999999996 L50 3.0999999999999996 L51 3.0999999999999996 L52 3.0999999999999996 L53 3.0999999999999996 L54 3.0999999999999996 L55 3.0999999999999996" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">align items</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">5/5</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 5.1 L2 5.1 L3 5.1 L4 5.1 L5 5.1 L6 5.1 L7 5.1 L8 5.1 L9 5.1 L10 5.1 L11 5.1 L12 5.1 L13 5.1 L14 5.1 L15 5.1 L16 5.1 L17 5.1 L18 5.1 L19 5.1 L20 5.1 L21 5.1 L22 5.1 L23 5.1 L24 5.1 L25 5.1 L26 5.1 L27 5.1 L28 5.1 L29 5.1 L30 0.09999999999999964 L31 0.09999999999999964 L32 0.09999999999999964 L33 0.09999999999999964 L34 0.09999999999999964 L35 0.09999999999999964 L36 0.09999999999999964 L37 0.09999999999999964 L38 0.09999999999999964 L39 0.09999999999999964 L40 0.09999999999999964 L41 0.09999999999999964 L42 0.09999999999999964 L43 0.09999999999999964 L44 0.09999999999999964 L45 0.09999999999999964 L46 0.09999999999999964 L47 0.09999999999999964 L48 0.09999999999999964 L49 0.09999999999999964 L50 0.09999999999999964 L51 0.09999999999999964 L52 0.09999999999999964 L53 0.09999999999999964 L54 0.09999999999999964 L55 0.09999999999999964" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">text align</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">5/4</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 6.12" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 6.12 M0 4.12 L1 3.12 L2 0.1200000000000001 L3 0.1200000000000001 L4 0.1200000000000001 L5 1.12 L6 1.12 L7 1.12 L8 1.12 L9 1.12 L10 1.12 L11 1.12 L12 1.12 L13 1.12 L14 1.12 L15 1.12 L16 1.12 L17 1.12 L18 1.12 L19 1.12 L20 1.12 L21 1.12 L22 1.12 L23 1.12 L24 1.12 L25 1.12 L26 1.12 L27 1.12 L28 1.12 L29 1.12 L30 1.12 L31 1.12 L32 1.12 L33 2.12 L34 2.12 L35 2.12 L36 2.12 L37 2.12 L38 1.12 L39 1.12 L40 1.12 L41 1.12 L42 1.12 L43 1.12 L44 1.12 L45 1.12 L46 1.12 L47 1.12 L48 1.12 L49 1.12 L50 1.12 L51 1.12 L52 1.12 L53 1.12 L54 1.12 L55 1.12 L 55 6.12 L0 6.12 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 6.12 M0 4.12 L1 3.12 L2 0.1200000000000001 L3 0.1200000000000001 L4 0.1200000000000001 L5 1.12 L6 1.12 L7 1.12 L8 1.12 L9 1.12 L10 1.12 L11 1.12 L12 1.12 L13 1.12 L14 1.12 L15 1.12 L16 1.12 L17 1.12 L18 1.12 L19 1.12 L20 1.12 L21 1.12 L22 1.12 L23 1.12 L24 1.12 L25 1.12 L26 1.12 L27 1.12 L28 1.12 L29 1.12 L30 1.12 L31 1.12 L32 1.12 L33 2.12 L34 2.12 L35 2.12 L36 2.12 L37 2.12 L38 1.12 L39 1.12 L40 1.12 L41 1.12 L42 1.12 L43 1.12 L44 1.12 L45 1.12 L46 1.12 L47 1.12 L48 1.12 L49 1.12 L50 1.12 L51 1.12 L52 1.12 L53 1.12 L54 1.12 L55 1.12" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 6.12" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 6.12 M0 4.12 L1 4.12 L2 2.12 L3 2.12 L4 2.12 L5 2.12 L6 2.12 L7 2.12 L8 2.12 L9 2.12 L10 2.12 L11 2.12 L12 2.12 L13 2.12 L14 2.12 L15 2.12 L16 2.12 L17 2.12 L18 2.12 L19 2.12 L20 2.12 L21 2.12 L22 2.12 L23 2.12 L24 2.12 L25 2.12 L26 2.12 L27 2.12 L28 2.12 L29 2.12 L30 2.12 L31 2.12 L32 2.12 L33 2.12 L34 2.12 L35 2.12 L36 2.12 L37 2.12 L38 2.12 L39 2.12 L40 2.12 L41 2.12 L42 2.12 L43 2.12 L44 2.12 L45 2.12 L46 2.12 L47 2.12 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class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">overflow</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">5/3</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 6.12" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 6.12 M0 5.12 L1 5.12 L2 4.12 L3 4.12 L4 4.12 L5 5.12 L6 5.12 L7 5.12 L8 5.12 L9 5.12 L10 5.12 L11 5.12 L12 5.12 L13 4.12 L14 4.12 L15 4.12 L16 4.12 L17 3.12 L18 3.12 L19 3.12 L20 3.12 L21 3.12 L22 2.12 L23 2.12 L24 2.12 L25 2.12 L26 2.12 L27 2.12 L28 2.12 L29 2.12 L30 2.12 L31 2.12 L32 1.12 L33 2.12 L34 2.12 L35 2.12 L36 2.12 L37 2.12 L38 1.12 L39 1.12 L40 1.12 L41 1.12 L42 0.1200000000000001 L43 0.1200000000000001 L44 0.1200000000000001 L45 0.1200000000000001 L46 1.12 L47 1.12 L48 1.12 L49 1.12 L50 1.12 L51 1.12 L52 1.12 L53 1.12 L54 1.12 L55 1.12 L 55 6.12 L0 6.12 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 6.12 M0 5.12 L1 5.12 L2 4.12 L3 4.12 L4 4.12 L5 5.12 L6 5.12 L7 5.12 L8 5.12 L9 5.12 L10 5.12 L11 5.12 L12 5.12 L13 4.12 L14 4.12 L15 4.12 L16 4.12 L17 3.12 L18 3.12 L19 3.12 L20 3.12 L21 3.12 L22 2.12 L23 2.12 L24 2.12 L25 2.12 L26 2.12 L27 2.12 L28 2.12 L29 2.12 L30 2.12 L31 2.12 L32 1.12 L33 2.12 L34 2.12 L35 2.12 L36 2.12 L37 2.12 L38 1.12 L39 1.12 L40 1.12 L41 1.12 L42 0.1200000000000001 L43 0.1200000000000001 L44 0.1200000000000001 L45 0.1200000000000001 L46 1.12 L47 1.12 L48 1.12 L49 1.12 L50 1.12 L51 1.12 L52 1.12 L53 1.12 L54 1.12 L55 1.12" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 6.12" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 6.12 M0 5.12 L1 5.12 L2 5.12 L3 5.12 L4 5.12 L5 5.12 L6 5.12 L7 5.12 L8 5.12 L9 5.12 L10 5.12 L11 5.12 L12 5.12 L13 4.12 L14 4.12 L15 4.12 L16 4.12 L17 4.12 L18 4.12 L19 4.12 L20 4.12 L21 4.12 L22 3.12 L23 3.12 L24 3.12 L25 3.12 L26 3.12 L27 3.12 L28 3.12 L29 3.12 L30 3.12 L31 3.12 L32 3.12 L33 3.12 L34 3.12 L35 3.12 L36 3.12 L37 3.12 L38 3.12 L39 3.12 L40 3.12 L41 3.12 L42 3.12 L43 3.12 L44 3.12 L45 3.12 L46 3.12 L47 3.12 L48 3.12 L49 3.12 L50 3.12 L51 3.12 L52 3.12 L53 3.12 L54 3.12 L55 3.12 L 55 6.12 L0 6.12 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 6.12 M0 5.12 L1 5.12 L2 5.12 L3 5.12 L4 5.12 L5 5.12 L6 5.12 L7 5.12 L8 5.12 L9 5.12 L10 5.12 L11 5.12 L12 5.12 L13 4.12 L14 4.12 L15 4.12 L16 4.12 L17 4.12 L18 4.12 L19 4.12 L20 4.12 L21 4.12 L22 3.12 L23 3.12 L24 3.12 L25 3.12 L26 3.12 L27 3.12 L28 3.12 L29 3.12 L30 3.12 L31 3.12 L32 3.12 L33 3.12 L34 3.12 L35 3.12 L36 3.12 L37 3.12 L38 3.12 L39 3.12 L40 3.12 L41 3.12 L42 3.12 L43 3.12 L44 3.12 L45 3.12 L46 3.12 L47 3.12 L48 3.12 L49 3.12 L50 3.12 L51 3.12 L52 3.12 L53 3.12 L54 3.12 L55 3.12" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">padding left</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">5/5</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.2" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.2 M0 6.199999999999999 L1 0.1999999999999993 L2 2.1999999999999993 L3 2.1999999999999993 L4 2.1999999999999993 L5 3.1999999999999993 L6 3.1999999999999993 L7 3.1999999999999993 L8 3.1999999999999993 L9 3.1999999999999993 L10 3.1999999999999993 L11 3.1999999999999993 L12 3.1999999999999993 L13 3.1999999999999993 L14 3.1999999999999993 L15 3.1999999999999993 L16 3.1999999999999993 L17 2.1999999999999993 L18 2.1999999999999993 L19 2.1999999999999993 L20 2.1999999999999993 L21 2.1999999999999993 L22 2.1999999999999993 L23 2.1999999999999993 L24 2.1999999999999993 L25 2.1999999999999993 L26 3.1999999999999993 L27 3.1999999999999993 L28 3.1999999999999993 L29 3.1999999999999993 L30 2.1999999999999993 L31 2.1999999999999993 L32 2.1999999999999993 L33 2.1999999999999993 L34 2.1999999999999993 L35 3.1999999999999993 L36 3.1999999999999993 L37 3.1999999999999993 L38 3.1999999999999993 L39 4.199999999999999 L40 4.199999999999999 L41 4.199999999999999 L42 4.199999999999999 L43 4.199999999999999 L44 4.199999999999999 L45 4.199999999999999 L46 5.199999999999999 L47 5.199999999999999 L48 5.199999999999999 L49 5.199999999999999 L50 5.199999999999999 L51 5.199999999999999 L52 5.199999999999999 L53 5.199999999999999 L54 5.199999999999999 L55 5.199999999999999 L 55 10.2 L0 10.2 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.2 M0 6.199999999999999 L1 0.1999999999999993 L2 2.1999999999999993 L3 2.1999999999999993 L4 2.1999999999999993 L5 3.1999999999999993 L6 3.1999999999999993 L7 3.1999999999999993 L8 3.1999999999999993 L9 3.1999999999999993 L10 3.1999999999999993 L11 3.1999999999999993 L12 3.1999999999999993 L13 3.1999999999999993 L14 3.1999999999999993 L15 3.1999999999999993 L16 3.1999999999999993 L17 2.1999999999999993 L18 2.1999999999999993 L19 2.1999999999999993 L20 2.1999999999999993 L21 2.1999999999999993 L22 2.1999999999999993 L23 2.1999999999999993 L24 2.1999999999999993 L25 2.1999999999999993 L26 3.1999999999999993 L27 3.1999999999999993 L28 3.1999999999999993 L29 3.1999999999999993 L30 2.1999999999999993 L31 2.1999999999999993 L32 2.1999999999999993 L33 2.1999999999999993 L34 2.1999999999999993 L35 3.1999999999999993 L36 3.1999999999999993 L37 3.1999999999999993 L38 3.1999999999999993 L39 4.199999999999999 L40 4.199999999999999 L41 4.199999999999999 L42 4.199999999999999 L43 4.199999999999999 L44 4.199999999999999 L45 4.199999999999999 L46 5.199999999999999 L47 5.199999999999999 L48 5.199999999999999 L49 5.199999999999999 L50 5.199999999999999 L51 5.199999999999999 L52 5.199999999999999 L53 5.199999999999999 L54 5.199999999999999 L55 5.199999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.2" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.2 M0 6.199999999999999 L1 4.199999999999999 L2 4.199999999999999 L3 4.199999999999999 L4 4.199999999999999 L5 5.199999999999999 L6 5.199999999999999 L7 5.199999999999999 L8 5.199999999999999 L9 5.199999999999999 L10 5.199999999999999 L11 5.199999999999999 L12 5.199999999999999 L13 5.199999999999999 L14 5.199999999999999 L15 5.199999999999999 L16 5.199999999999999 L17 5.199999999999999 L18 5.199999999999999 L19 5.199999999999999 L20 5.199999999999999 L21 5.199999999999999 L22 5.199999999999999 L23 5.199999999999999 L24 5.199999999999999 L25 5.199999999999999 L26 5.199999999999999 L27 5.199999999999999 L28 5.199999999999999 L29 5.199999999999999 L30 5.199999999999999 L31 5.199999999999999 L32 5.199999999999999 L33 5.199999999999999 L34 5.199999999999999 L35 5.199999999999999 L36 5.199999999999999 L37 5.199999999999999 L38 5.199999999999999 L39 5.199999999999999 L40 5.199999999999999 L41 5.199999999999999 L42 5.199999999999999 L43 5.199999999999999 L44 5.199999999999999 L45 5.199999999999999 L46 5.199999999999999 L47 5.199999999999999 L48 5.199999999999999 L49 5.199999999999999 L50 5.199999999999999 L51 5.199999999999999 L52 5.199999999999999 L53 5.199999999999999 L54 5.199999999999999 L55 5.199999999999999 L 55 10.2 L0 10.2 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.2 M0 6.199999999999999 L1 4.199999999999999 L2 4.199999999999999 L3 4.199999999999999 L4 4.199999999999999 L5 5.199999999999999 L6 5.199999999999999 L7 5.199999999999999 L8 5.199999999999999 L9 5.199999999999999 L10 5.199999999999999 L11 5.199999999999999 L12 5.199999999999999 L13 5.199999999999999 L14 5.199999999999999 L15 5.199999999999999 L16 5.199999999999999 L17 5.199999999999999 L18 5.199999999999999 L19 5.199999999999999 L20 5.199999999999999 L21 5.199999999999999 L22 5.199999999999999 L23 5.199999999999999 L24 5.199999999999999 L25 5.199999999999999 L26 5.199999999999999 L27 5.199999999999999 L28 5.199999999999999 L29 5.199999999999999 L30 5.199999999999999 L31 5.199999999999999 L32 5.199999999999999 L33 5.199999999999999 L34 5.199999999999999 L35 5.199999999999999 L36 5.199999999999999 L37 5.199999999999999 L38 5.199999999999999 L39 5.199999999999999 L40 5.199999999999999 L41 5.199999999999999 L42 5.199999999999999 L43 5.199999999999999 L44 5.199999999999999 L45 5.199999999999999 L46 5.199999999999999 L47 5.199999999999999 L48 5.199999999999999 L49 5.199999999999999 L50 5.199999999999999 L51 5.199999999999999 L52 5.199999999999999 L53 5.199999999999999 L54 5.199999999999999 L55 5.199999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">max width</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">5/2</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div 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5.14 L35 5.14 L36 5.14 L37 5.14 L38 3.1399999999999997 L39 3.1399999999999997 L40 3.1399999999999997 L41 3.1399999999999997 L42 2.1399999999999997 L43 2.1399999999999997 L44 2.1399999999999997 L45 2.1399999999999997 L46 2.1399999999999997 L47 2.1399999999999997 L48 2.1399999999999997 L49 2.1399999999999997 L50 2.1399999999999997 L51 2.1399999999999997 L52 2.1399999999999997 L53 2.1399999999999997 L54 2.1399999999999997 L55 2.1399999999999997 L 55 7.14 L0 7.14 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 7.14 M0 6.14 L1 2.1399999999999997 L2 0.13999999999999968 L3 0.13999999999999968 L4 0.13999999999999968 L5 3.1399999999999997 L6 3.1399999999999997 L7 3.1399999999999997 L8 3.1399999999999997 L9 3.1399999999999997 L10 3.1399999999999997 L11 3.1399999999999997 L12 3.1399999999999997 L13 3.1399999999999997 L14 3.1399999999999997 L15 3.1399999999999997 L16 3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 3.1399999999999997 L31 3.1399999999999997 L32 3.1399999999999997 L33 5.14 L34 5.14 L35 5.14 L36 5.14 L37 5.14 L38 3.1399999999999997 L39 3.1399999999999997 L40 3.1399999999999997 L41 3.1399999999999997 L42 2.1399999999999997 L43 2.1399999999999997 L44 2.1399999999999997 L45 2.1399999999999997 L46 2.1399999999999997 L47 2.1399999999999997 L48 2.1399999999999997 L49 2.1399999999999997 L50 2.1399999999999997 L51 2.1399999999999997 L52 2.1399999999999997 L53 2.1399999999999997 L54 2.1399999999999997 L55 2.1399999999999997" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 7.14" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 7.14 M0 6.14 L1 3.1399999999999997 L2 2.1399999999999997 L3 2.1399999999999997 L4 2.1399999999999997 L5 5.14 L6 5.14 L7 5.14 L8 5.14 L9 5.14 L10 5.14 L11 5.14 L12 5.14 L13 5.14 L14 5.14 L15 5.14 L16 5.14 L17 5.14 L18 5.14 L19 5.14 L20 5.14 L21 5.14 L22 5.14 L23 5.14 L24 5.14 L25 5.14 L26 5.14 L27 5.14 L28 5.14 L29 5.14 L30 5.14 L31 5.14 L32 5.14 L33 5.14 L34 5.14 L35 5.14 L36 5.14 L37 5.14 L38 5.14 L39 5.14 L40 5.14 L41 5.14 L42 5.14 L43 5.14 L44 5.14 L45 5.14 L46 5.14 L47 5.14 L48 5.14 L49 5.14 L50 5.14 L51 5.14 L52 5.14 L53 5.14 L54 5.14 L55 5.14 L 55 7.14 L0 7.14 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 7.14 M0 6.14 L1 3.1399999999999997 L2 2.1399999999999997 L3 2.1399999999999997 L4 2.1399999999999997 L5 5.14 L6 5.14 L7 5.14 L8 5.14 L9 5.14 L10 5.14 L11 5.14 L12 5.14 L13 5.14 L14 5.14 L15 5.14 L16 5.14 L17 5.14 L18 5.14 L19 5.14 L20 5.14 L21 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preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 12.24 M0 12.24 L1 9.24 L2 7.24 L3 7.24 L4 7.24 L5 9.24 L6 9.24 L7 9.24 L8 9.24 L9 9.24 L10 9.24 L11 9.24 L12 9.24 L13 9.24 L14 9.24 L15 9.24 L16 9.24 L17 8.24 L18 8.24 L19 8.24 L20 8.24 L21 8.24 L22 8.24 L23 8.24 L24 8.24 L25 8.24 L26 8.24 L27 8.24 L28 8.24 L29 8.24 L30 2.24 L31 1.2400000000000002 L32 0.2400000000000002 L33 1.2400000000000002 L34 1.2400000000000002 L35 2.24 L36 2.24 L37 2.24 L38 2.24 L39 2.24 L40 2.24 L41 2.24 L42 2.24 L43 2.24 L44 2.24 L45 2.24 L46 8.24 L47 8.24 L48 8.24 L49 8.24 L50 8.24 L51 8.24 L52 8.24 L53 8.24 L54 8.24 L55 8.24 L 55 12.24 L0 12.24 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 12.24 M0 12.24 L1 9.24 L2 7.24 L3 7.24 L4 7.24 L5 9.24 L6 9.24 L7 9.24 L8 9.24 L9 9.24 L10 9.24 L11 9.24 L12 9.24 L13 9.24 L14 9.24 L15 9.24 L16 9.24 L17 8.24 L18 8.24 L19 8.24 L20 8.24 L21 8.24 L22 8.24 L23 8.24 L24 8.24 L25 8.24 L26 8.24 L27 8.24 L28 8.24 L29 8.24 L30 2.24 L31 1.2400000000000002 L32 0.2400000000000002 L33 1.2400000000000002 L34 1.2400000000000002 L35 2.24 L36 2.24 L37 2.24 L38 2.24 L39 2.24 L40 2.24 L41 2.24 L42 2.24 L43 2.24 L44 2.24 L45 2.24 L46 8.24 L47 8.24 L48 8.24 L49 8.24 L50 8.24 L51 8.24 L52 8.24 L53 8.24 L54 8.24 L55 8.24" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 12.24" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 12.24 M0 12.24 L1 10.24 L2 8.24 L3 8.24 L4 8.24 L5 10.24 L6 10.24 L7 10.24 L8 10.24 L9 10.24 L10 10.24 L11 10.24 L12 10.24 L13 10.24 L14 10.24 L15 10.24 L16 10.24 L17 9.24 L18 9.24 L19 9.24 L20 9.24 L21 9.24 L22 9.24 L23 9.24 L24 9.24 L25 9.24 L26 9.24 L27 9.24 L28 9.24 L29 9.24 L30 6.24 L31 6.24 L32 5.24 L33 5.24 L34 5.24 L35 6.24 L36 6.24 L37 6.24 L38 6.24 L39 6.24 L40 6.24 L41 6.24 L42 6.24 L43 6.24 L44 6.24 L45 6.24 L46 9.24 L47 9.24 L48 9.24 L49 9.24 L50 9.24 L51 9.24 L52 9.24 L53 9.24 L54 9.24 L55 9.24 L 55 12.24 L0 12.24 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 12.24 M0 12.24 L1 10.24 L2 8.24 L3 8.24 L4 8.24 L5 10.24 L6 10.24 L7 10.24 L8 10.24 L9 10.24 L10 10.24 L11 10.24 L12 10.24 L13 10.24 L14 10.24 L15 10.24 L16 10.24 L17 9.24 L18 9.24 L19 9.24 L20 9.24 L21 9.24 L22 9.24 L23 9.24 L24 9.24 L25 9.24 L26 9.24 L27 9.24 L28 9.24 L29 9.24 L30 6.24 L31 6.24 L32 5.24 L33 5.24 L34 5.24 L35 6.24 L36 6.24 L37 6.24 L38 6.24 L39 6.24 L40 6.24 L41 6.24 L42 6.24 L43 6.24 L44 6.24 L45 6.24 L46 9.24 L47 9.24 L48 9.24 L49 9.24 L50 9.24 L51 9.24 L52 9.24 L53 9.24 L54 9.24 L55 9.24" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div 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L16 2.1399999999999997 L17 1.1399999999999997 L18 1.1399999999999997 L19 1.1399999999999997 L20 1.1399999999999997 L21 1.1399999999999997 L22 1.1399999999999997 L23 1.1399999999999997 L24 1.1399999999999997 L25 1.1399999999999997 L26 2.1399999999999997 L27 2.1399999999999997 L28 2.1399999999999997 L29 2.1399999999999997 L30 1.1399999999999997 L31 1.1399999999999997 L32 1.1399999999999997 L33 1.1399999999999997 L34 1.1399999999999997 L35 1.1399999999999997 L36 1.1399999999999997 L37 1.1399999999999997 L38 1.1399999999999997 L39 2.1399999999999997 L40 2.1399999999999997 L41 2.1399999999999997 L42 2.1399999999999997 L43 2.1399999999999997 L44 2.1399999999999997 L45 2.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997 L 55 7.14 L0 7.14 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 7.14 M0 3.1399999999999997 L1 0.13999999999999968 L2 0.13999999999999968 L3 0.13999999999999968 L4 0.13999999999999968 L5 3.1399999999999997 L6 3.1399999999999997 L7 3.1399999999999997 L8 3.1399999999999997 L9 3.1399999999999997 L10 3.1399999999999997 L11 2.1399999999999997 L12 2.1399999999999997 L13 2.1399999999999997 L14 2.1399999999999997 L15 2.1399999999999997 L16 2.1399999999999997 L17 1.1399999999999997 L18 1.1399999999999997 L19 1.1399999999999997 L20 1.1399999999999997 L21 1.1399999999999997 L22 1.1399999999999997 L23 1.1399999999999997 L24 1.1399999999999997 L25 1.1399999999999997 L26 2.1399999999999997 L27 2.1399999999999997 L28 2.1399999999999997 L29 2.1399999999999997 L30 1.1399999999999997 L31 1.1399999999999997 L32 1.1399999999999997 L33 1.1399999999999997 L34 1.1399999999999997 L35 1.1399999999999997 L36 1.1399999999999997 L37 1.1399999999999997 L38 1.1399999999999997 L39 2.1399999999999997 L40 2.1399999999999997 L41 2.1399999999999997 L42 2.1399999999999997 L43 2.1399999999999997 L44 2.1399999999999997 L45 2.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 7.14" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 7.14 M0 3.1399999999999997 L1 2.1399999999999997 L2 2.1399999999999997 L3 2.1399999999999997 L4 2.1399999999999997 L5 3.1399999999999997 L6 3.1399999999999997 L7 3.1399999999999997 L8 3.1399999999999997 L9 3.1399999999999997 L10 3.1399999999999997 L11 3.1399999999999997 L12 3.1399999999999997 L13 3.1399999999999997 L14 3.1399999999999997 L15 3.1399999999999997 L16 3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 3.1399999999999997 L31 3.1399999999999997 L32 3.1399999999999997 L33 3.1399999999999997 L34 3.1399999999999997 L35 3.1399999999999997 L36 3.1399999999999997 L37 3.1399999999999997 L38 3.1399999999999997 L39 3.1399999999999997 L40 3.1399999999999997 L41 3.1399999999999997 L42 3.1399999999999997 L43 3.1399999999999997 L44 3.1399999999999997 L45 3.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997 L 55 7.14 L0 7.14 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 7.14 M0 3.1399999999999997 L1 2.1399999999999997 L2 2.1399999999999997 L3 2.1399999999999997 L4 2.1399999999999997 L5 3.1399999999999997 L6 3.1399999999999997 L7 3.1399999999999997 L8 3.1399999999999997 L9 3.1399999999999997 L10 3.1399999999999997 L11 3.1399999999999997 L12 3.1399999999999997 L13 3.1399999999999997 L14 3.1399999999999997 L15 3.1399999999999997 L16 3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 3.1399999999999997 L31 3.1399999999999997 L32 3.1399999999999997 L33 3.1399999999999997 L34 3.1399999999999997 L35 3.1399999999999997 L36 3.1399999999999997 L37 3.1399999999999997 L38 3.1399999999999997 L39 3.1399999999999997 L40 3.1399999999999997 L41 3.1399999999999997 L42 3.1399999999999997 L43 3.1399999999999997 L44 3.1399999999999997 L45 3.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">position</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">4/3</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.2" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.2 M0 10.2 L1 7.199999999999999 L2 7.199999999999999 L3 7.199999999999999 L4 7.199999999999999 L5 7.199999999999999 L6 7.199999999999999 L7 7.199999999999999 L8 7.199999999999999 L9 7.199999999999999 L10 7.199999999999999 L11 7.199999999999999 L12 7.199999999999999 L13 7.199999999999999 L14 7.199999999999999 L15 7.199999999999999 L16 7.199999999999999 L17 5.199999999999999 L18 5.199999999999999 L19 5.199999999999999 L20 5.199999999999999 L21 5.199999999999999 L22 5.199999999999999 L23 5.199999999999999 L24 5.199999999999999 L25 5.199999999999999 L26 6.199999999999999 L27 6.199999999999999 L28 6.199999999999999 L29 6.199999999999999 L30 2.1999999999999993 L31 0.1999999999999993 L32 0.1999999999999993 L33 0.1999999999999993 L34 0.1999999999999993 L35 0.1999999999999993 L36 0.1999999999999993 L37 0.1999999999999993 L38 0.1999999999999993 L39 0.1999999999999993 L40 0.1999999999999993 L41 0.1999999999999993 L42 0.1999999999999993 L43 0.1999999999999993 L44 0.1999999999999993 L45 0.1999999999999993 L46 6.199999999999999 L47 6.199999999999999 L48 6.199999999999999 L49 6.199999999999999 L50 9.2 L51 6.199999999999999 L52 6.199999999999999 L53 6.199999999999999 L54 9.2 L55 6.199999999999999 L 55 10.2 L0 10.2 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.2 M0 10.2 L1 7.199999999999999 L2 7.199999999999999 L3 7.199999999999999 L4 7.199999999999999 L5 7.199999999999999 L6 7.199999999999999 L7 7.199999999999999 L8 7.199999999999999 L9 7.199999999999999 L10 7.199999999999999 L11 7.199999999999999 L12 7.199999999999999 L13 7.199999999999999 L14 7.199999999999999 L15 7.199999999999999 L16 7.199999999999999 L17 5.199999999999999 L18 5.199999999999999 L19 5.199999999999999 L20 5.199999999999999 L21 5.199999999999999 L22 5.199999999999999 L23 5.199999999999999 L24 5.199999999999999 L25 5.199999999999999 L26 6.199999999999999 L27 6.199999999999999 L28 6.199999999999999 L29 6.199999999999999 L30 2.1999999999999993 L31 0.1999999999999993 L32 0.1999999999999993 L33 0.1999999999999993 L34 0.1999999999999993 L35 0.1999999999999993 L36 0.1999999999999993 L37 0.1999999999999993 L38 0.1999999999999993 L39 0.1999999999999993 L40 0.1999999999999993 L41 0.1999999999999993 L42 0.1999999999999993 L43 0.1999999999999993 L44 0.1999999999999993 L45 0.1999999999999993 L46 6.199999999999999 L47 6.199999999999999 L48 6.199999999999999 L49 6.199999999999999 L50 9.2 L51 6.199999999999999 L52 6.199999999999999 L53 6.199999999999999 L54 9.2 L55 6.199999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 10.2" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 10.2 M0 10.2 L1 7.199999999999999 L2 7.199999999999999 L3 7.199999999999999 L4 7.199999999999999 L5 7.199999999999999 L6 7.199999999999999 L7 7.199999999999999 L8 7.199999999999999 L9 7.199999999999999 L10 7.199999999999999 L11 7.199999999999999 L12 7.199999999999999 L13 7.199999999999999 L14 7.199999999999999 L15 7.199999999999999 L16 7.199999999999999 L17 7.199999999999999 L18 7.199999999999999 L19 7.199999999999999 L20 7.199999999999999 L21 7.199999999999999 L22 7.199999999999999 L23 7.199999999999999 L24 7.199999999999999 L25 7.199999999999999 L26 7.199999999999999 L27 7.199999999999999 L28 7.199999999999999 L29 7.199999999999999 L30 7.199999999999999 L31 7.199999999999999 L32 7.199999999999999 L33 7.199999999999999 L34 7.199999999999999 L35 7.199999999999999 L36 7.199999999999999 L37 7.199999999999999 L38 7.199999999999999 L39 7.199999999999999 L40 7.199999999999999 L41 7.199999999999999 L42 7.199999999999999 L43 7.199999999999999 L44 7.199999999999999 L45 7.199999999999999 L46 7.199999999999999 L47 7.199999999999999 L48 7.199999999999999 L49 7.199999999999999 L50 9.2 L51 7.199999999999999 L52 7.199999999999999 L53 7.199999999999999 L54 9.2 L55 7.199999999999999 L 55 10.2 L0 10.2 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 10.2 M0 10.2 L1 7.199999999999999 L2 7.199999999999999 L3 7.199999999999999 L4 7.199999999999999 L5 7.199999999999999 L6 7.199999999999999 L7 7.199999999999999 L8 7.199999999999999 L9 7.199999999999999 L10 7.199999999999999 L11 7.199999999999999 L12 7.199999999999999 L13 7.199999999999999 L14 7.199999999999999 L15 7.199999999999999 L16 7.199999999999999 L17 7.199999999999999 L18 7.199999999999999 L19 7.199999999999999 L20 7.199999999999999 L21 7.199999999999999 L22 7.199999999999999 L23 7.199999999999999 L24 7.199999999999999 L25 7.199999999999999 L26 7.199999999999999 L27 7.199999999999999 L28 7.199999999999999 L29 7.199999999999999 L30 7.199999999999999 L31 7.199999999999999 L32 7.199999999999999 L33 7.199999999999999 L34 7.199999999999999 L35 7.199999999999999 L36 7.199999999999999 L37 7.199999999999999 L38 7.199999999999999 L39 7.199999999999999 L40 7.199999999999999 L41 7.199999999999999 L42 7.199999999999999 L43 7.199999999999999 L44 7.199999999999999 L45 7.199999999999999 L46 7.199999999999999 L47 7.199999999999999 L48 7.199999999999999 L49 7.199999999999999 L50 9.2 L51 7.199999999999999 L52 7.199999999999999 L53 7.199999999999999 L54 9.2 L55 7.199999999999999" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">z index</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">4/4</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div 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z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 8.16 M0 8.16 L1 4.16 L2 4.16 L3 4.16 L4 4.16 L5 4.16 L6 4.16 L7 4.16 L8 4.16 L9 4.16 L10 4.16 L11 4.16 L12 4.16 L13 4.16 L14 4.16 L15 4.16 L16 4.16 L17 3.16 L18 3.16 L19 3.16 L20 3.16 L21 3.16 L22 3.16 L23 3.16 L24 3.16 L25 3.16 L26 4.16 L27 4.16 L28 4.16 L29 4.16 L30 0.16000000000000014 L31 0.16000000000000014 L32 0.16000000000000014 L33 0.16000000000000014 L34 0.16000000000000014 L35 0.16000000000000014 L36 0.16000000000000014 L37 0.16000000000000014 L38 0.16000000000000014 L39 0.16000000000000014 L40 0.16000000000000014 L41 0.16000000000000014 L42 0.16000000000000014 L43 0.16000000000000014 L44 0.16000000000000014 L45 0.16000000000000014 L46 4.16 L47 4.16 L48 4.16 L49 4.16 L50 8.16 L51 4.16 L52 4.16 L53 4.16 L54 8.16 L55 4.16" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 8.16" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 8.16 M0 8.16 L1 4.16 L2 4.16 L3 4.16 L4 4.16 L5 4.16 L6 4.16 L7 4.16 L8 4.16 L9 4.16 L10 4.16 L11 4.16 L12 4.16 L13 4.16 L14 4.16 L15 4.16 L16 4.16 L17 4.16 L18 4.16 L19 4.16 L20 4.16 L21 4.16 L22 4.16 L23 4.16 L24 4.16 L25 4.16 L26 4.16 L27 4.16 L28 4.16 L29 4.16 L30 3.16 L31 3.16 L32 3.16 L33 3.16 L34 3.16 L35 3.16 L36 3.16 L37 3.16 L38 3.16 L39 3.16 L40 3.16 L41 3.16 L42 3.16 L43 3.16 L44 3.16 L45 3.16 L46 4.16 L47 4.16 L48 4.16 L49 4.16 L50 8.16 L51 4.16 L52 4.16 L53 4.16 L54 8.16 L55 4.16 L 55 8.16 L0 8.16 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 8.16 M0 8.16 L1 4.16 L2 4.16 L3 4.16 L4 4.16 L5 4.16 L6 4.16 L7 4.16 L8 4.16 L9 4.16 L10 4.16 L11 4.16 L12 4.16 L13 4.16 L14 4.16 L15 4.16 L16 4.16 L17 4.16 L18 4.16 L19 4.16 L20 4.16 L21 4.16 L22 4.16 L23 4.16 L24 4.16 L25 4.16 L26 4.16 L27 4.16 L28 4.16 L29 4.16 L30 3.16 L31 3.16 L32 3.16 L33 3.16 L34 3.16 L35 3.16 L36 3.16 L37 3.16 L38 3.16 L39 3.16 L40 3.16 L41 3.16 L42 3.16 L43 3.16 L44 3.16 L45 3.16 L46 4.16 L47 4.16 L48 4.16 L49 4.16 L50 8.16 L51 4.16 L52 4.16 L53 4.16 L54 8.16 L55 4.16" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">opacity</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">4/1</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 11.22" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 11.22 M0 11.22 L1 11.22 L2 11.22 L3 11.22 L4 11.22 L5 11.22 L6 11.22 L7 11.22 L8 11.22 L9 11.22 L10 11.22 L11 11.22 L12 6.220000000000001 L13 4.220000000000001 L14 4.220000000000001 L15 4.220000000000001 L16 4.220000000000001 L17 4.220000000000001 L18 4.220000000000001 L19 4.220000000000001 L20 4.220000000000001 L21 4.220000000000001 L22 4.220000000000001 L23 4.220000000000001 L24 4.220000000000001 L25 4.220000000000001 L26 2.2200000000000006 L27 2.2200000000000006 L28 2.2200000000000006 L29 4.220000000000001 L30 1.2200000000000006 L31 0.22000000000000064 L32 0.22000000000000064 L33 1.2200000000000006 L34 1.2200000000000006 L35 1.2200000000000006 L36 1.2200000000000006 L37 1.2200000000000006 L38 0.22000000000000064 L39 0.22000000000000064 L40 0.22000000000000064 L41 0.22000000000000064 L42 0.22000000000000064 L43 0.22000000000000064 L44 0.22000000000000064 L45 0.22000000000000064 L46 7.220000000000001 L47 7.220000000000001 L48 7.220000000000001 L49 7.220000000000001 L50 8.22 L51 7.220000000000001 L52 7.220000000000001 L53 7.220000000000001 L54 8.22 L55 7.220000000000001 L 55 11.22 L0 11.22 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 11.22 M0 11.22 L1 11.22 L2 11.22 L3 11.22 L4 11.22 L5 11.22 L6 11.22 L7 11.22 L8 11.22 L9 11.22 L10 11.22 L11 11.22 L12 6.220000000000001 L13 4.220000000000001 L14 4.220000000000001 L15 4.220000000000001 L16 4.220000000000001 L17 4.220000000000001 L18 4.220000000000001 L19 4.220000000000001 L20 4.220000000000001 L21 4.220000000000001 L22 4.220000000000001 L23 4.220000000000001 L24 4.220000000000001 L25 4.220000000000001 L26 2.2200000000000006 L27 2.2200000000000006 L28 2.2200000000000006 L29 4.220000000000001 L30 1.2200000000000006 L31 0.22000000000000064 L32 0.22000000000000064 L33 1.2200000000000006 L34 1.2200000000000006 L35 1.2200000000000006 L36 1.2200000000000006 L37 1.2200000000000006 L38 0.22000000000000064 L39 0.22000000000000064 L40 0.22000000000000064 L41 0.22000000000000064 L42 0.22000000000000064 L43 0.22000000000000064 L44 0.22000000000000064 L45 0.22000000000000064 L46 7.220000000000001 L47 7.220000000000001 L48 7.220000000000001 L49 7.220000000000001 L50 8.22 L51 7.220000000000001 L52 7.220000000000001 L53 7.220000000000001 L54 8.22 L55 7.220000000000001" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 11.22" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 11.22 M0 11.22 L1 11.22 L2 11.22 L3 11.22 L4 11.22 L5 11.22 L6 11.22 L7 11.22 L8 11.22 L9 11.22 L10 11.22 L11 11.22 L12 9.22 L13 9.22 L14 9.22 L15 9.22 L16 9.22 L17 9.22 L18 9.22 L19 9.22 L20 9.22 L21 9.22 L22 9.22 L23 9.22 L24 9.22 L25 9.22 L26 9.22 L27 9.22 L28 9.22 L29 9.22 L30 6.220000000000001 L31 6.220000000000001 L32 6.220000000000001 L33 6.220000000000001 L34 6.220000000000001 L35 6.220000000000001 L36 6.220000000000001 L37 6.220000000000001 L38 6.220000000000001 L39 6.220000000000001 L40 6.220000000000001 L41 6.220000000000001 L42 6.220000000000001 L43 6.220000000000001 L44 6.220000000000001 L45 6.220000000000001 L46 10.22 L47 10.22 L48 10.22 L49 10.22 L50 10.22 L51 10.22 L52 10.22 L53 10.22 L54 10.22 L55 10.22 L 55 11.22 L0 11.22 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 11.22 M0 11.22 L1 11.22 L2 11.22 L3 11.22 L4 11.22 L5 11.22 L6 11.22 L7 11.22 L8 11.22 L9 11.22 L10 11.22 L11 11.22 L12 9.22 L13 9.22 L14 9.22 L15 9.22 L16 9.22 L17 9.22 L18 9.22 L19 9.22 L20 9.22 L21 9.22 L22 9.22 L23 9.22 L24 9.22 L25 9.22 L26 9.22 L27 9.22 L28 9.22 L29 9.22 L30 6.220000000000001 L31 6.220000000000001 L32 6.220000000000001 L33 6.220000000000001 L34 6.220000000000001 L35 6.220000000000001 L36 6.220000000000001 L37 6.220000000000001 L38 6.220000000000001 L39 6.220000000000001 L40 6.220000000000001 L41 6.220000000000001 L42 6.220000000000001 L43 6.220000000000001 L44 6.220000000000001 L45 6.220000000000001 L46 10.22 L47 10.22 L48 10.22 L49 10.22 L50 10.22 L51 10.22 L52 10.22 L53 10.22 L54 10.22 L55 10.22" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">text decoration</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">4/2</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" 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L39 1.0999999999999996 L40 1.0999999999999996 L41 1.0999999999999996 L42 1.0999999999999996 L43 1.0999999999999996 L44 1.0999999999999996 L45 1.0999999999999996 L46 1.0999999999999996 L47 1.0999999999999996 L48 1.0999999999999996 L49 1.0999999999999996 L50 1.0999999999999996 L51 1.0999999999999996 L52 1.0999999999999996 L53 1.0999999999999996 L54 1.0999999999999996 L55 1.0999999999999996 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 3.0999999999999996 L2 0.09999999999999964 L3 0.09999999999999964 L4 0.09999999999999964 L5 1.0999999999999996 L6 1.0999999999999996 L7 1.0999999999999996 L8 1.0999999999999996 L9 1.0999999999999996 L10 1.0999999999999996 L11 1.0999999999999996 L12 1.0999999999999996 L13 1.0999999999999996 L14 1.0999999999999996 L15 1.0999999999999996 L16 1.0999999999999996 L17 1.0999999999999996 L18 1.0999999999999996 L19 1.0999999999999996 L20 1.0999999999999996 L21 1.0999999999999996 L22 1.0999999999999996 L23 1.0999999999999996 L24 1.0999999999999996 L25 1.0999999999999996 L26 1.0999999999999996 L27 1.0999999999999996 L28 1.0999999999999996 L29 1.0999999999999996 L30 1.0999999999999996 L31 1.0999999999999996 L32 1.0999999999999996 L33 3.0999999999999996 L34 3.0999999999999996 L35 3.0999999999999996 L36 3.0999999999999996 L37 3.0999999999999996 L38 1.0999999999999996 L39 1.0999999999999996 L40 1.0999999999999996 L41 1.0999999999999996 L42 1.0999999999999996 L43 1.0999999999999996 L44 1.0999999999999996 L45 1.0999999999999996 L46 1.0999999999999996 L47 1.0999999999999996 L48 1.0999999999999996 L49 1.0999999999999996 L50 1.0999999999999996 L51 1.0999999999999996 L52 1.0999999999999996 L53 1.0999999999999996 L54 1.0999999999999996 L55 1.0999999999999996" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 5.1" preserveAspectRatio="none" 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3.0999999999999996 L40 3.0999999999999996 L41 3.0999999999999996 L42 3.0999999999999996 L43 3.0999999999999996 L44 3.0999999999999996 L45 3.0999999999999996 L46 3.0999999999999996 L47 3.0999999999999996 L48 3.0999999999999996 L49 3.0999999999999996 L50 3.0999999999999996 L51 3.0999999999999996 L52 3.0999999999999996 L53 3.0999999999999996 L54 3.0999999999999996 L55 3.0999999999999996 L 55 5.1 L0 5.1 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 5.1 M0 5.1 L1 4.1 L2 3.0999999999999996 L3 3.0999999999999996 L4 3.0999999999999996 L5 3.0999999999999996 L6 3.0999999999999996 L7 3.0999999999999996 L8 3.0999999999999996 L9 3.0999999999999996 L10 3.0999999999999996 L11 3.0999999999999996 L12 3.0999999999999996 L13 3.0999999999999996 L14 3.0999999999999996 L15 3.0999999999999996 L16 3.0999999999999996 L17 3.0999999999999996 L18 3.0999999999999996 L19 3.0999999999999996 L20 3.0999999999999996 L21 3.0999999999999996 L22 3.0999999999999996 L23 3.0999999999999996 L24 3.0999999999999996 L25 3.0999999999999996 L26 3.0999999999999996 L27 3.0999999999999996 L28 3.0999999999999996 L29 3.0999999999999996 L30 3.0999999999999996 L31 3.0999999999999996 L32 3.0999999999999996 L33 3.0999999999999996 L34 3.0999999999999996 L35 3.0999999999999996 L36 3.0999999999999996 L37 3.0999999999999996 L38 3.0999999999999996 L39 3.0999999999999996 L40 3.0999999999999996 L41 3.0999999999999996 L42 3.0999999999999996 L43 3.0999999999999996 L44 3.0999999999999996 L45 3.0999999999999996 L46 3.0999999999999996 L47 3.0999999999999996 L48 3.0999999999999996 L49 3.0999999999999996 L50 3.0999999999999996 L51 3.0999999999999996 L52 3.0999999999999996 L53 3.0999999999999996 L54 3.0999999999999996 L55 3.0999999999999996" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div 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3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 2.1399999999999997 L31 2.1399999999999997 L32 2.1399999999999997 L33 2.1399999999999997 L34 2.1399999999999997 L35 2.1399999999999997 L36 2.1399999999999997 L37 2.1399999999999997 L38 2.1399999999999997 L39 2.1399999999999997 L40 2.1399999999999997 L41 2.1399999999999997 L42 2.1399999999999997 L43 2.1399999999999997 L44 2.1399999999999997 L45 2.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997 L 55 7.14 L0 7.14 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 7.14 M0 3.1399999999999997 L1 0.13999999999999968 L2 3.1399999999999997 L3 3.1399999999999997 L4 3.1399999999999997 L5 3.1399999999999997 L6 3.1399999999999997 L7 3.1399999999999997 L8 3.1399999999999997 L9 3.1399999999999997 L10 3.1399999999999997 L11 3.1399999999999997 L12 3.1399999999999997 L13 3.1399999999999997 L14 3.1399999999999997 L15 3.1399999999999997 L16 3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 2.1399999999999997 L31 2.1399999999999997 L32 2.1399999999999997 L33 2.1399999999999997 L34 2.1399999999999997 L35 2.1399999999999997 L36 2.1399999999999997 L37 2.1399999999999997 L38 2.1399999999999997 L39 2.1399999999999997 L40 2.1399999999999997 L41 2.1399999999999997 L42 2.1399999999999997 L43 2.1399999999999997 L44 2.1399999999999997 L45 2.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 7.14" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 7.14 M0 3.1399999999999997 L1 2.1399999999999997 L2 3.1399999999999997 L3 3.1399999999999997 L4 3.1399999999999997 L5 3.1399999999999997 L6 3.1399999999999997 L7 3.1399999999999997 L8 3.1399999999999997 L9 3.1399999999999997 L10 3.1399999999999997 L11 3.1399999999999997 L12 3.1399999999999997 L13 3.1399999999999997 L14 3.1399999999999997 L15 3.1399999999999997 L16 3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 3.1399999999999997 L31 3.1399999999999997 L32 3.1399999999999997 L33 3.1399999999999997 L34 3.1399999999999997 L35 3.1399999999999997 L36 3.1399999999999997 L37 3.1399999999999997 L38 3.1399999999999997 L39 3.1399999999999997 L40 3.1399999999999997 L41 3.1399999999999997 L42 3.1399999999999997 L43 3.1399999999999997 L44 3.1399999999999997 L45 3.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997 L 55 7.14 L0 7.14 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 7.14 M0 3.1399999999999997 L1 2.1399999999999997 L2 3.1399999999999997 L3 3.1399999999999997 L4 3.1399999999999997 L5 3.1399999999999997 L6 3.1399999999999997 L7 3.1399999999999997 L8 3.1399999999999997 L9 3.1399999999999997 L10 3.1399999999999997 L11 3.1399999999999997 L12 3.1399999999999997 L13 3.1399999999999997 L14 3.1399999999999997 L15 3.1399999999999997 L16 3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 3.1399999999999997 L31 3.1399999999999997 L32 3.1399999999999997 L33 3.1399999999999997 L34 3.1399999999999997 L35 3.1399999999999997 L36 3.1399999999999997 L37 3.1399999999999997 L38 3.1399999999999997 L39 3.1399999999999997 L40 3.1399999999999997 L41 3.1399999999999997 L42 3.1399999999999997 L43 3.1399999999999997 L44 3.1399999999999997 L45 3.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">border</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">4/2</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 14.28" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 14.28 M0 14.28 L1 13.28 L2 12.28 L3 12.28 L4 12.28 L5 12.28 L6 12.28 L7 12.28 L8 12.28 L9 12.28 L10 12.28 L11 12.28 L12 12.28 L13 11.28 L14 11.28 L15 9.28 L16 9.28 L17 7.279999999999999 L18 7.279999999999999 L19 7.279999999999999 L20 7.279999999999999 L21 7.279999999999999 L22 7.279999999999999 L23 7.279999999999999 L24 7.279999999999999 L25 7.279999999999999 L26 7.279999999999999 L27 7.279999999999999 L28 7.279999999999999 L29 7.279999999999999 L30 1.2799999999999994 L31 1.2799999999999994 L32 0.27999999999999936 L33 0.27999999999999936 L34 0.27999999999999936 L35 0.27999999999999936 L36 0.27999999999999936 L37 0.27999999999999936 L38 0.27999999999999936 L39 0.27999999999999936 L40 0.27999999999999936 L41 0.27999999999999936 L42 0.27999999999999936 L43 0.27999999999999936 L44 0.27999999999999936 L45 0.27999999999999936 L46 10.28 L47 10.28 L48 9.28 L49 10.28 L50 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10.28 L50 9.28 L51 10.28 L52 8.28 L53 10.28 L54 9.28 L55 10.28" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 14.28" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 14.28 M0 14.28 L1 13.28 L2 12.28 L3 12.28 L4 12.28 L5 13.28 L6 13.28 L7 13.28 L8 13.28 L9 13.28 L10 13.28 L11 13.28 L12 13.28 L13 13.28 L14 13.28 L15 11.28 L16 11.28 L17 9.28 L18 9.28 L19 9.28 L20 9.28 L21 9.28 L22 9.28 L23 9.28 L24 9.28 L25 9.28 L26 9.28 L27 9.28 L28 9.28 L29 9.28 L30 9.28 L31 9.28 L32 9.28 L33 9.28 L34 9.28 L35 9.28 L36 9.28 L37 9.28 L38 9.28 L39 9.28 L40 9.28 L41 9.28 L42 9.28 L43 9.28 L44 9.28 L45 9.28 L46 12.28 L47 12.28 L48 11.28 L49 12.28 L50 11.28 L51 12.28 L52 11.28 L53 12.28 L54 11.28 L55 12.28 L 55 14.28 L0 14.28 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 14.28 M0 14.28 L1 13.28 L2 12.28 L3 12.28 L4 12.28 L5 13.28 L6 13.28 L7 13.28 L8 13.28 L9 13.28 L10 13.28 L11 13.28 L12 13.28 L13 13.28 L14 13.28 L15 11.28 L16 11.28 L17 9.28 L18 9.28 L19 9.28 L20 9.28 L21 9.28 L22 9.28 L23 9.28 L24 9.28 L25 9.28 L26 9.28 L27 9.28 L28 9.28 L29 9.28 L30 9.28 L31 9.28 L32 9.28 L33 9.28 L34 9.28 L35 9.28 L36 9.28 L37 9.28 L38 9.28 L39 9.28 L40 9.28 L41 9.28 L42 9.28 L43 9.28 L44 9.28 L45 9.28 L46 12.28 L47 12.28 L48 11.28 L49 12.28 L50 11.28 L51 12.28 L52 11.28 L53 12.28 L54 11.28 L55 12.28" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">padding top</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">4/4</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 7.14" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 7.14 M0 3.1399999999999997 L1 0.13999999999999968 L2 3.1399999999999997 L3 3.1399999999999997 L4 3.1399999999999997 L5 3.1399999999999997 L6 3.1399999999999997 L7 3.1399999999999997 L8 3.1399999999999997 L9 3.1399999999999997 L10 3.1399999999999997 L11 3.1399999999999997 L12 3.1399999999999997 L13 3.1399999999999997 L14 3.1399999999999997 L15 3.1399999999999997 L16 3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 2.1399999999999997 L31 2.1399999999999997 L32 2.1399999999999997 L33 2.1399999999999997 L34 2.1399999999999997 L35 2.1399999999999997 L36 2.1399999999999997 L37 2.1399999999999997 L38 2.1399999999999997 L39 2.1399999999999997 L40 2.1399999999999997 L41 2.1399999999999997 L42 2.1399999999999997 L43 2.1399999999999997 L44 2.1399999999999997 L45 2.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997 L 55 7.14 L0 7.14 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 7.14 M0 3.1399999999999997 L1 0.13999999999999968 L2 3.1399999999999997 L3 3.1399999999999997 L4 3.1399999999999997 L5 3.1399999999999997 L6 3.1399999999999997 L7 3.1399999999999997 L8 3.1399999999999997 L9 3.1399999999999997 L10 3.1399999999999997 L11 3.1399999999999997 L12 3.1399999999999997 L13 3.1399999999999997 L14 3.1399999999999997 L15 3.1399999999999997 L16 3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 2.1399999999999997 L31 2.1399999999999997 L32 2.1399999999999997 L33 2.1399999999999997 L34 2.1399999999999997 L35 2.1399999999999997 L36 2.1399999999999997 L37 2.1399999999999997 L38 2.1399999999999997 L39 2.1399999999999997 L40 2.1399999999999997 L41 2.1399999999999997 L42 2.1399999999999997 L43 2.1399999999999997 L44 2.1399999999999997 L45 2.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 7.14" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 7.14 M0 3.1399999999999997 L1 2.1399999999999997 L2 3.1399999999999997 L3 3.1399999999999997 L4 3.1399999999999997 L5 3.1399999999999997 L6 3.1399999999999997 L7 3.1399999999999997 L8 3.1399999999999997 L9 3.1399999999999997 L10 3.1399999999999997 L11 3.1399999999999997 L12 3.1399999999999997 L13 3.1399999999999997 L14 3.1399999999999997 L15 3.1399999999999997 L16 3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 3.1399999999999997 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3.1399999999999997 L16 3.1399999999999997 L17 3.1399999999999997 L18 3.1399999999999997 L19 3.1399999999999997 L20 3.1399999999999997 L21 3.1399999999999997 L22 3.1399999999999997 L23 3.1399999999999997 L24 3.1399999999999997 L25 3.1399999999999997 L26 3.1399999999999997 L27 3.1399999999999997 L28 3.1399999999999997 L29 3.1399999999999997 L30 3.1399999999999997 L31 3.1399999999999997 L32 3.1399999999999997 L33 3.1399999999999997 L34 3.1399999999999997 L35 3.1399999999999997 L36 3.1399999999999997 L37 3.1399999999999997 L38 3.1399999999999997 L39 3.1399999999999997 L40 3.1399999999999997 L41 3.1399999999999997 L42 3.1399999999999997 L43 3.1399999999999997 L44 3.1399999999999997 L45 3.1399999999999997 L46 3.1399999999999997 L47 3.1399999999999997 L48 3.1399999999999997 L49 3.1399999999999997 L50 3.1399999999999997 L51 3.1399999999999997 L52 3.1399999999999997 L53 3.1399999999999997 L54 3.1399999999999997 L55 3.1399999999999997" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">webkit box flex</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">3/2</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 3.06" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 3.06 L3 3.06 L4 3.06 L5 3.06 L6 3.06 L7 3.06 L8 3.06 L9 3.06 L10 3.06 L11 3.06 L12 3.06 L13 3.06 L14 3.06 L15 3.06 L16 3.06 L17 3.06 L18 3.06 L19 3.06 L20 3.06 L21 3.06 L22 3.06 L23 3.06 L24 3.06 L25 3.06 L26 3.06 L27 3.06 L28 3.06 L29 3.06 L30 0.06000000000000005 L31 0.06000000000000005 L32 0.06000000000000005 L33 0.06000000000000005 L34 0.06000000000000005 L35 0.06000000000000005 L36 0.06000000000000005 L37 0.06000000000000005 L38 0.06000000000000005 L39 0.06000000000000005 L40 0.06000000000000005 L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005 L 55 3.06 L0 3.06 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 3.06 L3 3.06 L4 3.06 L5 3.06 L6 3.06 L7 3.06 L8 3.06 L9 3.06 L10 3.06 L11 3.06 L12 3.06 L13 3.06 L14 3.06 L15 3.06 L16 3.06 L17 3.06 L18 3.06 L19 3.06 L20 3.06 L21 3.06 L22 3.06 L23 3.06 L24 3.06 L25 3.06 L26 3.06 L27 3.06 L28 3.06 L29 3.06 L30 0.06000000000000005 L31 0.06000000000000005 L32 0.06000000000000005 L33 0.06000000000000005 L34 0.06000000000000005 L35 0.06000000000000005 L36 0.06000000000000005 L37 0.06000000000000005 L38 0.06000000000000005 L39 0.06000000000000005 L40 0.06000000000000005 L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 3.06" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 3.06 L3 3.06 L4 3.06 L5 3.06 L6 3.06 L7 3.06 L8 3.06 L9 3.06 L10 3.06 L11 3.06 L12 3.06 L13 3.06 L14 3.06 L15 3.06 L16 3.06 L17 3.06 L18 3.06 L19 3.06 L20 3.06 L21 3.06 L22 3.06 L23 3.06 L24 3.06 L25 3.06 L26 3.06 L27 3.06 L28 3.06 L29 3.06 L30 1.06 L31 1.06 L32 1.06 L33 1.06 L34 1.06 L35 1.06 L36 1.06 L37 1.06 L38 1.06 L39 1.06 L40 1.06 L41 1.06 L42 1.06 L43 1.06 L44 1.06 L45 1.06 L46 1.06 L47 1.06 L48 1.06 L49 1.06 L50 1.06 L51 1.06 L52 1.06 L53 1.06 L54 1.06 L55 1.06 L 55 3.06 L0 3.06 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 3.06 L3 3.06 L4 3.06 L5 3.06 L6 3.06 L7 3.06 L8 3.06 L9 3.06 L10 3.06 L11 3.06 L12 3.06 L13 3.06 L14 3.06 L15 3.06 L16 3.06 L17 3.06 L18 3.06 L19 3.06 L20 3.06 L21 3.06 L22 3.06 L23 3.06 L24 3.06 L25 3.06 L26 3.06 L27 3.06 L28 3.06 L29 3.06 L30 1.06 L31 1.06 L32 1.06 L33 1.06 L34 1.06 L35 1.06 L36 1.06 L37 1.06 L38 1.06 L39 1.06 L40 1.06 L41 1.06 L42 1.06 L43 1.06 L44 1.06 L45 1.06 L46 1.06 L47 1.06 L48 1.06 L49 1.06 L50 1.06 L51 1.06 L52 1.06 L53 1.06 L54 1.06 L55 1.06" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">border bottom color</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">3/1</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 3.06" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 1.06 L3 1.06 L4 1.06 L5 0.06000000000000005 L6 0.06000000000000005 L7 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L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 3.06" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 1.06 L3 1.06 L4 1.06 L5 2.06 L6 2.06 L7 2.06 L8 2.06 L9 2.06 L10 2.06 L11 2.06 L12 2.06 L13 2.06 L14 2.06 L15 2.06 L16 2.06 L17 2.06 L18 2.06 L19 2.06 L20 2.06 L21 2.06 L22 2.06 L23 2.06 L24 2.06 L25 2.06 L26 2.06 L27 2.06 L28 2.06 L29 2.06 L30 2.06 L31 2.06 L32 2.06 L33 2.06 L34 2.06 L35 2.06 L36 2.06 L37 2.06 L38 2.06 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0.06000000000000005 L19 0.06000000000000005 L20 0.06000000000000005 L21 0.06000000000000005 L22 0.06000000000000005 L23 0.06000000000000005 L24 0.06000000000000005 L25 0.06000000000000005 L26 0.06000000000000005 L27 0.06000000000000005 L28 0.06000000000000005 L29 0.06000000000000005 L30 0.06000000000000005 L31 0.06000000000000005 L32 0.06000000000000005 L33 1.06 L34 1.06 L35 1.06 L36 1.06 L37 1.06 L38 0.06000000000000005 L39 0.06000000000000005 L40 0.06000000000000005 L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005 L 55 3.06 L0 3.06 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 2.06 L3 2.06 L4 2.06 L5 0.06000000000000005 L6 0.06000000000000005 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0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 3.06" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 2.06 L3 2.06 L4 2.06 L5 2.06 L6 2.06 L7 2.06 L8 2.06 L9 2.06 L10 2.06 L11 2.06 L12 2.06 L13 2.06 L14 2.06 L15 2.06 L16 2.06 L17 2.06 L18 2.06 L19 2.06 L20 2.06 L21 2.06 L22 2.06 L23 2.06 L24 2.06 L25 2.06 L26 2.06 L27 2.06 L28 2.06 L29 2.06 L30 2.06 L31 2.06 L32 2.06 L33 2.06 L34 2.06 L35 2.06 L36 2.06 L37 2.06 L38 2.06 L39 2.06 L40 2.06 L41 2.06 L42 2.06 L43 2.06 L44 2.06 L45 2.06 L46 2.06 L47 2.06 L48 2.06 L49 2.06 L50 2.06 L51 2.06 L52 2.06 L53 2.06 L54 2.06 L55 2.06 L 55 3.06 L0 3.06 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 2.06 L3 2.06 L4 2.06 L5 2.06 L6 2.06 L7 2.06 L8 2.06 L9 2.06 L10 2.06 L11 2.06 L12 2.06 L13 2.06 L14 2.06 L15 2.06 L16 2.06 L17 2.06 L18 2.06 L19 2.06 L20 2.06 L21 2.06 L22 2.06 L23 2.06 L24 2.06 L25 2.06 L26 2.06 L27 2.06 L28 2.06 L29 2.06 L30 2.06 L31 2.06 L32 2.06 L33 2.06 L34 2.06 L35 2.06 L36 2.06 L37 2.06 L38 2.06 L39 2.06 L40 2.06 L41 2.06 L42 2.06 L43 2.06 L44 2.06 L45 2.06 L46 2.06 L47 2.06 L48 2.06 L49 2.06 L50 2.06 L51 2.06 L52 2.06 L53 2.06 L54 2.06 L55 2.06" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">border bottom style</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">3/1</h4></div><div class="flex-auto 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0.06000000000000005 L32 0.06000000000000005 L33 1.06 L34 1.06 L35 1.06 L36 1.06 L37 1.06 L38 0.06000000000000005 L39 0.06000000000000005 L40 0.06000000000000005 L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005 L 55 3.06 L0 3.06 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 2.06 L3 2.06 L4 2.06 L5 0.06000000000000005 L6 0.06000000000000005 L7 0.06000000000000005 L8 0.06000000000000005 L9 0.06000000000000005 L10 0.06000000000000005 L11 0.06000000000000005 L12 0.06000000000000005 L13 0.06000000000000005 L14 0.06000000000000005 L15 0.06000000000000005 L16 0.06000000000000005 L17 0.06000000000000005 L18 0.06000000000000005 L19 0.06000000000000005 L20 0.06000000000000005 L21 0.06000000000000005 L22 0.06000000000000005 L23 0.06000000000000005 L24 0.06000000000000005 L25 0.06000000000000005 L26 0.06000000000000005 L27 0.06000000000000005 L28 0.06000000000000005 L29 0.06000000000000005 L30 0.06000000000000005 L31 0.06000000000000005 L32 0.06000000000000005 L33 1.06 L34 1.06 L35 1.06 L36 1.06 L37 1.06 L38 0.06000000000000005 L39 0.06000000000000005 L40 0.06000000000000005 L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 3.06" preserveAspectRatio="none" 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0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005 L 55 3.06 L0 3.06 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 3.06 L3 3.06 L4 3.06 L5 3.06 L6 3.06 L7 3.06 L8 3.06 L9 3.06 L10 3.06 L11 3.06 L12 3.06 L13 3.06 L14 3.06 L15 3.06 L16 3.06 L17 3.06 L18 3.06 L19 3.06 L20 3.06 L21 3.06 L22 3.06 L23 3.06 L24 3.06 L25 3.06 L26 3.06 L27 3.06 L28 3.06 L29 3.06 L30 0.06000000000000005 L31 0.06000000000000005 L32 0.06000000000000005 L33 0.06000000000000005 L34 0.06000000000000005 L35 0.06000000000000005 L36 0.06000000000000005 L37 0.06000000000000005 L38 0.06000000000000005 L39 0.06000000000000005 L40 0.06000000000000005 L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">ms flex</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">3/3</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 3.06" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 3.06 M0 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3.06 L5 3.06 L6 3.06 L7 3.06 L8 3.06 L9 3.06 L10 3.06 L11 3.06 L12 3.06 L13 3.06 L14 3.06 L15 3.06 L16 3.06 L17 3.06 L18 3.06 L19 3.06 L20 3.06 L21 3.06 L22 3.06 L23 3.06 L24 3.06 L25 3.06 L26 3.06 L27 3.06 L28 3.06 L29 3.06 L30 0.06000000000000005 L31 0.06000000000000005 L32 0.06000000000000005 L33 0.06000000000000005 L34 0.06000000000000005 L35 0.06000000000000005 L36 0.06000000000000005 L37 0.06000000000000005 L38 0.06000000000000005 L39 0.06000000000000005 L40 0.06000000000000005 L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 3.06" 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0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005 L 55 3.06 L0 3.06 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 3.06 L3 3.06 L4 3.06 L5 3.06 L6 3.06 L7 3.06 L8 3.06 L9 3.06 L10 3.06 L11 3.06 L12 3.06 L13 3.06 L14 3.06 L15 3.06 L16 3.06 L17 3.06 L18 3.06 L19 3.06 L20 3.06 L21 3.06 L22 3.06 L23 3.06 L24 3.06 L25 3.06 L26 3.06 L27 3.06 L28 3.06 L29 3.06 L30 0.06000000000000005 L31 0.06000000000000005 L32 0.06000000000000005 L33 0.06000000000000005 L34 0.06000000000000005 L35 0.06000000000000005 L36 0.06000000000000005 L37 0.06000000000000005 L38 0.06000000000000005 L39 0.06000000000000005 L40 0.06000000000000005 L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 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L18 3.06 L19 3.06 L20 3.06 L21 3.06 L22 3.06 L23 3.06 L24 3.06 L25 3.06 L26 3.06 L27 3.06 L28 3.06 L29 3.06 L30 0.06000000000000005 L31 0.06000000000000005 L32 0.06000000000000005 L33 0.06000000000000005 L34 0.06000000000000005 L35 0.06000000000000005 L36 0.06000000000000005 L37 0.06000000000000005 L38 0.06000000000000005 L39 0.06000000000000005 L40 0.06000000000000005 L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005 L 55 3.06 L0 3.06 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 3.06 L2 3.06 L3 3.06 L4 3.06 L5 3.06 L6 3.06 L7 3.06 L8 3.06 L9 3.06 L10 3.06 L11 3.06 L12 3.06 L13 3.06 L14 3.06 L15 3.06 L16 3.06 L17 3.06 L18 3.06 L19 3.06 L20 3.06 L21 3.06 L22 3.06 L23 3.06 L24 3.06 L25 3.06 L26 3.06 L27 3.06 L28 3.06 L29 3.06 L30 0.06000000000000005 L31 0.06000000000000005 L32 0.06000000000000005 L33 0.06000000000000005 L34 0.06000000000000005 L35 0.06000000000000005 L36 0.06000000000000005 L37 0.06000000000000005 L38 0.06000000000000005 L39 0.06000000000000005 L40 0.06000000000000005 L41 0.06000000000000005 L42 0.06000000000000005 L43 0.06000000000000005 L44 0.06000000000000005 L45 0.06000000000000005 L46 0.06000000000000005 L47 0.06000000000000005 L48 0.06000000000000005 L49 0.06000000000000005 L50 0.06000000000000005 L51 0.06000000000000005 L52 0.06000000000000005 L53 0.06000000000000005 L54 0.06000000000000005 L55 0.06000000000000005" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 3.06" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 3.06 M0 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L47 2.06 L48 2.06 L49 2.06 L50 2.06 L51 2.06 L52 2.06 L53 2.06 L54 2.06 L55 2.06 L 55 3.06 L0 3.06 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 3.06 M0 3.06 L1 2.06 L2 2.06 L3 2.06 L4 2.06 L5 2.06 L6 2.06 L7 2.06 L8 2.06 L9 2.06 L10 2.06 L11 2.06 L12 2.06 L13 2.06 L14 2.06 L15 2.06 L16 2.06 L17 2.06 L18 2.06 L19 2.06 L20 2.06 L21 2.06 L22 2.06 L23 2.06 L24 2.06 L25 2.06 L26 2.06 L27 2.06 L28 2.06 L29 2.06 L30 2.06 L31 2.06 L32 2.06 L33 2.06 L34 2.06 L35 2.06 L36 2.06 L37 2.06 L38 2.06 L39 2.06 L40 2.06 L41 2.06 L42 2.06 L43 2.06 L44 2.06 L45 2.06 L46 2.06 L47 2.06 L48 2.06 L49 2.06 L50 2.06 L51 2.06 L52 2.06 L53 2.06 L54 2.06 L55 2.06" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">border style</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">2/1</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 4.08" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 4.08 M0 4.08 L1 2.08 L2 0.08000000000000007 L3 0.08000000000000007 L4 0.08000000000000007 L5 2.08 L6 2.08 L7 2.08 L8 2.08 L9 2.08 L10 2.08 L11 2.08 L12 2.08 L13 2.08 L14 2.08 L15 2.08 L16 2.08 L17 2.08 L18 2.08 L19 2.08 L20 2.08 L21 2.08 L22 2.08 L23 2.08 L24 2.08 L25 2.08 L26 2.08 L27 2.08 L28 2.08 L29 2.08 L30 2.08 L31 2.08 L32 2.08 L33 2.08 L34 2.08 L35 2.08 L36 2.08 L37 2.08 L38 2.08 L39 2.08 L40 2.08 L41 2.08 L42 2.08 L43 2.08 L44 2.08 L45 2.08 L46 2.08 L47 2.08 L48 2.08 L49 2.08 L50 2.08 L51 2.08 L52 2.08 L53 2.08 L54 2.08 L55 2.08 L 55 4.08 L0 4.08 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 4.08 M0 4.08 L1 2.08 L2 0.08000000000000007 L3 0.08000000000000007 L4 0.08000000000000007 L5 2.08 L6 2.08 L7 2.08 L8 2.08 L9 2.08 L10 2.08 L11 2.08 L12 2.08 L13 2.08 L14 2.08 L15 2.08 L16 2.08 L17 2.08 L18 2.08 L19 2.08 L20 2.08 L21 2.08 L22 2.08 L23 2.08 L24 2.08 L25 2.08 L26 2.08 L27 2.08 L28 2.08 L29 2.08 L30 2.08 L31 2.08 L32 2.08 L33 2.08 L34 2.08 L35 2.08 L36 2.08 L37 2.08 L38 2.08 L39 2.08 L40 2.08 L41 2.08 L42 2.08 L43 2.08 L44 2.08 L45 2.08 L46 2.08 L47 2.08 L48 2.08 L49 2.08 L50 2.08 L51 2.08 L52 2.08 L53 2.08 L54 2.08 L55 2.08" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 4.08" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 4.08 M0 4.08 L1 3.08 L2 3.08 L3 3.08 L4 3.08 L5 3.08 L6 3.08 L7 3.08 L8 3.08 L9 3.08 L10 3.08 L11 3.08 L12 3.08 L13 3.08 L14 3.08 L15 3.08 L16 3.08 L17 3.08 L18 3.08 L19 3.08 L20 3.08 L21 3.08 L22 3.08 L23 3.08 L24 3.08 L25 3.08 L26 3.08 L27 3.08 L28 3.08 L29 3.08 L30 3.08 L31 3.08 L32 3.08 L33 3.08 L34 3.08 L35 3.08 L36 3.08 L37 3.08 L38 3.08 L39 3.08 L40 3.08 L41 3.08 L42 3.08 L43 3.08 L44 3.08 L45 3.08 L46 3.08 L47 3.08 L48 3.08 L49 3.08 L50 3.08 L51 3.08 L52 3.08 L53 3.08 L54 3.08 L55 3.08 L 55 4.08 L0 4.08 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 4.08 M0 4.08 L1 3.08 L2 3.08 L3 3.08 L4 3.08 L5 3.08 L6 3.08 L7 3.08 L8 3.08 L9 3.08 L10 3.08 L11 3.08 L12 3.08 L13 3.08 L14 3.08 L15 3.08 L16 3.08 L17 3.08 L18 3.08 L19 3.08 L20 3.08 L21 3.08 L22 3.08 L23 3.08 L24 3.08 L25 3.08 L26 3.08 L27 3.08 L28 3.08 L29 3.08 L30 3.08 L31 3.08 L32 3.08 L33 3.08 L34 3.08 L35 3.08 L36 3.08 L37 3.08 L38 3.08 L39 3.08 L40 3.08 L41 3.08 L42 3.08 L43 3.08 L44 3.08 L45 3.08 L46 3.08 L47 3.08 L48 3.08 L49 3.08 L50 3.08 L51 3.08 L52 3.08 L53 3.08 L54 3.08 L55 3.08" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">webkit appearance</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">2/1</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 7.14" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 7.14 M0 7.14 L1 7.14 L2 5.14 L3 5.14 L4 5.14 L5 5.14 L6 5.14 L7 5.14 L8 5.14 L9 5.14 L10 5.14 L11 5.14 L12 5.14 L13 5.14 L14 5.14 L15 6.14 L16 5.14 L17 5.14 L18 5.14 L19 5.14 L20 5.14 L21 5.14 L22 5.14 L23 5.14 L24 5.14 L25 5.14 L26 5.14 L27 5.14 L28 5.14 L29 5.14 L30 3.1399999999999997 L31 3.1399999999999997 L32 0.13999999999999968 L33 2.1399999999999997 L34 2.1399999999999997 L35 2.1399999999999997 L36 2.1399999999999997 L37 2.1399999999999997 L38 0.13999999999999968 L39 0.13999999999999968 L40 0.13999999999999968 L41 0.13999999999999968 L42 0.13999999999999968 L43 0.13999999999999968 L44 0.13999999999999968 L45 0.13999999999999968 L46 5.14 L47 5.14 L48 5.14 L49 5.14 L50 5.14 L51 5.14 L52 5.14 L53 5.14 L54 5.14 L55 5.14 L 55 7.14 L0 7.14 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 7.14 M0 7.14 L1 7.14 L2 5.14 L3 5.14 L4 5.14 L5 5.14 L6 5.14 L7 5.14 L8 5.14 L9 5.14 L10 5.14 L11 5.14 L12 5.14 L13 5.14 L14 5.14 L15 6.14 L16 5.14 L17 5.14 L18 5.14 L19 5.14 L20 5.14 L21 5.14 L22 5.14 L23 5.14 L24 5.14 L25 5.14 L26 5.14 L27 5.14 L28 5.14 L29 5.14 L30 3.1399999999999997 L31 3.1399999999999997 L32 0.13999999999999968 L33 2.1399999999999997 L34 2.1399999999999997 L35 2.1399999999999997 L36 2.1399999999999997 L37 2.1399999999999997 L38 0.13999999999999968 L39 0.13999999999999968 L40 0.13999999999999968 L41 0.13999999999999968 L42 0.13999999999999968 L43 0.13999999999999968 L44 0.13999999999999968 L45 0.13999999999999968 L46 5.14 L47 5.14 L48 5.14 L49 5.14 L50 5.14 L51 5.14 L52 5.14 L53 5.14 L54 5.14 L55 5.14" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 7.14" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 7.14 M0 7.14 L1 7.14 L2 6.14 L3 6.14 L4 6.14 L5 6.14 L6 6.14 L7 6.14 L8 6.14 L9 6.14 L10 6.14 L11 6.14 L12 6.14 L13 6.14 L14 6.14 L15 6.14 L16 6.14 L17 6.14 L18 6.14 L19 6.14 L20 6.14 L21 6.14 L22 6.14 L23 6.14 L24 6.14 L25 6.14 L26 6.14 L27 6.14 L28 6.14 L29 6.14 L30 6.14 L31 6.14 L32 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style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">outline</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">2/1</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 9.18" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 9.18 M0 9.18 L1 6.18 L2 6.18 L3 6.18 L4 6.18 L5 4.18 L6 4.18 L7 4.18 L8 4.18 L9 4.18 L10 4.18 L11 4.18 L12 4.18 L13 3.1799999999999997 L14 3.1799999999999997 L15 3.1799999999999997 L16 3.1799999999999997 L17 2.1799999999999997 L18 2.1799999999999997 L19 2.1799999999999997 L20 2.1799999999999997 L21 2.1799999999999997 L22 2.1799999999999997 L23 2.1799999999999997 L24 2.1799999999999997 L25 2.1799999999999997 L26 1.1799999999999997 L27 1.1799999999999997 L28 1.1799999999999997 L29 2.1799999999999997 L30 0.17999999999999972 L31 0.17999999999999972 L32 0.17999999999999972 L33 0.17999999999999972 L34 0.17999999999999972 L35 1.1799999999999997 L36 1.1799999999999997 L37 1.1799999999999997 L38 1.1799999999999997 L39 1.1799999999999997 L40 1.1799999999999997 L41 1.1799999999999997 L42 1.1799999999999997 L43 1.1799999999999997 L44 1.1799999999999997 L45 1.1799999999999997 L46 7.18 L47 7.18 L48 7.18 L49 7.18 L50 7.18 L51 7.18 L52 7.18 L53 7.18 L54 7.18 L55 7.18 L 55 9.18 L0 9.18 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 9.18 M0 9.18 L1 6.18 L2 6.18 L3 6.18 L4 6.18 L5 4.18 L6 4.18 L7 4.18 L8 4.18 L9 4.18 L10 4.18 L11 4.18 L12 4.18 L13 3.1799999999999997 L14 3.1799999999999997 L15 3.1799999999999997 L16 3.1799999999999997 L17 2.1799999999999997 L18 2.1799999999999997 L19 2.1799999999999997 L20 2.1799999999999997 L21 2.1799999999999997 L22 2.1799999999999997 L23 2.1799999999999997 L24 2.1799999999999997 L25 2.1799999999999997 L26 1.1799999999999997 L27 1.1799999999999997 L28 1.1799999999999997 L29 2.1799999999999997 L30 0.17999999999999972 L31 0.17999999999999972 L32 0.17999999999999972 L33 0.17999999999999972 L34 0.17999999999999972 L35 1.1799999999999997 L36 1.1799999999999997 L37 1.1799999999999997 L38 1.1799999999999997 L39 1.1799999999999997 L40 1.1799999999999997 L41 1.1799999999999997 L42 1.1799999999999997 L43 1.1799999999999997 L44 1.1799999999999997 L45 1.1799999999999997 L46 7.18 L47 7.18 L48 7.18 L49 7.18 L50 7.18 L51 7.18 L52 7.18 L53 7.18 L54 7.18 L55 7.18" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 9.18" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 9.18 M0 9.18 L1 8.18 L2 8.18 L3 8.18 L4 8.18 L5 8.18 L6 8.18 L7 8.18 L8 8.18 L9 8.18 L10 8.18 L11 8.18 L12 8.18 L13 8.18 L14 8.18 L15 8.18 L16 8.18 L17 8.18 L18 8.18 L19 8.18 L20 8.18 L21 8.18 L22 8.18 L23 8.18 L24 8.18 L25 8.18 L26 8.18 L27 8.18 L28 8.18 L29 8.18 L30 8.18 L31 8.18 L32 8.18 L33 8.18 L34 8.18 L35 8.18 L36 8.18 L37 8.18 L38 8.18 L39 8.18 L40 8.18 L41 8.18 L42 8.18 L43 8.18 L44 8.18 L45 8.18 L46 8.18 L47 8.18 L48 8.18 L49 8.18 L50 8.18 L51 8.18 L52 8.18 L53 8.18 L54 8.18 L55 8.18 L 55 9.18 L0 9.18 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 9.18 M0 9.18 L1 8.18 L2 8.18 L3 8.18 L4 8.18 L5 8.18 L6 8.18 L7 8.18 L8 8.18 L9 8.18 L10 8.18 L11 8.18 L12 8.18 L13 8.18 L14 8.18 L15 8.18 L16 8.18 L17 8.18 L18 8.18 L19 8.18 L20 8.18 L21 8.18 L22 8.18 L23 8.18 L24 8.18 L25 8.18 L26 8.18 L27 8.18 L28 8.18 L29 8.18 L30 8.18 L31 8.18 L32 8.18 L33 8.18 L34 8.18 L35 8.18 L36 8.18 L37 8.18 L38 8.18 L39 8.18 L40 8.18 L41 8.18 L42 8.18 L43 8.18 L44 8.18 L45 8.18 L46 8.18 L47 8.18 L48 8.18 L49 8.18 L50 8.18 L51 8.18 L52 8.18 L53 8.18 L54 8.18 L55 8.18" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">webkit box ordinal group</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">2/2</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 2.04" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036 L 55 2.04 L0 2.04 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 2.04" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036 L 55 2.04 L0 2.04 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">webkit order</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">2/2</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 2.04" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036 L 55 2.04 L0 2.04 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 2.04" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036 L 55 2.04 L0 2.04 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">ms flex order</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">2/2</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 2.04" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036 L 55 2.04 L0 2.04 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 2.04" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036 L 55 2.04 L0 2.04 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="px2 md-col md-col-6"><div class="py1 border-bottom"><h4 class="h5 lh1 m0">order</h4><div class="flex mxn1"><div class="px1"><h4 class="h1 lh1 m0">2/2</h4></div><div class="flex-auto px1"><div><div style="position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;height:32px;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:1;"><svg viewBox="0 0 55 2.04" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036 L 55 2.04 L0 2.04 z" style="fill:#3288bd;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036" style="fill:none;stroke:#3288bd;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg><svg viewBox="0 0 55 2.04" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;width:100%;height:32px;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036 L 55 2.04 L0 2.04 z" style="fill:#66c2a5;opacity:0.125;"></path><path d="M0 2.04 M0 2.04 L1 2.04 L2 2.04 L3 2.04 L4 2.04 L5 2.04 L6 2.04 L7 2.04 L8 2.04 L9 2.04 L10 2.04 L11 2.04 L12 2.04 L13 2.04 L14 2.04 L15 2.04 L16 2.04 L17 2.04 L18 2.04 L19 2.04 L20 2.04 L21 2.04 L22 2.04 L23 2.04 L24 2.04 L25 2.04 L26 2.04 L27 2.04 L28 2.04 L29 2.04 L30 0.040000000000000036 L31 0.040000000000000036 L32 0.040000000000000036 L33 0.040000000000000036 L34 0.040000000000000036 L35 0.040000000000000036 L36 0.040000000000000036 L37 0.040000000000000036 L38 0.040000000000000036 L39 0.040000000000000036 L40 0.040000000000000036 L41 0.040000000000000036 L42 0.040000000000000036 L43 0.040000000000000036 L44 0.040000000000000036 L45 0.040000000000000036 L46 0.040000000000000036 L47 0.040000000000000036 L48 0.040000000000000036 L49 0.040000000000000036 L50 2.04 L51 0.040000000000000036 L52 0.040000000000000036 L53 0.040000000000000036 L54 2.04 L55 0.040000000000000036" style="fill:none;stroke:#66c2a5;stroke-width:2;stroke-linejoin:round;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;"></path></svg></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;z-index:2;"><div style="position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;right:0;left:0;"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><hr><div class="mb2"><h3>Properties Breakdown</h3><div class="clearfix mxn2"><div class="px2 mb2 lg-col lg-col-3"></div><div class="px2 mb2 lg-col lg-col-7"><div class="flex flex-center mxn2"><div class="flex-auto"><svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="512" height="512" style="width:100%;height:auto;max-height:100%;display:block;"><path d="M 256 256 L 256 0 A 256 256 0 0 1 425.2264845192193 63.91044552796103 z" fill="#3288bd"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 425.2264845192193 63.91044552796103 A 256 256 0 0 1 491.7093999216762 156.1146718052981 z" fill="#66c2a5"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 491.7093999216762 156.1146718052981 A 256 256 0 0 1 511.98497863247695 253.22678624510976 z" fill="#abdda4"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 511.98497863247695 253.22678624510976 A 256 256 0 0 1 500.03543838938185 333.3479463858106 z" fill="#e6f598"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 500.03543838938185 333.3479463858106 A 256 256 0 0 1 475.83059559216287 387.1888304757495 z" fill="#ffffbf"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 475.83059559216287 387.1888304757495 A 256 256 0 0 1 452.3053044723439 420.31745931586323 z" fill="#fee08b"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 452.3053044723439 420.31745931586323 A 256 256 0 0 1 423.8348025715701 449.30669684664855 z" fill="#fdae61"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 423.8348025715701 449.30669684664855 A 256 256 0 0 1 391.1363024650054 473.4262628020971 z" fill="#f46d43"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 391.1363024650054 473.4262628020971 A 256 256 0 0 1 355.0335260366948 492.0685508930389 z" fill="#d53e4f"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 355.0335260366948 492.0685508930389 A 256 256 0 0 1 320.0226966684321 503.8650727942562 z" fill="#9e0142"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 320.0226966684321 503.8650727942562 A 256 256 0 0 1 283.678468716529 510.49931703151606 z" fill="#5e4fa2"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 283.678468716529 510.49931703151606 A 256 256 0 0 1 246.75778221313615 511.8331124197573 z" fill="#3288bd"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 246.75778221313615 511.8331124197573 A 256 256 0 0 1 210.02958307356872 507.8386800465927 z" fill="#66c2a5"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 210.02958307356872 507.8386800465927 A 256 256 0 0 1 174.25880828518893 498.5992118227974 z" fill="#abdda4"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 174.25880828518893 498.5992118227974 A 256 256 0 0 1 143.5001125890209 485.95602912843367 z" fill="#e6f598"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 143.5001125890209 485.95602912843367 A 256 256 0 0 1 117.73737579375958 471.4517271864023 z" fill="#ffffbf"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 117.73737579375958 471.4517271864023 A 256 256 0 0 1 96.69654862844894 456.39563463586694 z" fill="#fee08b"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 96.69654862844894 456.39563463586694 A 256 256 0 0 1 79.94893853352352 441.8548459323214 z" fill="#fdae61"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 79.94893853352352 441.8548459323214 A 256 256 0 0 1 66.99699430464028 428.66691587597154 z" fill="#f46d43"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 66.99699430464028 428.66691587597154 A 256 256 0 0 1 55.03042423227578 414.57878047122495 z" fill="#d53e4f"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 55.03042423227578 414.57878047122495 A 256 256 0 0 1 44.1116164718359 399.6638887327697 z" fill="#9e0142"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 44.1116164718359 399.6638887327697 A 256 256 0 0 1 34.297496631183606 383.9999999999998 z" fill="#5e4fa2"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 34.297496631183606 383.9999999999998 A 256 256 0 0 1 25.639230986878175 367.668778535825 z" fill="#3288bd"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 25.639230986878175 367.668778535825 A 256 256 0 0 1 18.181959726901255 350.7553677670178 z" fill="#66c2a5"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 18.181959726901255 350.7553677670178 A 256 256 0 0 1 11.96456161061812 333.34794638581036 z" fill="#abdda4"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 11.96456161061812 333.34794638581036 A 256 256 0 0 1 7.019451272928393 315.5372686270232 z" fill="#e6f598"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 7.019451272928393 315.5372686270232 A 256 256 0 0 1 3.372410229369251 297.4161911175074 z" fill="#ffffbf"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 3.372410229369251 297.4161911175074 A 256 256 0 0 1 1.0424524632308874 279.0791887646883 z" fill="#fee08b"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 1.0424524632308874 279.0791887646883 A 256 256 0 0 1 0.13518173096971964 264.3183395071435 z" fill="#fdae61"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 0.13518173096971964 264.3183395071435 A 256 256 0 0 1 0.08177944631302125 249.52973040481152 z" fill="#f46d43"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 0.08177944631302125 249.52973040481152 A 256 256 0 0 1 0.8824238226087857 234.7627137945314 z" fill="#d53e4f"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 0.8824238226087857 234.7627137945314 A 256 256 0 0 1 2.5344429607843324 220.06656995498332 z" fill="#9e0142"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 2.5344429607843324 220.06656995498332 A 256 256 0 0 1 5.032323765969977 205.49034264924103 z" fill="#5e4fa2"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 5.032323765969977 205.49034264924103 A 256 256 0 0 1 8.367730345721213 191.08267545661977 z" fill="#3288bd"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 8.367730345721213 191.08267545661977 A 256 256 0 0 1 12.529531828440895 176.89164944001283 z" fill="#66c2a5"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 12.529531828440895 176.89164944001283 A 256 256 0 0 1 17.503839509166284 162.96462269044918 z" fill="#abdda4"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 17.503839509166284 162.96462269044918 A 256 256 0 0 1 23.274053198758452 149.34807228434317 z" fill="#e6f598"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 23.274053198758452 149.34807228434317 A 256 256 0 0 1 28.11254103290068 139.3667884111964 z" fill="#ffffbf"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 28.11254103290068 139.3667884111964 A 256 256 0 0 1 33.37886375975944 129.60447120604204 z" fill="#fee08b"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 33.37886375975944 129.60447120604204 A 256 256 0 0 1 39.06313440868229 120.0794483993883 z" fill="#fdae61"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 39.06313440868229 120.0794483993883 A 256 256 0 0 1 45.154681355463765 110.80960222630432 z" fill="#f46d43"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 45.154681355463765 110.80960222630432 A 256 256 0 0 1 51.64206835720444 101.81233585439304 z" fill="#d53e4f"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 51.64206835720444 101.81233585439304 A 256 256 0 0 1 58.51311602266239 93.10454071116166 z" fill="#9e0142"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 58.51311602266239 93.10454071116166 A 256 256 0 0 1 65.75492467778759 84.70256477213172 z" fill="#5e4fa2"></path><path d="M 256 256 L 65.75492467778759 84.70256477213172 A 256 256 0 0 1 256.0000000000011 0 z" fill="#3288bd"></path><circle cx="256" cy="256" r="160" fill="white"></circle></svg></div><div class="nowrap px2 overflow-auto"><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#3288bd;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">width 11.49%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#66c2a5;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">display 7.13%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#abdda4;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">background color 6.21%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#e6f598;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">color 5.06%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#ffffbf;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">font size 3.68%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#fee08b;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">margin right 2.53%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#fdae61;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">margin left 2.53%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" 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style="vertical-align:middle;">margin bottom 2.30%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#66c2a5;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">margin top 2.30%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#abdda4;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">box sizing 2.30%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#e6f598;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">box shadow 2.07%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#ffffbf;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">border color 1.84%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div 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style="vertical-align:middle;">webkit align items 1.15%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#5e4fa2;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">webkit box align 1.15%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#3288bd;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">font weight 1.15%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#66c2a5;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">align items 1.15%</span></div><div class="bold" style="font-size:12px;"><div class="inline-block mr1" style="width:1em;height:1em;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#abdda4;"></div><span style="vertical-align:middle;">text align 1.15%</span></div><div class="bold" 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