Starlark files should be formatted by buildifier.
buildifier --mode fix -lint fix -r .
You'll commonly find that you develop in another WORKSPACE, such as
some other ruleset that depends on contrib_rules_jvm
, or in a nested
WORKSPACE in the integration_tests folder.
To always tell Bazel to use this directory rather than some release artifact or a version fetched from the internet, run this from this directory:
echo "build $OVERRIDE" >> ~/.bazelrc.user
echo "fetch $OVERRIDE" >> ~/.bazelrc.user
echo "query $OVERRIDE" >> ~/.bazelrc.user
This means that any usage of @contrib_rules_jvm
on your system will
point to the rules_jvm
- Determine the next release version, following semver if possible/
- Tag the repo and push it (or create a tag in GH UI).
- Watch the automation run on GitHub actions.