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Map View

Julian Dunskus edited this page Dec 3, 2018 · 3 revisions

Gives you an overview over the open issues in a map and allows you to edit them or record new ones.


Main View

Shows the map PDF (zoomable/scrollable), displaying issues and sectors on top. You can tap issues to edit them, and the sectors enable easier navigation and nicer visual structure.

Issue List

Shows a list of the issues, allowing for a non-location-based overview, as well as being the only place you can find unplaced issues. Tapping a cell expands it, displaying more information on the issue. Additionally provides a way to add an issue without map placement.


Allows you to choose for each issue status whether or not to display it. Choices apply to the main view as well as the list.

Add Button

Allows you to position and add a new issue.

Further Development Ideas

  • Capture spatial/geographic relationship of maps to each other.
  • When placing an issue, use the location of the device to estimate the desired position.
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